Thursday, July 30, 2015

How protein can help you lose weight naturally

Director presented a steak Protein is the most important weight loss and better nutrient body.

A high intake of protein stimulates the metabolism, reduces appetite and weight regulation changes various hormones ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).

The protein can help you lose weight and belly fat, and acts through several mechanisms.

This is a detailed review of the impact of protein in weight loss [1] .

Protein changes the function of the different regulatory hormones weight

His weight is actively controlled by the brain, in particular a region called the hypothalamus [2] ( 4 ).

For your brain to determine when and how much to eat, try many different types of information.

Some of the most important signals to the brain are hormones that the power supply (in reaction change 5 ).

A higher protein intake actually increases satiety levels (reducing appetite) hormones GLP-1 [3] , peptide YY [4] and cholecystokinin [5] , while the reduced levels of hunger hormone ghrelin [6] ( 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ).

Replacing carbohydrates with fat and protein hormone reduces hunger and stimulate satiety hormones.

This leads to a significant reduction of hunger and is the main reason Protein helps you lose weight. It can make you eat fewer calories automatically.

Bottom: to reduce hunger hormone ghrelin protein levels, while increasing appetite reducing hormone GLP-1 peptide YY and cholecystokinin. This results in an automatic reduction in caloric intake.

Digestion and protein metabolism burns calories

Protein powder, Scoop and Shaker

After lunch, some calories are for the purpose of digestion and metabolism of food used.

This is often called the thermic effect of food [7] (EFT).

Although not all agree on sources of exact figures, it is clear that the protein has a significantly higher thermal effect (20-30%) compared to carbohydrates [8] (5.10%) and fat (0- 3%) ( 11 ).

If we with a thermal effect by 30% proteins, which means that 100 calories of protein used end 70 calories.

Conclusion: Approximately 20-30% of calories from protein burned while the body digests and protein metabolism.

Protein makes you burn more calories (Increases "Calories Out")

Due to the high thermal effect and many other factors, high protein intake tends to increase your metabolism.

It makes you burn more calories throughout the day, even during sleep [9] ( 12 , 13 ).

Man holding a piece of chicken

A high protein intake has been shown to increase metabolism and calories burned from 80 to 100 per day ( 14 , 15 , 16 ).

This effect is especially pronounced when overeating or eating too many calories. In one study, binge eating a diet rich in protein increased (burned around 260 calories per day 12 ).

Burn more calories, protein diets have a "metabolic advantage" in the diet low in protein.

Conclusion: A high protein intake can 80-100 calories a day burning with a study to have an increase of 260 calories for overeating.

The protein reduces appetite and makes you less calories to eat

Happy holding scale Morena

Proteins can hunger and appetite for several different mechanisms (reduce 1 ).

This can lead to an automatic reduction in caloric intake [10] .

In other words, you are at the end of fewer calories, no calories or portions of conscious control.

Many studies have shown that when people increase their protein intake, start to eat fewer calories.

This works on a basic meal for food as well as a reduction in daily caloric intake and on, and when the protein intake remains high ( 17 , 18 ).

In one study, 30% of calories from protein caused people automatically deposit your caloric intake by 441 calories per day, which (is a huge amount of 19 ).

Therefore diet rich in protein not only a metabolic advantage - they also have a "benefit appetite", making it much easier to cut calories compared to diets low in protein.

Conclusion: high-protein diets are very extensive, so that the drive to reduce hunger and appetite compared to diets low in protein. This makes it much easier to restrict calories in a diet high in protein.

Protein Cuts Snack cravings and reduces late request

Cravings are the worst enemy of the diet.

They are one of the main reasons why people tend to fail in their diets.

Another big problem is late night snacks. Many people tend to gain weight [11] to get cravings at night, as a late afternoon snack. These calories are on top of all the calories you given to eat during the day.

Interestingly, the protein may have a strong impact on both food cravings and the desire to snack at night.

This is a study that a high protein diet and a regular diet of protein in obese men compared ( 20 )

The protein reduces cravings

The group of high-protein is the blue bar, while the normal protein group is the red bar.

In this study, 25% of calories from protein were reduces cravings by 60% and reduces the desire to snack late at midnight!

Guests may be the most important meal of the charge of the protein. Cravings In a study among young people, a breakfast rich in protein significantly (reduced 21 ).

Conclusion: Eat more protein can lead to a significant reduction in anxiety and the desire to snack late at night. These changes should be much easier to follow a healthy diet.

Protein makes you lose weight, without calorie reduction Aware

Protein functions on both sides of the "calories calories compared to the" equation. It stimulates reduced calories and calories.

For this reason, it is surprising to see that high-protein diets cause weight loss even without voluntarily to restrict calories, fat or carbohydrates ( 22 , 23 , 24 ).

In a study of 19 overweight people, increasing protein intake and 30% of the calories to a massive decline in calorie intake ( 19 ):

Protein, calories and weight loss

In this study, the participants were lost an average of 11 pounds over a period of 12 weeks. Note that to add protein to your diet, nothing intentional limit.

Although the results are not always so dramatic, most studies show that protein diets result in significant weight loss ( 25 ).

Increased protein intake associated to less abdominal fat [12] , the harmful fat to accumulate around the organs and the disease causes ( 26 , 27 ).

All that being said, weight loss is not the most important factor. Continue as in the long run that really matters to do.

Many people can go on a "diet" and lose weight, but in the end wins the weight back ( 28 ).

