Thursday, January 29, 2015

September almonds Health Services Based on Evidence

Young woman eating almonds in a bowl Almonds are a very popular mother.

Although rich in fat, they are very nutritious and very healthy.

Here are nine almonds health benefits, based on evidence.

1. Almonds offer a variety of nutrients

Almond is the edible seed that grows on the tree Prunus dulcis, more often than the almond.

Almonds are originally from the Middle East, but the United States is now the largest producer in the world.

Almendras we buy at the store usually has them removed shell, revealing the edible nuts inside.

(Often referred to as "natural") sold in the natural state or baked.

That's what she likes almonds:

Almonds in a bowl on wooden table

Almonds offer an incredibly impressive nutritional profile.

A 1 ounce (28 grams or small handful) contains serving of almonds ( 1 )

  • Fiber: 3.5 grams.
  • Proteins: 6 g.
  • Fat: 14 g (9 which are monounsaturated).
  • Vitamin E: 37% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Manganese: 32% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium: 20% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Also contain an amount of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and phosphorus.

Is of a small handful and provides only 161 calories [1] and 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates.

It is also important to note that 10-15% of the calories in almonds are not absorbed by the body because fat is too difficult to access and pause ( 2 , 3 ).

Almonds are rich in phytic acid [2] , a substance that binds to and prevents them from absorbing certain minerals. This means that the amount of iron, zinc and calcium almonds is easily removed.

Conclusion: The almond is a popular mother. Almonds are rich in healthy monounsaturated fat, fiber, protein and other essential nutrients.

2. Almonds are rich in antioxidants,

Almonds, shelled and unshelled

Almonds are a great source of antioxidants [3] .

Damage antioxidants to protect against oxidative stress, the cells and molecules may contribute to aging and diseases such as cancer ( 4 , 5 ).

The powerful antioxidants in almonds largely on brown skin layer (concentrated 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Therefore, bleached [4] almonds (skin) are not the best choice in terms of health.

A clinical study of 60 male smokers found that 84 grams (about 3 ounces) of almonds a day reduces biomarkers of oxidative stress 23-34% over a period of 4 weeks ( 9 ).

These results confirm those of another study that showed that eating almonds with some meals reduces markers of oxidative damage ( 10 ).

Conclusion: Almonds are rich in antioxidants that can make your cells against oxidative damage, protect an important contributor to aging and disease.

3. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which protects cell membranes from damage

Stacked three almonds

Vitamin E [5] is the name of. a group of fat-soluble antioxidants

These antioxidants are usually accumulate in the cell membrane in the body, protecting cells from oxidative damage.

Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E in the world, with only one ounce providing 37% of the recommended (daily intake 1 ).

Several studies have further supply of vitamin E with rates of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease (linked 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ).

Conclusion: Almonds are one of the best sources in the world of vitamin E. Vitamin E has a lot of food to many health benefits associated.

4. almonds can help control blood sugar


Nuts are low in carbohydrates [6] , but high in fat, protein and fiber [7] .

This makes them a perfect choice for diabetics has.

, Another thing, almonds differs, however, is very high amount of magnesium.

Magnesium [8] is a mineral that is (are involved in more than 300 processes in the body, including the control of glucose 17 ).

Current recommended intake of 310-420 mg of magnesium. Two ounces of almonds provide almost half, with 150 mg of this important mineral ( 1 ).

It turns out that 25 to 38% of type 2 diabetics are deficient in magnesium, and reduces the correction of the deficiency of blood sugar levels and improve insulin function ( 18 , 19 , 20 ).

It is interesting that people who do not have diabetes also significant reduction of insulin resistance in magnesium supplementation ( 21 , 22 ).

This indicates that magnesium-rich foods (such as almonds) can advantageously for the prevention of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, both massive health problems today type.

Conclusion: Almonds are rich in magnesium, a mineral that most people do not get enough. A high intake of magnesium can have great benefits for the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

5. Magnesium also has benefits for blood pressure

Magnesium in almonds can also contribute to lower levels of blood pressure.

Housewife pot almonds

High blood pressure ( hypertension [9] ) is one of the main factors for heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.

Magnesium deficiency is strongly associated with blood pressure problems, regardless of whether you are overweight or not (are related 23 , 24 , 25 ).

Studies have shown that the correction of magnesium deficiency can lead to a significant reduction in blood pressure ( 26 , 27 ).

Since the majority of American adults do not dietary recommendations for magnesium, meet additional almonds, food could have a big impact.

