Monday, December 29, 2014

7 Ways to Prevent based on evidence to hangovers

Young woman with a hangover after the game Alcohol has its advantages and disadvantages.

One of the worst things about it, is to get a hangover the next morning.

As you know, the cat unpleasant after-effects of being alcohol, [1] poisoning.

The most affected when alcohol has left the body, and is (characterized by different awful symptoms 1 ).

These include headache, fatigue, thirst, dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite.

The severity of the hangover in different people differently, but most people agree that are very unpleasant.

Not surprisingly, there are all kinds of "hangover", some of whom claimed to be very effective. The evidence behind them is limited, and most have not been studied ( 2 ).

However, there are some strategies that have shown some potential.

Here are 7 ways to prevent hangovers of facts, or at least make them less severe.

1. Drink in moderation or not

Red wine bottle and glasses

The severity of the hangover increases with the amount of alcohol consumed ( 3 ).

For this reason, the best way to avoid a hangover, drink in moderation (or total inaction).

The amount of alcohol needed to produce a hangover varies between individuals.

Some people have only one or two drinks, but most people need more. About 23% of people just do not seem to have a hangover, no matter how much they drink ( 4 ).

That is, moderation is not always an option. Some people like to drink, and are willing to do so knowing that weigh in the morning.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to minimize the damage.

Conclusion: The severity of the hangover is directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed. Drinking in moderation, if at all, this is the best way to prevent a hangover.

2. Avoid drinks congeners, toxic by-products of alcohol production

Ethanol is the main active ingredient in alcoholic beverages.

Liquor bottles

If ethanol (simply as alcohol product) is by sugar fermentation yeast called for by-products congeners [2] are also formed ( 5 ).

Are toxic congeners, various chemicals from ethanol in small quantities when alcohol occurs. Well-known congeners are methanol, and acetone isopentanol ( 6 , 7 ).

Alcoholic beverages containing high amounts appear to conspecifics to increase the frequency and intensity of the hangover, compared to beverages containing small quantities.

Congeners of drinks are whiskey, brandy and tequila. Bourbon whiskey is exceptionally high in congeners.

In addition, the colorless drinks such as vodka, gin and rum, contain small amounts of conspecifics. In fact, almost all contain vodka counterparts ( 5 ).

Several studies have compared the effects of vodka (low congeners) and whiskey (rich in congeners). The frequency and intensity of hangover found higher after vodka whiskey (to be 8 , 9 , 10 ).

To support this, found two trials methanol, a common congeners (is strongly associated with hangover symptoms 11 , 12 ).

Conclusion: The severity of the hangover, through the use of clear beverages (low congeners), such as vodka, gin or rum can be reduced.

3. Have a drink the next morning

Try a hangover by seems paradoxical another drink.

However, there is a famous hangover, often called "hair of the dog (that bit you)" (in 13 ).

Man with hangover after New Years Party

Though the habit was not shown to be effective, it is an interesting science behind it.

In other words, drink more alcohol (ethanol) is intended to affect the metabolism of methanol [3] , a congener known in trace amounts in some beverages found.

After drinking the methanol is converted to formaldehyde [4] , a highly toxic substance. If we assume (to be partly responsible for many hangover symptoms 13 , 14 , 15 ).

However, consumption of ethanol (alcohol) in the morning after can use this conversion process (inhibit prevents formaldehyde formed by 16 , 17 ).

Instead, methanol can be safely eliminated from the body, breath and urine. Therefore, ethanol is widely used to treat poisoning methanol (used 18 ).

He said that all have a drink in the morning is as strong as a hangover discouraged.

Often associated with alcohol problems and alleviate some hangover not the risk of alcoholic worth.

Conclusion: Do you drink more alcohol the next morning is a famous hangover. This risky approach has not yet been proven to be effective, but it is an interesting science behind it.

4. Drink lots of water

Glass of water

Alcohol is a diuretic, [5] , in order to urinate more than if the same amount of pure water (drinking 19 , 20 , 21 ).

For this reason alcohol to afford dehydration.

Although dehydration is not considered the main cause of hangover, can help the symptoms such as thirst, headache, fatigue and dry mouth.

Fortunately, dehydration is very easy to avoid. Make sure there is enough water to drink [6] .

A good rule of thumb is to have a glass of water (or other beverage) to drink between drinks, and at least a full glass of water before going to bed.

Conclusion: Drink plenty of water can help to reduce some of the major hangover symptoms like thirst and headaches.

5. Get enough sleep

Tired woman with alarm clock

Alcohol may interfere with your sleep [7] .

It can affect both the quality and duration of sleep, while interrupting your sleep schedule together if you are late (to stay 1 , 22 ).

Although insomnia has little to do with most hangover symptoms that can help fatigue and irritability often associated with a hangover.

Get enough sleep after heavy drinking can help your body recover.

If you can not sleep and just take the next day and then maybe drunk is not a good idea.

Conclusion: Alcohol can affect the quality of sleep. Make sure you have enough time to sleep after a night out.

