Monday, April 27, 2015

12 proven benefits of Granada (No. 8 is awesome)

Redheat, the two halves of Granada Pomegranates are some of the healthiest fruits in the world.

They contain a number of useful metabolites by other foods unequaled.

Many studies have shown that large benefits for the body and can have the risk for all kinds of diseases (reduce 1 ).

Here are 12 health benefits of pomegranates, which are supported by modern scientific research.

1. Pomegranates are loaded with essential nutrients

Granada or pomegranate is a fruit bush that a red fruit (produces 1 ).

Ranked a berry, Granada fruit [1] is about 5-12 cm (2-5 inches) in diameter.

It's red, round color and looks a bit like a red apple [2] with a rod-shaped flower.

Granada skin is thick and inedible, but there are hundreds of edible seeds called arils [3] inside.

The seeds are what people eat raw or processed into juice Granada.

This is what grenades look like:

Pomegranate whole and sliced

Pomegranates have an impressive nutritional profile:

A cup of arils (174 grams) contains ( 2 ):

  • Fiber: 7 grams.
  • Protein: 3 grams.
  • Vitamin C: 30% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin K: 36% of the recommended daily allowance.
  • Folic acid: 16% of the recommended daily allowance.
  • Potassium: 12% of the RDA.

Granada arils (seeds) are also very sweet with a cup contains 24 grams of sugar [4] , and 144 calories.

However, when the grenades are really shine in content of potent compounds, some of which have potent medicinal properties.

Conclusion: The Granada is a fruit that contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and bioactive plant compounds, but also contain sugar.

2. pomegranates contain two compounds of plants with medicinal properties powerful

A Single Granada

There are only two grenades, which are responsible for most of their health benefits substances.


Punicalagins [5] are very powerful antioxidants in the juice and peel of Granada.

They are so powerful that Granada juice was found that three times the antioxidant effects of red wine and green tea (have 3 ).

Granada extract and powder are usually made from the skin due to its high content of antioxidants and punicalagin.


Punicic acid [6] , which is also known as the main Granada seed oil fatty acid in the cores.

It is a kind of conjugated linoleic acid [7] with strong biological effects.

Conclusion: Pomegranates contain punicalagins and punicic, only substances which are responsible for most of their health benefits.

3. Granada impressive anti-inflammatory effect

Granada and arils Wet

Chronic inflammation is a major factor for many deadly diseases.

These include heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and even obesity.

Granada has anti-inflammatory properties, which is largely mediated by the antioxidant properties of punicalagins.

Laboratory studies have shown that inflammatory activity in the gastrointestinal tract as well as in breast and colon cancer cells (reducing 4 , 5 , 6 ).

One study showed that people with diabetes in 250 ml juice Granada daily for 12 weeks reduces the inflammatory markers CRP and interleukin-6 by 32% and 30%, respectively ( 7 ).

Conclusion: punicalagins in Granada juice has been shown to reduce inflammation, one of the main factors for many deadly diseases.

4. Granada can help identify prostate cancer

Keep grenades older heads on a plate

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men type.

Laboratory studies have shown that Granada extract reproduction of cancer cells to slow down or even apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells ( 8 , 9 ).

PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a blood marker for prostate cancer.

Those whose PSA levels to double in a short period of time men have a higher risk of death from prostate cancer.

It is interesting that a human study found that 237 ml (8 ounces) of juice per day increased PSA doubling time Granada 15 months to 54 months, which is huge ( 10 ).

A follow-up study showed similar progress with a guy named Granada extract POMx [8] ( 11 ).

Conclusion: There is preliminary evidence that Granada juice can be helpful in men with prostate cancer, which may inhibit cancer growth and reduce the risk of death.

5. Granada can also be useful against breast cancer

Dark-haired woman with Granada by Ear

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women.

Granada extract has been shown to inhibit the reproduction of breast cancer cells and may even kill some of them ( 12 , 13 , 14 ).

However, this is currently limited laboratory studies. More research is needed.

Conclusion: Laboratory studies have shown that the extract of Granada can help breast cancer cells, but human studies are needed to confirm this.

6. Granada can lower blood pressure

Granada with Heart Cut

High blood pressure ( hypertension [9] ), it is one of the main engines of heart attacks and strokes.

In one study, people with high blood pressure, a significant reduction after drinking 150 ml (5 ounces) Granada juice showed daily for 2 weeks ( 15 ).

Other studies have similar effects, particularly systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading) (found 16 , 17 ).

