Thursday, September 4, 2014

12 maps shows why people get fat

People are fatter and sicker than ever before.

Obesity tripled since 1980 and have grown particularly rapidly in children.

The reason why this happens is still debate among scientists, but must be due to changes in the environment, because our genes do not change so quickly.

Overweight woman eating junk food

This article contains graphs with historical trends and the results of studies on obesity, some of the main reasons why obesity has become a major problem.

Here are 12 charts that show why people get fat.

1 people eat more junk food than ever

Energy consumption, low

Source :. Dr. Stephan Guyenet fast food, weight gain and insulin resistance. [1] Whole Health Source.

People eat more calories [2] before ... but from processed foods was little of the increase.

In the above picture you can see how the population has changed his eating habits in the last 120-130 years.

At the turn of the 20th century, people ate simple, homemade meals. To 2009 was half of what the people ate fast food, or other food outside the home.

This figure underestimates the real change, because what people eat at home these days relies heavily on processed foods [3] .

2 rocketed Consumption of sugar in the level

Sugar consumption in the UK and USA

Source :. Johnson RJ, et al . Potential role of sugar (fructose) in the epidemic of hypertension, obesity and metabolic syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease and cardiovascular disease [4] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007 ,.

Added sugar [5] is the worst ingredient in the modern diet.

Many studies show that eating large amounts of sugar can have adverse effects on the metabolism, leading to insulin resistance, increased abdominal fat, high triglycerides and low, dense LDL [6] ... just to name but a few (Name 1 , 2 ) .

There are also a large number of observational studies show that people who eat more sugar at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer ( 3 , 4 , 5 ).

Sugar and fattening, partly because they are not registered as other calories for the brain in the same way, we eat more. She also has adverse effects on hormones obesity (related 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ).

Not surprisingly, studies show that people who eat more sugar [7] have a high risk for future weight gain and obesity ( 10 ).

3 people during the holidays to gain too much weight, you'll never get rid of

Holiday weight gain in the United States

Source :. Dr. Stephan Guyenet Why do we overeat? A neurobiological perspective. [8] in the 2014th

Most people do not gain weight overnight ... happens slowly, over years and decades.

But the rate is all year round and uneven peaks dramatically during the holidays, a time when people tend to binge on all types of holidays and delicious eating more than the body needs.

The problem is that sometimes people do not lose all the weight back. You could earn, but only 3 pounds lose 2 after the holidays are over, the slow and steady weight gain over time ( 11 ).

Indeed, much of the life of weight gain in the population can be explained only by the 6-week vacation.

4 obesity epidemic began when the low-fat guidelines were published

Guidelines fat and obesity epidemic

Source :. National Center for Health Statistics (USA) Health, United States, 2008 :. With Special Feature on the Health of Teenagers [9] March 2009 Graphics.

There was a widespread epidemic of heart disease in the United States in the 20th century.

Many scientists believe that fat, especially saturated fatty acids [10] , which is the main cause of heart disease in the diet (although this has been refuted [11] ).

This led to the birth of the low-fat diet [12] , the saturated fats should be limited. It is interesting that the same time began the obesity epidemic are almost exactly the low-fat guidelines.

Of course, this proves nothing, because correlation does not equal causation [13] .

But it seems likely that a focus on saturated fat, while low sugar high fat processed foods free pass may have contributed to the negative changes in the diet of the population.

There are also massive long-term studies show that low-fat diet does not lead to weight loss [14] , and does not prevent heart disease or cancer ( 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 ).

5 The food is cheaper than ever before

Trends in food prices as a percentage of disposable income

Source :. Dr. Stephan Guyenet Why do we overeat? A neurobiological perspective. [15] in the 2014th

One factor that has probably contributed to increased consumption, a decline in food prices.

From the above table we see that food prices by 25% of disposable income in 10% of disposable income in the past 80 years.

This seems to be a good thing, but it is important to note that real food is not cheap ... It is processed foods.

In fact, real foods are so expensive that many people can not even afford. In many poor neighborhoods, even separate junk food, which is often subsidized by the government have nothing.

How poor are to have a chance if the only food they can afford (and access) is highly undesirable processed foods high in sugar, refined grains and oils be added?

6 people drink more soda and sugary juices

The calorie consumption of beverages in the United States

The brain is the most important organ in the regulation of energy balance responsible ... so they do not starve and do not accumulate excess fat.

Well it turns out that the brain is not "registered" calorie liquid sugar in the same way as it does solid calories ( 16 ).

So if you eat a certain amount of calories from a sugary drink, your brain does not automatically make you eat less calories than anything else in its place ( 17 ).

How liquid calories sugar was added to the rule at the top of the daily caloric intake. Unfortunately, most fruit juices [16] are not better and have similar amounts of sugar, such as soft drinks ( 18 ).

