Sunday, May 24, 2015

11 Health Services Based on evidence of eating fish

Smile Man cutting fish head Fish is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

With important nutrients such as loaded proteins [1] and vitamin D.

Fish is also the world's best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for the body and the brain.

Here are 11 health benefits of eating fish, which are supported by the research.

1. Fish is rich in essential nutrients that do not get most people enough

Generally, all types of fish are good for you.

They are rich in many nutrients that not most people get enough.

This includes high quality protein, iodine and various vitamins and minerals.

However, some fish are better than others, and as a kind of oily fish healthier [2] .

This is because fatty fish (such as salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel) are rich in fat-based nutrients.

These include fat-soluble vitamin D, a nutrient that are deficient most people. It works like a steroid hormone in the body.

Oily fish in omega-3 fatty acid, is much higher. These fatty acids are to work for your body and brain essential optimally, and are closely associated with a lower risk of many diseases (connected 1 ).

It is recommended to eat oily fish at least once or twice a week to meet your omega-3.

Conclusion: The fish is rich in essential nutrients such as high-quality protein, iodine and several vitamins and minerals. Types of fatty fish are rich in omega-3 and vitamin D.

2. The fish can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes

Heart and stethoscope

Heart attacks and strokes are the two most common causes of premature death worldwide ( 2 ).

Fish is generally considered one of the best foods you can eat for a healthy heart.

Not surprisingly, many large observational studies showed that people who eat fish regularly appears to have a low risk of heart attacks, strokes and death by heart disease ( 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ).

In a study of 40,000 male health professionals in the United States, those who ate one or more servings of fish per week on a regular basis a 15% lower risk of heart disease ( 7 ).

Researchers believe that the types of fatty fish are beneficial to heart health because of their large amount of omega-3 fatty acid.

Conclusion: Eat at least one serving of fish per week was associated with a lower risk of worldwide heart attacks and strokes, two of the leading causes of death.

3. Fish contains nutrients which are necessary for the development of

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for growth and development.

Omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid [3] (DHA) is particularly important because it is in the developing brain and eyes ( 8 ).

For this reason, it is often that breastfeeding mothers recommended future and make sure that you (eating fatty enough omega-3 9 ).

However, there is a limitation, recommended to fish for pregnant women. Some fish are high in mercury [4] , which is ironically linked to brain development issues.

For this reason, pregnant women should not eat fish [5] , the low on the food chain (salmon, sardines, trout, etc.), and no more than 12 ounces (340 grams) per week are.

Pregnant women should also avoid raw fish and raw (like sushi), because it contains organisms that can cause fetal harm.

Conclusion: The fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the development of the brain and eyes. It is recommended to ensure nursing mothers and hopes that you eat enough omega-3.

4. Fish can increase gray matter in the brain and protect against age-related decline

One consequence of aging is that brain function often worsens (called cognitive decline with age).

This is normal in many cases, but there are serious neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Interestingly enough, many observational studies have shown that people who eat more fish a slower rate of cognitive decline ( 10 , 11 ).

A mechanism may be related to the gray matter in the brain. The gray matter [6] is contains the important functional brain tissue neurons process information, souvenir shop and make you a man.

Studies have shown that people who had to eat fish every week more gray matter in the brain centers that emotion and memory (Rules 12 ).

Bottom Line: Fish consumption is reduced brain function decline associated with age. People who eat fish regularly also more gray matter in the brain centers that control the memory and emotions.

5. Fish may help prevent and treat depression, so a happy man

Depression is a serious and very common mental disorder.

It is characterized by a low mood, sadness, loss of energy and loss of interest in life and work.

Woman under water, look Goldfish

Although not nearly so much talk, such as heart disease or obesity, depression [7] is currently one of the biggest health problems in the world.

Studies have shown that people who eat fish regularly are less likely to suffer from depression (suffer 13 ).

Many controlled studies have also found that omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for depression, and the efficacy of antidepressants (significantly increased 14 , 15 , 16 ).

What this means is that the fish can literally make a happy person, and to improve their quality of life.

Fish and Omega-3 fatty acids can (help with other mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder 17 ).

Conclusion: The omega-3 fatty acid can advantageously for depression, both on their own and when taken with antidepressants.

6. Fish is the only good food source of vitamin D

Vitamin D has attracted much attention in recent years entered the mainstream.

This important vitamin acts as a steroid hormone in the body, and a huge 41.6% of the US population is deficient in him ( 18 ).

Fish and fish products are the best dietary sources of vitamin D, by far. Fatty fish such as salmon and herring contain higher amounts ( 19 ).

One 4 ounces (113 grams) cooked salmon rug contains about 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D (inlet 20 ).

Some fish oils such as cod liver oil are also rich in vitamin D, providing more than 200% of the recommended one tablespoon (inlet 21 ).

If you do not get a lot of sun and not regularly eat oily fish, then you might want to consider taking a supplement of vitamin D [8] .

