Tuesday, January 27, 2015

10 graphics surprisingly effective ways to show to lose weight

There are a lot of conflicting advice on how to lose weight.

All kinds of pills, potions and strange diets developed, most of which have no evidence behind.

However, this does not make sense. Over the years, scientists have found a number of weight loss [1] methods that really work.

Overweight woman Vs. thin

Here are 10 cards, the most effective ways to lose weight. They are based on randomized controlled trials in humans, the level of science based gold analyzes.

1. eat eggs for breakfast

Vs Bagel for weight loss Eggs

Source :. Vander Wal JS, et al increased bit egg weight loss. [2] International Journal of Obesity of 2008.

What do you eat for breakfast is important. According to the previous study, eating eggs for breakfast can help you lose 65% more weight than a breakfast of bagels.

The group had a 34% greater reduction in egg waist circumference and 16% greater reduction in body fat, although the difference was not statistically significant.

This is mainly due to the fact that eggs very satisfactory. People who eat eggs for breakfast, feel so full that automatically eat less at the next meal and less calories in the next 36 h ( 1 ).

Of course there are many other good reasons to eat eggs. Weight loss is just the tip of the iceberg.

2. Drink to increase water metabolism

Graph shows how water can increase your metabolism

Source :. Boschmann M, et al drinking water by induced thermogenesis osmosensitive mechanisms. [4] The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism-2013.

The table above shows how to drink 500 ml of (17 oz) of water, can increase metabolism by 24-30% within 1 to 1.5 hours.

The researchers estimated that two liters (68 ounces) of water per day [5] can make 96 extra calories (burned 2 ).

Not a huge amount, but every little bit adds up.

3. Reduce the speed to eat

Dining speed and calorie intake

Source :. Andrade AM, et al Eat slowly leads to a reduction in energy consumption with meals in healthy women. [6] Journal of the American Dietetic Association., 2008

The way you can take your food to the amount of calories you take affect at the end.

According to the previous study, people who were instructed to eat more slowly landed 67 fewer calories at a meal. They also enjoyed their meals.

4. Drinking caffeine to increase metabolism

Caffeine and metabolism

Source:. Dulloo AG, et al Usual intake of caffeine. Influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in human volunteers and postobese slim [7] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition., 1989

Caffeine, the active ingredient of coffee [8] , can increase and help burn fat metabolism.

In the table above we see how energy consumption is increased in people and thin people who have lost weight recently.

In this study, 600 mg of caffeine (6 "medium" were coffee cup [9] ) can make a day thin people burn 150 calories more a day.

The effect was with people who used to be overweight, reduced but had lost weight. However, he still finds an extra 79 calories per day.

5. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates

Graphic weight loss, low carb vs. low fat

Source :. Brehm BJ, et al . In a randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and low calorie low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women [10] The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2003

There is a huge body of evidence [11] on low-carb diets, showing that they are more effective for weight loss tips that got standard low-fat forever.

Low-carb diets are significantly reducing appetite in general, so people cut calories and lose large amounts of weight without trying to eat less ( 3 ).

Many studies show that low-carb dieters lose 2-3 times as much weight as the low-fat diet, despite the low-fat group in calorie restricted ( 5 , 6 ).

6. A fiber called glucomannan is a supplement for effective weight loss

Glucomannan effects on weight loss, less

Source:. Birketvedt GS et al experiments with three different fiber supplements in weight reduction. [12] Medical Science Monitor of 2005.

Most weight loss supplements do not work. However, there are some supplements [13] that science proved only partially effective.

One is a type of fiber called glucomannan. This fiber absorbs water and "lies" in the gut, it feels so full of fewer calories.

In the above table, three different experiments in which people participated see Glucomannan [14] lost more weight than the control groups.

It will not work wonders for itself, but a useful addition to a healthy diet weight loss.

7. The protein reduces anxiety and obsessive thoughts about food

The protein reduces cravings

:. Source Leidy HJ, et al . The effects of frequent consumption, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in men with overweight / obese [15] Obesity (Silver Spring)., 2011

The diet to be more hungry for a long time. They even irresistible desires [16] and start literally obsessed about food.

