Tuesday, September 16, 2014

12 proven benefits of lawyers (No. 5 is very impressive)

Half a woman's face, with a lawyer The lawyer is a special type of fruit.

Most fruits are composed mainly of carbohydrates, while the Council is rich in healthy fats.

Many studies show that has strong positive effects on health.

Here are 12 health benefits of avocados that are supported by scientific research.

1 avocado is incredibly nutrient

What we call "lawyer" is the fruit [1] of the avocado tree, Persea americana called ( 1 ).

This fruit is highly valued for its high nutritional value and added to all sorts of dishes, due to its good taste and a rich texture. It is the main component in guacamole [2] .

These days, the lawyer has become a very popular food among the health conscious people. It is often called Super ... which is not surprising considering its health properties (by 2 ).

There are several types of lawyers, and the shape (round, pear-shaped) and color (green to black) may vary between them. You can also eight ounces (220 grams) weigh up to 3 pounds (1.4 kg).

The most popular type is called Avocado Hass [3] .

This is what a typical lawyer is as follows:

Halved avocado

Often referred to as "avocado", which is very clear, as it tends to be pear-shaped and has a bumpy green skin ... like a crocodile.

Flesh yellow-green color of the fruit is eaten, but the skin and seeds are discarded.

Lawyers are highly nutritious and contain a variety of nutrients, including vitamins and 20 different minerals.

Here are some of the most common foods in a 3.5 ounces (100 grams) Service ( 3 ):

  • Vitamin K: 26% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Folic acid: 20% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Potassium: 14% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Vitamin B5: 14% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B6: 13% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin E: 10% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Will contain small amounts of magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (Niacin).

This comes with 160 calories [4] , 2 grams protein [5] and 15 grams of healthy fats. Although it contains 9 g carbohydrates, 7 fibers, so that there is only 2 carbs "red", which is a low carb [6] friendly food crops.

Avocados contain no cholesterol or sodium , and low in saturated fats . I personally do not think it matters, but it's one of the reasons they. Many experts "old school," who still believe that these things are favored inherently dangerous
[7] [8]

Conclusion. "Alligator pear" The lawyer is a green pear-shaped fruit often referred to is loaded with healthy fats, fiber and several important nutrients.

2 They contain more potassium than bananas


Potassium [9] is a nutrient that most people do not get enough ( 4 ).

This helps electrical gradient nutrient body cells and serves several important functions.

Lawyers are actually very high in potassium ... with 100 grams (3.5 ounces) contains 14% of the recommended daily dose, compared with 10% of the bananas, which are rich in potassium (typical food are 5 ).

Several studies show that (accidents connected with a high potassium intake reduced blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure 6 ).

Conclusion: Potassium is an important mineral that most people do not get enough. Avocados are rich in potassium, which is designed to support healthy blood pressure levels.

3 Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids for healthy heart

Avocado oil

Again, the avocado is a food rich in fat.

In fact, 77% of the calories in it are fat, making it one of the foods that is rich in vegetable fat.

But they contain no fat ... most of the fat in avocados is oleic acid [10] .

This is a monounsaturated fatty acid is the main component of olive oil [11] and is considered responsible for some of its positive effects.

Oleic acid with reduced inflammation has been shown to have beneficial effects on cancer-related (gene 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ).

The fats in avocados are also very resistant to oxidation caused by heat, so avocado oil [12] a safe and healthy choice for cooking [13] .

Conclusion: Lawyers and Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, a fatty "heart healthy" is assumed acid that be one of the main reasons why the health benefits of olive oil.

Four avocados are high in fiber

Smiling young woman with a lawyer

Fiber [14] is another nutrient in relatively large amounts of avocado found.

The fiber is not digestible plant material that can contribute to weight loss, to reduce peak blood glucose and is strongly associated with a reduced risk of many diseases (associated 11 , 12 , 13 ).

A distinction is often between soluble and insoluble fibers.

Soluble fiber is known to be capable of friendly intestinal bacteria in the gut that for the optimal functioning of our body (diet are very important 14 ).

At 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, or 27% of the recommended daily amount.

About 25% of the soluble fiber is a lawyer, while 75% is insoluble ( 15 ).

Conclusion: The lawyers are high in fiber typically amounts to about 7%, which is very high compared to most other foods to be. The fiber can produce a variety of benefits for weight loss and metabolic health.

5 lawyers foods can lower cholesterol and triglycerides

Heart and stethoscope

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide ( 16 ).

It is known that a plurality of markers in the blood is associated with increased risk.

These include cholesterol, triglycerides, markers of inflammation, blood pressure, and others.

The impact of the prosecutor in some of these risk factors examined in controlled human studies 8.

These are studies in which people divided into groups ... One group is responsible for eating avocados, while the other does not. The researchers then see what happens to your blood markers over time.

These studies showed that the case attorney ( 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 ):

  • Significantly reduce total cholesterol levels.
  • Reduce triglycerides in the blood up to 20%.
  • Lower LDL cholesterol up to 22%.
  • Increases HDL ("good") cholesterol by up to 11%.

One study showed that a lawyer improved in a low-fat vegetarian diet cholesterol profile ( 24 ).

Unfortunately, not all human studies were small (13-37 subjects) and short term (1-4 weeks), but the results were even more impressive.

Conclusion: Many studies have shown that avocado consumption can improve risk factors for heart disease, such as total, LDL-and HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

6 people eat lawyers tend to be healthier

One study examined the eating habits and health of people who use the lawyers.

Data were analyzed from 17,567 participants in NHANES USA

Woman holding a green avocado

Consumer advocates were much healthier than people who do not eat to be avocados.

Had a much higher intake of nutrients and are only half as likely to have, metabolic syndrome [15] , a number of symptoms that a major risk factor for heart disease and diabetes (have 25 ).