6. Eat a good breakfast

Boots are sometimes associated with low blood sugar levels, a condition known as hypoglycemia [8] ( 23 ).

Woman smiling and with a fried egg

Kater also tend to more severe in people with low blood sugar ( 24 , 25 ).

Although hypoglycemia is not the main cause of a hangover, you can get some symptoms such as weakness and headache (help, 26 ).

In addition to providing vitamins and minerals, with a nutritious breakfast or dinner can help your blood sugar levels in the blood.

Conclusion: Eat a good breakfast is a renowned hangover cure. It can help to restore blood sugar levels, causing some symptoms.

7. supplements that can help

Frustrated woman holding a pill and a glass of water

Inflammation [9] is an important mechanism that repair the body tissues transmits the damage.

It is believed that many of the symptoms of hangover by low-grade inflammation (caused 27 , 28 ).

In fact, some anti-inflammatory drugs have very effective against hangover (proved 29 ).

Many medicinal herbs and food plants can reduce the inflammation and prevent hangovers.

The supplements that have proven effective include red ginseng ( 30 ) Ginger ( 31 ) and tuna ( 32 ).

Cactus is remarkable. It is the fruit of a cactus called Opuntia ficus-indica [10] , which is as a mother to Mexico.

In a study of 55 healthy young people under five hours cactus extract before drinking reduces the risk of severe hangover of 62% ( 33 ).

Prickly pear extract is further available [11] .

While this does not completely prevent hangover could significantly alleviate their suffering.


  1. ^ alcohol (
  2. ^ congeners (
  3. ^ methanol (
  4. ^ formaldehyde (
  5. ^ diuretic (
  6. ^ drinking enough water (
  7. ^ sleep (
  8. ^ hypoglycemia (
  9. ^ inflammation (
  10. ^ Opuntia ficus-indica (
  11. ^ Available surcharge (

Monday, December 22, 2014

The phytic acid 101: Everything you need to know

Woman eating almonds Phytic acid is a unique natural substance in the seeds of plants.

Because of its effect on the absorption of minerals considerable attention.

Phytic acid impairs the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium and mineral deficiencies can promote ( 1 ).

It is therefore often referred to as anti-nutrients [1] .

However, the story is a bit more complicated than that because of phytic acid also has a number of health benefits.

This article takes a detailed look phytic acid and their overall health effects.

What phytic acid?

Phytic acid or phytate found in plant seeds. This is the major form of phosphorus in seeds secondary storage.

When the seeds germinate, phytate is degraded and released for use by the young plant.

Phytic acid is also known as inositol hexaphosphate, IP6 or known.

It is often used as a preservative commercially used because of their anti-oxidation properties.

Conclusion: The phytic acid is found in the seeds of plants, which serves as the primary storage form of phosphorus.

Phytic acid in food

Phytic acid is found only in plant foods.

All edible seeds, cereals, pulses [3] , and nuts contain different amounts and present in small quantities in the roots and tubers.

The following table shows the amount contained in some foods with high phytates, as a percentage of the dry weight ( 1 ):

Phytic acid in food

As you can see, the phytic acid is highly variable. For example, the amount to be varied in the tonsils for up to 20-fold.

Conclusion: The phytic acid is found in all plant seeds, nuts, legumes and cereals. The amount of these foods contain very variable.

Phytic acid affect mineral absorption

Stack glasses filled with vegetables

Phytic acid inhibits the absorption of iron and zinc, and to a lesser extent calcium ( 2 , 3 ).

This is true for a single meal, the whole absorption of nutrients in the day.

In other words, phytic acid reduces the absorption of minerals in the diet, but no effect on the subsequent meals.

For example, between-meal snacks of nuts can reduce eat nuts the amount of iron, zinc and calcium, but not meals, eat a few hours later.

However, if you are using a high phytate foods to eat most meals, mineral deficiencies may develop over time.

In diets well balanced, this is rarely a problem, but it can be a big problem in times of malnutrition and in developing countries where the main source of cereals or legumes.

Conclusion: phytic acid changes the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium. You can also mineral deficiencies in time to contribute, but this is usually not a problem with a balanced diet.

How to reduce phytic acid in foods?

Avoid all foods containing phytic acid is a bad idea, since many of them (like almonds) are nutritious, healthy and tasty.

Moreover, in many developing countries, food is scarce and the people have to rely on grains and legumes as the main food.

Fortunately, significantly reduce the phytic acid content of foods various manufacturing processes.

Seed germination

These are the most commonly used methods:

  • Soak: cereals often soaked overnight in water to reduce phytate ( 1 , 4 ).
  • Germination: The germination of seeds, grains and legumes, also known as germ, leading to a deterioration of phytate ( 5 , 6 ).
  • Fermentation: organic acids which are formed during the fermentation, promote the degradation of phytate. Lactic acid fermentation is the preferred method, an example of which is the production of yeast [4] ( 7 , 8 ).

The combination of these methods can significantly reduce the phytate.

For example, soaking, germination and lactic acid fermentation reduce the phytic acid quinoa [5] 98% seeds ( 9 ).