Studies have shown that a single daily dose of a sugary drink is associated with an increased risk of 60.1% for overweight in children (associates 19 ).

Sugar is bad ... but the sugar in liquid form is even worse.

Contribute 7 more variety of foods to overeating and weight gain

Variety of food and weight gain

Source :. Dr. Stephan Guyenet Why do we overeat? A neurobiological perspective. [17] in the 2014th

One factor that has to overeating food choices.

The graph above shows a study in which rats were divided into 3 groups ... one group health shared regular chow, the second group received a kind of junk food, but the third has different types of junk food during ( 20 ).

As you can see, rats eating a kind of junk food deserves more than diet for rats, but rats eat different kinds of junk food benefited more ... for now.

There is some evidence that this is also true in humans. If we have different kinds of food, we eat more ... and sometimes more than our body needs ( 21 ).

8 people have not burn as many calories at work

Trends in physical activity with the profession

Source: Church TS, et al. Trends over 5 decades of physical activity with the American occupation and their associations with obesity. [18] PLoS One 2011th

Many people blame obesity decreased physical activity, we burn fewer calories than before.

Although the increase of leisure time physical (exercise), it is also true that people are now less physically demanding jobs.

The graph above shows how the people now burn about 100 calories less per day to their jobs, which can contribute to weight gain over time.

9 people eat more vegetable oils, especially of processed foods

The fat content in the United States

The fats we eat has has changed in the last 100 years.

In the 20th century, we mostly ate fat naturally as butter [19] and lard ... but they have replaced by margarine [20] and vegetable oils.

Most people are not really fried in vegetable oil [21] foods that are processed. The addition of these oils for the food reward and increase the caloric value, contributing excessive consumption.

10 social environment can affect the calories burned strongly

The social environment and the food intake

Source :. Dr. Stephan Guyenet Why do we overeat? A neurobiological perspective. [22] in the 2014th

The social environment is another factor that determines the calorie intake. For example, eating in a group, the number of calories consumed greatly increase.

After a paper lunch with several people, you can make your calorie intake by 72% (to increase, or 310 calories in a meal 22 ).

Studies also show that people tend to spend more on weekends (eating 23 ).

11 people sleep less

Historical patterns of sleep per night

Source: Cauter EV, et al. The effects of sleep deprivation on hormones and metabolism. Medscape of 2005.

Sleep is often overlooked when it load to gain and obesity.

It is known that sleep disturbance has negative effects on various hormones that are associated with weight gain, and can lead to increased hunger and cravings (started 24 , 25 , 26 ).

In recent decades, the average sleep duration decreased 1-2 hours per night. The reasons are many, but the increase in artificial lighting and electronics may have contributed.

It turns out that short sleep duration is one of the most important factors of individual risk for obesity. It is associated with an increased risk of 89% in children at risk, and by 55% in adults (risk 27 ).

12 increase in caloric intake

Obesity and caloric intake

Source :. Dr. Stephan Guyenet Why do we overeat? A neurobiological perspective. [23] in 2014 (data from NHANES data for the CDC and USDA food disappearance)

People can argue either sugar, carbohydrates, fats, or anything else about the causes of obesity. ...

But one indisputable fact is that the calorie intake has in recent decades (increased 28 , 29 ).

Studies suggest that increased caloric intake is more than adequate to increases in obesity (Account 30 ).

But it is important to note that this is not a collective moral failure, which causes an increase of calorie intake.

All behavior is altered by the underlying biology ... and how diet and environment have changed how our brains and driven hormones [24] work.

In other words, these changes caused failures in biological systems, which supposedly prevent the growth of us.

This is the real reason the calorie intake and increased weight gain, not for lack of will, as some would have us believe.


  1. ^ fast food, weight gain and insulin resistance. (
  2. ^ more calories (
  3. ^ processed foods (
  4. ^ The potential of sugar (fructose) in the epidemic of hypertension, obesity and metabolic syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease and cardiovascular disease paper. (
  5. ^ sugar (
  6. ^ LDL (
  7. ^ sugar (
  8. ^ Why we eat too much? A neurobiological perspective. (
  9. ^ Health, USA, 2008 :. With Special Feature on the Health of Teenagers (
  10. ^ saturated fatty acids (
  11. ^ refuted (
  12. ^ fat diet (
  13. ^ correlation does not equal causation (
  14. ^ weight loss (
  15. ^ Why we eat too much? A neurobiological perspective. (
  16. ^ juices (
  17. ^ Why we eat too much? A neurobiological perspective. (
  18. ^ Trends over 5 decades of physical activity with the American occupation and their associations with obesity. (
  19. ^ butter (
  20. ^ margarine (
  21. ^ vegetable oil (
  22. ^ Why we eat too much? A neurobiological perspective. (
  23. ^ Why we eat too much? A neurobiological perspective. (
  24. ^ hormones (

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