Interestingly, a higher protein intake also help prevent weight gain. In one study, a modest increase in protein intake (15 to 18% of calories) reduced the increase in weight after weight loss of 50% ( 29 ).

Thus, not only the protein to help you lose weight, but also can contribute to the long-term (hold 3 ).

Conclusion: Pay attention to a high protein diet can weight loss without counting calories also, cause partial control or restriction of carbohydrates. A modest increase in protein intake can also help to prevent weight gain.

Protein helps prevent muscle loss and metabolic slowdown

Woman standing on the scales, Frustrated

You probably really do not want to lose "weight".

Instead, want to lose body fat, either subcutaneously (under the skin) and visceral fat (around the organs) fat.

However, if you lose weight, tends muscle mass also decreases.

Another side effect is weight loss metabolism tends to decrease.

In other words, you end up burning fewer calories to lose weight before.

This is often called " starvation mode [13] burned "and reach several hundred fewer calories each day ( 30 , 31 ).

Eating a lot of protein may result in loss of muscle that help metabolism, body fat (lose should reduce 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 ).

Strength training is another important factor that can reduce the loss of muscle metabolism and slow down if the weight loss ( 37 , 38 , 39 ).

For this reason, a high intake of protein and heavy strength training are two important components of a plan incredibly effective fat loss.

Not only help to keep your metabolism high, to make sure that what lies underneath the fat looks really good. Without protein and bodybuilding, you can end up looking "skinny-fat" instead of fit and slim.

Conclusion: Eat plenty of protein can help muscle loss if you lose weight. You can also help your metabolic rate high, especially when combined with intense resistance training.

How much protein is best?

DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) for protein is only 46 and 56 grams for the average woman and man are.

This amount can be enough to prevent a deficiency, but is far from ideal when you are trying to lose weight (or muscles).

Man in a steak restaurant food

Most studies on the loss of proteins and protein intake weight, expressed as a percentage of calories.

These studies point in the protein to 30% of calories seems to be very effective for weight loss.

You can specify the number of grams multiplied your calorie consumption of 0075th For example, on a diet of 2,000 calories that you 2000 * 0.75 = eat 150 grams of protein.

You may also use a number based on its weight. For example, the orientation is 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass a common recommendation (1.5 to 2.2 grams per kilogram).

It is better to spread your protein intake throughout the day by eating protein at every meal.

Note that these numbers do not be exact, nothing should be in the range of 25 to 35% of calories effectively.

More details in this article: How much protein you should eat each day [14]

Conclusion: To lose weight, the objective of 25-35% of calories as protein optimally. 30% of the height of at least 150 grams of protein in a diet of 2,000 calories calories.

As more protein in your diet

Increase protein intake is simple. Just eat more foods rich in protein.

These include:

Protein foods

If you eat low-carb [22] , then you can choose fatty cuts of meat. If you on a low carb diet and then try to focus lean meat [23] wherever possible. This makes it easier to obtain the high protein without too many calories.

Be extra protein may also be a good idea if you are struggling to achieve their goals of proteins. Whey protein powder was demonstrated more advantages [24] , including increased weight loss ( 40 , 41 ).

When eating more protein, it is easy if you think about it, actually to integrate nutrition into your life and diet, can be difficult.

I recommend you to use early nutrition a calorie tracker /. Weighing and measuring everything you eat, make sure that you hit the target protein.

You do not always, but it is at the beginning very important to get a good idea of ​​what looks like a diet high in protein.

Conclusion: There are many protein-rich foods that you can eat to increase your protein intake. We recommend a diet tracker to early to make sure you get enough.

Protein is the most basic, most simple and delicious weight loss

Man holding piece of raw meat

When it comes to fat loss and improved body, protein is the king of nutrients.

You should do everything possible to limit benefit from increased protein intake. This is to add to your diet.

This is particularly attractive because most protein foods also very tasteful. Eat more of them simple and satisfying.

A high protein diet can also be a strategy for the effective prevention of obesity, it is not something that is easy to use, be to lose fat temporarily.

Permanently increase the protein intake in the face of "calories vs calories out" the balance in his favor.

Over the months, years or even decades, the difference in your waistline could be enormous.

But keep in mind, that still count calories. Proteins can reduce hunger and increase your metabolism, but you will not lose weight if you eat fewer calories than you burn.

It is certainly possible and to refuse overeating calorie deficit caused by higher protein intake, especially if you eat a lot of junk food.

For this reason you should always support your diet essentially single ingredient whole food [25] .

While this article focuses only on weight loss, protein also has many other health benefits.

You can read about them here: 10 reasons by science, backed up eating more protein [26] .


  1. ^ weight loss (
  2. ^ hypothalamus (
  3. ^ GLP-1 (
  4. ^ peptide YY (
  5. ^ cholecystokinin (
  6. ^ ghrelin (
  7. ^ thermic effect of food (
  8. ^ carbohydrates (
  9. ^ sleep (
  10. ^ calorie intake (
  11. ^ weight gain (
  12. ^ less abdominal fat (
  13. ^ starvation mode (
  14. ^ How much protein should consume per day? (
  15. ^ ox (
  16. ^ pig (
  17. ^ milk (
  18. ^ cheese (
  19. ^ yogurt (
  20. ^ Beans (
  21. ^ in this article (
  22. ^ carbohydrate (
  23. ^ lean meats (
  24. ^ benefits (
  25. ^ , all the food ingredient (
  26. ^ 10 Reasons Sciences Born, eat more protein (


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