Also, the germination and the lactic acid fermentation white sorghum and corn can reduce phytic acid almost completely ( 10 ).

Conclusion: There are several methods to reduce the phytic acid content of foods. This includes soaking, germination and fermentation.

Phytic Health Services

The bag of seeds

Phytic acid is a good example of a nutrient that is both a "friend and foe", depending on the circumstances.

In addition to its antioxidant properties ( 11 ), phytic acid, a protective effect against kidney stones (have 12 , 13 ) and cancer ( 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 ).

It has even been suggested that phytic acid may be part of why whole grains may reduce the risk of colon cancer (reduced 19 ).

Conclusion: The phytic acid can have several positive effects on health, acts both against kidney stones and cancer.

Phytic acid is an important issue in the modern diet?

The short answer is, probably not.

However, people should diversify the risk of mineral deficiencies and their diets contain foods rich in phytates at every meal.

Girl with freshly baked Item

This is especially important for people suffering from iron deficiency (Leiden 2 ).

Vegetarians, vegans in particular, are also at risk ( 20 , 21 ).

The thing is that there are two types of iron in the diet; Heme and non-heme iron.

Heme iron is found in animal foods such as meat [6] , while the non-heme iron comes from plants.

No heme iron from plant foods is only very little is absorbed, while the absorption of heme iron is effective. Non-heme iron is also strongly influenced by phytic acid, while the heme iron ( 22 ).

In addition, zinc with the meat in the presence of phytic acid (absorbed, 23 ).

Therefore, mineral deficiencies are rare by phytic acid causes concern among meat eaters.

However, phytic be a significant problem when the acid diet consists mostly of foods high in phytates, while little meat and other animal foods.

This is of particular importance in many developing countries, where cereals and legumes, whole grains are an important part of the diet.

Conclusion: The phytic acid is not a problem, as a rule, in industrialized countries where the variety and availability of food is enough. However, vegetarians / vegans and those who are at risk a lot of foods that are rich in phytate eat.

Message Home

Foods rich in phytate, such as cereals, nuts and legumes, may increase the risk of iron deficiency and zinc.

As a measure against many strategies such as soaking, germination and fermentation used.

For those who eat meat regularly, defects caused by phytic acid, are not important.

In fact, eating certain foods high in phytates, as part of a balanced diet, proper food has many advantages.

In many cases, the benefits outweigh the negative effects on mineral absorption.


  1. ^ antinutrients (
  2. ^ antioxidant (
  3. ^ legumes (
  4. ^ yeast (
  5. ^ quinoa (
  6. ^ meat (

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Alcohol and Health: Bad and the Ugly

Redhead with beer We have received a lot of mixed messages about alcohol.

On the one hand, moderate amounts have been linked to health benefits in conjunction.

On the other hand, addictive and highly toxic if we too much of it.

The truth is that the health effects of alcohol are actually quite complex.

Varies between individuals, and depend on the amount consumed and the type of alcoholic drink.

So, how alcohol affects your health?

Let us take a look ...

What drink alcohol and why people?

The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages is as ethanol.

Also known as "alcohol", ethanol is the substance that makes drunk.

Ethanol by yeast, sugar when digested in some carbohydrates [1] rich foods such as grapes (wine) or cereals (beer).

Alcohol is the "drug" most popular recreation of the world. You can have strong effects on mood and mental state.

Alcohol can reduce the self-confidence and shyness, making it easier for people to act without inhibitions. At the same time, it can judgment and people do things you end up regretting ( 1 , 2 ).

Some people drink small amounts at a time, while others tend to binge drinking. Binge drinking is drinking large quantities at a time to get drunk.

Conclusion: Ethanol is the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages, commonly known as they strong impact on your mental state "of alcohol.".

Alcohol is neutralized by the liver


The liver is a remarkable organ with hundreds of functions in the body.

One of its main tasks is to neutralize all the toxins we consume. For this reason, the liver is particularly susceptible to damage caused by the consumption of alcohol (caused 3 ).

Liver disease caused by alcohol consumption collectively referred to alcoholic liver disease [3] .

The first of these is displayed fatty liver [4] , characterized by increasing the fat within the liver cells.

Fatty liver develops in 90% of those over 16 grams (about half an ounce) drink alcohol per day and usually asymptomatic and fully reversible ( 4 , 5 ).

In heavy drinkers, heavy drinking can cause the liver become inflamed. In the worst case die from liver cells and scar tissue, which (replaced leads to a disease, known as severe liver cirrhosis 3 , 6 , 7 ).

Cirrhosis [5] is irreversible and is associated with many serious health problems. In advanced cirrhosis, get a new liver (liver transplantation) may be the only option.

Conclusion: The alcohol is metabolized in the liver and cause frequent use to increased fatty liver cells. Alcohol abuse can lead to cirrhosis, a very serious disease.

Alcohol and the Brain

Man with cat

Excessive alcohol consumption can have many harmful effects on the brain.

