Saturday, July 26, 2014

Coffee: Good or Bad?

Man Drinking Coffee Pot

Man Drinking Coffee Pot

The health effects of coffee are very controversial.

Depending on whom you ask, is either a major or very dangerous healthy drink.

But despite what you have heard, there are actually a lot of good things about coffee to say.

For example, is rich in antioxidants and with a lower risk for many diseases.

However ... Also contains caffeine, a stimulant that can cause problems in some people and interfere with sleep.

This article takes a detailed report on coffee and its effects on the health of the eyes, look at the pros and cons.

Coffee contains several important nutrients and is rich in antioxidants

Coffee is more than the dark brown water ... to do most of the nutrients in the coffee beans in the cup.

A typical 8 oz (240 ml) cup of coffee contains ( 1 ):

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 11% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 6% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 2% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin): 2% of the RDA.
  • Folic acid: 1% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Manganese: 3% of the RDA.
  • Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium: 2% of the RDA.
  • Phosphorus: 1% of the recommended daily dose.

That may not seem like much, but try to multiply by 3, 4, or the number of drinks per drinking day. They can add up to a large part of the daily intake of nutrients.

But where it really shines is rich in antioxidants into his coffee.

The average person eating a typical Western diet is more antioxidants from coffee fruits [1] ... and combination vehicles ( 2 , 3 ).

Conclusion: Coffee contains a small amount of certain vitamins and minerals that add up if you drink several cups a day. It is also rich in antioxidants.

Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that can improve brain function and increase metabolism

Caffeine [2] is to be consumed in the world (psychoactive substance 4 ).

Tired man drinking coffee in the morning

Soft drinks, tea and chocolate [3] all contain caffeine, but coffee is the main source.

The caffeine content of a single cup can be from 30 to 300 mg are, but the intermediate shell is from about 90 to 100 mg.

Caffeine is a known stimulant [4] . In the brain, an inhibitory neurotransmitter function (brain hormone) adenosine is blocked call.

By blocking adenosine [5] , caffeine actually increased activity in the brain and the release of other neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, and dopamine. This reduces fatigue and makes us more alert ( 5 , 6 ).

There are many studies that show that caffeine can lead to an increase in short-term brain function ... including improved mood, reaction time, attention and general cognitive function ( 7 , 8 ).

Caffeine can also stimulate the metabolism (calorie consumption) of 3-11%, and even improve athletic performance, on average, 11 to 12% ( 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ).

But ... some of these effects may be short-lived. If you drink coffee every day, you will have a tolerance to build it and the effects will be less effective ( 13 ).

There are also some disadvantages to caffeine, I'll take some.

Conclusion: The main active ingredient in coffee is caffeine stimulant. It can cause an increase in the short-term energy, brain function, metabolism and physical performance levels.

Coffee can for protecting the brain in the old age, which results in a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease

Coffee beans

Alzheimer's [6] is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the most common cause of dementia.

Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a risk of up to 65% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease ( 14 , 15 , 16 ).

Parkinson's disease [7] is the second most common, and is caused by the death of dopaminergic neurons in the brain that produces the neurodegenerative disease.

Coffee drinkers have a risk of 32-60% from Parkinson's disease. Mature man drinking coffee rather ( 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ).

Conclusion: Several studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease in the elderly.

Coffee drinkers have a much lower risk for type 2 diabetes

Cup of coffee

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by glucose levels in the blood due to its high resistance to the effects of insulin.

This is a very common condition that ... multiplied by 10 in a few decades and now affects over 300 million people.

It is interesting that coffee drinkers seem to have a significantly lower risk of developing this disease have, some studies show that coffee drinkers are 23-67% less likely diabetic (up to 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ).

In a study that large review of 18 studies involving 457 922 people watched each other daily cup of coffee at a lower risk for type 2 diabetes (7% risk has been linked 25 ).

Conclusion: Many studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of liver disease

The liver is an important organ that has hundreds of different functions in the body.

Mature couple drinking coffee outside

It is very sensitive to insults as a modern excess alcohol and fructose [8] entry.

The final stage of liver disease called cirrhosis [9] , and has the majority of the liver is replaced by scar tissue.

Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing cirrhosis than 84%, with the strongest of those who (drink effect four or more cups per day 26 , 27 , 28 ).

Liver cancer is also common ... is the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of up to 40% of liver cancer ( 29 , 30 ).

Conclusion: Coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk for liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The more coffee you drink, the greater the risk.

People who drink coffee have a much lower risk of depression and suicide

Waitress with a cup of coffee

Depression is a very common problem.