Conclusion: The regular consumption of juice of Granada has shown that blood pressure in just two weeks to reduce.

7. Granada can help arthritis and joint pain

Chef Holding Pomegranate

Arthritis [10] is a common problem in Western countries.

There are many different types, but most of them include some type of inflammation in the joints.

Since the compounds of the plant with grenades have an anti-inflammatory effect, it is logical that could help treat arthritis.

Interestingly, laboratory studies have shown that the extract of Granada, enzymes that are known to the joints of people with osteoarthritis (damage block 18 , 19 ).

It has also been shown to be beneficial for arthritis in mice, but only very little evidence in humans so far ( 20 , 21 ).

Conclusion: Studies in animals and isolated cells showed that the extract of Granada can be beneficial to many forms of arthritis, but human research is needed.

8. Granada juice can reduce the risk of heart disease

Granada arils Heart Shape

Heart disease is currently the leading cause of premature deaths ( 22 ).

It is a complex disease caused by various factors.

Punicic, the main fatty acid in Granada, can protect against several steps in the process of heart disease.

In a study of 51 people with high cholesterol and triglycerides, 800 mg Granada seed oil per day significantly lower triglycerides and improve showed triglyceride: HDL [11] , after 4 weeks ( 23 ).

Another study examined the effects of juice Granada in people with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. Significant reductions were observed in LDL [12] , and other improvements ( 24 ).

Granada juice has been shown in studies in animals and humans, to protect the oxidation of LDL particles, an important step on the road to heart disease ( 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 ).

Conclusion: Several human studies have shown that Granada can have benefits against heart disease. LDL cholesterol profile improved cholesterol and protects from oxidative damage.

9. Granada juice can help treat erectile dysfunction

Granada arils in a glass

Oxidative damage can affect blood flow to areas of the body, including the erectile tissue.

Granada juice has proven to be beneficial in increasing the blood flow and the erectile response in rabbits (proven 29 ).

In a study of 53 men with erectile dysfunction, Granada seemed to have an advantage, but it was not statistically significant ( 30 ).

Conclusion: The juice of Granada has been linked to a reduction in the symptoms of erectile dysfunction in connection, but more research is needed.

10. Granada can help bacterial and fungal infections

The compounds of the plant Granada can help harmful microorganisms ( 31 ).

Rubio-Holding Pomegranate

For example, they have proven to be beneficial against certain types of bacteria, yeast and Candida albicans (be 32 , 33 ).

The antibacterial and antifungal effect can also have a protective effect against infection and inflammation in the mouth.

These include conditions such as gingivitis, periodontitis and stomatitis prosthesis ( 34 , 35 ).

Conclusion: Granada has antibacterial and antiviral, which can be useful against common gum disease characteristics.

11. Granada can help improve memory

Granada juice and arils

There is some evidence that the Granada can improve memory.

In a study in surgical patients, 2 grams extract Granada prevent memory problems after the surgery ( 36 ).

Another study of 28 elderly people with memory impairment found that 237 ml (8 oz) per day Granada juice significantly improved markers of verbal and visual memory ( 37 ).

There are also data from studies in mice that Granada can help Alzheimer's disease ( 38 ).

Conclusion: There are indications that the storage Granada can improve in the elderly and after surgery, and studies in mice suggest it may protect against Alzheimer's disease.

12 Granada exercise can improve performance

Granada arils

The Granada is rich in nitrate in the diet [13] , which has been shown to enhance exercise performance.

In a study of 19 athletes on a treadmill, 1 gram of extract of Granada 30 minutes prior to exercise significantly improved circulation.

This led to a delayed onset of fatigue, and increased exercise efficiency.

Further studies are needed, but it seems that the Granada can be advantageous, physical performance, such as beet juice .

13. Anything else?

If you want to enjoy the health benefits described in this article, then you can eat arils directly Granada or drinking the juice of Granada.

There is also a good selection of Granada extract supplements on Amazon [15] .

At the end of the day, to the healthy fruits on the planet pomegranates.

You have to escape advantages and can help to reduce the risk for all kinds of serious illnesses.


  1. ^ fruits (
  2. ^ Apple (
  3. ^ arils (
  4. ^ grams of sugar (
  5. ^ punicalagins (
  6. ^ punicic (
  7. ^ conjugated linoleic acid (
  8. ^ POMx (
  9. ^ hypertension (
  10. ^ arthritis (
  11. ^ triglyceride: HDL (
  12. ^ LDL (
  13. ^ Food nitrate (
  14. ^ beet juice (
  15. ^ Granada extract supplements on Amazon (

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