Ethanol reduces substantially communication between the cells of the brain that is responsible for a short time effect for many of the symptoms of poisoning.

Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to the failure of [6] , a phenomenon of memory loss (amnesia) (indicated during an episode of heavy drinking 8 ).

These effects are only temporary, but chronic alcohol abuse can lead to permanent changes in the brain, which often leads to impaired function of the brain (causing 9 , 10 , 11 ).

The brain is actually very sensitive to damage caused by chronic alcohol abuse (caused 12 ), which may increase the risk of dementia [7] ( 13 ) and brain shrinkage in middle-aged men and higher ( 14 , 15 ).

In the worst case, the severity of the damage to the brain affect people's ability to live independently.

In contrast, moderate consumption to a lower risk of dementia has been associated, particularly in the elderly ( 16 , 17 , 18 ).

Conclusion: Although alcohol poisoning is only temporary, can affect brain function in the long term chronic alcohol abuse. However, moderate alcohol consumption benefits for the health of the brain, especially in the elderly.

Alcohol and Depression

The combination of alcohol and depression [8] is near, but complex ( 19 ).

Although alcohol and depression seem the risk of a further increase, while alcohol abuse, the strong causal be ( 20 , 21 , 22 ).

Many people who suffer from anxiety and depression drink, on purpose, to reduce stress and mood ( 23 , 24 ). This may work for a few hours, but worsen the overall mental health and a vicious circle.

Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown that it is actually one of the main causes of depression in some people, and treatment of alcohol abuse led to major improvements ( 25 , 26 , 27 ).

Conclusion: Alcohol abuse and depression related. People can begin to abuse alcohol because of depression, depressed, or abusing alcohol.

Alcohol and body weight

Woman standing on the scales, Frustrated

Obesity is a serious health problem.

Alcohol is actually the second high-energy nutrients for fat provides about 7 calories [9] per gram.

Beer contains a similar amount of calories from sugary soft drinks [10] , gram for gram, while red wine contains twice ( 28 , 29 , 30 ).

However, conflicting results are studies on the relationship between alcohol and weight specified ( 31 ).

It seems that consumer habits and preferences play a role.

For example, moderate alcohol consumption with reduced weight gain (associated 32 , 33 ), while alcohol abuse is associated with increased weight gain (associates 34 ).

Also drink beer regularly can gain weight (cause 35 , 36 ), while the consumption of wine can (to reduce 31 , 35 ).

Conclusion: The evidence of the weight gain is alcohol and mixed. Excessive consumption of alcohol and beer is associated with increased weight gain, while moderate wine consumption and reduced weight gain relate.

Alcohol and cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular diseases [11] are the main causes of death in modern society.

Looking cocktails

Actually, there is a broad class of diseases that are most common heart attacks and strokes.

The relationship between alcohol and cardiovascular disease are complex and seems to depend on several factors.

Mild to moderate alcohol consumption with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, while alcohol abuse seems risk (increase 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 ).

There are several possible reasons for the beneficial effects of moderate alcohol consumption.

Excessive alcohol consumption can:

  • Raise HDL [12] ("good") cholesterol in the blood ( 41 ).
  • Low blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease ( 42 ).
  • Reducing the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood, a substance that inhibits the formation of blood clots (contributes 43 ).
  • Cut the risk of diabetes ( 44 ), another risk factor for heart disease.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety temporarily ( 41 , 45 ).

Conclusion: Moderate alcohol consumption with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but alcohol abuse appears to increase the risk.

Alcohol and diabetes mellitus type 2

Type 2 diabetes [13] is a common metabolic disease that currently affects about 8% of the world population ( 46 ).

Characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels type 2 diabetes by a decreased uptake of glucose (blood sugar) is caused in the cells, a phenomenon known as insulin resistance [14] .

Drink alcohol in moderation seems insulin resistance, which in the fight against the main symptoms of diabetes (helps reduce 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 ).

Consequently, the use of alcohol with food the blood sugar levels by 16-37% compared with the water (lower 51 ). Blood sugar levels between meals (fasting blood sugar) can go down ( 52 ).

In fact, the overall risk of diabetes tends to decrease with excessive alcohol consumption. However, when it comes to alcohol and excessive alcohol consumption, the risk (increased 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 ).

Conclusion: excessive consumption of alcohol may exacerbate the symptoms of type 2 diabetes to reduce by improving the absorption of blood sugar by cells.

Alcohol and cancer

Cancer [15] is a serious disease that, by an abnormal growth of cells

Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for cancer of the mouth, throat, colon, breast and liver ( 57 , 58 , 59 ).

The cells of the mouth and throat are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of alcohol. It is not surprising, since it is directly exposed to the substance.

Also, the low consumption of alcohol drinking, one day is with a higher risk of mouth and throat cancer (associated 20% 59 , 60 ).

The risk increases with the amount consumed daily. About 4 glasses per day, an increase of five times seems to increase the risk of mouth and throat cancer, and the risk of breast, colon and liver cancer (increase 58 , 59 , 61 , 62 ).

