Sunday, July 26, 2015

How to get weight quickly and safely

Underweight women Around two thirds of people in the United States are overweight or obese ( 1 ).

However, there are many people with the opposite of too thin (problem 2 ).

This is a problem because of the low weight can for your health such as obesity as bad.

In addition, many people who are not clinically obese always some muscles want to win are.

If you clinically underweight or simply "hard-won" only one defeat struggling to gain weight muscle, are the basic principles are the same.

This article describes a simple strategy to get weight fast and healthy.

What is "underweight" really?

You underweight [1] is defined as body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. This is estimated to be less body mass to maintain optimum health.

In contrast, more than 25 is considered overweight and over 30 is considered obese.

Use this calculator [2] to see where you are on the scale of the BMI (will open in a new tab) are.

Note, however, that it. A lot of problems with the scale of the BMI, which looks like height and weight Considered not to take the muscle mass.

Some people are naturally very thin, but still healthy. Light weight to the scale does not necessarily mean you have a health problem.

Low weight is in girls and women about 2.3 times more likely. In the US, 1% of men and 2.4% of women aged 20 and older are underweight ( 2 ).

Conclusions: Low birth weight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5. It is much more common in women and girls.

What are the health consequences of malnutrition?

Weight Scale

Obesity is currently one of the biggest health problems in the world.

However, a low weight as bad for health, such as obesity.

According to a study was underweight with 140% increased risk of premature death in men and 100% associated with women ( 3 ).

In this study, obesity was "only" a 50% increased risk of premature death associated, indicating that being underweight can (be worse for your health 3 ).

Another study found an increased risk of premature death in men, who are underweight, but not in women. This shows that underweight may get worse for men ( 4 ).

Underweight can increase also affect the immune function, the risk of infections lead to osteoporosis and fractures and cause fertility problems ( 5 , 6 , 7 ).

People who are underweight are also much more likely to get sarcopenia [3] (related loss of muscle mass with age), and may be at increased risk of dementia ( 8 , 9 ).

Conclusion: Due to the low weight can be as unhealthy as obese, if not more. People who are underweight are at risk for osteoporosis problems, infections, fertility and early mortality.

Several things can cause someone to be underweight

There are some medical conditions that can cause healthy weight loss.

Female doctor with two apples

Here are some of them:

  • Eating disorders: These include anorexia [4] , a severe mental disorder.
  • Thyroid problems: Having an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) may cause to increase your metabolism and healthy weight loss.
  • Celiac Disease: The most severe form of gluten intolerance [5] . Most people with celiac disease do not know they (have 10 ).
  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes (mostly type 1) can lead to significant weight loss.
  • Cancer: Cancer tumors often burn large amounts of calories and can cause someone to lose a lot of weight.
  • Infections: Certain infections can cause someone to be seriously inadequate. These include parasites, tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS.

If you are underweight, you might want to consult a doctor to rule out serious medical condition.

This is especially important if you started to have large amounts of weight without even trying to lose.

Conclusion: There are some medical conditions that can cause healthy weight loss. If you are underweight, and consult a doctor to rule out a serious health problem.

How to gain weight healthily

Woman standing on the scales, Frustrated

If you want to gain weight, then it is very important that you do it right.

Zoom in sodium [6] and donuts they help you to gain weight, but it can destroy your health at the same time.

If you are underweight, you are on a balanced amount of muscle mass and subcutaneous fat, do not want to make a lot of bad belly fat [7] .

There are many people of normal weight, the type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other health problems often associated with obesity (connected to get 11 ).

Therefore, it is imperative that you always eat healthy foods [8] and a number of live healthy lifestyle [9] .

Now we will see, your health will be more effective in order to gain weight quickly without destroying it at the same time forms.

Conclusion: It is very important to healthy foods for most food, even if you are trying to gain weight.

Eat burns more calories than your body

Apple and calculator

The most important thing you can do to lose weight is to gain more calories than your body needs food.

Excess heat (calories calories>) required. Without it, you will win. Period.

You may cancel your calorie needs by means of determining calorie calculator [10] .

If you slow and steady weight gain and strive 300-500 calories more than you burn each day by the computer should.

If you want to quickly gain weight, then aim for something like 700-1000 calories over your maintenance level.

Note that calorie calculators provide estimates only. Their needs vary by hundreds of calories a day or less.

You do not have to count calories for the rest of your life, but it helps to do it in the first few days / weeks to get an idea of ​​how many calories you eat.

I recommend using tools like cron-o-meter [11] or MyFitnessPal [12] to control their consumption.

Conclusion: You need more calories than your body burns in order to save weight. Try. 300-500 calories per day above the maintenance level or 700-1000 calories if you want to gain weight quickly

Eat lots of protein

The important for healthy weight gain nutrient is a protein [13] .

Smiling and with a fried egg

Muscle is made of protein, and without them, most of those extra calories can finish as body fat.

Studies show that in times of overeating, high protein diet [14] makes a lot of extra calories into muscle (turned 12 ).

Note, however, that the protein is a double-edged sword. It is also very abundant, so that it can reduce hunger and appetite significantly. This can make it difficult enough calories (get 13 , 14 ).

If you try to weight, the target of 0.7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight gain (1.5 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram). You can even go even higher if the calorie consumption is very high.

Protein-rich foods [15] are meat, fish, eggs, many dairy products, legumes, nuts and others. Protein supplements like whey protein [16] can also be useful when you are struggling to get enough protein in their diet.

Bottom Line: Protein trained his muscles blocks. Eating enough protein for muscle weight gain and not just fat necessary.