Conclusion: Low magnesium is strongly associated with high blood pressure, which indicates that almonds may be advantageous for the control of blood pressure.

6. almonds can lower cholesterol

Crushed almonds

At high concentrations of LDL lipoproteins [10] ("bad") cholesterol in the blood is a known risk factor for heart disease.

What you eat can have a significant impact on LDL levels, and some studies indicate that almonds shown effective.

A 16-week study of 65 subjects prediabetic found that a diet containing 20% of calories from LDL cholesterol levels by an average of 12.4 mg / dl (almonds reduced 28 ).

Another study found that 1.5 ounces (42 grams) of almonds a day lowered LDL cholesterol by 5.3 mg / dL, while HDL "good" cholesterol. The group of almond also lost belly fat [11] ( 29 ).

Conclusion: Eat 1-2 handful of almonds a day may lead to a modest reduction in LDL-cholesterol levels.

7. almonds prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol Harmful

A simple Almond

Almonds more than just the lowest blood LDL.

They also protect LDL from oxidation, which is a crucial step in the process of heart disease.

Almond skin is rich in antioxidants polyphenols, which has been shown that the oxidation of cholesterol in test tube and animal studies to prevent ( 30 , 31 ).

The effect may be even stronger when combined with other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

In a human study, eating almonds for a month reduces oxidized LDL [12] 14% of cholesterol ( 32 ).

This should lead to a reduced risk of heart disease over time.

Conclusion: LDL cholesterol to oxidation, which is a critical step in the process of heart disease. Eating almonds has been shown to significantly reduce oxidized LDL.

8. Eat almonds to reduce hunger, reduce your total calorie intake

Almonds are low in carbohydrates and high in both protein [13] and fiber.

Keep a glass container filled with almonds

Both protein and fiber is known to increase the feeling of satiety. It helps people feel full, so that you end up fewer calories ( 33 , 34 ).

In a 4-week study with 137 participants, one day, 1.5 oz (43 g) serving of almonds significantly reduce hunger and desire to eat ( 35 ).

Many other studies confirm the effect of the fight against hunger nuts ( 36 , 37 ).

Conclusion: nuts such as almonds are low in carbohydrates but high in protein and fiber. Studies show that eating almonds (and other nuts) may increase satiety and help you to eat less calories.

9. The nuclei are incredibly effective weight loss

Asian woman with bowl full of almonds

Nuts contain different nutrients that are difficult for the body to break down and digest.

About 10-15% of the calories are not absorbed in nuts, and there are signs that Mother consumption can increase your metabolism ( 38 ).

In combination with the properties of the fight against hunger, it is logical that nuts are a great addition to effective weight loss diet [14] .

Interestingly, studies in humans support this quality.

In one, a low calorie diet 3 ounces (84 grams) by 62% compared to a diet rich in complex carbohydrates (almond weight loss increases 39 ).

Another study of 100 obese women found that consumers almonds lost more weight than the group without nuts. There were also improvements in waist circumference and other health markers ( 40 ).

Therefore, although high in fat [15] , a almonds are definitely friendly food weight loss [16] .

However, can cause problems almonds for people who are prone to overeating because it can be very "catchy".

Message Home

Not only are they incredibly healthy almonds are crunchy, delicious, and require no preparation.

Finally, the tonsils are as close to perfection as can get a food.


  1. ^ calories (
  2. ^ phytic acid (
  3. ^ antioxidants (
  4. ^ bleached (
  5. ^ Vitamin E (
  6. ^ carbohydrates (
  7. ^ fibers (
  8. ^ magnesium (
  9. ^ hypertension (
  10. ^ lipoprotein (
  11. ^ lose belly fat (
  12. ^ oxidized LDL (
  13. ^ protein (
  14. ^ weight loss diet (
  15. ^ high fat (
  16. ^ weight loss food purchases (

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

10 graphics surprisingly effective ways to show to lose weight

There are a lot of conflicting advice on how to lose weight.

All kinds of pills, potions and strange diets developed, most of which have no evidence behind.

However, this does not make sense. Over the years, scientists have found a number of weight loss [1] methods that really work.

Overweight woman Vs. thin

Here are 10 cards, the most effective ways to lose weight. They are based on randomized controlled trials in humans, the level of science based gold analyzes.

1. eat eggs for breakfast

Vs Bagel for weight loss Eggs

Source :. Vander Wal JS, et al increased bit egg weight loss. [2] International Journal of Obesity of 2008.

