Thursday, May 7, 2015

Influence how different types - good fiber, Bad

Woman holding asparagus and broccoli Fiber can affect many aspects of health.

Intestinal bacteria weight loss [1] , which is often regarded as a fundamental element of a healthy diet viewed.

Most people have a basic understanding of fiber and are usually group all in one category.

However, the truth is that fiber is not the same.

Some species are very useful during other digestive problems in some people cause.

This article will explain everything you need to know about the different types of fibers.

What is and how fiber Classifieds?

"Fiber" refers to a heterogeneous group of carbohydrates [2] , the people can not digest.

Required to break lack of digestive enzymes, so we spent most of the digestive system unchanged.

Recommended intake is 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women. However, most people, about half that just eat, or 15 to 17 grams per day ( 1 , 2 ).

Fiber is mainly found in plant foods, including vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds (for details, here is a list of 22 high-fiber foods [3] ).

In fact, there is a variety of different fibers in the diet.

The problem is that often classified in different ways, which can be very confusing.

In 2001, the fiber was officially in two main types (classified 3 ):

  • Dietary fiber: fiber found naturally in foods.
  • Functional fibers: fibers extracted and isolated from whole foods and then added processed foods.

However, there are significant with the classification of the fibers in this manner problem. It says nothing about its health effects.

To based on the solubility classify A popular alternative method (soluble vs. insoluble), viscosity (viscosity vs. non-viscous) and fermentation (fermentable vs non-fermentable) fiber.

Then there is another class of nutrients called resistant starches, which are often classified as dietary fiber.

Conclusion: The fibers are indigestible carbohydrates that occur naturally in plant foods. Often they are (found naturally) as a food or functional (added to foods) classified.

Soluble vs. insoluble fiber

The solubility of the fiber refers to its ability to dissolve in water.

On this basis, the fiber was frequently categorized as soluble or insoluble:

  • Soluble fiber is mixed with the water in the intestine and form a gel-like substance. You can reduce peak blood sugar, and has several advantages for metabolic health ( 4 ).
  • Insoluble fiber does not mix with water and passed through the digestive system largely intact. Does help primarily as an agent of the "volume" and can speed up the passage of food and waste through your colon ( 5 ).

Soluble fibers include gums, pectins, psyllium, beta glucan, and others. Insoluble fibers include lignin and cellulose.

Different plant foods varying proportions of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Conclusion: Fiber is often classified according to their ability to dissolve in water. Soluble fiber has several advantages for the metabolic health, while the functions of the insoluble fibers, in particular as blowing agent.

Fermentable fibers

Estimated 100 billion live bacteria live in the human intestine [4] , in particular in the large intestine ( 6 ).

These bacteria are really critical to optimal health. They play different roles to weight control, blood sugar control, immunity, brain function and mental health (by 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ).

They are so important that they often called "the forgotten organ" (called 13 ).

Because people do not digest fiber, eventually it will reach the large intestine essentially unchanged.

Blonde with a red apple

This is where comes in fermentable fibers. These are the fibers that intestinal bacteria are able to digest the situation (fermentation) and use it as a fuel ( 14 ).

This increases the number and balance of the intestinal flora, which also produce short-chain fatty acids with health benefits performance ( 15 ).

Most fermentable fibers are soluble as well as insoluble fibers, which can function in this manner.

Fermentable fiber include pectin, beta-glucans, guar gum, inulin and oligofructose.

The best sources of fermentable fiber whole foods are beans and legumes . A 1-cup often served up to half of the recommended daily fiber intake.

All beings have said, one of the fiber fermentation by-products is gas. Therefore, foods high in fermentable fibers can cause bloating and stomach discomfort especially at first ,.

Conclusion: fermentable fiber is digested and used as fuel for the good bacteria in the gut. This can lead to various health benefits.


Certain species of soluble fibers form a thick gel when mixed with water. They are known as viscose.