Conclusion: The consumption of alcohol may increase the risk of certain cancers, including cancer of the mouth and throat to increase.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause birth defects

Liquor bottles

The abuse of alcohol during pregnancy is the leading preventable cause of birth defects in the United States ( 63 ).

Excessive alcohol in early pregnancy is especially risky for the developing baby ( 64 ).

In fact, it can have a negative impact on the development, growth, intelligence and behavior, (may affect the child for the rest of his life 63 ).

Conclusion: The abuse of alcohol is one of the most common causes in the world of birth defects. The fetus is particularly vulnerable in early pregnancy.

Alcohol and risk of death

Abraham Lincoln said: "It has long been recognized that alcohol problems are not related to the use of a bad thing, but the abuse of a good thing."

Interestingly, it seems that there is some truth in his words. Studies suggest that consumption of light and moderate drinking may reduce the risk of premature death, especially in Western societies ( 65 , 66 ).

At the same time, alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States ( 67 ), one of the main causes of chronic diseases, accidents, traffic accidents, and social problems.

Conclusion: Moderate consumption of alcohol can increase life expectancy, while alcohol abuse is a risk factor for premature death.

Alcohol is addictive and leads to alcoholism in sensitive individuals

Some people are addicted to the effects of alcohol, a condition known as alcohol dependence [16] (alcoholism).

It is estimated that 12% of Americans are believed to have been dependent on alcohol at some point in their lives ( 68 ).

Alcohol dependence is one of the main causes of alcohol abuse and disability in the United States and a major risk factor for various diseases ( 69 ).

There are many factors that can make people susceptible to an alcohol problem, such as family history, social environment, mental health, and genes.

Many different subtypes of alcohol dependence is defined, which is characterized by the need for alcohol, to the inability of drinking or loss of self (dispense 70 ).

Generally, if alcohol is causing problems in your life, then you may have a problem with alcohol dependence or alcoholism.

Conclusion: The consumption of alcohol can lead to alcohol dependence or alcoholism, in susceptible individuals.

Alcohol abuse can be absolutely devastating to the health

Alcohol abuse is the most common form of drug abuse.

Chronic alcohol abuse can have devastating effects on health, the entire body and cause a variety of health problems.

For example, it can cause liver damage (including cirrhosis), brain damage, heart failure, diabetes, cancer and infections cause, to name a few ( 9 , 54 , 58 , 71 , 72 , 73 ).

Enter all the terrible effects of alcohol abuse is beyond the scope of this article.

But let's say that if you are a heavy drinker, diet and exercise should be the least of your worries.

Get to renounce your consumption under control, or in the case of alcoholism, the priority should be.

Conclusion: Chronic alcohol abuse can have serious negative effects on your body and brain, increasing the risk for all kinds of diseases.

What kind of alcohol is the best (or least bad)?

Red wine bottle and glasses

What do you drink less important than the amount you drink.

However, some alcoholic drinks are better than others.

Red wine appears to be particularly advantageous because it is very high in healthy antioxidants [17] .

In fact, it is more health benefits than any other alcoholic beverages (link 74 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 78 ).

That is, consume large amounts much greater health benefits. Excessive consumption leads to health problems, regardless of the type of drink.

Conclusion: Red wine is probably the healthiest alcoholic drink, probably due to its high concentration of antioxidants.

What is too much?

Recommendations for the use of alcohol is usually based on the number of standard drinks per day.

The problem is that most people have no idea what the term "standard drink" really means. To make matters worse, the official definition of a standard drink varies between countries.

In the United States, a standard drink is any drink with 14 grams (0.6 ounces) of pure alcohol (ethanol).

This image shows the number of "standard drink" for some popular drinks:
Glass Standard Photo Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [18] .

Moderate drinking is considered defined as a standard drink per day for women and two drinks for men.

In addition, alcohol abuse, as more than 3 alcoholic beverages per day for women and four glasses for men (defined 79 ).

Consumption habits are also important. Excessive alcohol consumption is a form of alcohol and may cause damage.

Conclusion: Moderate drinking is defined as "standard drink" a day for women and two drinks for men.

Message Home

At the end of the day, the health effects of alcohol field "probably good" to "absolutely catastrophic."

Drinking small amounts, especially red wine is associated with several health benefits.

In addition, alcohol abuse and alcoholism with serious negative effects on physical and mental health are.

If you like alcohol and can be maintained, then by all means continue moderated do what you do.

However, if you tend to drink too much alcohol or causing problems in your life, then consider avoiding possible.

Alcohol is one of those things that totally depends on the person. This is good for some, bad for others.

Hopefully this article examines the pros and cons can help you make an informed decision.


  1. ^ carbohydrates (
  2. ^ binge drinking (
  3. ^ alcoholic liver disease (
  4. ^ foie gras (
  5. ^ cirrhosis (
  6. ^ failure (
  7. ^ dementia (
  8. ^ depression (
  9. ^ calories (
  10. ^ sugary sodas (
  11. ^ Cardiovascular disease (
  12. ^ HDL (
  13. ^ type 2 diabetes (
  14. ^ insulin resistance (
  15. ^ cancer (
  16. ^ alcohol dependence (
  17. ^ antioxidants (
  18. ^ National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Legumes: Good or bad?