Conclusion: Oily fish is an excellent source of Vitamin D, an important nutrient that be bad than 40% of people.

7. Fish consumption with a lower risk of autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes

Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue.

An important example is Type 1 diabetes [9] , which the immune system attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas contains.

Several studies have shown that consumption of omega-3 or fish oil refers to 1 diabetes in children at less risk than a form of autoimmune diabetes in adults (type 22 , 23 , 24 ).

The results are preliminary, but researchers believe this may be the omega-3 and vitamin D found in fish oils and fish fatty acids.

Some believe that eating fish can reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, but current evidence is weak at best ( 25 , 26 ).

Bottom Line: placed fish consumption to a reduced risk of type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases in conjunction.

8. Fish can help asthma in children

Asthma [10] is a common condition that. by chronic inflammation of the airways

Unfortunately, asthma rates have dramatically in recent decades (increased 27 ).

Studies show that regular consumption of fish with a 24% lower risk of childhood asthma associated, but no significant effects in adults ( 28 ).

Conclusion: Some studies show that children who eat more fish have a lower risk of developing asthma.

9. Fish can protect your vision of aging

Eye on a white background

A disease called macular degeneration [11] is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness and affects mostly the elderly ( 29 ).

There is some evidence that fish acids and omega-3 fatty acids may offer protection against the disease.

In one study, regular consumption of fish with a 42% lower risk of macular degeneration in women was (associated 30 ).

Another study found that eating oily fish once a week with a risk reduction of 53% of neovascular ("wet") macular degeneration (associated 31 ).

Conclusion: People who eat more fish have a much lower risk of macular degeneration, the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness.

10. Fish can improve the quality of sleep

Sleep problems have become widespread around the world.

There are many reasons for this (such as increasing exposure to blue light [12] ), but some researchers believe that vitamin D deficiency may play a role ( 32 ).

In a 6-month study of 95 middle-aged men, a meal with salmon three times a week, it has improved so much sleep [13] and performance ( 33 ).

The researchers speculate that this caused by vitamin D in salmon.

Conclusion: There is preliminary evidence that the consumption of fatty fish like salmon may lead to better sleep.

11. The fish is delicious and easy to prepare

The latter is not a health benefit, but still very important.

It is the fact that fish is delicious and easy to prepare.

Therefore, it should be relatively easy to incorporate in your diet. Eating fish 1-2 times a week is considered enough to reap the rewards.

If possible, select fish in the wild trapped in cattle [14] . Wild fish tend to have more omega-3 and is less likely to be contaminated with harmful impurities.

In other words, even if the consumption of farmed fish, the benefits far outweigh the risks yet. All types of fish are good for you.


  1. ^ protein (
  2. ^ healthy (
  3. ^ docosahexaenoic acid (
  4. ^ high in mercury (
  5. ^ eat fish (
  6. ^ gray matter (
  7. ^ depression (
  8. ^ supplemental vitamin D (
  9. ^ Type 1 diabetes (
  10. ^ asthma (
  11. ^ macular degeneration (
  12. ^ exposure to blue light (
  13. ^ sleep (
  14. ^ breeding (

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Nordic diet: an evidence-based review

Man eating a plate of vegetables "Diet" last will appear in the media as a Nordic diet.

Proponents of this diet claim that you can improve your health by eating foods "Nordic".

These are the traditional foods often consumed by people in the Nordic countries.

Several studies have shown that the Nordic diet can weight loss, at least in the short run (cause and improve health markers, 1 , 2 ).

The eating behavior is also supported by the fact that obesity in the Nordic countries are much lower than in the US ( 3 ).

This article will explain everything you need to know about the Nordic diet. What to eat, what to avoid, health benefits, a review of research and a lot of advice.

What is the Nordic diet?

As the name implies, the Nordic diet is a way of eating that focuses on traditional dishes the Nordic countries [1] . (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland)

The Nordic system was created in 2004 by a group of nutritionists, scientists and managers to meet the increasing rates of obesity and unsustainable farming practices in the Nordic countries.

Compared to an average Western diet less sugar, less fat, fiber contains twice and twice Seafood ( 4 ).

Foods to eat and avoid

The Nordic regime locally grown and sustainable food sources, with a strong emphasis on food after the "mainstream" food science approach as well.

  • Frequent eating: fruits [2] , berries, vegetables, potatoes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, rye bread, fish, seafood, low-fat dairy products, herbs, spices and rapeseed ( canola [3] ) oil.
  • Eat in moderation: game, free range eggs [4] ., cheese and yogurt
  • Eat rarely: Other red meat [5] and animal fats.
  • Do not eat soft drinks, sugar [6] , meat products, food additives and refined foods quickly.

The Nordic diet is actually very similar to the Mediterranean diet [7] . The biggest difference is that it is on canola / rapeseed instead of concentrating extra virgin olive oil [8] .