What do you eat for breakfast is important. According to the previous study, eating eggs for breakfast can help you lose 65% more weight than a breakfast of bagels.

The group had a 34% greater reduction in egg waist circumference and 16% greater reduction in body fat, although the difference was not statistically significant.

This is mainly due to the fact that eggs very satisfactory. People who eat eggs for breakfast, feel so full that automatically eat less at the next meal and less calories in the next 36 h ( 1 ).

Of course there are many other good reasons to eat eggs. Weight loss is just the tip of the iceberg.

2. Drink to increase water metabolism

Graph shows how water can increase your metabolism

Source :. Boschmann M, et al drinking water by induced thermogenesis osmosensitive mechanisms. [4] The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism-2013.

The table above shows how to drink 500 ml of (17 oz) of water, can increase metabolism by 24-30% within 1 to 1.5 hours.

The researchers estimated that two liters (68 ounces) of water per day [5] can make 96 extra calories (burned 2 ).

Not a huge amount, but every little bit adds up.

3. Reduce the speed to eat

Dining speed and calorie intake

Source :. Andrade AM, et al Eat slowly leads to a reduction in energy consumption with meals in healthy women. [6] Journal of the American Dietetic Association., 2008

The way you can take your food to the amount of calories you take affect at the end.

According to the previous study, people who were instructed to eat more slowly landed 67 fewer calories at a meal. They also enjoyed their meals.

4. Drinking caffeine to increase metabolism

Caffeine and metabolism

Source:. Dulloo AG, et al Usual intake of caffeine. Influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in human volunteers and postobese slim [7] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition., 1989

Caffeine, the active ingredient of coffee [8] , can increase and help burn fat metabolism.

In the table above we see how energy consumption is increased in people and thin people who have lost weight recently.

In this study, 600 mg of caffeine (6 "medium" were coffee cup [9] ) can make a day thin people burn 150 calories more a day.

The effect was with people who used to be overweight, reduced but had lost weight. However, he still finds an extra 79 calories per day.

5. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates

Graphic weight loss, low carb vs. low fat

Source :. Brehm BJ, et al . In a randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and low calorie low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women [10] The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2003

There is a huge body of evidence [11] on low-carb diets, showing that they are more effective for weight loss tips that got standard low-fat forever.

Low-carb diets are significantly reducing appetite in general, so people cut calories and lose large amounts of weight without trying to eat less ( 3 ).

Many studies show that low-carb dieters lose 2-3 times as much weight as the low-fat diet, despite the low-fat group in calorie restricted ( 5 , 6 ).

6. A fiber called glucomannan is a supplement for effective weight loss

Glucomannan effects on weight loss, less

Source:. Birketvedt GS et al experiments with three different fiber supplements in weight reduction. [12] Medical Science Monitor of 2005.

Most weight loss supplements do not work. However, there are some supplements [13] that science proved only partially effective.

One is a type of fiber called glucomannan. This fiber absorbs water and "lies" in the gut, it feels so full of fewer calories.

In the above table, three different experiments in which people participated see Glucomannan [14] lost more weight than the control groups.

It will not work wonders for itself, but a useful addition to a healthy diet weight loss.

7. The protein reduces anxiety and obsessive thoughts about food

The protein reduces cravings

:. Source Leidy HJ, et al . The effects of frequent consumption, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in men with overweight / obese [15] Obesity (Silver Spring)., 2011

The diet to be more hungry for a long time. They even irresistible desires [16] and start literally obsessed about food.

This often occurs at night, this is terrible, because snacks at night are usually added on top of the daily intake of calories.

As you can see in the chart above, shows that the use of protein and 25% of the calories shown that anxiety by 60% to reduce and later snack reduce the pleasure in the middle of the night.

8. The protein helps you fewer calories and causes the automatic weight loss

Protein, calories, weight loss

Source :. Weigle DS, et al A high protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake and despite compensatory changes in plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations day body weight. [17] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2005.

When it comes to losing weight, protein is king very nutritious.

The chart above shows what happens when people increase their protein intake [18] 30% of calories. Your total calorie intake drops immediately, and start losing weight, like clockwork.

This is because the protein is the saturating macronutrient particularly far. Many studies show that people who lose weight while protein to your diet without voluntarily restrict some ( 7 , 8 ).

There are also studies that show that the protein can dramatically increase metabolism so it works both "calories" and calorie "out" side of the equation ( 9 , 10 ).

