Wednesday, August 27, 2014

15 "healthy foods" that really junk food in Disguise

Girl drinking low-fat milk Unhealthy foods are the main reason that the world is bigger and sicker than ever before.

Surprisingly, some of these foods are considered healthy by many people.

Here are 15 "healthy" foods that are really junk food in disguise.

1 processed "low fat" foods and "fat-free"

The "war" against saturated fats [1] is the largest in the history of poor nutrition.

It was on weak evidence, which was completely based on discredited [2] ( 1 ).

When he began, the makers of processed foods have followed and began to remove the fat from the diet.

But there is a big problem ... the food is terrible, when the fat is removed. So they added a lot of sugar to compensate.

Saturated fat is harmless, but sugar is incredibly harmful when in excess (consumes 2 , 3 ).

The words "low fat" or "fat" in a package usually means it's a highly processed product that is loaded with sugar.

2 Most commercial salad dressing


The vegetables are very healthy.

The problem is that we often do not know very well on your own.

That is why many people use to add flavor salads dressings, make this mild food treats.

But many salad dressings are actually with unhealthy ingredients such as sugar, vegetable oils and loaded Trans fats [3] , with a lot of artificial chemicals.

While vegetables are good for you, eat with a rich vinaigrette harmful ingredients are fully health benefit you refuse to get out of the mess.

Make sure the ingredients list before you check a vinaigrette ... or make your own healthy ingredients to help.

3 juice ... which is essentially liquid sugar Fair

Young woman drinking orange juice

Many people believe that the juice [4] are in good health.

Must ... that come from fruits, right?

, A large amount of juice in the supermarket but are not really the juice.

Sometimes there is not even a real fruit in it, only chemicals that taste like fruit. What you drink is basically sugar water flavored fruit.

That is, even if you drink quality, 100% fruit juice, it is always a bad idea.

Fruit juice as fruit, except for all the good things (like fiber [5] ), ... from the main to the left of the true made fruit [6] is sugar.

If you do not know the juice contains a similar amount of sugar as soda ( 4 ).

4 "heart healthy" whole grains

Most of the products of "whole grain" are not really made from whole grains.

The grains were in very fine flour sprayed increase glucose counter as quickly as refined.

Man with a stack of bread slices

In fact, the whole wheat bread white bread have a glycemic index similar to ( 5 ).

But wheat can also rightly be a bad idea ... because modern wheat is unhealthy ate our grandparents compared to wheat.

Around the year 1960, scientists changed the genes of wheat in order to increase the yield. modern wheat [7] is less nutritious and has properties that make it worse for people who are gluten intolerant ( 6 , 7 , 8 ) .

Studies also show that modern wheat can have inflammation and elevated cholesterol levels, at least in comparison to older varieties ( 9 , 10 ).

While wheat can be a relatively healthy cereal in his day, most people eat things that are best avoided at present.

5 phytosterols to lower cholesterol

Broken Heart

There are some nutrients mentioned phytosterols [8] , which are essentially variations of plants as cholesterol.

Some studies have shown that cholesterol levels in humans (reduction 11 ).

For this reason, many processed foods, which are then sold as "cholesterol-lowering", and to prevent heart disease added.

However, studies have shown [9] that, despite the reduction of cholesterol, phytosterols have negative effects on the cardiovascular system and may even (increase the risk of heart disease and death 12 , 13 , 14 ).

6 margarine

Toasted bread with margarine

Butter [10] was again demonized in the day, due to the high content of saturated fatty acids.

Several health experts have begun promoting margarine instead.

Back in the day, used margarine high in trans fats to be. These days, it has less trans fat than before, but it's still loaded with refined vegetable oils.

Margarine is not food ... it is to look at a number of chemicals and refined oils that have been made, and taste like food.

Not surprisingly, the Framingham Heart Study has shown [11] that people who are replacing butter with margarine actually more of heart disease (die 15 ).

If you want to improve your health, eat real butter (preferably pasture [12] ), but avoid false margarine and other processed foods like the plague.

Trans fats recommend margarine instead of butter, of course, that the burden worst nutritional advice in history [13] .

7 sports drinks

Man with Sports Drink, Local

Sports drinks are with athletes in mind.

These drinks contain electrolytes (salt) and sugar, the useful, can be athletes in many cases.

But ... most normal people do not need additional salt, and certainly do not need liquid sugar.

Although often than "less bad" than sugary sodas, there is really no fundamental difference, except that the sugar content is sometimes a little lower.

It is important to stay hydrated, especially around training, but most people go is better sticking to plain water [14] .

8 under carb junk food

Atkins Bar

Diets low in carbohydrates [15] have become incredibly popular for decades.

During the last 12 years, according to a study [16] confirmed that these plans are an effective way to lose weight and improve your health ( 16 , 17 ).

However ... food manufacturers have caught on to the trend and made a series of low-carb foods processed "friendly" to the market.

This includes highly processed junk food like Atkins bars [17] . If you take a look at the list of ingredients, you will see that there is no real food, chemicals and highly refined ingredients.

These products can be eaten occasionally, without the metabolic adaptation that comes with low-carb diet. But not really nourish your body ..., even if they are technically low in carbohydrates, which are still healthy.

9 agave syrup


Given the known side effects [18] sugar, people have been looking for other alternatives.