Conclusion: The Nordic diet emphasizes traditional food from the Nordic countries. It is similar to the Mediterranean diet in many ways, and places special emphasis on plant foods and seafood.

Nordic Diet and Weight Loss

Several studies have evaluated the effects of weight loss in the Nordic diet.

In a study of 147 overweight men and women, those who nurture a Nordic lost 10.4 pounds (4.7 kg), while those who ate a typical Danish diet lost only 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg) ( 1 ).

That's pretty impressive, especially considering that people are not informed of the restriction calories [9] .

In a follow-up study a year later, participants in the Nordic diet had more weight in the rear (won 5 ).

These results are really very typical for long-term studies on weight loss. People lose weight at first, but then gradually over a period of 1-2 years.

A longer study the weight of the impact of the reduction in Nordic diet. In this study, six weeks, long, the Nordic diet group lost 4% of body weight compared to a standard diet ( 6 ).

Conclusion: The Nordic regime seems effective for weight loss, which can be short-term, even if the people asked to limit their caloric intake.

Health Benefits of Nordic diet

A healthy diet is about weight loss.

It can also lead to significant improvements in metabolic health and the risk of all kinds of serious illnesses.

The head in the face with a fish

Several studies have examined the effects of diet on Nordic markers of health.

Blood pressure

In a 6-month study of obese participants, Nordic diet reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure of 5.1 mmHg and 3.2, compared to a control system ( 1 ).

Another study of 12 weeks a significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure in participants with metabolic syndrome ( 7 ).

Cholesterol and triglycerides

Although the Nordic diet is rich in many "heart" healthy food, its impact on cholesterol and triglycerides are not compatible.

Some studies, but not others, showed a reduction in triglycerides and effects on LDL and HDL cholesterol seem so small that they can not reach statistical significance ( 1 , 2 ).

However, one study found a slight reduction in LDL-C / HDL-C and apo B / apo A1 and non-HDL cholesterol, the major risk factors for heart disease (are 2 ).

Glycemic control

The Nordic Diet does not seem very effective in reducing the sugar levels in the blood, but one study found a small reduction in fasting plasma glucose ( 1 , 2 ).


Chronic inflammation is an important factor for many serious illnesses.

The impact of diet on Nordic inflammation are mixed. In one study, a reduction in the inflammatory markers CRP, while the other found no statistically significant effect ( 1 , 2 ).

Another study found that the Nordic diet reduced the expression to inflammation in adipose tissue of the body (genes related 8 ).

Conclusion: The Nordic diet seems to be effective in reducing blood pressure. The effects on cholesterol, triglycerides blood sugar levels in the blood and inflammatory markers are small and irregular.

Environmental aspect of Nordic diet

The Nordic diet can be a good choice from an environmental perspective. It focuses on foods that are grown locally and sustainably grown.

Some foods advocates also recommend eating organic food.

Top news

The evidence behind the Nordic diet is not particularly impressive.

It causes weight loss in a short time, and some reduction in blood pressure and inflammatory markers, but the results seem to be weak and erratic.

At the end of the day, a diet that focuses on real food instead of the standard Western junk food is likely to result in weight loss [10] and improving health.

This has been made repeatedly in hundreds of studies on the various systems to the test.

However, there is nothing magical about the "Nordic" or food "eat like a Viking."

The diet works because it replaces processed foods [11] , with simple whole foods. That's all.


  1. ^ Nordic countries (
  2. ^ Fruits (
  3. ^ rape (
  4. ^ eggs (
  5. ^ red meat (
  6. ^ sugar (
  7. ^ the Mediterranean diet (
  8. ^ extra virgin olive oil (
  9. ^ calories (
  10. ^ weight loss (
  11. ^ processed foods (

Sunday, May 17, 2015

44 healthy low carb foods that have amazing taste

Woman with basket of eggs Cutting carbs can impressive benefits.

Has shown that a significant reduction in hunger levels (lead 1 ).

This tends to "automatic" carry weight loss [1] , without counting calories ( 2 ).

At least 23 studies [2] have shown that diets low in carbohydrates [3] usually perform more weight loss than low-fat diets, sometimes up to 2-3 times ( 3 , 4 ).

Cutting carbs can also many other advantages [4] for metabolic health ( 5 ).

This also includes a reduction in blood glucose, blood pressure and triglycerides and increases HDL ("good" cholesterol) and other ( 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ).

Fortunately, eating low carb does not have to be complicated.

Only basing your diet around low real food in carbohydrates [5] and you will lose weight and improve their health.

This is a list of 44 foods that are low in carbohydrates. Most of them are healthy, nutritious and incredibly tasty.

Total net carbs carbs vs

Under each meal I have the carbohydrate content of a standard dose, and the number of carbohydrates listed in a portion of 100 grams.

Note, however, that some of these foods are high in fiber, so sometimes digest ("red") carbohydrate content is even lower.

1. Egg (near zero)

Eggs [6] are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods in the world.