Woman holding a plate with peas Legumes are very controversial these days.

Depending on whom you ask, are either very nutritious or harmful.

Some people choose to completely remove the pulse of your diet.

The vegetables should be avoided, or may play a role in a healthy diet?

This article analyzes the evidence.

What are legumes?

The family of legumes are plants that produce a sleeve with seeds inside.

In this article, we use the term "pulse" to describe the seeds of these plants.

Common edible legumes include lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, and peanuts.

The different types are very different in the diet, appearance, taste and use ( 1 ).

Conclusion: Legumes is a general term used to describe are the seeds of plants of the legume family, beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts.

Legumes are rich in protein and fiber

Lentil dish

Legumes have a remarkable nutritional profile all ( 2 ) and are a rich source of fiber and protein.

A cup of cooked lentils provides ( 3 ):

  • 18 grams of proteins [1] .
  • 16 grams of fiber.
  • 40 grams of carbohydrates [2] .
  • 37% of the recommended daily intake of iron.
  • 90% of the recommended daily allowance of folic acid.
  • 18% of the RDA for magnesium.
  • 21% of the recommended daily intake of potassium.
  • More than 10% of the recommended vitamins B1, B3, B5 and B6, phosphorus, zinc, copper and manganese daily dose.

This comes with a calorie [3] bill 230, the legumes with high nutritional value, making calorie calories.

Leguminous plants have the ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Nitrogen is an essential component of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.

Therefore legumes are one of the best sources of dietary protein herbs.

They are not only pulses of high nutritional value, but are also very cheap, which makes it a staple in many developing countries (makes 4 ).

Conclusion: The vegetables are very nutritious and rich in protein and fiber. They are also inexpensive and widely available.

Legumes contain anti-nutrients

Unfortunately, there is a downside to the nutritional quality of legumes.

Contain so-called anti-nutritional factors [4] , which are substances that can interfere with digestion and absorption of other nutrients are.

Different lenses

Phytic acid

Phytic acid or phytate is in all seeds of edible plants, including legumes.

Absorption of iron, zinc and calcium flour (deteriorates 5 , 6 ) and can reduce the risk of mineral deficiency in time to.

However, this is only relevant if the flesh [5] intake is low and foods high in phytates regularly Much of the food.

Meat eaters are not at risk of mineral deficiencies caused by phytic acid. Iron and zinc absorption from meat in the presence of phytic acid is also effective ( 7 , 8 , 9 ).

Conversely, the phytic acid is a serious problem if the diet is based largely based on cereals and legumes, as is often the case in developing countries. Vegetarians can also be at risk ( 10 , 11 ).

In these situations, different strategies can be used to be the content of phytic acid and to reduce the nutritional value. These include immersion ( 12 ), germination ( 13 ) and the fermentation ( 14 ).


Legume lectins are a family of proteins in legumes that (may represent up to 10% of the total protein content 15 ).

Are resistant to digestion and some of them can influence the cells of the intestinal tract.

There are many different types of legume lectins. A well studied lectin phytohemagglutinin [6] , which is found in many types of grains, especially red beans [7] .

PHA is toxic in large quantities, and several cases of poisoning have been following the consumption of raw or undercooked beans (reported 16 ).

In most other legumes food, the amount of lectin not high enough to cause the symptoms in human beings.

But in general, cereals should never consume less fully cooked and ready.

Overnight soaking and boiling (100 ° C) 212 ° F for at least 10 minutes, deteriorated phytohemagglutinin and other legume lectins ( 17 , 18 ).


Saponins are a heterogeneous group of nutrients found in a variety of plants. They are resistant to digestion, but may affect the cells lining the intestine.

Some believe they can increase intestinal permeability [8] , which is well known as leaky what. to a number of health problems

Currently remains speculative, and no evidence sleeves saponins damage in humans.

Conclusion: raw vegetables contain so-called "anti-nutrients" substances that damage suitable preparation methods, most of them going to cause too ..

Legumes are rich in healthy fiber

Legumes are rich in healthy fiber such as resistant starch [9] and soluble fiber [10] ( 1 , 4 , 19 ).

Young girl eating peas

Resistant starch and soluble fibers have a lot in common.

Pass undigested through the stomach and small intestine until it reaches staying in places the large intestine where bacteria feed.

Often unpleasant side effects include gas and swelling [11] , but also leads to formation of short chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, which can be improved health of the colon, and the risk of colorectal cancer ( 20 , 21 , 22 ).

Both soluble fiber and resistant starch are also plentiful and food intake (reduced 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 ), which can lead to long-term weight loss [12] .

They are very effective in moderating blood sugar levels after a meal ( 27 , 28 , 29 ) and to improve insulin sensitivity ( 30 , 31 ).

Conclusion: Legumes are a rich source of fiber, which can have several positive effects on health.

Other health benefits of pulses

Legumes variation Legumes have linked to health benefits.