9. Coconut oil can help you lose belly fat

Coconut Oil Reduces belly fat

Sources: effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women with abdominal obesity [19] and open in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of coconut oil in reducing visceral obesity pilot study [20] .

Coconut oil is a rather unique type of fat because it is called medium-chain triglycerides with bioactive fatty acids loaded.

Some studies have shown it can help you lose small amounts of abdominal fat [21] that the "dangerous" fat that accumulates around the organs.

This may be because the fat coconut oil has been shown (to increase and suppress appetite compared to other fats, metabolism, at least in the short run 11 , 12 ).

10. Make a conscious effort to reduce your calorie intake

Calorie deficit and weight loss

Source :. Larson-Meyer et al, calorie restriction with or without exercise. The debate about fat fitness [23] Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise of 2010.

In the earlier study, two groups were treated with a gap of 25% of calories. A group with diet alone, while another small group of calories to reach 12.5% ​​and increased cardiovascular the other 12.5%.

Both groups have a significant amount of weight, but the group has also had the greatest improvements in fitness and metabolic health.

Despite what they say, calories [24] are important for weight loss. No release your body more calories, you will not only lose weight.

However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to count calories.

Many people find that automatically [25] eat less calories as long as they keep up with the sentence, a food ingredient (in real terms).

In many cases, you nourish your body with healthy food is all you need.

Weight loss follows as a natural side effect.


  1. ^ weight loss (
  2. ^ egg breakfast enhances weight loss. (
  3. ^ right reasons (
  4. ^ water osmosensitive mechanisms induced thermogenesis. (
  5. ^ day (
  6. ^ Eat slowly leads to a reduction in energy consumption with meals in healthy women. (
  7. ^ the caffeine. Influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in lean subjects and postobese (
  8. ^ coffee (
  9. ^ cup (
  10. ^ A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and low calorie high fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women. (
  11. ^ evidence (
  12. ^ The experiments with three different fiber supplements in reducing weight. (
  13. ^ Extras (
  14. ^ glucomannan (
  15. ^ The effects of frequent consumption, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in men with overweight / obesity. (
  16. ^ wishes (
  17. ^ A diet rich in protein induces consequent reduction in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake and body weight despite compensatory changes in the plasma concentrations of leptin and ghrelin day. (
  18. ^ protein intake (
  19. ^ effects of coconut oil diet on biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women with abdominal obesity (
  20. ^ An open standard for assessing the efficacy and safety of coconut oil in reducing visceral obesity pilot study (
  21. ^ belly fat (
  22. ^ coconut oil (
  23. ^ calorie restriction with or without exercise. Gym debate against fat (
  24. ^ calories (
  25. ^ automatically (

Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to win an argument with a vegan

I have absolutely nothing against vegetarians or vegans, and this article is not to denigrate each dietary habits.

There are a number of ethical and ecological arguments that can be done to avoid meat, especially factory farming.

However, it is for claims is to avoid all animal foods important to discredit health perspective that is completely wrong.

It is surrounded by carrots

The Humans are omnivores, which we developed to eat animals and plants.

To say that food of animal origin ( meat [1] , fish, eggs and dairy products) are inherently dangerous simply not true, and there is plenty of evidence against him.

We have eating these foods for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years. Most chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many forms of cancer are relatively new.

Blame the new health problems in old food just does not make sense!

Whenever you are in an argument with a vegetarian fanatic, so feel free to use the studies and their answers.

Do not forget to bookmark this page if you frequently get into these arguments!

Disclaimer: Many vegetarians and vegans are intelligent and caring people and really trying to make this world a better place. But there are many others who use lies and campaigns to convince others to join the cause of fear. This is not acceptable.

Vegan, said: "Red meat provides cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes"

Eating steak

Answer: Two massive studies have recently these, a Harvard treated with 1,218,380 people, and a European study of 448,568 people.

They found no association between unprocessed red meat and heart disease, diabetes, or risk death. Only processed meat was observed the effect.


  1. Micha R, et al., meat consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and red. A systematic review and meta-analysis [2] The movement of 2010.
  2. , Rohrmann S, et al meat consumption and mortality -. The results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition [3] BMC Medicine-2013.

Advantages: There are more myths debunked meat in this article .

Vegan, said: "The meat makes you fat"

Man holding a meat dish, 550px

Answer: protein diet (rich in meat) is really shown to help you lose weight, not gain. You feel so full of fewer calories and increase your metabolism.