They are for all kinds of nutrients, including important responsibility brain nutrients, [7] and compounds (can improve the health of the eyes 11 , 12 ).

Carbohydrates: almost zero.


All meats are almost zero carbohydrates. An exception is waste material, such as the liver, which (is about 5% carbohydrate 13 ).

Brunette with a dish of meat and vegetables

2. Boeuf (null)

Meat [8] it is abundant and full of important nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12. There are dozens of different types of meat, minced meat mincemeat.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

3. Lamb (zero)

Such as beef, lamb [9] Meat contains many valuable nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12. Lamb is often fed grass, and tend to be high in healthy fatty acids called conjugated linoleic acid or CLA [10] ( 14 ).

Carbohydrates: Zero.

4. Chicken (zero)

Chicken is among the most popular meat in the world. It is rich in many valuable nutrients and an excellent source of protein [11] .

If you are on a low-carb diet, then it may be a better option to go for bolder reductions [12] , like the wings and legs.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

5. pork, including bacon (usually zero)

Pork [13] is a different kind of delicious meat and bacon [14] it is the favorite of many people on low-carb diet.

Bacon is meat, so it's certainly not a "health food". However, it is generally okay to eat moderate amounts of fat in a diet low in carbohydrates.

Just try to buy their bacon on site, no artificial ingredients, ensuring not to burn your fat when cooking.

Carbohydrates: Zero. But read the label and bacon that is cured with sugar to avoid.

6. Jerky (usually zero)

Jerky [15] is meat cut into strips and dried. While no added sugar or artificial ingredients, may then not equal a perfect low carbohydrate snacks.

Note, however, that many is available in jerky highly processed and unhealthy. Your best bet is to make your own.

Carbohydrates: Depends type. If it is meat and spices, then it should be near zero.

Other low-carb meat

  • Turkey
  • Veal
  • Deer
  • Bison

Fish and Seafood

Seafood are to be very healthy and nutritious normally.

Young girl with salmon

They are particularly rich in vitamin B12, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids, nutrients that not many people get enough.

As meat, nearly all fish and shellfish contain almost no carbohydrates.

7. Salmon (zero)

Salmon is one of the most popular types of fish among health-conscious people, and for good reason.

It is a type of fat fish that it contains significant amounts of heart-healthy fats in this case means that is omega-3.

Salmon is also loaded with B12, iodine and contains a good amount of vitamin D3 [16] .

Carbohydrates: Zero.

8. Trout (zero)

Such as salmon, trout is a type of fatty fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and other important nutrients.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

9. (zero) Sardines

Sardines are oily fish, almost everything, bones and all are eaten often.

Sardines are the nutrient-rich foods [17] on the planet, and almost all only nutrients that the body needs included.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

10. molluscs (4-5% carbohydrate)

It is unfortunate that people molluscs are rarely set menus. However, they are among the most nutritious foods in the world, occupying almost spoiled when it comes to nutrient density.

Deposits tend to contain small amounts of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates: 4.5 g of carbohydrates per 100 g shellfish.

Less carbohydrates Seafood

  • Shrimp
  • Haddock
  • Lobster
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Cod
  • Catfish
  • Halibut


Most vegetables are low in carbohydrates. Leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables are particularly low, with most of the carbohydrates in them fibers.

Unhappy woman with a plate of vegetables

In addition, the starchy root vegetables like are potatoes [18] and the sweet potato [19] are rich in carbohydrates.

11. Broccoli (7%)

Broccoli [20] is a tasty cruciferous vegetables that can be eaten raw or cooked. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber [21] , and also contains powerful phytochemicals fight cancer.

Carbohydrate: 6 grams per cup, or 7 grams per 100 grams.

12. tomatoes (4%)

Tomatoes [22] are technically fruits / berries, but usually eaten as a vegetable. They are rich in vitamin C and potassium.

Carbohydrates: 7 grams in a large tomato or 4 grams per 100 grams.

13 onions (9%)

Onions [23] are among the tastiest land plants, and enter strong taste recipes. They are rich in fiber, antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory compounds.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per cup, or 9 grams per 100 grams.

14 Brussels sprouts (7%)

Brussels sprouts are very nutritious vegetable related to broccoli and kale. They are very rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, and contain many beneficial phytochemicals.

Carbohydrate: 6 grams per half cup or 7 grams per 100 grams.

Cauliflower 15 (5%)

Cauliflower is a delicious and versatile vegetable that can be used to do all kinds of interesting things in the kitchen. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per cup, and 5 grams per 100 grams.

16 Kale (10%)

Kale is a very popular vegetable among health conscious people. It is loaded with fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and antioxidants carotene. Kale has many health benefits [24] .

Carbohydrates: 7 grams per cup or 10 grams per 100 grams.

17. Eggplant (6%)

Eggplant is another fruit that is commonly eaten as a vegetable. It has many valuable applications, and is very rich in fiber.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per cup, or 6 grams per 100 grams.