It is most common in the world and led to a significant reduction in quality of life mental disorder.

In a Harvard study from 2011, which had the most to drink coffee a 20% lower risk of depression ( 31 ).

In a review of three studies were men, four or more cups of coffee per day drank 53% less likely suicide (commit 32 ).

Conclusion: Studies have shown that people who drink coffee less likely to be depressed and are much less likely to commit suicide.

Some studies show that coffee drinkers live longer

Since the coffee drinkers have a lower risk of many common deadly diseases (and suicide), it makes sense that coffee can help you live longer.

Actually it is a good evidence.

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine published in 2012 studied the habits of 402 260 people aged 50 to 71 years ( 33 ).

In this study, the people who had been drinking coffee a much lower risk of dying during the study period of 12 to 13 years:

Freedman et al - coffee and the risk of death

The sweet spot seems to 4-5 cups per day, with men having a reduced risk and women a 12% risk reduction of 16%.

You can read more about it in this article , how can make coffee to live longer [10] .

Conclusion: Studies have shown that coffee drinkers live longer, which makes sense since they have a lower risk for many diseases. The most significant effect is observed for 4-5 cups per day.

Caffeine may cause anxiety and disrupt sleep

Young woman with a cup of coffee

It would not be fair to speak only good things to say anything bad.

The truth is ... there are significant disadvantages and coffee (although this of the person).

Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause restlessness, anxiety, palpitations and panic attacks (also aggravate 34 ).

If you want to inspire sensitive to caffeine and tends then maybe you should not drink coffee.

Another unwanted side effect is that it disrupt sleep ( 35 ). If coffee reduces the quality of sleep, so try to avoid coffee at the end of the day, because after 14 hours.

Caffeine can also be a diuretic and increase the effect of blood pressure, but usually disappears with regular use. However, an increase in blood pressure of 2.1 mm / Hg can consist ( 36 , 37 , 38 ).

Conclusion: Caffeine can have various negative effects, such as causing fear and disrupt have to sleep, but depends greatly on the individual.

Caffeine is addictive and lacking a couple of cups could void


One problem is that caffeine can lead to addiction [11] among many people.

When people regularly consume caffeine, too tolerant. Or stops still function, or a higher dose is required to obtain the same effect ( 39 ).

When people avoid caffeine, they have withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, confusion and irritability. This may take a few days ( 40 , 41 ).

Tolerance and withdrawal are the hallmarks of physical dependence.

Many people (understandably) do not like the idea, literally to a substance to function correctly hooked.

Conclusion: Caffeine is an addictive substance. It can be documented lead to tolerance and withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue and irritability.

The difference between regular and decaf

Cup of coffee and coffee beans

Some people opt for decaf coffee instead of regular.

How decaf [12] is performed, is usually a rinse the beans with chemical solvents.

Each time this does not solve a certain percentage of caffeine in the solvent and the process repeated until most of the caffeine removed.

However, it is to note that decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine, only considerably less than normal coffee.

Unfortunately, not all health benefits [13] for the ordinary to decaffeinated. For example, some studies show no reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease or liver disease for those who drink decaffeinated coffee.

Conclusion: decaffeinated coffee is prepared by extraction of caffeine from coffee beans with solvents. Decaf not all the same health benefits as regular coffee.

Things to keep in mind in order to maximize health benefits

Man drinking a cup of coffee

There are some things you can do to the positive health effects that you maximize to get coffee.

The important thing is not to add something unhealthy. These include sugar [14] and all kinds of artificial chemicals loaded cream.

Another important thing is to make coffee with a paper filter. Unfiltered coffee (like Turkish or French press) contains cafestol [15] , a substance which raise cholesterol levels (may 42 , 43 ).

Also, remember that include some drinks at places like Starbucks coffee may be hundreds of calories and lots of sugar. These drinks are not healthy.

There are some tips in this article on 8 ways to make your Super Healthy Coffee [16] .

Conclusion: It is important not to sugar filled or bleaching chemicals in your coffee. Brewing with a paper filter can be a collection of compounds called cafestol get rid of cholesterol.

If you drink coffee?

Woman drinking coffee, smiling

There are people who desperately want to avoid or severely limit coffee consumption, especially pregnant women.

People with anxiety disorders, high blood pressure or insomnia also want to try for a while to see the coffee if it helps limit.

There is also evidence that people who metabolize caffeine more slowly have a higher risk of heart attack by drinking coffee (risk 44 ).

All that said ... it seems clear that for the average person, coffee can have important positive effects on health.

If you do not drink coffee, so do not think that these benefits are a good reason to start. There are also disadvantages.