This often occurs at night, this is terrible, because snacks at night are usually added on top of the daily intake of calories.

As you can see in the chart above, shows that the use of protein and 25% of the calories shown that anxiety by 60% to reduce and later snack reduce the pleasure in the middle of the night.

8. The protein helps you fewer calories and causes the automatic weight loss

Protein, calories, weight loss

Source :. Weigle DS, et al A high protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake and despite compensatory changes in plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations day body weight. [17] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2005.

When it comes to losing weight, protein is king very nutritious.

The chart above shows what happens when people increase their protein intake [18] 30% of calories. Your total calorie intake drops immediately, and start losing weight, like clockwork.

This is because the protein is the saturating macronutrient particularly far. Many studies show that people who lose weight while protein to your diet without voluntarily restrict some ( 7 , 8 ).

There are also studies that show that the protein can dramatically increase metabolism so it works both "calories" and calorie "out" side of the equation ( 9 , 10 ).

9. Coconut oil can help you lose belly fat

Coconut Oil Reduces belly fat

Sources: effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women with abdominal obesity [19] and open in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of coconut oil in reducing visceral obesity pilot study [20] .

Coconut oil is a rather unique type of fat because it is called medium-chain triglycerides with bioactive fatty acids loaded.

Some studies have shown it can help you lose small amounts of abdominal fat [21] that the "dangerous" fat that accumulates around the organs.

This may be because the fat coconut oil has been shown (to increase and suppress appetite compared to other fats, metabolism, at least in the short run 11 , 12 ).

10. Make a conscious effort to reduce your calorie intake

Calorie deficit and weight loss

Source :. Larson-Meyer et al, calorie restriction with or without exercise. The debate about fat fitness [23] Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise of 2010.

In the earlier study, two groups were treated with a gap of 25% of calories. A group with diet alone, while another small group of calories to reach 12.5% ​​and increased cardiovascular the other 12.5%.

Both groups have a significant amount of weight, but the group has also had the greatest improvements in fitness and metabolic health.

Despite what they say, calories [24] are important for weight loss. No release your body more calories, you will not only lose weight.

However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to count calories.

Many people find that automatically [25] eat less calories as long as they keep up with the sentence, a food ingredient (in real terms).

In many cases, you nourish your body with healthy food is all you need.

Weight loss follows as a natural side effect.


  1. ^ weight loss (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ egg breakfast enhances weight loss. (www.nature.com)
  3. ^ right reasons (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ water osmosensitive mechanisms induced thermogenesis. (press.endocrine.org)
  5. ^ day (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ Eat slowly leads to a reduction in energy consumption with meals in healthy women. (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  7. ^ the caffeine. Influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in lean subjects and postobese (ajcn.nutrition.org)
  8. ^ coffee (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ cup (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and low calorie high fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women. (jcem.endojournals.org)
  11. ^ evidence (authoritynutrition.com)
  12. ^ The experiments with three different fiber supplements in reducing weight. (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  13. ^ Extras (authoritynutrition.com)
  14. ^ glucomannan (authoritynutrition.com)
  15. ^ The effects of frequent consumption, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in men with overweight / obesity. (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  16. ^ wishes (authoritynutrition.com)
  17. ^ A diet rich in protein induces consequent reduction in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake and body weight despite compensatory changes in the plasma concentrations of leptin and ghrelin day. (ajcn.nutrition.org)
  18. ^ protein intake (authoritynutrition.com)
  19. ^ effects of coconut oil diet on biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women with abdominal obesity (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  20. ^ An open standard for assessing the efficacy and safety of coconut oil in reducing visceral obesity pilot study (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  21. ^ belly fat (authoritynutrition.com)
  22. ^ coconut oil (authoritynutrition.com)
  23. ^ calorie restriction with or without exercise. Gym debate against fat (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  24. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  25. ^ automatically (authoritynutrition.com)

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