18. Cucumber (4%)

Cucumber is a popular vegetable with a mild flavor. It consists mainly of water with a small amount of vitamin K.

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per half cup or 4 grams per 100 grams.

19 peppers (6%)

Peppers are fruit / vegetable with a distinct flavor and popular satisfactory. They are rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants carotene.

Carbohydrates: 9 grams per cup, or 6 grams per 100 grams.

20. The bolt (2%)

Asparagus is a delicious vegetable spring. It is rich in fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin K and antioxidants carotene. It is also very rich in proteins [25] compared to most vehicles.

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per cup or 2 grams per 100 grams.

21. Beans (7%)

The green beans are technically legumes but generally in a similar manner as vegetables consumed.

Calories for calories that an extremely high in many nutrients, including fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium and potassium.

Carbohydrate: 8 grams per cup, or 7 grams per 100 grams.

22 Mushrooms (3%)

Mushrooms are technically plants, but edible fungi are often classified as a vegetable. Contain decent amounts of potassium and are rich in certain vitamins B.

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per cup, and 3 g per 100 g (mushrooms).

Other low-carb vegetables

  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Zucchini
  • Chard
  • Cabbage

Except for the starchy root vegetables, almost all vegetables are low in carbohydrates. You can eat a lot of vegetables carbohydrates without exceeding the limit.

Fruits and berries

Although the result of [26] usually perceived as healthier, they are very controversial [27] between carbers low.

In fact, most fruits are generally rich in carbohydrates, compared to the vegetables.

Woman holding avocado green, 550px

Depending on the amount of carbohydrates you are going, you may want to limit your intake of fruits in 1-2 pieces per day.

However, this does not apply to oil crops such as avocado or olive. Berries are in low sugar, such as strawberries, they are also very good.

23. Lawyer (8.5%)

The lawyer [28] is a unique kind of fruits. Rather than rich in carbohydrates, with the loaded healthy fats [29] .

Avocados are high in fiber and potassium and contain decent amounts of all kinds of other nutrients [30] .

Carbohydrates: 13 g per cup, or 8.5 grams per 100 grams.

Note that most (about 78%) of the carbohydrates in the lawyer are fibers that are substantially free of digestible carbohydrates ("red") is.

24. olive (6%)

The Olive is another delicious fruit rich in fat. It is very rich in iron and copper, and contains a good amount of Vitamin E.

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per ounce, or 6 grams per 100 grams.

25 Strawberries (8%)

Strawberries are among the lowest in carbohydrates and most nutrient dense fruits you can eat. They are very rich in vitamin C, manganese and various antioxidants.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per cup or 8 g per 100 g.

26. Grapefruit (11%)

Grapefruit are citrus, which are related oranges [31] . They are very rich in antioxidants vitamin C and carotenoids.

Carbohydrates: 13 g in half a grapefruit, or 11 grams per 100 grams.

27, apricots (11%)

The apricot is an incredibly delicious fruit. But each apricot contains little carbohydrates rich in vitamin C and potassium.

Carbohydrates: apricot 2 8 grams or 11 grams per 100 grams.

Other low-carb fruits

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are popular low-carb diets. They tend to be low in carbohydrates, but to be rich in fat, fiber, protein and several micronutrients.

Woman eating nuts glass

Nuts are often eaten as a snack, but do not add the seeds to salads or recipes crisis.

Flour meal nuts and seeds (such as almond flour, coconut flour and flax seed flour) is also often used to bread are low in carbohydrates [34] and other baked goods.

28 almonds (22%)

Almonds [35] are incredibly tasty and crisp. They are rich in fiber, vitamin E and are one of the best sources of magnesium in the world, a mineral that most people do not get enough.

In addition, almonds are incredibly satisfying and found to weight loss in some studies (Promotion 15 , 16 ).

Carbohydrate: 6 grams per ounce, or 22 grams per 100 grams.

29. nuts (14%)

Walnut is another delicious kind of mother. It is especially rich in omega-3 ALA, and also contains other nutrients.

Carbohydrates: 4 grams per ounce, or 14 grams per 100 grams.

Peanuts 30 (16%)

Peanuts [36] they are technically legumes [37] , but tend to be cooked and eaten like nuts are. They are rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and various vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per ounce, or 16 grams per 100 grams.

31 chia seeds (44%)

Chia seeds [38] are currently among the most popular health food in the world. They are responsible for many important nutrients and can be used in all types of low-carb friendly recipes.

Chia seeds are high in fiber, and perhaps the richest source of dietary fiber on the planet.

Carbohydrates: 12 g per ounce, or 44 grams per 100 grams.

But keep in mind that almost 86% of carbohydrates in chia seeds are fibers so that very little digestible carbohydrates ("red") actually contain.

