Sunday, September 7, 2014

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid): A detailed analysis

Frustrated woman with a pill and a glass of water Not all fats are created equal.

Some of them are used only for energy, while other strong effects on health.

CLA (short for "conjugated linoleic acid" acid) is a fatty acid which belongs to the second group ( 1 ).

It is naturally found in beef and dairy products, and it has been shown to fat loss in numerous studies (cause 2 ).

CLA is actually one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world, and some think it may have other health benefits, and ( 3 ).

This article takes a detailed report on CLA and its effects on body weight and general appearance of health.

CLA means "conjugated linoleic acid"

I will explain what exactly conjugated linoleic acid ...

Linoleic acid is the most common omega-6, which is found in large quantities in the acid plant oil [1] , but also in smaller amounts in other foods.

The term conjugate [2] refers to the determination of the double bonds in the fatty acid molecule.

There are actually 28 different forms of CLA, but the two most important are "c9, t11" and "t10 c12" ( 4 ).

Image normal linoleic acid in the top looks with the two main forms of conjugated linoleic acid follows ( 5 ):

Linoleic acid CLA vs

CLA contains two cis (c) and trans (t) double bonds, and the numbers (like t10, c12, etc.), to dealing with the implementation of these requirements in the fatty acid chain.

The difference between the forms of CLA is that the double bonds (seen as a double line in the figure) are arranged differently, but it is important to note that some as small as they can make a great difference to the cells.

So ... basically the CLA is a polyunsaturated fatty acid with two double bonds, cis and trans. In other words, the CLA is technically a Trans-fatty acids, but is a natural type of trans fats in many healthy foods (found 6 ).

Many studies show that industrial trans fats [3] are harmful, while naturally trans-fatty acids in foods of animal origin are not (occurring in July , August , September ).

Conclusion: There are 28 different forms of CLA, a fatty acid found in some foods. Technically, it is a trans fat, but very different from the industrial trans fats.

You may think that the CLA found in meat and dairy products, especially if the animals fed grass


The main dietary sources of CLA are foods of animal origin in ruminants [4] , such as cows, goats and sheep.

The total amount of CLA in these foods varies greatly depending on what they are animals (eat 10 ).

For example, the content of CLA in beef and dairy products is 300-500% higher from grass-fed cows [5] , compared with cows grain ( 11 ).

Most people who already receive some CLA in the diet ... the average consumption in the United States is about 151 mg per day for women and 212 mg for men ( 12 ).

However ... is important to note that supplements are derived from natural foods in CLA.

Healthy comprises a chemical modification of sunflower and safflower oils, vegetable oils. Linoleic acid into conjugated linoleic acid oil by a chemical process (the equivalent of 13 ).

The scale is greatly distorted forms completed. Food is the most time c9, t11, while supplements are rich in t10, c12, that's in large quantities in nature (No 14 , 15 ).

Therefore, the CLA will have taken in supplement form not taken the same health effects of CLA in the diet.

Conclusion: The main dietary sources of CLA are ruminants such as cows, goats and sheep. The type of CLA is found in supplements performed by chemical modification of vegetable oils.

As CLA works? What is the mechanism?

The biological activity of CLA was discovered in 1987 by a team of researchers has shown that in the fight against cancer in mice (help 16 ).

Woman drinking through a straw pills

Later, other researchers have found that it also body fat percentage (reduction 17 ).

Obesity has increased worldwide, people have more interest in CLA as a possible treatment for weight loss to be.

This has been studied carefully [6] , and it has been shown that various anti-obesity CLA mechanisms ( 18 ).

This is due to the intake of food (in calories) to reduce the increased fat burning (calories), which stimulate the lipid metabolism and inhibition of the production of the same ( 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 ).

That is, the cellular mechanisms and animal studies are fun and exciting (for me anyway), but what you probably want to know whether it is lost to actual pounds when taken by humans leads.

Conclusion: CLA caused huge amounts of fat loss in animal studies and identified several biological mechanisms.

CLA can really help you lose weight?

A man who needs to lose weight

Fortunately, we have some studies that have been made in full CLA.

In fact may be that CLA the extra weight of the defeat of the most studied in detail in the world.

Many studies called randomized controlled trials [7] , the gold standard of scientific experiments on humans.

Studies have shown that CLA may result in a significant loss of fat in humans (Score 23 ).

It has also been shown that the body composition, reducing body fat and improving sometimes increases muscle mass ( 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 ).

But before you jump up and down to start in the excitement, the view that many other studies show absolute (no effect 28 , 29 , 30 ).