People who regularly ate lawyers also weighed less, had lower BMI and less belly fat. They also had more HDL ("good cholesterol").

However ... correlation does not imply causality [16] , and there is no guarantee that the lawyers have caused these people healthier.

So I do not think this study is a large amount of weight.

Conclusion: A dietary survey showed that people who had eaten the lawyers have a much higher intake of nutrients and a lower risk of metabolic syndrome.

7 fat in them can help the absorption of nutrients from plant foods

Brunette eating salad with a fork

When it comes to nutrients, your total is not the only thing that matters.

We must also move in a position to absorb them ... it. Obtained from the intestinal tract and in the body where they can be used

Certain nutrients "soluble", meaning combined use with grease.

These include vitamins A, D, E and K, ... with antioxidants such as carotenoids [17] .

A study has shown that the addition of avocado, avocado oil or salad dressing or can the intake of antioxidants from 2.6 to 15 times (increase 26 ).

So ... not only very nutritious lawyer, you can clearly see the nutritional value of other plant foods that you eat to increase.

This is a good reason, always a source of healthy fats by eating vegetables. Without it many nutrients beneficial herbs lost.

Conclusion: Studies have shown that consumption of avocado or avocado oil shown with vegetables, the amount of antioxidants that you take to increase significantly.

8 Lawyers are loaded with powerful antioxidants that protect the eyes

Eyes on white background

Not only lawyers increases the antioxidant absorption from other foods are also rich in antioxidants.

This includes nutrient called lutein and zeaxanthin, which (are extremely important for the health of the eyes 27 , 28 ).

Studies show that these nutrients (are jointly associated with a significant reduction in risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in older people 29 , 30 ).

Therefore, attorneys food for eye health benefits should in the long term.

Conclusion: Avocados are rich in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients are important for eye health and the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts reduce.

9 attorney can help prevent cancer

Immature Three lawyers

There is little evidence that avocado can be beneficial in the prevention of cancer.

A study has shown that they contribute to side effects of chemotherapy in human lymphocytes ( 31 ).

Avocado extract has also been shown to promote the growth of prostate cancer cells, to inhibit ( 32 ).

Note, however, that these studies were performed in isolated cells and not really about what prove something in your life, the human respiratory happens.

Conclusion: studies on isolated cells showed that the nutrients of the avocados may be advantages in the prevention of prostate cancer, and the reduction of the side effects of chemotherapy in a number of cells.

Withdraw 10 lawyer can help treat the symptoms of arthritis

Arthritis is a common problem in Western countries. There are many types of arthritis, is often chronic problems that people have for the rest of their lives.

Lawyer on a wooden table

Several studies have shown that extracts of avocado and soybean oil called avocado and soy unsaponifiable [18] , the symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis call (reduce 33 , 34 ).

That lawyers themselves may have this effect, not only the extract remains to be seen.

Conclusions: Studies have shown that an extract of avocado and soya greatly reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

11 Eating lawyer can help you lose weight

Woman a scale and measuring tape

There is some evidence that lawyers are an easy way to weight loss foods.

In one study, people were divided into groups. One group was instructed to have a meal with a lawyer, the other to eat a single meal without a lawyer.

They were then asked a series of questions to hunger and satiety together.

People who eat the lawyer felt satisfied and 23% have less desire to 28% in the next 5 hours (eat 35 ).

If this is true, in the long run, while lawyers in your diet, you can naturally eat less calories [19] and an easier time sticking to a healthy diet.

Avocados are rich in fiber and very low in carbohydrates [20] , two attributes that should also help promote weight loss [21] , at least as part of a healthy diet to real food.

12 attorney is delicious and easy to integrate in the diet

House Guacamole

Not only lawyers in good health, but also incredibly tasty and with all types of food.

You can add to salads and different kinds of recipes, or you just can just pick it up with a spoon and eat them plain.

They have a rich and creamy, oily texture and mix well with a variety of other ingredients.

A remarkable speech is the guacamole, which is probably the most famous lawyers operate. Contains avocado with ingredients such as salt, garlic [22] , lime and some others, depending on the recipe.

A lawyer often takes a while to mature, and you should have something soft when they feel ready. The nutrients in avocado oxidized shortly after concretization, but lemon juice is added, then this should not happen as quickly.

If you are serious about adding avocado to your diet, then I recommend you to watch this video [23] on how to choose, prepare and eat avocado.

At the end of the day, lawyers are a good food. They are full of nutrients, many of which are missing in the modern diet.

They are easy weight loss, heart health and ... last but not least, the amazing taste.

What can you ask of a food more?


  1. ^ fruits (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ guacamole (en.wikipedia.org)
  3. ^ Hass avocado (en.wikipedia.org)
  4. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ protein (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ Low-Carb (authoritynutrition.com)
  7. ^ sodium (authoritynutrition.com)
  8. ^ saturated fatty acids (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ potassium (en.wikipedia.org)
  10. ^ oleic acid (en.wikipedia.org)
  11. ^ olive oil (authoritynutrition.com)
  12. ^ avocado oil (www.amazon.com)
  13. ^ Koch (authoritynutrition.com)
  14. ^ fiber (authoritynutrition.com)
  15. ^ metabolic syndrome (www.mayoclinic.org)
  16. ^ correlation does not imply causality (en.wikipedia.org)
  17. ^ carotenoids (en.wikipedia.org)
  18. ^ avocado and soya unsaponifiables (www.amazon.com)
  19. ^ less calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  20. ^ carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  21. ^ weight loss (authoritynutrition.com)
  22. ^ Garlic (authoritynutrition.com)
  23. ^ The video (www.youtube.com)

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