Other nuts and seeds for low-carb

  • Noisettes
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Cashew
  • Coconut
  • Pistachios
  • Linseed
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

Dairy products

If you milk and tolerate milk products [39] are excellent low-carb foods. Be sure to read the label and everything to avoid added sugar.

The young chef with a piece of cheese

32. cheese (1.3%)

Cheese [40] is one of the tastiest foods low in carbohydrates and can be eaten both raw and in all kinds of delicious recipes. It goes very well with meat, such as on a Burger (no bun, of course).

Cheese is also very nutritious. A thick slice of cheese contains similar nutrients than all-glass milk [41] .

Carbohydrates: 0.4g per serving or 1.3 grams per 100 grams (Cheddar).

33. Cream (3%)

Cream contains very little carbohydrates and protein, but is rich in fat. Some low carbers put in your coffee or use in recipes. A bowl of berries with a little cream, a low carb dessert.

Carbohydrates: 1 gram per ounce, or 3 g per 100 g.

34. Full-fat yogurt (5%)

Full-fat yogurt [42] is extremely healthy. Contains many of the same nutrients as whole milk, yogurt, but with live cultures is also advantageously loaded probiotic bacteria [43] .

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per 8 oz container or 5 grams per 100 grams.

35. Greek yoghurt (4%)

Greek yogurt, yogurt as tense very thick compared to regular yogurt. It is very high in many valuable nutrients, especially protein.

Carbohydrate: 6 grams per container or 4 grams per 100 grams.

Fats and oils

There are plenty of healthy fats and oils [44] , which are acceptable on a low carb diet, the diet real food.

Chef Pour the olive oil in a salad, Minor

Be sure to avoid refined vegetable oils such as soybean oil, corn oil and others, because they are very unhealthy [45] , if more is consumed.

36. Butter (null)

Once demonized for high saturated fat [46] content, butter [47] a comeback as a delicious healthy food. Choose grass-fed butter [48] , if you can, in a number of important nutrients is higher.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

37. Extra virgin olive oil (zero)

The extra-virgin olive oil [49] is the planet healthier fat. It is a basic ingredient in the healthy Mediterranean diet for the heart.

It's loaded with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, and has impressive benefits for cardiovascular health.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

38 Coconut oil (zero)

Coconut oil [50] is a very healthy fat with medium chain fatty acids, which have loaded powerful positive effects on metabolism. They have shown [51] to reduce the appetite, promotes fat burning and help people to lose belly fat [52] ( 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ).

Carbohydrates: Zero.

Other low-carb friendly Fats

  • Avocado oil
  • Lard
  • Sebum


Most sugar-free drinks by eating low carb perfectly acceptable.

Girl smelling coffee cup

Note that fruit juice [53] they are very high in sugar and carbohydrates, and should be avoided.

39. Water

Water should be your go-to drink, no matter what the rest of your diet is made up to be.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

40 Coffee

Although he demonized in the past, coffee [54] it is actually very healthy.

It is the main source of dietary antioxidants and coffee drinkers was shown live longer [55] and a lower risk of several serious diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease (Parkinson's disease and 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 ).

Make sure nothing too healthy for the coffee. Black is best, but a little fat-rich milk or cream is fine.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

41. Tea

Tea, especially green tea [56] , has been very carefully studied and demonstrated that all species have of impressive health benefits. You can also stimulate fat burning [57] slightly ( 27 , 28 ).

Carbohydrates: Zero.

42. Soda Club / whirlpool

Only about Club Soda water with added carbon dioxide. It is perfectly acceptable, provided no sugar. Read the label to make sure.

Carbohydrates: Zero.

43 Dark chocolate

This may surprise some people, but the black quality chocolate is actually the perfect low carb gift.

Be sure true of black chocolate with a cocoa content of 70 to 85% (or more) to choose, then it will not contain a lot of sugar.

The black chocolate has many advantages, such as improved brain function and lower blood pressure ( 29 , 30 ). Studies also show that dark chocolate consumers a much lower risk of heart disease (have 31 ).

You can read about other health benefits in this article [58] .

Carbohydrates: 13 g per 1 ounce or 46 grams per 100 grams. Depending, so be sure of the type to read the label.

Note that almost 25% of carbohydrates in chocolate are black fiber, so that the total amount is lower to digest carbohydrates.

44 herbs, spices and seasonings

There is an endless variety of tasty herbs, spices and condiments you can eat. Most of them are very low in carbohydrates, but pack a powerful nutritional punch stroke and help add flavor to foods.

Notable examples are salt, pepper, garlic [59] , ginger [60] , cinnamon [61] , mustard and oregano. This article will discuss 10 herbs and spices delicious with powerful health benefits [62] .

45. Anything else?

There is an endless variety of delicious low carb foods are.

Feel free to write to the list in the comments!

You can find more information on low carb food here, including meal plans, recipes and lots of tips to find the ultimate guide to diet low in carbohydrates [63] .


