Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Foods high in fat 10, which are actually very healthy

Two brunettes hold avocado halves Since fat has been demonized, people began eating more sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed foods instead.

Therefore, each getting bigger and sick.

But times are changing. Studies show that fat, including saturated fats [1] (it is not the devil, was taken to be 1 , 2 ).

All kinds of healthy foods that contain fats happen are now back on the scene "super".

Here are 10 high-fat foods that really are incredibly healthy and nutritious.

1. Lawyers

The lawyer is different than most other fruits.

Although primarily most fruits contain carbohydrates [2] , avocados are full of fat.

In fact, lawyers have more than 77% fat calories that it is even more fat than most foods of animal origin ( 3 ).

The main fatty acid is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid [3] . It is also the predominant fatty acid in olive oil, with several health benefits (associated 4 , 5 ).

The lawyers are one of the best sources of potassium in the diet, with 40% more potassium than bananas, a typical meal rich in potassium.

They are also an excellent source of fiber, and studies have shown that the LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides to decrease, during the increase of the HDL ("good cholesterol") ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Although it shows a lot of fat and calories, a study found that people who eat lawyers tend to weigh less and have less abdominal fat than those who did not ( 9 ).

Conclusion: Avocados are a fruit with 77% fat calories. They are an excellent source of potassium and fiber and have demonstrated significant benefits for cardiovascular health.

2. Cheese

Cheese [5] is incredibly nutritious.

This makes sense, since a cup of milk used to produce a thick slice of cheese.

Woman with a slice of cheese in his mouth

This is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus and selenium, and contains all kinds of other nutrients ( 10 ).

It is also very rich in proteins [6] with a single thick slice of cheese contains 6.7 grams of protein, such as a glass of milk [7] .

Cheese, like other dairy products high in fat, also contains powerful fatty acids, which have been associated with all types of services related, including reduced risk of type 2 diabetes ( 11 ).

Conclusion: The cheese is very nutritious, and only a slice of a similar amount of nutrients as contained in a glass of milk. It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, high quality protein and healthy fats.

3. black chocolate

Chocolate stacked blocks

The black chocolate is one of the few health food stores makes amazing taste.

It is very rich in fat, with about 65% fat calories.

Dark chocolate is 11% fibers, and contains more than 50% of the recommended iron, magnesium, copper and manganese (daily dose 12 ).

It is also rich in antioxidants [8] , who tested one of the highest scoring foods, including blueberries update (is 13 ).

Some of the antioxidants which have a strong biological activity and can lower the blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol in the blood to be oxidized ( 14 , 15 ).

Studies also show that people who chocolate black 5 or more times a week eat less than half as likely to die from heart disease compared to people who do not eat chocolate black ( 16 , 17 ).

There are also some studies that show that dark chocolate can improve brain function and protect your skin from damage if (exposed to sunlight 18 , 19 ).

Be sure to choose the quality dark chocolate [9] , with at least 70% cocoa.

Conclusion: The Dark chocolate is rich in fat but high in nutrients and antioxidants. It is very effective in improving cardiovascular health.

4 whole eggs

Eggs in a basket

Whole eggs [10] are considered healthy because egg yolks are high in cholesterol and fat.

In fact, one egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is 71% of the recommended daily dose. In addition to 62% of calories in the form of whole eggs are from fat ( 20 ).

However, recent studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs [11] has no effect on the cholesterol level in the blood, at least not in most people ( 21 ).

What remains is one of the most nutrient density [12] foods on the planet.

Whole eggs actually loaded with vitamins and minerals. Some contain almost all the nutrients needed a.

Also contain powerful antioxidants that protect the eyes, and a lot of choline, a nutrient the brain that 90% of people do not get enough ( 22 , 23 ).

Eggs are also a good weight loss foods [13] . They are very satisfactory, high-protein, the most important nutrient for weight loss ( 24 ).

Although he eat high-fat, people who cereal with eggs in the place for breakfast in the end fewer calories and weight (lose 25 , 26 ).

The omega-3 enriched eggs are better or pasture. Just do not throw the yellow, which is almost all the nutrients are.

Conclusion: whole eggs are some nutrient dense foods on the planet. Although rich in fat and cholesterol, they are incredibly nutritious and healthy.

5. Fatty Fish

Chef holding a fresh salmon

One of the few products of animal origin, which most people agree is healthy, he is oily fish.

These include fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring.

These fish are omega-3 fatty acids for heart health, high-quality protein and all kinds of important nutrients (loaded 27 ).

Studies show that people who eat fish tend to be much healthier, with a lower risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and all kinds of common diseases ( 28 , 29 , 30 ).

If you can not (or do not) eat fish, then a cod liver oil supplement may be helpful. Cod liver oil is the best fish contains omega-3 you need, and a lot of vitamin D ( 31 ).
[14] [15]

Conclusion: Oily fish such as salmon is packed with essential nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids. Eating fatty fish with better health, and connected the risk for all kinds of diseases reduced.

