Monday, September 29, 2014

Leptin and leptin resistance: Everything you need to know

Many people mistakenly believe that weight gain (and loss [1] ) is all about calories and will.

, Modern research on obesity, however, is not right ... and scientists increasingly on a hormone called leptin (drawn 1 ).

(Resistant to the effects of this hormone (leptin resistance) is now in the people as the primary driver of fat accumulation 2 ).

In the video above, Dr. Stephan Guyenet an obesity researcher and blogger , explains everything you need to know about it as leptin and obesity involved.
[2] [3] [4]

Meeting leptin - the hormone that "Master" that regulates body weight

Woman standing on scales, frustrated

Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells in the body (made 3 ).

It is often called the "satiety hormone" or the "hunger hormone" called.

Leptin is the main target in the brain, particularly an area called the hypothalamus [5] .

Leptin to the brain that we have stored enough fat to say we do not need to eat, and we can calories at a normal rate (burn 4 ).

It also has many other features to fertility, immunity, brain function and other (related 5 ).

, However, the main function of leptin, the long-term regulation of energy balance ... the amount of calories, [6] , we eat and spent, and the amount of fat we store in our bodies ( 6 ).

The leptin system has evolved to hunger and overeating, both of us less likely, made to survive in the wilderness to avoid.

These days, leptin is very effective in order not to starve. But something is in the mechanism that should prevent us from overeating, is broken.

Conclusion: Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells in the body. Its main function is to regulate the amount of calories you consume and burn, and the amount of fat we carry in our bodies.

Leptin is to tell the brain that we need to eat,

How does leptin is relatively simple ...

This hormone is produced by fat cells in the body. The more body fat you have, the more leptin (occurring in July ).

Leptin is transported by the blood and the brain, where a signal is sent to the hypothalamus ... the area of the brain that controls when and how much to eat ( 8 ).

Fat cells used leptin "say" the brain how much body fat they carry. Many Leptin tells the brain that we have a lot of stored fat, while low leptin levels tell the brain that fat reserves are low, and in danger of starving (have 9 ).

This diagram shows how it should be leptin function:

Functional diagram of leptin

Food -> body fat increases -> Leptin increases -> to eat less and burn more.

Or ...

We Do not Eat -> fat -> Leptin drops - eat> more and consume less.

This type of system is known as a negative feedback [7] , and the loop is similar to the controls ... various physiological functions, such as respiration, body temperature, blood pressure, and others.

Conclusion: The most important function of leptin signals the brain, "says" is the amount of fat stored in the fat cells of the body.

Leptin resistance may be a primary defect biological obesity

Obese people have a lot of body fat in fat cells.

Because fat cells, leptin in proportion to their size, have obese people also high leptin levels ( 10 ).

Considering how to leptin function, should not eat your brains ... must know that they. A lot of stored energy

Obese vs slim woman

But ... the problem is that the leptin signal does not work. Many of leptin in circulation, but the brain does not "see" that there are ( 11 ).

This condition is known as leptin resistance. It is considered today as the most important biological abnormality of the human obesity ( 12 ).

When the brain the signal of leptin, which a mistake to believe that the body is hungry, even if you have stored more than enough energy.

This causes the brain [8] change our physiology and behavior in order to recover the brain think that we fat ( 13 , 14 , 15 ):

  • Food: The brain thinks that we have to eat, so do not starve.
  • Reduced energy costs: The brain thinks that we need to conserve energy, so we feel makes us lazy and burn fewer calories at rest.

So ... eat more and exercise less is not the cause of weight gain is the result of leptin resistance, a hormonal defect ( 16 ).

For most people trying to cognitive inhibition (the will) to exercise the hunger signal driven by leptin is almost impossible.

Conclusion: Obese people have high levels of leptin, leptin signal does not work because of a condition known as leptin resistance. Leptin resistance can cause hunger and reduces energy consumption.

To lose weight, reduced leptin so the brain tries to gain weight

Frustrated woman eating red pepper

Most "diets" not good in the long-term work. It is good in weight loss studies-known problem.

The diets are so ineffective that when someone moves the thin obesity is considered a current material.

The truth is ... when it comes to losing weight, get long-term success, is the exception, not the rule.