  1. ^ weight loss (
  2. ^ 23 studies (
  3. ^ Low-carb diets (
  4. ^ benefits (
  5. ^ carbohydrates (
  6. ^ Eggs (
  7. ^ nutrients to the brain (
  8. ^ ox (
  9. ^ Lamb (
  10. ^ CLA (
  11. ^ protein (
  12. ^ cuts thicker (
  13. ^ pig (
  14. ^ Bacon (
  15. ^ Jerky (
  16. ^ Vitamin D3 (
  17. ^ nutrient-rich foods (
  18. ^ potatoes (
  19. ^ batatas (
  20. ^ Broccoli (
  21. ^ fibers (
  22. ^ tomatoes (
  23. ^ Onions (
  24. ^ Health Benefits (
  25. ^ rich in protein (
  26. ^ fruits (
  27. ^ controversial (
  28. ^ lawyer (
  29. ^ healthy fats (
  30. ^ other nutrients (
  31. ^ oranges (
  32. ^ Lemons (
  33. ^ Moras (
  34. ^ Low Carb Bread (
  35. ^ almonds (
  36. ^ Peanuts (
  37. ^ legumes (
  38. ^ chia seeds (
  39. ^ dairy products (
  40. ^ cheese (
  41. ^ milk (
  42. ^ yogurt (
  43. ^ probiotic bacteria (
  44. ^ healthy fats and oils (
  45. ^ very unhealthy (
  46. ^ saturated fatty acids (
  47. ^ Butter (
  48. ^ grass-fed butter (
  49. ^ extra virgin olive oil (
  50. ^ coconut oil (
  51. ^ demonstrated (
  52. ^ lose belly fat (
  53. ^ juices (
  54. ^ coffee (
  55. ^ live longer (
  56. ^ Green tea (
  57. ^ boost fat burning (
  58. ^ in this article (
  59. ^ garlic (
  60. ^ ginger (
  61. ^ cinnamon (
  62. ^ 10 herbs and spices delicious with strong health benefits (
  63. ^ The Ultimate Guide to diet low in carbohydrates (

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Influence how different types - good fiber, Bad

Woman holding asparagus and broccoli Fiber can affect many aspects of health.

Intestinal bacteria weight loss [1] , which is often regarded as a fundamental element of a healthy diet viewed.

Most people have a basic understanding of fiber and are usually group all in one category.

However, the truth is that fiber is not the same.

Some species are very useful during other digestive problems in some people cause.

This article will explain everything you need to know about the different types of fibers.

What is and how fiber Classifieds?

"Fiber" refers to a heterogeneous group of carbohydrates [2] , the people can not digest.

Required to break lack of digestive enzymes, so we spent most of the digestive system unchanged.

Recommended intake is 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women. However, most people, about half that just eat, or 15 to 17 grams per day ( 1 , 2 ).

Fiber is mainly found in plant foods, including vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds (for details, here is a list of 22 high-fiber foods [3] ).

In fact, there is a variety of different fibers in the diet.

The problem is that often classified in different ways, which can be very confusing.

In 2001, the fiber was officially in two main types (classified 3 ):

  • Dietary fiber: fiber found naturally in foods.
  • Functional fibers: fibers extracted and isolated from whole foods and then added processed foods.

However, there are significant with the classification of the fibers in this manner problem. It says nothing about its health effects.

To based on the solubility classify A popular alternative method (soluble vs. insoluble), viscosity (viscosity vs. non-viscous) and fermentation (fermentable vs non-fermentable) fiber.

Then there is another class of nutrients called resistant starches, which are often classified as dietary fiber.

Conclusion: The fibers are indigestible carbohydrates that occur naturally in plant foods. Often they are (found naturally) as a food or functional (added to foods) classified.

Soluble vs. insoluble fiber

The solubility of the fiber refers to its ability to dissolve in water.

On this basis, the fiber was frequently categorized as soluble or insoluble:

  • Soluble fiber is mixed with the water in the intestine and form a gel-like substance. You can reduce peak blood sugar, and has several advantages for metabolic health ( 4 ).
  • Insoluble fiber does not mix with water and passed through the digestive system largely intact. Does help primarily as an agent of the "volume" and can speed up the passage of food and waste through your colon ( 5 ).

Soluble fibers include gums, pectins, psyllium, beta glucan, and others. Insoluble fibers include lignin and cellulose.

Different plant foods varying proportions of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Conclusion: Fiber is often classified according to their ability to dissolve in water. Soluble fiber has several advantages for the metabolic health, while the functions of the insoluble fibers, in particular as blowing agent.

Fermentable fibers

Estimated 100 billion live bacteria live in the human intestine [4] , in particular in the large intestine ( 6 ).

These bacteria are really critical to optimal health. They play different roles to weight control, blood sugar control, immunity, brain function and mental health (by 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ).

They are so important that they often called "the forgotten organ" (called 13 ).

Because people do not digest fiber, eventually it will reach the large intestine essentially unchanged.

