Sunday, July 19, 2015

101 Intermittent Fasting - The last Beginner's Guide

Brunette businesswoman with empty plate Intermittent fasting (IF) is currently one of the trends in health and fitness world's most popular.

People use it to lose weight, improve health and simplify healthy living.

Many studies show that this powerful effect on your body and brain, and can even help you live longer ( 1 , 2 , 3 .)

This is the ultimate beginner's guide to intermittent fasting.

What is intermittent fasting (IF)?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a term for a pattern of eating that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.

It says nothing about what foods to eat, but when to eat.

In this regard, there is a "diet" in the traditional sense. She is described as a "pattern of eating."

Common methods include daily intermittent fasting 16 hours fasting, fasting for 24 hours, twice a week.

People have been fasting during evolution. Sometimes it was done, because the food was not available, and also some of the major religions, including Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.

If you think about it, our hunter-gatherers who do not have supermarkets, refrigerators and foodstuffs [1] throughout the year available.

Sometimes we were able to find something to eat, and designed our bodies to be able to function without food for a long time.

In any case, fasting is time to time "natural" who eat constantly 3-4 (or more) times a day.

More than intermittent fasting is explanation, read this article ? What is intermittent fasting [2]

Conclusion: Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a term for a pattern of eating that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. He is currently very popular in the community of health and fitness.

As intermittent fasting

Brunette waiting for a clock and to eat

Intermittent fasting has for many years, various methods were used popular.

All include the division of the day or week in the "meal breaks" and "periods of fasting." During the period of fasting, eating very little or nothing.

These are the most popular methods:

  • The 16/8 Method: Even as the Leangains [3] protocol is skipping breakfast and the limitation of your time to eat every day 08:00, for example, 13: 00-9: 12.00 .. then "almost" 16 hours between.
  • Eat-Stop-Eat: This involves fasting for 24 hours, once or twice a week, for example, not for dinner the day until the next day to eat dinner.
  • The 5: 2 diet: In two nonconsecutive days a week eating only 500-600 calories. Usually eat the other five days.

By eating fewer calories, you should do all of these methods to lose weight, as long as does not compensate by eating more during the meal times.

I found the process 16/8 for simpler, more durable and easier to follow. It is also the most popular.

For more information about the different protocols here: Intermittent Fasting six methods [4] .

Conclusion: There are several ways to do this intermittent fasting. All parts of the day or week "meal breaks" and "periods of fasting."

As intermittent fasting affect the cells and hormones

Orange Clock

If you fast, several things happen in your body at the cellular and molecular level.

For example, change your body stored body fat more accessible hormone levels.

Your cells also initiate the important process of repair and gene expression change.

Here are some changes when they occur quickly in your body:

  • Human growth hormone (HGH): The growth hormone levels rise, so as much as 5 times. This has advantages for fat loss and muscle building, to name a few ( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ).
  • Insulin sensitivity to insulin and improves insulin levels dramatically decrease. Insulin levels of fat stored under access ( 8 ).
  • Cell repair: When fasting, the cells initiate cellular repair process. This includes autophagy [5] , wherein the cells and digest old dysfunctional protein and eliminate the accumulation of cells in the interior space ( 9 , 10 )
  • Gene Expression: changes in the function of genes, the longevity and the protection against the disease (linked 11 , 12 ).

These changes in hormone levels, the cellular function and expression of genes of the benefits of intermittent fasting responsible.

Conclusion: If a hormonal levels, rapid human growth and insulin levels down. The cells in your body alter the expression of genes and initiate significant process of cell repair.

Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool for weight loss

Man eating a small portion of food

Weight loss is the most common reason that people intermittent fasting (Treatment of 13 ).

As you eat fewer meals, intermittent fasting can lead to an automatic reduction in caloric intake [6] .

In addition, intermittent fasting altered hormone levels to facilitate weight loss.

In addition to the reduction of elevated levels of insulin and growth hormone, it increases the release of fat burning hormone norepinephrine (noradrenaline).

Because of these changes in hormones, can short-term fasting your metabolic rate of 3.6 and 14% (increase 14 , 15 ).

To help you less (fewer calories) eat and help burn more calories (in the garden), causing intermittent fasting weight loss [7] by. both sides of the equation of calories

Studies show that intermittent fasting can be a tool of powerful weight loss. In a study to assess in 2014 was shown to weight loss of 3-8% for a period of 3-24 weeks (Cause 1 ).

