Sunday, June 21, 2015

6 most popular ways to do this intermittent fasting

Hungry man with empty plate Intermittent fasting is very fashionable in recent years.

What about weight loss claims to improve metabolic health and perhaps even prolong life.

As might be expected, the popularity different types / methods are given developed intermittent fasting.

Each of them can be effective, but better depend on the individual.

Here are two popular ways to do this intermittent fasting.

1. 16/8 Method: almost 16 hours a day.

The method involves fasting 16/8 "eat" every day for 14-16 hours, and the limitation of the window to 8.10 clock.

In the room window, you can keep in 2, 3 or more meals.

This process is also known as Leangains protocol and was designed by Martin Berkhan fitness expert popularized.

Make this method of fasting can be as simple as no food to be effective after dinner and skip breakfast.

For example, when you finish your last meal in 20 hours, and then not to eat until noon the next day, then you are technically fasting for 16 hours between meals.

It is generally recommended that the only fast women to make with a little shorter fasting better 14 to 15 hours as they seem.

For people who are hungry in the morning and like to eat for breakfast, it can be difficult to adjust at first. However, many do not eat breakfast actually eat instinctively that.

You can drink the water [1] , coffee [2] and other calorie-free drinks during fasting, and this can help to defeat hunger.

It is very important to eat healthy foods for most of the window to eat. This does not work if you eat a lot of junk food or excessive amounts of calories.

For more information about the method 16/8: Leangains Guide [3] .

This guide is intended primarily from the perspective of strength training written and includes weight lifting and nutritional supplements, but the program can be adapted to any lifestyle.

Personally, I think it is the "natural" way to do intermittent fasting. I like it that way and I found myself 100% effortlessly.

I eat a diet low in carbohydrates , so my appetite a little jaded. I did not feel hungry until about 13 hours in the afternoon. Then I eat my last meal about 6-9 hours, so I end up fasting for 16 to 19 hours.

Conclusion: The method includes the daily fast 16/8 16 hours for men and 14-15 for women clock. Every day, restricting your diet to "eat" window 10.08 hours where you have to fit in 2-3 or more meals.

2. 5: 2 diet: fast during the two days per week.

A bowl of soup

5: 2 diet usually involves eating five days a week, while limiting calories [5] 500-600 two days of the week.

This diet is also called the fast control, and was designed by British journalist and popularized Dr. Michael Mosley [6] .

In the days of fasting, it is recommended that women eat 500 calories, 600 calories and men.

For example you could normally except on Mondays and Thursdays, where two small meals (250 calories per meal for women and 300 men) eat eaten daily.

As critics rightly point out, there are no studies that prove, 5: 2 Diet Yes, but there are many studies on the benefits of intermittent fasting.

For more information: The site quick scheme [7] and the book fast diet [8] .

Conclusion: 5: 2 diet or fast food is on 500 to 600 calories to eat for two days a week, but usually eat the other five days.

3. Eat-Stop-Eat: Run fast 1:24, once or twice a week.

Eat-Stop-Eat involves fasting for 24 hours, or once or twice per week.

This method was popularized by Brad Pilon fitness expert and has been very popular in recent years.

The man would not let her eat pepper

By fasting dinner one night dinner, this corresponds to a 24-hour fast.

For example, when the dinner is over to 19 hours and to dinner the next day do not eat on Monday at 19 clock, leaving only to make a quick full 24 minutes.

You can also fast from breakfast to breakfast or lunch. The end result is the same.

During fasting, water, coffee and other non-caloric beverages are allowed, but no solid food.

If you do this in order to lose weight, then it is very important that you usually eat during mealtimes. As in, eat the same amount of food as if you had not been fasting.

The problem with this method is that the entire 24-hour fast is very difficult for many people.

However, you should all-in right away, going 14-16 hours and then move from there it goes well.

Personally, I've done this several times. I think the first part of the last quickly, but in the few hours, I'm hungry.

I had some serious self-discipline, apply to complete the full 24 hours and often give up and found myself before dinner.

For more information: Brad Pilon blog .

Conclusion: Eat-Stop-Eat is intermittent fasting program with one or two fasts of 24 hours per week.

4. The fast 2 days: almost every day.

Hunger Women Low

Another half-day fast every other day of fasting.

Several different versions of it. Some of them provide about 500 calories during the day. Fasting

Various laboratory studies, the benefits of intermittent fasting uses a version of it.

A complete fast every day seems pretty extreme, so I do not recommend it for beginners.

With this method, you go to the very hungry several times a week bed which is not very nice and probably in the long run unsustainable.

Conclusion: Alternate-day fasting means fasting every other day or not eating anything or to eat only a few hundred calories.

5. The Warrior Diet: fast during the day, eat a big meal at night.

The Warrior Diet was popularized by fitness expert Ori Hofmekler.

There is a small amount of raw food fruit [10] and vegetables a day and then eat a big meal in the evening.

Brunette with a dish of meat and vegetables

Basically, "fast" all day "party" at night in a window of four hours to eat.

The Warrior Diet was one of the first "plans", a popular form of intermittent fasting are.

Whole, unprocessed foods that are similar to what was published in the Nature - The scheme is also food choices that are very similar focus to a Paleo Diet.

For further information: Warrior diet [11] (the book) - Wikipedia article [12] .

Conclusion: The Warrior Diet is, only small amounts of fruits and vegetables to eat during the day and then eat a big meal in the evening.

6. spontaneous skipping meals: skipping meals on time.

Young businessman with cup of coffee smiling

Really, you do not have to harvest follow a structured plan, some intermittent fasting benefits.

Another option is simply to skip meals from time to time to if you do not feel hungry or too busy to cook and to eat.

It is a myth that people eat every few hours, or come to "have starvation mode [13] "or lose muscle.

The human body is well equipped to handle long periods of starvation, not to mention a meal or two is missing sometimes.

So if you. Really hungry one day, skipping breakfast and eating a healthy lunch only and dinner Or if you are traveling somewhere and can not do everything, what you want to eat, get a quick overview.

Salta 1 or 2 meals if you feel so inclined, is essentially a spontaneous intermittent fasting.

Make sure you eat healthy foods in other meals.

Conclusion: A "natural" way that intermittent fasting is simply skip 1 or 2 meals when not hungry or do not have time to eat.

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There are many people getting good results with some of these methods.

That is, if you are satisfied with their health and much room for improvement is already not seeing so please ignore this.

Intermittent fasting is not for everyone. It's not something that has to do each, it is just another tool in the toolbox that might be helpful for some people.

Some also believe that this is only beneficial for women than for men, and can also be a bad choice for people who be susceptible to eating disorders.

If you decide to try it, then be aware that you need to eat healthy.

It is impossible to binge on junk food during the meal breaks and expect to lose weight [15] and improving health.

Count calories as before, and the quality of food remains absolutely critical.


  1. ^ Water (
  2. ^ coffee (
  3. ^ Leangains leader (
  4. ^ diet low in carbohydrates (
  5. ^ calories (
  6. ^ Michael Mosley (
  7. ^ site fast system (
  8. ^ Fast diet book (
  9. ^ Blog Brad Pilon (
  10. ^ fruits (
  11. ^ Nutrition Guerrero (
  12. ^ From Wikipedia (
  13. ^ starvation mode (
  14. ^ healthy foods (
  15. ^ weight loss (

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