Blonde with a red apple

This is where comes in fermentable fibers. These are the fibers that intestinal bacteria are able to digest the situation (fermentation) and use it as a fuel ( 14 ).

This increases the number and balance of the intestinal flora, which also produce short-chain fatty acids with health benefits performance ( 15 ).

Most fermentable fibers are soluble as well as insoluble fibers, which can function in this manner.

Fermentable fiber include pectin, beta-glucans, guar gum, inulin and oligofructose.

The best sources of fermentable fiber whole foods are beans and legumes . A 1-cup often served up to half of the recommended daily fiber intake.

All beings have said, one of the fiber fermentation by-products is gas. Therefore, foods high in fermentable fibers can cause bloating and stomach discomfort especially at first ,.

Conclusion: fermentable fiber is digested and used as fuel for the good bacteria in the gut. This can lead to various health benefits.


Certain species of soluble fibers form a thick gel when mixed with water. They are known as viscose.

Simple, the viscosity [6] a liquid refers to the "thickness". For example, honey [7] is more viscous than water.

If you eat viscose, is a gelatinous substance that "is" formed in the intestine.

This slows down the digestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in a prolonged satiety and appetite reduction ( 16 , 17 , 18 ).

A review of 44 studies found that the fiber treatments only viscose [8] reduced food intake and resulted in weight loss ( 19 ).

Viscose containing glucomannan, beta-glucans, pectins, guar gum and psyllium. Good sources of whole foods are legumes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, oatmeal [9] and linseed.

Conclusion: viscose form a gelatinous substance in the intestines found that improvement of satiety, appetite and weight loss.

Resistant starch

Strengths are the main types of carbohydrates in the diet.

Are long chains of glucose molecules that are found potatoes [10] , beads [11] , and many other foods.

Some strength effectively resistant to digestion, which passes unchanged through the digestive tract.

This type of starch is called resistant starch [12] and is a soluble fiber, fermentable in the colon ( 20 ).

Resistant starch has many health benefits performance. It improves digestion, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces blood sugar levels and appetite (reduced 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ).

There are some good sources of resistant starch foods including green bananas [13] , various beans, cashew nuts and raw oats. A more detailed list can be found here [14] .

In addition, some strengths tend to form large amounts of resistant starch, when cooled after cooking. These include white potatoes and white rice [15] .

Raw potato starch is also very rich in resistant starch, and some people eat as a supplement.

Conclusion: Resistant starch is a type of starch escapes digestion. Serves as a soluble, fermentable fibers, and has many health benefits.

Only fibers noteworthy

Different fibers have certain health effects and are remarkable.


A fructan [16] is the term used to describe a small chain of fructose molecules.

Oligofructose and inulin are the two main types of fructans in the diet. You can feed the good bacteria in the gut and has been shown to treat certain types of diarrhea (help 26 ).

However, also be classified as fructans FODMAPs [17] , the types of carbohydrates that are known to cause digestive problems in many people ( 27 ).

In fact, fructans and other unwanted symptoms FODMAPs in 3 of the 4 people with irritable bowel syndrome, a common digestive disorder ( 28 ).

The main source of fructans in the modern diet wheat [18] ( 29 ).


The health benefits of beta-glucans [19] have been widely documented. These fibers have a specific molecular structure of high viscosity in the gut.

Beta-glucans can improve insulin sensitivity and glucose levels in the blood. You can also significantly reduce cholesterol levels and feelings of satiety ( 30 ).

The main dietary sources of beta-glucans are oats and barley.


Glucomannan is a viscose fiber, which is usually marketed as a weight loss supplement [20] .

Many studies have shown that glucomannan may result in modest weight loss, combating constipation and improve risk factors for heart disease ( 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 ).

Conclusion: fructans are fibers that can cause gastrointestinal symptoms in some people. The beta-glucans and glucomannan are viscous soluble fiber with strong health benefits.

Top news

The soluble, viscous and fermentable fibers seem to be healthier and far. Resistant starches are also incredibly healthy.

Good sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, legumes, nuts, dark chocolate, avocados [22] , chia seeds and various other foods.

However, there is probably no need to obsess over the details here. As long as you have a lot of whole plant foods to eat, then your fiber intake is should take care of herself.


  1. ^ weight loss (
  2. ^ carbohydrates (
  3. ^ Here is a list of 22 high-fiber foods (
  4. ^ human gut (
  5. ^ legumes (
  6. ^ viscosity (
  7. ^ honey (
  8. ^ viscose only (
  9. ^ oats (
  10. ^ potatoes (
  11. ^ grains (
  12. ^ resistant starch (
  13. ^ green bananas (
  14. ^ here (
  15. ^ Rice (
  16. ^ fructans (
  17. ^ FODMAPs (
  18. ^ wheat (
  19. ^ beta-glucans (
  20. ^ supplement (
  21. ^ glucomannan (
  22. ^ Lawyers (