Tuesday, January 6, 2015

10 delicious herbs and spices with powerful health benefits

Young woman with various spices The use of herbs and spices was incredibly important throughout history.

Many of them were celebrated for their medicinal properties, long before culinary use.

Modern science has shown that many of them are really remarkable health benefits.

Here are 10 of the healthiest herbs and spices in the world, supported by research.

1 cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels and has a strong anti-diabetic effect

Cinnamon is a popular spice in all kinds of recipes and baked goods.

It contains a substance called cinnamaldehyde [1] , the (responsible for the medicinal properties of cinnamon 1 ).

Cinnamon has antioxidant effect, helps fight inflammation and has lower cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood ( 2 , 3 , 4 ).

But where cinnamon is really shines in its effects on blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon can reduce blood sugar levels by various mechanisms, including slows the breakdown of carbohydrates [2] in the intestines and improves insulin sensitivity ( 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Studies have shown that cinnamon can reduce fasting blood sugar 10-29% of diabetic patients, a significant amount ( 9 , 10 , 11 ).

The effective dose is generally 0.5 to 2 tablespoons of cinnamon daily or 1-6 grams.

You can read more about the amazing health benefits of cinnamon learn in this article .

Conclusion: Cinnamon has many health benefits and is particularly effective in lowering blood sugar levels in the blood.

2. Sage can improve brain function and memory

Fresh sage leaves

Sage gets its name from the Latin word Salvere, which means "Save".

He had a reputation for its healing properties in the Middle Ages, and was even used to prevent the disease ( 12 ).

Recent studies show that sage may be able to improve brain function and memory, especially in people with his Alzheimer's disease [4] .

Alzheimer's disease is with a reduced level of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger in the brain. Wise inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine ( 13 ).

In a study of 4 months 42 persons mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, sage extract has been shown that significant improvements in brain function (produce 14 ).

Other studies have also shown that sage can memory function in healthy people, young and old (improve 15 , 16 ).

Conclusion: There is evidence that promising Salvia extract can improve brain function and memory, especially in people with Alzheimer's disease.

3. Peppermint relieves pain and IBS can reduce nausea

The oil and mint

Peppermint has a long history of use in traditional medicine and aromatherapy.

As is the case with many herbs that contain oily components responsible for the health effects of agents.

Numerous studies have shown that peppermint oil can relieve pain or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS improve 17 , 18 , 19 ).

It seems relaxes the smooth muscle in the gut pain during defecation work easier. It also helps reduce bloating [5] , which is a common gastrointestinal symptoms (is 20 , 21 ).

There are also some studies have shown that peppermint aromatherapy can help fight nausea to show.

In a study of more than 1100 women in labor, mint aroma therapy [6] caused significant reduction in nausea. It has also been shown that nausea after surgery and cesarean (reduced 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ).

Conclusion: The natural peppermint oil relieves pain for people with IBS. Also potent anti-nausea has effects when used in aromatherapy.

4. Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with potent anti-inflammatory effects

Turmeric in wooden bowl

Turmeric is a spice that gives curry [7] in yellow.

Contains several compounds with medicinal properties, of which the most important is curcumin ( 26 ).

Curcumin is extremely powerful antioxidant [8] , the oxidative damage to combat and stimulate own antioxidant enzymes of the body (supports 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 ).

This is important because the oxidative damage as an important mechanism underlying many diseases and aging is.

Curcumin is also strongly anti-inflammatory, where appropriate, on the effectiveness of certain anti-inflammatory drugs ( 32 ).

As the long-term, low-level inflammation plays an important role in almost all western chronic diseases, it is no surprise that curcumin connected to a variety of health benefits.

Studies suggest that improve brain function to reduce the fight against Alzheimer's disease, the risk of heart disease and cancer and relieve arthritis, to name a few ( 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 ).

Here is an article about the many amazing health benefits of turmeric / curcumin [9] .

Conclusion: The investigations show that curcumin, the active ingredient which is shown in turmeric, has significant benefits for many aspects of health.

5. San Basilio helps fight infection and enhances immunity

San Basilio

Not to be confused with regular basil or Thai basil are confused, holy basil [10] is considered a sacred herb in India.

Studies show that basil can the growth of a variety of bacteria, yeasts and molds (inhibit 38 , 39 ).

A small study also found that immune function (can be stimulated by increasing certain immune cells in the blood 40 ).

Holy basil is also associated with reduced blood sugar levels before and after meals and to treat anxiety and depression related anxiety ( 41 , 42 ).

However, these studies were quite small and more research is needed before recommendations can be made.

Conclusion: Holy basil seems to improve immune function and inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeasts and molds.

6. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which reduce appetite and may have anti-cancer properties helps

Cayenne pepper is used a type of pepper to prepare spicy dishes.

Girl with cayenne pepper

The active ingredient called capsaicin [11] , which has been shown to reduce appetite and burn fat in many studies ( 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 ).

For this reason, it is a common ingredient in many commercial weight loss supplements.

One study showed that the addition of 1 gram to reduce red peppers with meals appetite and increases fat burning in people who regularly consume peppers ( 49 ).

However, there were no effects in people who had the habit of eating spicy foods, indicating that tolerance to the effects accumulate.

Animal studies have also found capsaicin on certain forms of cancer, including lung, liver, and prostate cancer (control 50 , 51 , ​​52 , 53 ).

Of course, these observed anti-cancer effects are not tested by far the most people, so take this with a grain of salt [12] .

Conclusion: Cayenne pepper is rich in a substance called capsaicin, which reduces appetite and stimulates fat burning. It has been shown in animal studies also anti-cancer potential.

7. ginger can cause nausea and has anti-inflammatory

Fresh Ginger

Ginger is a popular spice in many forms of alternative medicine is used.

Studies have repeatedly shown that 1 gram or more of ginger can successfully treat nausea.

These include nausea due to morning sickness, chemotherapy, and motion sickness (caused 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 ).

Ginger also seems to have potent anti-inflammatory properties, and may in the treatment of pain (help 60 ).

A study in patients with a risk of colorectal cancer has shown that 2 grams of ginger extract per day reduces colon inflammation markers in the same way as aspirin ( 61 ).

Other research has found that a mixture of ginger, cinnamon, mastic, sesame oil, and reduce pain and stiffness of people experienced with osteoarthritis. There was a similar treatment with aspirin or ibuprofen (efficiency 62 ).

Conclusion: 1 gram of ginger seems to be an effective treatment for many types of nausea. It is also anti-inflammatory and can help reduce pain.

8. Fenugreek improves blood sugar control


Fenugreek is widely used in Ayurveda, especially to improve libido and virility.

Although their effects on testosterone levels remain inconclusive [13] , fenugreek seem positive impact on blood sugar have.

Protein contains 4 Hydroxyisoleucine system, to improve the function of the hormone insulin (possibly 63 ).

Many studies in humans have shown that at least 1 gram per day fenugreek extract can lower blood sugar levels, especially in diabetic patients ( 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 ).

Conclusion: Fenugreek has been shown to improve the function of insulin, resulting in a significant reduction in blood glucose levels.

9. rosemary may help prevent allergies and nasal congestion


The active ingredient is called rosemary rosemary acid [14] .

This substance has been shown to cause allergic reactions and nasal congestion suppress.

In a study of 29 people, two 50 and 200 mg doses of rosmarinic acid has been shown to relieve the symptoms of allergy (to suppress, 69 ).

The number of immune cells in the nasal mucus also reduces less congestion.

Conclusion: The rosmarinic acid has anti-inflammatory effects that seem to suppress the symptoms of allergies and reduce nasal congestion.

10. Garlic can fight disease and improve cardiovascular health

Rubio with onion, garlic and hot peppers

Throughout ancient history, was the main use of garlic for its medicinal properties ( 70 ).

We now know that most of these health effects due to a compound called allicin [15] , which is also responsible for the characteristic odor of garlic.

The addition of garlic is good for fighting the disease, including hay (known 71 , 72 ).

If you frequently cold and then add more garlic to your diet could be incredibly useful.

There is also strong evidence of positive effects on the health of the heart.

For those with high cholesterol, garlic supplements to total cholesterol and / or LDL by about 10-15% (reduced 73 , 74 , 75 ).

Human studies have also found garlic supplements lead to a significant decrease in blood pressure in people with high blood pressure ( 76 , 77 , 78 ).

In one study, it was as effective as drugs (blood pressure 79 ).

The all amazing health benefits of garlic is beyond the scope of this article, but you can read here it [16] .


  1. ^ cinnamaldehyde (en.wikipedia.org)
  2. ^ carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ in this article (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ Alzheimer (en.wikipedia.org)
  5. ^ reduce flatulence (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ Aromatherapy (en.wikipedia.org)
  7. ^ Curry (en.wikipedia.org)
  8. ^ antioxidant (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ incredible health benefits of turmeric / curcumin (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ holy basil (en.wikipedia.org)
  11. ^ capsaicin (en.wikipedia.org)
  12. ^ salt (authoritynutrition.com)
  13. ^ conclusive (examine.com)
  14. ^ rosmarinic acid (en.wikipedia.org)
  15. ^ allicin (en.wikipedia.org)
  16. ^ about it here (authoritynutrition.com)

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