Many studies have shown that a high protein intake leads to an automatic weight loss. Meat (especially the slim [5] ) and other animal foods are the best sources of high quality protein.


  1. Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Protein intake and energy balance. [6] Regulatory Peptides of 2008.
  2. Weigle DS, et al. A high protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake and body weight despite compensatory changes in the concentrations of plasma leptin and ghrelin day. [7] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2005.
  3. Leidy HJ, et al. The effects of frequent consumption higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in men with overweight / obesity. [8] Obesity (Silver Spring)., 2011

Advantages: A detailed report on the loss of protein intake and weight article here [9] .

Vegan, said: "Dietary cholesterol is bad for you"

Woman smiling and with a fried egg

Answer: Studies show that cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol in most people. It can cause a slight increase in some individuals, but much of it is from United HDL and LDL lipoproteins, the good things.

In a massive 263,938 people study no relationship was found between eggs [10] (high cholesterol) and the risk of heart disease. However, this study showed an increased risk in the subgroup of patients with type 2 diabetes.


  1. Fernandez ML. Cholesterol Diet of eggs and plasma lipoproteins in healthy populations provided. [11] Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism care of 2006.
  2. , Rong Y, et al egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Meta-analysis of dose-response prospective cohort studies [12] British Medical Journal-2013.

More: There is an in-depth article about eggs, cholesterol diet and health here [13] .

Vegan said: "Low-carb diets are dangerous"

Woman with a slice of cheese in his mouth

Answer: More than 20 studies have shown that diets in carbohydrates poor [14] are effective ways to lose weight, and tend to many important health markers such as HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL pattern, blood pressure and improve blood sugar.

We also have a high-quality study comparing Atkins [15] , a diet low in carbohydrates, head to head against the Ornish diet, low fat vegetarian diet. The Atkins diet was better than the Ornish diet in all measured marker.


  1. Santos FL, et al. Write a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies on the effects of low-carbohydrate diets on cardiovascular risk factors. [16] Obesity Reviews 2012 Design.
  2. Hession M, et al. Systematic review of randomized controlled trials of vs low-fat / low-calorie in the treatment of obesity and its comorbidities low carb diets studies. [17] Obesity 2009 Revision.
  3. Westman EC, et al. Low-carbohydrate diet and metabolism. [18] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2007.
  4. CD Gardner; et al. Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish and learning plans for changes in risk factors, weight in obese women are approaching menopause. A to Z weight loss study :. A randomized trial [19] The Journal of the American Medical Association, of 2007.

More: here a detailed review presents 23 studies on low-carb diets and a review of the studies compared Atkins and Ornish .
[20] [21]

Vegan, said: "Saturated fat increases cholesterol and causes heart disease"

A little girl to eat meat

Answer: Saturated fats actually increases HDL ("good cholesterol") and changes the LDL from small to large, which is advantageous.

Two massive review of studies have recently been published, one in 2010 and another in 2014, which found no association between saturated fat and heart disease.


  1. Dreon DM, et al. Changes in the daily intake of saturated fatty acids with the change in the mass of coarse particles of density-lipoprotein correlated among men. [22] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition., 1998
  2. Siri-Tarino PW, et al. meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease. [23] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2010.
  3. , Chowdhury R, et al Dietetic Association, transport and fatty acid supplement with coronary risk :. A systematic review and meta-analysis [24] Annals of Internal Medicine, 2014th

More: More details about the health effects of saturated fatty acids in this article [25] .

Vegan, said: "The health benefits of a vegan diet is to avoid foods"

Woman wondering if eating meat or vegetables

Answer: vegetarian diet is healthy because it also serves to remove processed foods, refined sugars, refined grains, trans fats and vegetable oils tend. This has nothing nutritious with avoiding foods we eat animal to do in the course of evolution.

In addition, the vegetarian / vegan average tends health-conscious than the average meat eater to be, so chances are that are healthier for reasons other than the avoidance of food of animal origin.

A study health-conscious vegetarian health conscious omnivores found no difference between the two.


  1. Baines S, et al., How to work the health and welfare of young people and women vegetarians Australian semi-vegetarians compared to non-vegetarians? [26] Public Health Nutrition of 2007.
  2. Key TJ, et al., eating habits and mortality in 11,000 vegetarians and health conscious people. Results of 17 years of follow-up [27] British Medical Journal 1996th

And: A more detailed vegan diet myths see here [28] .