According to observational studies are legumes with a lower risk of heart disease (associated 32 ) and cholesterol ( 33 ).

Randomized controlled trials also suggest that regular consumption of vegetables can lower blood pressure and have positive effects on cholesterol and triglycerides ( 34 , 35 ).

Thanks to its high content of fiber and protein, legumes are very rewarding. This can reduce food intake and cause weight loss in the long term ( 36 , 37 ).

Conclusion: consumption of vegetables can lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, improve, reduce the risk of heart disease and helps to lose weight long term.

Message Home

Legumes are the various health benefits are associated.

They have an impressive nutritional profile and are one of the best sources of vegetable protein.

However, like many other plant foods contain anti-nutrients that may affect their nutritional value supposedly. Beans can be toxic when raw.

Various strategies can be used to neutralize these antinutrients. Put to good use over the centuries traditional methods such as soaking, sprouting and cooking.

At the end of the day, are well prepared vegetables very healthy if they really consumed as part of a balanced diet a dish.


  1. ^ protein (
  2. ^ carbohydrates (
  3. ^ calories (
  4. ^ antinutrients (
  5. ^ meat (
  6. ^ phytohemagglutinin (
  7. ^ red beans (
  8. ^ intestinal permeability (
  9. ^ resistant starch (
  10. ^ soluble fiber (
  11. ^ swelling (
  12. ^ weight loss (

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Health Services cinnamon evidence-based 10

Young woman smelling cinnamon Cinnamon is a very tasty seasoning.

It is valued for its medicinal properties for centuries.

Modern science has confirmed what people instinctively know for centuries.

Here are 10 health benefits of cinnamon that is backed by scientific research.

1. Cinnamon is rich in a substance with potent medicinal properties

Cinnamon is a spice made ​​from the inner bark of trees called Cinnamomum made.

It has been used as an ingredient itself in history, from ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable, and was considered a gift worthy of kings.

These days cinnamon is inexpensive, supermarkets and all kinds of readily available foods [1] and recipes.

There are basically two types of cinnamon ( 1 ):

  • Ceylon cinnamon: Also known as "true" cinnamon.
  • Cinnamon: It is the most common variant today, what people usually refer to as "cinnamon".

Canela is done by cutting the stems of the cinnamon tree. The inner bark is then removed and woody parts removed.

When drying bands form paper rolls, called cinnamon sticks. Sticks can be crushed to form cinnamon powder.

This is similar to cinnamon:

Cinnamon sticks and powder on wooden table

The distinctive smell and taste of cinnamon is due to the oily part in a compound called is very high cinnamaldehyde [2] ( 2 ).

It is this connection that is responsible for the devastating effects of cinnamon on health and metabolism.

Conclusion: Cinnamon is a popular spice. Is rich in a substance called cinnamic aldehyde, which is responsible for most health benefits.

2. Canela is loaded with antioxidants

Cinnamon in a glass bowl

Antioxidants [3] caused by free radicals to protect the body from oxidative damage.

Canela with powerful antioxidants such as polyphenols (loaded 3 , 4 , 5 ).

In one study, the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, cinnamon clear winner liquidated itself Update "super foods" such as garlic [4] and oregano ( 6 ​​).

In fact, it is so powerful that cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative ( 7 ).

Conclusion: Cinnamon contains large amounts of highly effective antioxidant polyphenols.

3. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties,

Cinnamon tea and lemon

Inflammation [5] in the body of great importance.

This body to fight infection and repair of damaged tissue.

However, inflammation can be a problem if (long-term) and chronic directed against the body's own tissues.

Cinnamon can in this respect can be useful, as some studies have shown that antioxidants have a potent anti-inflammatory effects ( 3 ).

Conclusion: Cinnamon Antioxidants have anti-inflammatory effects, may help to reduce the risk of disease.

4. cinnamon may reduce the risk of heart disease

Heart and stethoscope

Cinnamon has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, the leading cause of premature death worldwide in conjunction.

In people with type 2 diabetes, 1 gram of cinnamon per day has positive effects on blood markers.

Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides were reduced, while HDL cholesterol stable ( 8 ).

Recently a study review found that high doses of cinnamon only 120 milligrams per day can have this effect. In this study, cinnamon also increases HDL ("good cholesterol") ( 9 ).

In animal studies, cinnamon has to lower blood pressure (shown 3 ).

In combination, these factors can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Conclusion: cinnamon may improve certain risk factors for heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.

5. cinnamon may improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin

Insulin [6] is one of the most important hormones that control metabolism and energy consumption.

Smelling Coffee Mug

It is also important in order to transport the blood glucose from the blood into the cells.

The problem is that many people are against the effects of insulin.

This condition, known as insulin resistance [7] is a function of serious diseases such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Well the good news is that cinnamon can reduce insulin resistance significantly help this incredibly important hormone to their work (do 10 , 11 ).

By insulin to do its job cinnamon to reduce blood sugar, which leads to the next point ...