Simple, the viscosity [6] a liquid refers to the "thickness". For example, honey [7] is more viscous than water.

If you eat viscose, is a gelatinous substance that "is" formed in the intestine.

This slows down the digestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in a prolonged satiety and appetite reduction ( 16 , 17 , 18 ).

A review of 44 studies found that the fiber treatments only viscose [8] reduced food intake and resulted in weight loss ( 19 ).

Viscose containing glucomannan, beta-glucans, pectins, guar gum and psyllium. Good sources of whole foods are legumes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, oatmeal [9] and linseed.

Conclusion: viscose form a gelatinous substance in the intestines found that improvement of satiety, appetite and weight loss.

Resistant starch

Strengths are the main types of carbohydrates in the diet.

Are long chains of glucose molecules that are found potatoes [10] , beads [11] , and many other foods.

Some strength effectively resistant to digestion, which passes unchanged through the digestive tract.

This type of starch is called resistant starch [12] and is a soluble fiber, fermentable in the colon ( 20 ).

Resistant starch has many health benefits performance. It improves digestion, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces blood sugar levels and appetite (reduced 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ).

There are some good sources of resistant starch foods including green bananas [13] , various beans, cashew nuts and raw oats. A more detailed list can be found here [14] .

In addition, some strengths tend to form large amounts of resistant starch, when cooled after cooking. These include white potatoes and white rice [15] .

Raw potato starch is also very rich in resistant starch, and some people eat as a supplement.

Conclusion: Resistant starch is a type of starch escapes digestion. Serves as a soluble, fermentable fibers, and has many health benefits.

Only fibers noteworthy

Different fibers have certain health effects and are remarkable.


A fructan [16] is the term used to describe a small chain of fructose molecules.

Oligofructose and inulin are the two main types of fructans in the diet. You can feed the good bacteria in the gut and has been shown to treat certain types of diarrhea (help 26 ).

However, also be classified as fructans FODMAPs [17] , the types of carbohydrates that are known to cause digestive problems in many people ( 27 ).

In fact, fructans and other unwanted symptoms FODMAPs in 3 of the 4 people with irritable bowel syndrome, a common digestive disorder ( 28 ).

The main source of fructans in the modern diet wheat [18] ( 29 ).


The health benefits of beta-glucans [19] have been widely documented. These fibers have a specific molecular structure of high viscosity in the gut.

Beta-glucans can improve insulin sensitivity and glucose levels in the blood. You can also significantly reduce cholesterol levels and feelings of satiety ( 30 ).

The main dietary sources of beta-glucans are oats and barley.


Glucomannan is a viscose fiber, which is usually marketed as a weight loss supplement [20] .

Many studies have shown that glucomannan may result in modest weight loss, combating constipation and improve risk factors for heart disease ( 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 ).

Conclusion: fructans are fibers that can cause gastrointestinal symptoms in some people. The beta-glucans and glucomannan are viscous soluble fiber with strong health benefits.

Top news

The soluble, viscous and fermentable fibers seem to be healthier and far. Resistant starches are also incredibly healthy.

Good sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, legumes, nuts, dark chocolate, avocados [22] , chia seeds and various other foods.

However, there is probably no need to obsess over the details here. As long as you have a lot of whole plant foods to eat, then your fiber intake is should take care of herself.


  1. ^ weight loss (
  2. ^ carbohydrates (
  3. ^ Here is a list of 22 high-fiber foods (
  4. ^ human gut (
  5. ^ legumes (
  6. ^ viscosity (
  7. ^ honey (
  8. ^ viscose only (
  9. ^ oats (
  10. ^ potatoes (
  11. ^ grains (
  12. ^ resistant starch (
  13. ^ green bananas (
  14. ^ here (
  15. ^ Rice (
  16. ^ fructans (
  17. ^ FODMAPs (
  18. ^ wheat (
  19. ^ beta-glucans (
  20. ^ supplement (
  21. ^ glucomannan (
  22. ^ Lawyers (

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