Vegan, said: "red meat gets cancer"

Sausage and Apple

Answer: It is true that processed meat is associated with an increased risk of cancer (especially colorectal) and unprocessed red meat linked in some studies.

However, this seems to be more on the way the meat is cooked. Burning red meat can cause carcinogens are formed.

Two recent reviews of the relationship between red meat and cancer untreated found that the link was weak and inconsistent for men, are not for women.

Processed meat is healthy, but unprocessed red meat, cooked gently it is not. However, if you really worried, then you can still eat chicken and fish that have not been linked to cancer.


  1. Alexander DD et al. Red meat and colon cancer. A critical review of prospective epidemiological studies [29] Obesity Reviews 2011th
  2. Alexander DD et al. meta-analysis of prospective studies on consumption of red meat and colon cancer. [30] European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2011th

More: Here are some tips on how to maximize the benefits of the flesh [31] .

Vegan, said: "The study shows that animal protein is harmful to China"

Girl holding an orange and thinking

Answer: A book that many vegans like to cite as proof that all animals cause damage, called the study of China.

This book was written by T. Colin Campbell, a vegan biochemist, a comprehensive study of the relationship between diet and disease in China.

However, interpretation of the data for the study of a very misleading way, prompting you correlations that do not exist to find in reality.

Epidemiologists other professionals (such as Harvard Walter Willet [32] , MD, PhD, and Frank Hu [33] , MD, PhD) who analyzed the same data found no association with the risk of cancer or heart disease.

There is also a further investigation of Asia with about 300,000 subscribers who actually found that the meat is linked to a lower risk of death, reduces the risk of heart disease in men and women reduced cancer risk.


  1. Frank B Hu and Walter Willett. Answer TC Campbell. [34] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2010.
  2. Lee JU. meat consumption and mortality from specific causes :. a summary analysis of prospective cohort studies in Asia [35] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,-2013.

Advantages: The China Study was rejected here [36] and here [37] .

Vegan, said: "You can get all the necessary nutrients plants"

Female doctor with two apples

Answer: There are many nutrients that can not be obtained from plants commonly consumed. These include vitamin B12, omega-3 DHA and vitamin D3 [38] .

However, it is possible to get these nutrients from supplements, fortified foods or supplements such as algae.

Studies show that up to 83% of vegans lack of vitamin B12. Your levels of vitamin D are 74% lower, and the level of 53-59% lower than omega-3 omnivores.


  1. Hermann W, et al., Vitamin B-12 status, especially Holotranscobalamin II and methylmalonic acid concentrations, and hyperhomocysteinemia in vegetarians. [39] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition., 2003
  2. Craig WJ, et al. The problems of nutrition and health effects of a vegetarian diet. [40] Nutrition in Clinical Practice of 2010.
  3. Rosell MS et al. n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plasma of the consumption of British beef, vegetarian, vegan and men. [41] The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2005.

Vegan, said: "Dairy is bad for your bones"

Healthy woman drinking a glass of milk

Answer: Many supporters say vegan milk products [42] for the treatment of osteoporosis. They claim that the protein "acid-forming" and increased acid in the blood leeches minerals bones.

, A large body of evidence from observational studies and randomized trials show that milk is one of the most beneficial foods you can eat for healthy bones.

Although dairy products for bone health is necessary, the statement that is harmful, is the exact opposite of what the data show.


  1. GM Chan et al. Effects of dairy products on bone and body composition in prepubertal girls. [43] The Journal of Pediatrics. 1995
  2. Baran D, et al. to prevent Dietary modification with dairy products vertebral bone loss in premenopausal women. A prospective study of three years [44] The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 1990 levels.
  3. Prince R, et al. Effects of calcium (milk powder or tablets) and exercise on bone density in postmenopausal women. [45] Journal of Bone and Mineral Research., 1995
  4. , Wadolowska L, et al dairy products, calcium intake and bone health: possible prevention of osteoporosis in women. The Polish experience [46] nutrients-2013.

Advantages: A detailed dairy products, calcium and bone health articles here .

Message Home

People can low in carbohydrates and all others thrive in a little fat.

As with most things in your diet that totally depends on the person.

The biggest thing that all successful plans (or "way to eat") have in common is that they eliminate processed foods [48] .

This applies to the vegan diet, low carb diets, paleo diet [49] and has been well studied Mediterranean diet [50] .

While diet consists of foods with a lot of part, so no matter if most of the calories from plant or animal feed.