Summarized in a position paper, the data from 18 large controlled studies CLA has been found to moderate fat loss (cause 31 ).

The effects are most pronounced in the first 6 months and then slowly moved up to 2 years.

This is a curve of the arc. You can see how the weight loss increases with time:

Whigham, et al. 2007 CLA and fat loss

According to this document, the CLA can cause average weight loss of 0.1 kg per week, or 0.2 pounds per week for about six months.

Another published study in 2012 showed that CLA caused about 3 pounds (1.3 kg) more weight loss than placebo, a placebo (pill 32 ).

A quote from the study:

"Our meta-analysis also revealed a significant difference in fat loss promoting CLA ... The magnitude of these effects is small, and the clinical significance is unclear. Unwanted include constipation, diarrhea and loose stools events."

I agree ... the effects of weight loss can be statistically significant, but are so small that they make no sense in the real world ... and there are possible side effects.

It has been shown that CLA supplementation cause fat loss, but the effects of small, unreliable and make little difference in the real world, are: Bottom Line.

Of course, the health benefits of CLA

In nature, the CLA is found mainly in meat and fatty dairy products [8] of ruminants.

Butter in a small bowl

Many observational studies have been conducted to examine the long-term, whether people who consume more CLA a lower or higher risk of the disease.

Several of these studies have shown that people who receive a large amount of CLA in the diet, is a lower risk of [9] of different diseases, including type 2 diabetes, and cancer ( 33 , 34 , 35 ).

Furthermore, studies in countries where cows eat grass, people with the most CLA in their body have a lower risk for heart disease ( 36 ).

This can be a bit fed the CLA or other protection elements in grass, have vitamin K2 to do than animal products.

Of course, meat and milk products in the lawn are healthy for several other reasons [10] , so it is a good idea to eat regularly.

Conclusion: Many studies show that people who eat more CLA improved metabolic health and reduce the risk of many diseases.

High doses can cause serious side effects

Young upset stomach

There is some evidence that CLA occurs naturally in foods is beneficial.

But, as already mentioned, the CLA is found in supplements is formed from linoleic acid to chemically modify unhealthy [11] vegetable oils.

CLA supplementation is generally a different form of CLA in the diet in the t10, c12-type is much greater.

As so often is the case, molecules and nutrients advantageous if, be harmful in the actual amounts in natural foods, when we started, but in large doses.

According to some studies, this seems to be the case [12] with CLA supplementation.

These studies have shown that high doses of CLA increased accumulation of fat causes the liver [13] , which (is a cornerstone for the metabolic syndrome and diabetes 37 , 38 , 39 ).

There are also numerous studies in animals and humans, showing that despite the reduction in body fat, CLA can drive the inflammation, lead to insulin resistance and low HDL ("good") cholesterol ( 40 , 41 ).

To be honest, most animal studies have shown that these disruptive effects have used large doses much higher than regular supplements.

However, some of these studies were in men, with reasonable doses, indicating that these are real concerns with CLA supplementation.

CLA can also cause other, less serious side effects such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and bloating ( 42 ).

Conclusion: In the majority of CLA supplementation CLA differs from naturally occurring in foods. Several studies have found CLA troublesome side effects, such as increased fat in the liver.

Dosage and Safety

Oil capsules

Most studies have used doses is from 3.2 to 6.4 g per day.

Note that the risk of side effects, as the dose increases.

The FDA allows CLA, the food is added and is a GRAS (generally regarded as safe).

However, these are the same organizations, the soybean oil and corn syrup, high fructose corn said "sure", so take it with a grain of salt [14] .

If you take it?

Personally, I do not think that losing a few pounds increased liver fat metabolism and health is worth the risk, deteriorated.

If you do not agree and you still want to take CLA supplements, then I recommend you to supervise regular blood tests for liver function and other metabolic markers, to ensure that you are not injured.

Although beef and milk products is beneficial CLA, taking classes "against nature" of chemically modified vegetable oils based on ALC seems like a bad idea.

With a six-pack is great, but there are other better ways to lose fat [15] does not give you a fatty liver and diabetes in the process.


  1. ^ vegetable oils (
  2. ^ conjugate (
  3. ^ industrial trans fats (
  4. ^ ruminants (
  5. ^ cows grass (
  6. ^ pretty good (
  7. ^ randomized controlled trials (
  8. ^ Dairy (
  9. ^ safer (
  10. ^ other reasons (
  11. ^ unhealthy (
  12. ^ seems to be the case (
  13. ^ liver (
  14. ^ salt (
  15. ^ best ways to lose fat (

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