There are many possible reasons, but research shows that leptin may be a lot in order to (have 17 , 18 ).

Weight loss reduces fat mass, which leads to a significant reduction of leptin levels, but not necessarily vice versa brain leptin resistance.

When leptin decreased, which burned to hunger, increased appetite, decreased motivation for exercise and the amount of calories at rest (by 19 , 20 ).

Basically, reduced leptin, the brain thinks it is hungry ... so give all kinds of powerful mechanisms to erroneously think the loss of body fat, which protects us from starving recover.

In other words, the brain active for more fat, the use of strong biochemical forces that compel us to eat again, the weight.

Most diets will be familiar with this ... Weight loss is often easy at first, especially if the motivation is high, but soon hunger cravings [9] and a reduced desire to settle year.

This is the main reason, "Jo-Jo" diet ... so many people lose a significant amount of weight, only to regain it (and then some).

Conclusion: When people lose fat, leptin levels were significantly reduced. The brain interprets this as a sign of hunger, change our biology and behavior that make us the lost fat.

What are the causes leptin resistance?

Overweight woman eating junk food

According to Dr. Guyenet behind several mechanisms of cellular resistance to leptin have been identified.

These include ( 21 , 22 ):

  1. Inflammation: inflammatory signaling in the hypothalamus is probably one of the main causes of leptin resistance in animals and humans.
  2. FFA: High free fatty acids in the blood fat metabolites increased in the brain and interfere with leptin signaling.
  3. High concentrations of leptin: High levels of leptin in the first place seems to cause leptin resistance.

Almost all of these factors increases in obesity ... so you can get a vicious circle in which to make the people more and leptin resistance with time.

Conclusion: The potential causes leptin resistance include inflammation, increased free fatty acids and high leptin. The three are elevated in obesity.

What science knows, reverse leptin resistance

Obese man in a smaller scale

The best way to know if you are leptin resistant, is to look in the mirror.

If you have a lot of body fat, especially in the abdominal area, then you are almost sure that the leptin resistance.

A key to preventing (or investment) leptin resistance, reduced inflammation through diet caused [10] .

There are several things you can do:

  • Avoid processed foods: Most processed foods [11] , the integrity and the unity of intestinal inflammation (compromising 23 ).
  • Eat soluble fiber: soluble food fiber [12] can improve the intestinal health and can combat obesity (before 24 ).
  • Exercise: Physical activity can reverse leptin resistance (help 25 ).
  • Sleep: Sleep deprivation has (been linked to problems with leptin 26 ).
  • Lower your triglyceride levels: with triglyceride levels in the blood may prevent the transport of leptin in the blood and in the brain ( 27 ). The best way to lower triglycerides, carbohydrate intake (reduction 28 ).
  • Eat protein: Eating many proteins [13] may result in automatic weight loss. There are many reasons why one of them, an improvement in the sensitivity of leptin (be 29 ).

Any of these sound familiar? These are many of the things we normally associate healthy.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this. Eat real food [14] , the maintenance of intestinal health, exercise, sleep, etc ... these are all efforts, the lives that require a radical change of lifestyle.

Home message

Obesity is not caused by greed, laziness or lack of willpower.

There are powerful forces biochemical involved ... which are driven primarily by changes in the environment and in particular the Western diet [15] .

The truth is ... everywhere that the regime, obesity and chronic diseases continue.

Not because this system makes people greedy and lazy, but because it changes our biology in a way that changes our behavior.

Although the causes of obesity are complex and varied, the leptin resistance is the main reason people gain weight [16] and so hard to lose.

Leptin is the "master hormone" in the regulation of body fat mass.


  1. ^ loss (
  2. ^ Video (
  3. ^ Dr. Stephan Guyenet (
  4. ^ Blogger (
  5. ^ hypothalamus (
  6. ^ calories (
  7. ^ negative feedback (
  8. ^ does the brain (
  9. ^ wishes (
  10. ^ induced inflammation diet (
  11. ^ processed foods (
  12. ^ fiber (
  13. ^ protein (
  14. ^ real food (
  15. ^ Western diet (
  16. ^ weight gain (

1 comment:

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