6. Nuts

Nuts are incredibly healthy.

They are rich in fat and healthy fiber [16] , and are a good source of vegetable protein.

Woman eating nuts glass

Nuts are rich in vitamin E and magnesium, a mineral that most people can not get enough ( 32 ).

Studies show that people who eat nuts tended to be healthier and have a lower risk for various diseases. These include obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes ( 33 , 34 , 35 ).

Sound nuts are almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and many others.

Conclusion: The nuts are loaded with healthy fats, protein, vitamin E and magnesium and are among the best sources of vegetable protein. Studies show that walnuts have many health benefits.

7. fed butter from cows grass

Palo slices of butter

Butter fat is almost pure, more than half of which is saturated.

It has been demonized in the past, but it has to make a comeback as a health food.

Butter, especially grass-fed cows contains important nutrients [17] vitamins A and K2.

Butyrate and also contains CLA [18] bioactive fatty acids have numerous health benefits (linked 36 , 37 ).

In countries where the cows are grass fed high-fat dairy consumption as butter actually a lower risk of heart disease (related 38 , 39 ).

An evaluation study was published in 2012, also found that high intake of fat (not fat dairy products) has (have been linked to a lower risk of obesity 40 ).

Conclusion: The butter is rich in saturated fats. But studies show that high-fat dairy products are associated with a lower risk of obesity and risk of cardiovascular disease in countries where cows fed grass reduced.

8. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Bowl of olives and olive oil

Other fatty foods, which is nearly all agree healthy, is the extra virgin olive oil [19] .

This fat is an essential component of the Mediterranean diet [20] , which has been shown that many health benefits (have 41 , 42 ).

Extra virgin olive oil contains vitamins E and K and is loaded with powerful antioxidants.

Some of these antioxidants can reduce inflammation and to protect LDL particles in the blood to be oxidized ( 43 , 44 ).

It has also been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol markers and have a variety of benefits [21] with respect to the risk of heart diseases ( 45 ).

Of all the healthy fats and oils in the diet, extra virgin olive oil is king.

Conclusion: extra virgin olive oil has many health benefits powerful and incredibly effective at improving cardiovascular health.

9. Coconuts and coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut and coconut oil [22] , are the richest in saturated fat sources on the planet.

In fact, about 90% saturated fatty acids.

However, people who consume large quantities of coconut has a high degree of heart disease, and are in good health ( 46 , 47 ).

Coconut fats are actually from most other fats and are mostly composed of medium chain fatty acids.

These fatty acids are metabolized differently, go directly to the liver where it into ketone bodies (converted 48 ).

Studies show that medium chain fatty acids suppress appetite, to help people eat fewer calories [23] , and can increase metabolic rate up to 120 calories per day to increase ( 49 , 50 ).

Many studies show that the types of fat may have benefits for people with Alzheimer's disease, and have also been shown to help lose belly fat ( 51 , ​​52 ).

Conclusion: The coconuts are rich in medium chain fatty acids are metabolized differently than other fats. You can reduce appetite, increase fat burning and offer many health benefits.

10. Full Fat Yogurt

Young woman eating yogurt

Real, full-fat yogurt [25] is incredibly healthy.

It has all the same essential nutrients as other high-fat dairy products.

But it is also full of probiotics, healthy bacteria that can have a major impact on your health.

Studies show that yogurt can lead to significant improvements in the health of the digestive system and can even help fight against heart disease and obesity ( 53 , 54 , 55 ).

Be sure to choose genuine, full-fat yogurt and read the label.

Unfortunately, many yogurts can be found in stores fat, but loaded with added sugar.

It is recommended that those who avoid them like the plague.


  1. ^ saturated fatty acids (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ oleic acid (en.wikipedia.org)
  4. ^ Lawyers (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ cheese (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ rich in protein (authoritynutrition.com)
  7. ^ milk (authoritynutrition.com)
  8. ^ antioxidants (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ dark chocolate (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ eggs (authoritynutrition.com)
  11. ^ cholesterol in eggs (authoritynutrition.com)
  12. ^ nutrients (authoritynutrition.com)
  13. ^ weight loss food purchases (authoritynutrition.com)
  14. ^ cod liver oil (www.amazon.com)
  15. ^ Vitamin D (authoritynutrition.com)
  16. ^ fibers (authoritynutrition.com)
  17. ^ important nutrients (authoritynutrition.com)
  18. ^ CLA (authoritynutrition.com)
  19. ^ of extra virgin olive oil (authoritynutrition.com)
  20. ^ the Mediterranean diet (authoritynutrition.com)
  21. ^ all kinds of services (authoritynutrition.com)
  22. ^ coconut oil (authoritynutrition.com)
  23. ^ fewer calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  24. ^ lose belly fat (authoritynutrition.com)
  25. ^ yogurt (authoritynutrition.com)

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