Conclusion: Cinnamon has been shown to significantly increase the sensitivity to insulin, a hormone.

6. cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels and has a strong anti-diabetic effect


Cinnamon is known for its hypoglycemic effect.

In addition to the positive effects on insulin resistance, cinnamon can lower blood sugar by several other mechanisms.

First Cinnamon has been shown to decrease the amount of glucose in the blood after a meal.

It does this by engaging with many digestive enzymes that slows the breakdown of carbohydrates [8] in the digestive tract ( 12 , 13 ).

Secondly, a compound in cinnamon on cells by mimicking insulin (act 14 , 15 ).

This increases the glucose uptake by cells, but is much slower than insulin itself.

Many human studies confirm the cinnamon antidiabetic activity, shows that the blood sugar level (can save up to 10 to 29% fasting 16 , 17 , 18 ).

The effective dose is generally from 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon per day (about 0.5 to 2 teaspoons).

Conclusion: Cinnamon has been shown to reduce both the levels of fasting blood sugar with a strong anti-diabetic effect of 6.1 grams per day.

7. Cinnamon may have beneficial effects in neurodegenerative diseases

Walking Sticks Cinnamon

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by a progressive loss of structure or function of the brain cells.

Alzheimer's disease [9] and the Parkinson's disease [10] There are two general types.

Two compounds appear found in cinnamon to the accumulation of the protein tau protein in the brain, which is characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (inhibit 19 , 20 , 21 ).

In a study of mice with Parkinson's disease, cinnamon helped protect neurons normalize neurotransmitter and improve motor function ( 22 ).

These effects should be further investigated in humans.

Conclusion: Cinnamon has been shown to cause various improvements for Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease in animals.

8. Cinnamon can protect against cancer

Cancer [11] is a severe disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth.

Cookbook classics with cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon has been widely studied for its potential application in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

In general, evidence will test tube experiments and limited to animal studies, suggesting that cinnamon extracts can against cancer (Protection 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 ).

Its function is to reduce the growth of cancer cells and the formation of blood vessels in tumors, and is toxic to be cancer cells, leading to cell death.

A study in mice with colon cancer showed Cinnamon is a potent activator of detoxification enzymes in the intestine, the protection against the development of cancer be added ( 28 ).

These results were confirmed by laboratory experiments that showed support that the responses of antioxidant protection active cinnamon human colon cells ( 29 ).

That cinnamon has a purpose in life, human respiration in controlled studies must be confirmed.

Conclusion: In animal studies and laboratory experiments show that cinnamon may protective effect against cancer.

9. Cinnamon helps against bacterial and fungal infections

Coffee with cinnamon

Cinnamaldehyde, the main active ingredient in cinnamon help fight against various types of infections.

Cinnamon oil has been shown to effectively treat respiratory infections caused by fungi.

Can the growth of certain bacteria, including Listeria and Salmonella (inhibition 30 , 31 ).

Antimicrobial effect of cinnamon may also help to prevent tooth decay and reduce (halitosis 32 , 33 , 34 ).

Conclusion: cinnamaldehyde has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help to reduce and inflammation, fight against tooth decay and bad breath.

10. cinnamon can help in the fight against HIV

Cinnamon sticks

HIV is a virus that slowly, the immune system, which can eventually lead to the absence of the treatment of AIDS breaks.

Cassia cinnamon varieties are believed to (help in the fight against the HIV-1 35 , 36 ).

This is the most common strain of HIV virus in humans.

A laboratory study looking at the HIV-infected cells showed that cinnamon was the most effective for all investigated 69 medicinal plants (treatment 37 ).

In human studies are needed to confirm these effects.

Conclusion: Laboratory studies have shown that cinnamon can in the fight against HIV-1, the main types of HIV virus to help the people.

It is best to use Ceylon ("True" Tan)

Canela not equal.

Cassia area contains significant amounts of a compound called coumarin [12] , which is allegedly considered harmful in high doses.

Everyone should have health benefits of cinnamon, cassia but can cause problems in large doses by coumarin content.

Ceylan ("true" cinnamon) is much better in this regard, and studies show that it is in the multitude Cassia coumarin (much lower 38 ).

Unfortunately, most of cinnamon can be found in supermarkets, the cheaper variety Cassia.

You can find in Ceylon in some health food stores, and there is a good selection on Amazon .

Message Home

At the end of the day, cinnamon is one of the most delicious and healthy spices on the planet.

It can lower blood sugar levels to reduce risk factors for heart disease, and a host of other amazing health benefits.

Be sure to get Ceylon cinnamon, or stick to small doses (no more than 0.5 to 2 teaspoons per day), when the plurality Cassia used.


  1. ^ Food (
  2. ^ cinnamaldehyde (
  3. ^ antioxidants (
  4. ^ garlic (
  5. ^ inflammation (
  6. ^ insulin (
  7. ^ insulin resistance (
  8. ^ carbohydrates (
  9. ^ Alzheimer (
  10. ^ Parkinson (
  11. ^ cancer (
  12. ^ coumarin (
  13. ^ good selection at Amazon (