One of the most popular "natural" sweeteners are agave syrup, agave syrup also.

You are this sweetener in all sorts of "healthy foods", often with attractive claims on the packaging.

The problem with Agave, is that it no better than sugar. In fact, it is worse ...

One of the main problems with sugar is that it has an excessive amount of fructose [19] , which can cause serious metabolic disorders, when in excess (consumes 18 ).

Whereas about 50% sugar syrup and high fructose corn High Fructose about 55%, even more to ... Agave contains 70-90%.

Thus, gram for gram, Agave worse than regular sugar.

See, "natural" does not always equal healthy ... and if Agave should still be as nature is questionable.

10 vegan junk food

Brown tofu

Vegan diets are very popular these days, the. Often for ethical and environmental reasons

However ... many people to promote vegan diet to improve the health (this is controversial [20] ).

There are many vegan processed foods on the market, often sold as a substitute for practical non-vegetarian food.

Vegan Bacon is an example.

But it is important to note that they are generally highly processed, [21] made products that are bad for everyone, including vegans.

11 brown rice syrup

Chef pastry in syrup

Brown rice syrup [22] (also known as rice malt syrup) is a sweetener that is mistakenly assumed to be healthy.

This sweetener by the cooked rice formed starch-degrading enzymes into simple sugars.

Brown rice syrup contains refined, only glucose-fructose.

The lack of refined fructose is good ... but rice syrup has a glycemic index of 98, which means that the level of glucose in the blood sugar extremely fast tip ( 19 ).

Rice syrup is also very refined and contains almost no essential nutrients. In other words, it is "empty" calories.

Some concerns about arsenic contamination in this syrup expressed, one more reason to be very careful with this sweetener ( 20 ).

There are also other sweeteners better because ... including low-calorie sweeteners such as stevia [23] , erythritol [24] and xylitol [25] , which have health benefits.

12 Organic Food


Unfortunately, the word "organic" is has, like all other marketing term.

Food manufacturers have all kinds of ways to do the same shit, except with found ingredients that happen to be organic.

These include ingredients like organic cane sugar, the same as common sugar is essentially 100%. Only the glucose and fructose, with little or no nutrients.

In many cases, the difference between an organic component and its counterpart almost zero.

Are in processed foods are not necessarily healthy bio. Always check the label to see what's inside.

Vegetable oils 13

Vegetable oil bottles

We are often advised to eat seeds and vegetable oils.

These include soybean oil, rapeseed oil, [26] , the grape seed oil [27] and many others.

This is due to the fact that it has been shown that such oils, the blood cholesterol level at least in the short term (reduce, 21 ).

However ... is important to note that cholesterol in the blood is a risk factor and not a disease in itself.

Although vegetable oils may increase a risk factor, there is no guarantee it will help, the extreme points of the current disc, heart attack or death, that's what really matters to prevent.

In fact, several controlled studies have shown that despite the reduction of cholesterol, these oils may increase the risk of death ... both heart disease and cancer ( 22 , 23 , 24 ).

So eat healthy, natural as butter, fatty oil, coconut [28] and olive oil [29] , but avoid processed vegetable oils [30] , as if his life depended on it (which it does).

14 junk food without gluten

Woman asks if food muffin

According to a survey conducted in 2013 [31] , about one-third of the population in the United States are actively trying to avoid gluten.

Many experts believe that it is useless ... but the truth is that gluten [32] , especially the modern wheat can be problematic for many people (his 25 ).

Not surprisingly, the food manufacturers all kinds of gluten-free foods done in the market.

The problem with these foods is that they are usually as bad as their counterparts that contain gluten, if not worse.

These are foods that are rich in nutrients and poor, often made with refined starches, processed lead to very rapid spikes in blood sugar.

So ... you choose foods that are gluten-free by nature, such as plants and animals, processed foods without gluten.

Junk food without gluten is still junk food.

15 Most processed cereals

Become markets some breakfast cereal is a shame.

Many of them, even the children are marketed, have plastered all types of health claims on the box.

This includes things like deceptive "whole grain" or "low fat".

But ... if you actually look at the list of ingredients, it's almost more than refined grains, sugar and artificial chemicals.

The truth is that if the food label says that it is healthy, then it probably is not.

Healthy foods are those that are not really all health claims require ... every single ingredient foods.

Real food does not even have an ingredients list, because real food is the ingredient.


  1. ^ saturated fatty acids (
  2. ^ discredited (
  3. ^ Trans fats (
  4. ^ juices (
  5. ^ fiber (
  6. ^ fruits (
  7. ^ modern wheat (
  8. ^ phytosterols (
  9. ^ Studies have shown (
  10. ^ butter (
  11. ^ shown (
  12. ^ grass-fed (
  13. ^ worst nutritional advice in history (
  14. ^ water (
  15. ^ diets low in carbohydrates (
  16. ^ Study after (
  17. ^ Atkins bars (
  18. ^ damage (
  19. ^ fructose (
  20. ^ questionable (
  21. ^ highly processed (
  22. ^ brown rice syrup (
  23. ^ Stevia (
  24. ^ erythritol (
  25. ^ xylitol (
  26. ^ rapeseed (
  27. ^ grapeseed oil (
  28. ^ coconut oil (
  29. ^ olive oil (
  30. ^ vegetable oils (
  31. ^ 2013 survey (
  32. ^ gluten (

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