Eating a lot of carbohydrates and fats, and eat at least 3 times a day

Dish with meat, beans and potatoes

Many people try either to restrict carbohydrates [17] or fat when trying to lose weight [18] .

This is a bad idea if your goal is to gain weight, because it will be more difficult to get enough calories.

Eat a lot of high-carbohydrate and fatty foods [19] , if the weight gain is a priority for you. It is best to eat a lot of protein, fats and carbohydrates at each meal.

It's also a bad idea, intermittent fasting [20] . This is useful to improve for weight loss and health, but it is much more difficult enough calories to eat to gain weight.

Be sure to try at least 3 meals a day, and to add in high-energy snacks, if possible.

Conclusion: to eat the weight gain, eat at least 3 meals a day and make sure a lot of fat, carbohydrates and protein.

Eating a lot of foods rich in energy and the use of sauces, spices and condiments

Pile of dried fruit

Again, it is important to eat foods of an ingredient mainly whole.

The problem is that these foods are generally more stable than its processed junk food [21] , which makes it difficult to get enough calories.

Due to the many spices [22] , sauces and spices can help. The food is tasty, is easier to eat a lot of it.

Also, try to focus on energy-dense foods whenever possible. These are foods that contain a lot of calories in relation to its weight.

Some foods that energy are perfect for weight gain:

Many of these foods are abundant, and sometimes may need to force, continue to eat, even if you feel full.

It may be a good idea not to eat a lot of vegetables, whether the weight gain is a priority for you. Simple leaves less room for foods with high energy density.

Eat all the fruit [39] is fine, but try to the fruits that do not chew much as required to focus bananas [40] .

Conclusion: You can sauces, spices and herbs to add to their food to make it easier to eat more of them. Support your diet foods rich in energy whenever possible.

Lifting heavy weight and improve strength

To ensure that excess calories to the muscles and not only fat cells and is absolutely crucial in order to lift weights.

The thin man who wants to build muscle,

Go to a gym and a lift 2-4 times a week. Heavy lift and try to increase the weight and volume over time.

If you or if you are completely out of shape again in strength training, then hiring a qualified personal trainer to get started.

You can also visit a health care provider if you have bone problems or any kind of medical problem.

It is probably best to make it easy to take to heart for now. They focus mainly on the weight.

Do some cardio is for the improvement of health and wellness, but in the end not burning all those extra calories that you eat.

Conclusion: It is important to lift weight and improve your strength. This will help you muscle mass and not only to gain fat.

Over 8 tips to gain weight

Muscular man meat, small

The combination of high caloric intake intensive strength training are the two main factors to gain weight.

That said, here are some tips to take the weight even faster:

  1. Do not drink water before meals. This can fill your stomach and make it more difficult to get enough calories.
  2. More often eat. Tap an additional meal or snack if you can, as before bedtime.
  3. Drinking milk. Drink all milk [41] in order to quench the thirst it is a simple way to get more protein and calories of high quality.
  4. Try winner shakes weight. If you really want to fight, then you can try to control weight gain shakes. They are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and calories.
  5. Use large plates. Definitely use large plates, if you try to get as many calories as smaller drives people automatically lead to eating less [42] .
  6. Cream for coffee. This is a simple way to add more calories.
  7. Taking creatine. The muscle building supplement creatine monohydrate [43] may help you to get a few pounds of muscle.
  8. Get quality sleep. Sleep properly is important for building muscle.

Conclusion: There are some other things you can do to gain weight faster. These include drinking milkshakes with weight gain, cream, your coffee and eat more often.

Weight gain can be difficult, and consistency is the key to long-term success

It can be really difficult for some people to gain weight.

That's because your body has a certain number [44] in which you feel comfortable weight.

What is trying to pass under their nominal value (weight loss) or higher (weight gain), resists change your body control your hunger levels and metabolic rate.

If you eat more calories and gaining weight, you can expect your body to respond by reducing the appetite and increase your metabolism.

This is mainly mediated by the brain, and the weight of the regulatory hormones such as leptin [45] .

So you should expect a certain level of difficulty. In some cases, you can literally have to force yourself to eat in spite of the feeling of luxury.

At the end of the day, change your weight is a marathon, not a sprint. It may take some time, and we must be consistent if you want to succeed in the long term.


  1. ^ underweight (
  2. ^ this computer (
  3. ^ sarcopenia (
  4. ^ anorexia nervosa (
  5. ^ intolerance to gluten (
  6. ^ Soda (
  7. ^ belly fat (
  8. ^ healthy foods (
  9. ^ healthy lifestyle (
  10. ^ Calorie Calculator (
  11. ^ Cron-o-meter (
  12. ^ MyFitnessPal (
  13. ^ protein (
  14. ^ high protein diet (
  15. ^ protein-rich foods (
  16. ^ whey protein (
  17. ^ carbohydrates (
  18. ^ lose weight (
  19. ^ fatty foods (
  20. ^ Intermittent Fasting (
  21. ^ processed junk food (
  22. ^ spices (
  23. ^ almonds (
  24. ^ nuts (
  25. ^ Peanuts (
  26. ^ yogurt (
  27. ^ cheese (
  28. ^ extra virgin olive oil (
  29. ^ oats (
  30. ^ Rice (
  31. ^ ox (
  32. ^ pig (
  33. ^ Lamb (
  34. ^ Potatoes (
  35. ^ batatas (
  36. ^ black chocolate (
  37. ^ Lawyers (
  38. ^ peanut butter (
  39. ^ fruits (
  40. ^ bananas (
  41. ^ milk (
  42. ^ eat less (
  43. ^ Creatine Monohydrate (
  44. ^ September (
  45. ^ leptin (