If other vegans / vegetarians rejections myths that you want, please write it in the comments!


  1. ^ meat (
  2. ^ meat consumption and the risk of incident coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and red. A systematic review and meta-analysis (
  3. ^ meat consumption and mortality -. The results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (
  4. ^ in this article (
  5. ^ lean meat (
  6. ^ protein intake and energy balance. (
  7. ^ A diet rich in protein induces consequent reduction in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake and body weight despite compensatory changes in the plasma concentrations of leptin and ghrelin day. (
  8. ^ The effects of frequent consumption, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in men with overweight / obesity. (
  9. ^ here (
  10. ^ eggs (
  11. ^ dietary cholesterol from eggs and plasma lipoproteins in healthy populations provided. (
  12. ^ egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies (
  13. ^ here (
  14. ^ carbohydrate diets (
  15. ^ Atkins (
  16. ^ systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies on the effects of low-carbohydrate diets on cardiovascular risk factors. (
  17. ^ systematic review of randomized trials vs low carb diets low fat / low-calorie treat obesity and its comorbidities. (
  18. ^ carbohydrate diet and metabolism. (
  19. ^ Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish and learning plans for changes in risk factors, weight in obese women are approaching menopause. A to Z weight loss study :. A randomized trial (
  20. ^ 23 studies of diet low in carbohydrates (
  21. ^ Atkins and Ornish comparison (
  22. ^ change in dietary saturated fatty acids is correlated with the change in mass of the large particles of low density lipoprotein in men. (
  23. ^ meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease. (
  24. ^ Dietetic Association, transport and fatty acid supplement with coronary risk. systematic review and meta-analysis (
  25. ^ in this article (
  26. ^ As the health and welfare of young Australian vegetarian and semi-vegetarian women compared to non-vegetarians? (
  27. ^ :. Eating habits and mortality in 11,000 vegetarians and health conscious individuals results of 17 years of follow-up (
  28. ^ here (
  29. ^ red meat and colon cancer. A critical review of prospective epidemiological studies (
  30. ^ meta-analysis of prospective studies on consumption of red meat and colon cancer. (
  31. ^ maximize the health benefits of meat (
  32. ^ Walter Willet (
  33. ^ Frank Hu (
  34. ^ Reply TC Campbell. (
  35. ^ meat consumption and mortality by cause:. a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies Asians (
  36. ^ here (
  37. ^ here (
  38. ^ Vitamin D3 (
  39. ^ vitamin B12 status, especially Holotranscobalamin II and methylmalonic acid concentrations, and hyperhomocysteinemia in vegetarians. (
  40. ^ problems of nutrition and health effects of vegetarian diets. (
  41. ^ long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plasma of the consumption of British beef, vegetarian, vegan and men. (
  42. ^ dairy products (
  43. ^ effects of dairy products on bone and body composition in prepubertal girls. (
  44. ^ to prevent changing the diet with dairy products vertebral bone loss in premenopausal women. A prospective study of three years (
  45. ^ The effects of calcium (milk powder or tablets) and exercise on bone density in postmenopausal women. (
  46. ^ dairy products, calcium intake and bone health: the ability to prevent osteoporosis in women. Polish experience (
  47. ^ here (
  48. ^ processed foods (
  49. ^ Paleo Diet (
  50. ^ Mediterranean diet (

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Phytosterols - Nutrients "healthy heart" that can hurt

Female label inspection with a magnifying glass There are many nutrients that are maintained healthy heart.

Among the best known are the phytosterols. Often margarine and milk products

Your cholesterol-lowering effects are well accepted in the rule.

However, serious concerns exist when science.

What are phytosterols?

Phytosterols, or plant sterols, are a family of molecules related to cholesterol [1] .

Be in the membranes of plant cells, in which they play an important role, such as cholesterol in humans found.

The most common phytosterols in foods are campesterol, sitosterol and stigmasterol. It is also available as stanols molecules that are similar.

This graph shows the difference between cholesterol and campesterol [2] .

Campesterol cholesterol

Although we have developed to operate two types of sterols in the system, the human body much prefer cholesterol ( 1 ).

Man has two enzymes called sterolins to sterols, which can enter the body through the intestinal regulate. Only pass small amounts of phytosterols, while almost 55% of the cholesterol (always goes through 2 ).

Conclusion: Phytosterols are plant equivalent of cholesterol in animals. Have a similar molecular structure but metabolized differently.

