Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wild against farmed salmon - Some fish can be bad for you?

Chef holding a fresh salmon Salmon is generally appreciated for its health benefits.

It is an oily fish containing omega-3 fatty acids that are not loaded enough to get most people.

However ... the salmon not all the same, unfortunately.

Today, much of the salmon we eat is not taken from the wild but bred in fish farms.

The difference between wild and farmed salmon

Wild salmon is caught in the wild, in their natural environment ... oceans, rivers and lakes.

But half the salmon sold worldwide comes from fish farms say, also known as aquaculture [1] ( 1 ).

The annual world production of farmed salmon has increased from 27,000 to over 1 million tons in the past two decades ( 2 ).

While wild salmon feed on other organisms in the wild, farmed salmon are a diet high in processed fats to produce larger fish given ( 3 ).

Wild salmon are still present, but the global shares have halved in a few decades. Wild salmon has a softer texture and a faded compared to farmed salmon (color usually 4 , 5 ).

Conclusion: The production of farmed salmon has increased in the last two decades. The diet of farmed salmon and the environment completely different than wild salmon.

There are significant differences in the diet composition

On the left is a half nutrient composition net (198 grams) of wild salmon. On the right side is the number of the grown ( 6 , 7 ).

The nutrients of fresh farmed salmon vs

As seen in the table, the nutritional differences between wild and farmed salmon can be very important.

Farmed salmon is much higher in fat ... which contains slightly more omega-3, omega-6 much and 3 times the amount of saturated fatty acids [2] . Also contains 46% of calories [3] , most of the fat.

Farmed salmon also contains vitamin C, which is added to foods.

In contrast, wild salmon is higher in minerals such as potassium, zinc and iron.

Conclusion: Wild salmon contains more minerals. Farmed salmon is higher in vitamin C, saturated fat and calories from polyunsaturated fats.

In contrast to the polyunsaturated content


There are two main types of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 ....

These fatty acids play an important role in the human body.

We need both in your diet, otherwise you end up sick. That's why they are "essential" fats (EFA) called acids.

However ... need these fatty acids in equilibrium.

Most people today eat too much omega-6 and the delicate balance between these two types of fatty acids is very distorted and Omega-sixth

Many scientists have speculated that this will increase the number and inflammation play a role in the epidemic of chronic diseases such as heart and other diseases (play 8 ).

Here is where it gets interesting ... farmed salmon three times the total amount of fat of wild salmon, but much of these fats are omega-6 fatty acids ( 1 , 9 ).

For this reason, omega-6: omega-3 ratio [4] is about three times higher compared to wild salmon.

But ... I do not think it is a concern. While farmed salmon contains omega-6, O6: O3 ratio is always very good (1, 3-4), it is less relevant than wild salmon, the 1:10 (is 10 ).

Salmon, both wild and cultivated, should lead to a significant improvement in the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids for most people, and are often recommended for this purpose.

In a 4-week study of 19 volunteers, eating farmed Atlantic salmon per week increased twice DHA (a fatty acid important omega-3) levels in the blood of 50% ( 11 ).

Conclusion: farmed salmon as wild salmon is rich in omega-6 is much higher fatty acids, but the amount is too low to be a cause for concern.

Farmed salmon is much higher in contaminants

Dr. unhappy and frustrated

The fish tend to accumulate potentially harmful substances in the environment.

These impurities in the water they swim in, and the food they eat ( 1 , 12 ).

But farmed salmon have much higher levels of pollutants than wild salmon (stages 13 , 14 ).

European companies are less environmentally than American farms, but the species in Chile seem to be the lowest (have 1 , 15 ).

Some of these pollutants include polychlorinated biphenyls [5] (PCBs), dioxins [6] , and several chlorinated pesticides.

Arguably the most dangerous pollutants in salmon are circuit boards that (are strongly associated with cancer and other health problems 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ).

A study was conducted and found that the average levels of PCBs in farmed salmon were eight times higher than in wild salmon (on more than 700 salmon samples from around the world 20 ).

This pollution is not approved by the FDA as safe by, but not Environmental Protection Agency [7] (EPA).

The researchers suggest that if EPA guidelines for farmed salmon, which proved implemented, the recommendations would salmon no more than once a month to restrict.

But many believe that the benefits of Omega-3 Salmon preponderance of the health risks of pollutants, which is a reasonable assumption.

Although it is difficult to say with certainty, we know that the risk is much lower if you eat wild salmon rather than farmed.

Conclusion: farmed salmon contain much higher amounts of pollutants such as PCBs, but the amount varies between fish from different regions.

Mercury and other trace metals in Salmon

Grilled Salmon

Current data of trace metals in salmon are contradictory.

Both studies showed very little difference in mercury between wild and farmed salmon ( 12 , 21 ).

However, one study found that wild salmon had levels three times higher ( 22 ).

Arsenic concentrations were found in farmed salmon to be higher, but the levels of cobalt, copper, cadmium and wild salmon (higher 23 ).

In all cases, trace metals in two varieties of salmon are in such small quantities that do not seem to be a cause for concern.

Conclusion: For the average person, trace metals in salmon do not seem to be found in dangerous quantities. This applies both for breeding and wild.

Wild salmon is the additional cost and effort worth it?

Salmon girl

It is important to note that farmed salmon is still very healthy.

Farmed salmon tends to be much larger and contains more omega-3 fatty acids.

Wild salmon is also much more expensive than breeding and may not contain the additional costs for some people its worth. According to a number of things, it may be desirable (if not impossible) to access the wild salmon.

However, due to differences in diet, containing farmed salmon and many other potentially harmful contaminants than wild salmon.

Although these impurities occur to be safe for the average person consumed moderate amounts, some experts have recommended that children and pregnant women eat only wild salmon ... just to be on the safe side.

Salmon is healthy, no matter how you look

It is a good idea to eat oily fish such as salmon. Once or twice a week for optimal health

It also comes with other useful load nutrients [8] , is very abundant (and thus weight loss [9] sympathetic), not to mention incredibly delicious.

The only real problem with farmed salmon is organic pollutants such as PCBs. If this is something that concerns you, then do some research on the origin of their salmon and choose one that has not been addressed in polluted waters.

Given the large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, quality protein [10] and valuable nutrients, I think the benefits of eating salmon (farmed or so) far outweigh the negative for most people.

Personally, I like the farmed salmon in the week, and I'm not worried about it. I would pick wild, if I could, but unfortunately not at this time available to me.

If wild salmon is readily available for you, then it is a better option. But farmed salmon is healthy ... just a little "less healthy" than wild salmon.


  1. ^ farms (en.wikipedia.org)
  2. ^ saturated fatty acids (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ omega-6: omega-3 (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ polychlorinated biphenyls (en.wikipedia.org)
  6. ^ dioxins (en.wikipedia.org)
  7. ^ Environmental Protection Agency (www.epa.gov)
  8. ^ nutrients (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ weight loss (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ protein (authoritynutrition.com)

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