What it is actually a very large compared to most weight loss studies amount.

According to this study, lost people, even 4-7% of your waist measurement ( 1 ). This means that you have lost significant amounts of harmful belly fat [8] , which are the organs forms and causes of the disease.

There is also a study that shows that causes intermittent fasting less muscle loss than the traditional method of calorie restriction follows ( 16 ).

But keep in mind that the main reason this works is that it helps you to eat less calories overall. If you eat too much and massive amounts during lunch break, then you can not lose weight at all.

Read this article for more information on weight loss and [9] .

Conclusion: Intermittent Fasting can easily increase your metabolism while helping to eat fewer calories. It is a very effective way to lose weight and belly fat.

Intermittent fasting health benefits

Many studies have been conducted on intermittent fasting in animals and humans.

These studies have shown that this far-reaching benefits for weight control and health of body and brain. It can also help you to live longer.

Hungry woman with empty plate

The main benefits of intermittent fasting health:

  • Weight Loss: As mentioned earlier, can help intermittent fasting to lose weight and belly fat without limiting aware calories ( 1 , 13 ).
  • Insulin resistance: Intermittent Fasting can insulin resistance, lower blood sugar levels by 3-6% and reduce fasting insulin levels by 20 to 31% ( 1 ). This should protect against type 2 diabetes.
  • Inflammation: Some studies show a reduction in inflammatory markers, a key factor for many chronic diseases ( 17 , 18 , 19 ).
  • Heart Health: Intermittent Fasting can LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, inflammation markers, blood glucose and insulin resistance to reduce. These are all risk factors for heart disease ( 1 , 20 , 21 ).
  • Cancer: let Animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting can help prevent cancer ( 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ).
  • Brain Health: Intermittent Fasting increases a brain hormone called BDNF [10] , and may the growth of new neurons (post 26 , 27 , 28 ). It may also against Alzheimer's disease (to protect 29 ).
  • Anti-Aging: Intermittent Fasting can extend the life of rats. Studies have shown that a lot of life in fasted rats more 36-83% ( 30 , 31 ).

Note that the research is still at an early stage. Some of these studies were small, of short duration or on animals. Many questions remain unanswered in human trials of higher quality ( 32 ).

Further details on the facts here: The 10 most important benefits of intermittent fasting [11] .

Conclusion: Intermittent Fasting can have many benefits for your body and brain. It can lead to weight loss and may protect against type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. It can also help to live longer.

Intermittent fasting makes your healthy lifestyle easier

Fishmeal on a plate

Healthy food is simple, but its very difficult to get upright.

One of the main obstacles is everything needed to plan and prepare healthy meals work.

If you do intermittent fasting, it will be easier, because you do not have to plan to cook or clean up after a meal so much.

Intermittent fasting is actually very popular with the crowd "lives piracy" because it improves their health and simplifies your life together.

Conclusion: One of the main benefits of intermittent fasting diet is that it just makes sound. There are fewer meals to prepare, cook and clean up afterwards.

Some people should be careful with intermittent fasting (or eliminate)

Young woman holding a plate of vegetables

Intermittent fasting is definitely not for everyone.

If you are underweight, or have a history of eating disorders, then you should not intermittent fasting without consulting dealing with a doctor.

In these cases it may be positively harmful.

If fast women?

There is some evidence [12] that intermittent fasting is not beneficial for women than for men.

For example, one study showed that insulin sensitivity improved in men but worsens glucose control among women ( 33 ).

Although no human studies on this point, studies in rats have shown that intermittent fasting can masculinized females infertile emaciated rat and make cycles (losing 34 , 35 ).

There are many anecdotal reports of women who had amenorrhea [13] (stopped their menstrual period), when they began, the SI, then back to normal when they stopped.

For these reasons, women should certainly be careful, [14] with intermittent fasting. Ease into it, and if you have problems such as amenorrhea, then stop immediately.

If you understand fertility problems and / or try, then consider off on intermittent fasting time. Intermittent fasting is probably a bad idea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Conclusion: The people who are underweight or have not to fast a history of eating disorders. There is also evidence that intermittent fasting can be harmful to some women.

Safety and side effects

Hunger is the most important side effect of intermittent fasting.

You may also feel weeks and that his brain does not work as well as you are used to.

It may be temporary, so it may take some time for your body to adjust to the new meal times.

