Monday, April 13, 2015

Aloe Vera Health Services Based on Evidence 8

Woman holding Aloe leaf Aloe vera is a popular herb that has been used for thousands of years.

Here are eight benefits of aloe vera, which are backed by science.

It is best known for the treatment of skin lesions such as burns and wounds, but can also have other therapeutic properties.

1. Aloe Vera contains bioactive substances that can improve health,

The Aloe Vera plant is only stores a short, thick trunk, water in their leaves.

It is used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and used food [1] industry and has an estimated annual value of the contract to 13 billion dollars worldwide ( 1 ).

Aloe vera is known for its thick known, stressed and green fleshy leaves, which may be about 12 to 19 inches (30 to 50 cm) grow long.

This is what aloe vera plant looks like:

Aloe vera plant isolated on white

Each sheet comes with a viscous material filled stores water [2] , which is the thickness of the plates. This viscous, water-filled tissue is the "gel" that we associate with aloe vera products.

The gel, most of the biologically active compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.

Conclusion: The Aloe Vera is a popular herb in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Its leaves are filled with a "gel" which contains many useful links.

2. Aloe Vera has strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties

Antioxidants are important for health.

The Aloe Vera Gel contains potent antioxidants that (are known to a large family of substances such as polyphenols 2 ).

These polyphenols and some other compounds in Aloe Vera helps inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans ( 2 ).

Conclusion: Aloe Vera contains several powerful antioxidants. Some of these compounds may help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

3. Aloe vera accelerates healing burns

Simple aloe vera plant

Aloe vera is often used as a topical medication [3] , rubbed on the skin instead of eating.

It has long been known for the treatment of wounds, burns, including sunburn, in particular.

In fact, the FDA's first aloe vera ointment counter medicine for burns 1959th

Studies suggest that this is an effective topical treatment of first and second degree burns.

A review of four studies found that aloe vera can (to reduce cure burn time of approximately 9 days compared to conventional drugs 3 ).

Help Aloe Notes, other types of injuries to heal inconclusive vera ( 4 ).

Conclusion: Apply aloe vera for burns seems to accelerate the healing process. The proof is not to other types of wounds.

4. Pure Aloe Vera juice effectively reduces plaque as a mouthwash

Aloe Vera Gel Green

Tooth decay and gum disease are very common health problems.

One of the best ways to avoid this problem is to reduce the build up of plaque [4] (bacterial biofilm) on the teeth.

In a study of 300 healthy people mouthwash was made ​​from 100% pure aloe vera juice with standard mouthwash ingredient compared chlorhexidine [5] .

After 4 days, the use of mouthwash Aloe vera was as effective as chlorhexidine in reducing the plate (found 5 ).

Another study found similar benefits of Aloe Vera mouth water when over a period of 15-30 days (used 6 ).

Aloe vera kills the bacteria Streptococcus mutans in dental plaque Candida albicans (formed enters the mouth, and 7 ).

Conclusion: When used as a mouthwash, even pure Aloe Vera juice is regularly in reducing the accumulation of dental plaque mouthwash.

5. Aloe vera can be used to treat ulcers (canker sores) mouth

Brunette holding a leaf of Aloe Vera

Many people have experienced ulcers or wounds [6] , at a certain point in their lives.

They usually form under the lip, mouth, and take approximately 7-10 days.

Studies have convincingly demonstrated that treatment of Aloe Vera can accelerate the healing of canker sores.

In a study of 180 subjects were applied seven days with recurrent ulcers, aloe vera pad on the surface effective in reducing the size of the ulcer ( 8 ).

However, it managed to classical treatment of ulcers corticosteroids is.

In another study, aloe vera gel not only accelerates the healing of ulcers of the mouth, but also reduces the pain associated with them ( 9 ).

Conclusion: The application of aloe vera or as a patch or gel has been shown to assist in the recovery of mouth ulcers (canker sores).

6. Aloe vera can help treat constipation

Sliced ​​aloe leaves

Aloe vera can often be used to treat constipation.

This time is no frost, but the latex [7] , which has the advantages.

Latex is a sticky yellow residue under the skin sheet.

The main compound responsible for this effect is called aloin [8] or barbaloin that (founded a laxative effect 10 , 11 , 12 ).

However, some concerns have increased about security problems with frequent use. For this reason, aloe latex is not in the United States without a prescription since of 2002.

Contrary to popular belief, aloe vera does not seem to be effective against other digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) ( 13 , 14 , 15 ).

Conclusion: Aloe vera latex has a strong laxative effect, which is useful for the treatment of constipation. There seems to be beneficial for other diseases of the digestive system.

7. Aloe Vera can prevent the skin's elasticity and wrinkles, improve

There is some preliminary evidence that the topical aloe vera gel can slow down skin aging.

Woman holding aloe vera plant

In a study of 30 women over 45 years, topical application of the gel has been shown to increase the production of collagen and improving skin elasticity over a period of 90 days ( 16 ).

Another study found that Aloe vera reduces erythema [9] (reddening), but has also been found to stimulate the skin cells (dehydrate 17 ).

There is little evidence that Aloe Vera can cause skin diseases such as psoriasis and dermatitis radiation ( 18 ).

Conclusion: The initial results show that aloe vera can anti-aging, but more research is needed.

8. Aloe vera can reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics

Fresh Aloe Vera Leaves with water drops

Aloe vera has sometimes used as a traditional remedy for diabetes ( 19 , 20 ).

It is said that the improved insulin sensitivity and better management of blood sugar levels.

Several studies in humans and animals with type 2 diabetes have indeed been found promising results consuming aloe extract ( 21 , 22 , 23 ).

However, the quality of the studies was pretty bad, so it is certainly premature to recommend aloe vera for this purpose.

In addition, there are some cases of liver damage with long-term use of Aloe Vera supplements (reported 24 ).

9. Anything else?

Aloe vera is indeed unique therapeutic properties, when applied as a skin ointment and gums in particular.

If you have questions and / or comments, click on "Comments" below.


  1. ^ Food (
  2. ^ water (
  3. ^ topical medication (
  4. ^ plate (
  5. ^ chlorhexidine (
  6. ^ ulcers (
  7. ^ latex (
  8. ^ aloin (
  9. ^ erythema (

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