Vegetable oils and margarines are rich in phytosterols

Vegetable oil bottles

Many vegetables healthy foods contain significant amounts of phytosterols.

Over the centuries, have been in the human diet as part of nuts, seeds, fruits [4] , vegetables and legumes [5] .

It has been suggested that Paleolithic [6] hunter-gatherers who ate a diet rich in plant consume large amounts of phytosterols ( 3 ).

Compared to modern diet, which is not quite right.

Vegetable oils [7] are actually very high in phytosterols. Since these oils are added for all types of processed foods, is the total intake of phytosterols probably more than ever before ( 4 ).

Grains also contain small amounts of phytosterols and are an important source for people who have a lot of grains (eat 5 ).

Then phytosterols add some processed foods, including margarine [8] , which are then marked as "cholesterol-lowering" and to prevent heart disease.

Conclusion: The amount of phytosterols in the diet is greater than ever, especially on the high consumption of vegetable oils.

Phytosterols can reduce total cholesterol and LDL, but it is important?

Broken Heart

It is well documented that phytosterols can lower cholesterol levels.

2-3 grams of phytosterols per day for 3-4 weeks, can reduce LDL cholesterol by approximately 10% ( 6 , 7 )

They are particularly effective in people who have high cholesterol if you take statins to lower cholesterol or lower ( 6 , 8 )

It is assumed that work in the competition for the same enzymes as cholesterol in the intestine, the cholesterol absorption (effectively prevented 1 ).

However, it is important to recognize that cholesterol only a risk factor for heart disease.

Just because it improves a risk factor for a disease that does not guarantee that prevents real disease.

Conclusion: The phytosterols can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10%, thereby to reduce the cholesterol absorption in the intestine. However, cholesterol is a risk factor, not a real disease.

Paradoxically, phytosterols increase the risk of heart attack

Many people assume that phytosterols can prevent heart attacks, because they reduce cholesterol.

Sorry, no studies showing that phytosterols actually reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, or death.

In fact, many studies show that, paradoxically, may increase the risk.

Curious Chef

Many observational studies in humans have high consumption of phytosterols to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (peg 9 , 10 , 11 ).

In addition, survival study who were with phytosterols in the blood, the most commonly another heart attack (for patients with heart disease in the Scandinavian Simvastatin 12 ).

In another study of men with heart disease, the subset of men with an increased risk for heart attack were three times more likely in the blood when they (had high levels of phytosterols 13 ).

There are also studies in rats and mice, showing that phytosterols increase the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which reduce to strokes and the life ( 14 , 15 ).

Although many health authorities such as the American Heart Association recommend to improve phytosterols to heart health, contradict others.

For example, the drug of the German Commission, the Food Standards Agency France (handles) and the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) all recommend against the use of phytosterols in the prevention of heart disease ( 1 , 16 ).

There is also a genetic disease, (very) rarely mentioned phytosterolaemia or sitosterolaemia [9] , where the people of absorbing large amounts of phytosterols in the blood.

These people have massively increased risk of heart disease and liver problems.

Conclusion: Although phytosterols leading to reduced cholesterol levels, numerous studies in animals and humans show that increase the risk of heart attacks.

Phytosterols may protect against cancer

A bottle of vegetable oil

There is also evidence that phytosterols can reduce the risk of cancer.

Human studies have shown that people who consume the most amount of phytosterols lower risk of stomach, lung, breast and ovarian cancer ( 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ).

There are animal studies suggesting that phytosterols may have anti-cancer properties contribute to the growth and spread of tumors (reduction 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ).

However, the only human studies support this observation in nature. Such studies can not provide information, but no evidence.

Plant foods are healthy, but you phytosterols are a mess

Over the centuries, phytosterols have a part of the human diet as part of vegetables, fruits and other plant foods.

But the modern diet [10] now contains unusually high amounts, mainly due to the consumption of refined vegetable oils and fortified foods.

A high intake of phytosterols claimed to be heart healthy, but evidence suggests that they are more likely to prevent heart disease and not cause.

Good food phytosterols whole plant foods is good, it is best to avoid phytosterols fortified foods and dietary supplements like the plague.


  1. ^ cholesterol (
  2. ^ campesterol (
  3. ^ sterolins (
  4. ^ fruits (
  5. ^ legumes (
  6. ^ Paleolithic (
  7. ^ Vegetable oils (
  8. ^ margarines (
  9. ^ sitosterolemia (
  10. ^ modern diet (