Hungry girl, toast

If you have a medical condition, you should consult with your doctor before you try Intermittent Fasting.

This is especially important if you:

  • Have diabetes.
  • Have trouble regulating blood sugar.
  • It has a low blood pressure.
  • Do You Take Medicine.
  • You are underweight.
  • It has a history of eating disorders.
  • She's a woman trying to conceive.
  • She is a woman with a history of amenorrhea.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding.

All in all, intermittent fasting has a remarkable safety profile. "Dangerous" do not eat anything for a while, if you are healthy and well-fed normally.

Conclusion: The most common side effect of intermittent fasting is hunger. People with certain medical conditions should not fast to consult, without a doctor.

FAQ intermittent fasting

Cup Of Coffee

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about intermittent fasting.

1. Can I drink liquids during the fast?

Yes. The water [15] , coffee [16] , the tea [17] and other calorie-free drinks are fine. Sugar, pour your coffee. Small amounts of milk [18] or cream may be right.

Coffee can during fasting because it can hunger be boring especially advantageous.

2. Is it healthy, do not skip breakfast?

No, that's the problem, that most skip breakfast unhealthy lifestyles stereotypical. If you make sure that you eat healthy foods for the day, then it's good.

3. Can I take supplements during fasting?

Yes. However, note that some supplements (eg fat-soluble vitamins) may work best when taken with meals.

4. Can I during fasting?

Yes, fasting workouts order. Some people recommend BCAA [19] (BCAA) before fasting training.

5. Fasting by the loss of muscle?

All methods of weight loss can cause loss of muscle, so it is important to lift weights and maintain protein intake [20] high. A study shows that causes intermittent fasting less muscle loss than normal caloric restriction ( 16 ).

6. Fasting slows my metabolism?

No. Research shows that short-term fasting can actually increase your metabolism ( 14 , 15 ). However, the long fast (three days or more) to remove [21] metabolism ( 36 ).

7. If children quickly?

That's probably a bad idea.


Chances are you've already made a lot of "intermittent" fasting in your life.

Angry woman with knife and fork

If you already eaten dinner and then slept late and not until lunch the next day eat, after you finished a 16+ hour fast.

Many people actually eat instinctively that. They just do not feel hungry in the morning.

I personally think the 16/8 method is the simplest and sustainable for intermittent fasting. I recommend that first try.

If you find it easy and feel good during fasting, then you can try to move to more advanced fasting as fasting 24 hours 1-2 times a week (EAT-STOP-EAT) or only eat 500-600 calories 1- 2 days a week (5: 2) scheme.

Another approach is simple, fast, whenever convenient. As in, skipping the lunch time when they are not hungry or do not have time to cook.

No need a structured intermittent fasting plan to follow at least to take some of the benefits.

I highly recommend you to experiment with different approaches [22] and you find something that you like and fits your schedule.

Conclusion: It is recommended to start with the process of 16/8, then maybe go later for more fasts. It is important to experiment and find something that works for you.

You should with intermittent fasting to try?

Intermittent fasting is not something that everyone should do.

It's just one of many strategies that can improve the livelihoods of your health. Eat real foods [23] to practice, and take care of your dream [24] remain to focus the most important factors.

If you do not like the idea of ​​fasting, then you can ignore all this. Just keep doing what works for you.

At the end of the day, no one size fits all broth. The best diet [25] for you, it is one that you follow in the long run.

Intermittent fasting is for some, others are not. The only way to know which group you belong is to try.

If you feel good, when the fast and find it is a sustainable way of eating, it can improve a powerful tool for weight loss and health.


  1. ^ Food (
  2. ^ What is intermittent fasting? (
  3. ^ Leangains (
  4. ^ 6 methods of intermittent fasting (
  5. ^ autophagy (
  6. ^ calorie intake (
  7. ^ weight loss (
  8. ^ belly fat (
  9. ^ SI and weight loss (
  10. ^ BDNF (
  11. ^ 10 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting (
  12. ^ some evidence (
  13. ^ amenorrhea (
  14. ^ be careful (
  15. ^ Water (
  16. ^ coffee (
  17. ^ tea (
  18. ^ milk (
  19. ^ BCAA (
  20. ^ protein intake (
  21. ^ Remove (
  22. ^ various approaches (
  23. ^ real food (
  24. ^ sleep (
  25. ^ Best Diet (

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