But if you now drink coffee and enjoy the benefits seem to far outweigh the negative ones.

I personally drink coffee every day ... about 4-5 cups (sometimes more). My health has never been better.

Take Home Message

It is important to note that most studies in this article are observational studies can not prove that coffee made soothing effect.

But since the effects are strong and consistent across studies, it is a fairly strong coffee that actually play a role display.

Despite the demonized in the past, the evidence [17] is points to the coffee very healthy ... at least for most people.

In any case, the coffee belongs in the same category as healthy drinks such as green tea [18] .


  1. ^ fruits (
  2. ^ Caffeine (
  3. ^ Chocolate (
  4. ^ stimulant (
  5. ^ adenosine (
  6. ^ Alzheimer's disease (
  7. ^ Parkinson (
  8. ^ fructose (
  9. ^ cirrhosis (
  10. ^ How to Make Coffee to live longer (
  11. ^ addiction (
  12. ^ decaf (
  13. ^ Health Benefits (
  14. ^ sugar (
  15. ^ cafestol (
  16. ^ 8 Ways Your Super Healthy Coffee Make (
  17. ^ test (
  18. ^ Green tea (

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Are harmful nitrates and nitrites in food?

Men eat meat processed

Men eat meat processed

There is much confusion about nitrates and nitrites in the diet.

These are compounds naturally found in some foods (vegetables) are present, but also in the processed (bacon) as a food preservatives.

Some people think they are harmful and can cause cancer.

However, science is not so clear, and some studies suggest it may even be healthy.

So ... what is the truth about nitrate / nitrite in foods?

Let us take a look ...

What are nitrates and nitrites?

To understand what nitrates and nitrites, we dive into a bit of chemistry.

These two kinds of compounds consisting of a bonded nitrogen atom, an oxygen atom number.

  • Nitrate: a nitrogen, oxygen 3 - Chemical Formula: NO3-
  • Nitrites: 1 nitrogen, oxygen 2 - Chemical formula: NO2

Then-a-nitr ... have their three oxygen atoms, while i-thy nitr-2 has oxygen atoms.

This is what they seem to be:

Molecular structure of nitrates and nitrites

Photo source. [1]

It seems that Ates nitr. Themselves are relatively inert to ITES nitr by bacteria in the mouth or enzymes in the body.

Nitrites are the main players here ... they can either be nitric oxide (good) or nitrosamines (wrong) - which we will discuss in more detail shortly ( 1 ).

Nitrites are the basic sausage [2] it is pink or red. The nitrites are reacted in the nitrogen oxides with oxygen-binding proteins in the meat and the color change (converted 2 ).

No additives such as nitrite, meat is very brown very quickly.

Briefly, nitrates and nitrites are compounds of nitrogen and oxygen. Converted nitrate to nitrite may be, the (good) or nitrosamines (bad) can be either nitric oxide.

Nitrates and nitrites are found in all types of food ... and produced our own bodies

Woman eating bacon

Nitrates and nitrites are added often processed meat [3] such as bacon, ham, sausage and hot dogs.

Functioning as a preservative, and helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

You have also add a savory taste and improve the appearance of meat products, which is a red or pink color.

We know that meat consumption is closely associated with an increased risk for cancer of the digestive tract, and many people believe that nitrates / nitrites are the reason that ( 3 , 4 ).

However, we also found naturally in foods such as vegetables, foods that are generally considered healthy and a lower risk of cancer (risk 5 , 6 ).

Vegetables are actually the main source of nitrate ... from a distance. The amount of processed meat is compared with vegetables ( 7 ).

The body also nitrates, and secrete large amounts of saliva ( 8 , 9 ).

Nitrates and nitrites back flow from the digestive tract, blood and saliva in the digestive system and then. This is known as entero-salivary circulation known ( 10 ).

They seem to function as antimicrobial agents in the digestive system and helps pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella (elimination 11 , 12 ). You can also nitric oxide (NO), an important signaling molecule (converted 13 ).

Nitrates can also be found in drinking water [4] in some areas. This can be a problem for infants under 6 months who are not able to handle large amounts of nitrate.

This can lead to a dangerous condition called methemoglobinemia [5] , so that the amounts of nitrates in drinking water regulated.

However, this is not a problem for the elderly or children who can also process nitrates.

Conclusion: Nitrates are found in small amounts in processed meat in many healthy foods such as vegetables, and in large quantities. Is also present in drinking water and produced by our own bodies.

Food nitrate / nitrite low blood pressure and has important benefits for heart health

Heart and stethoscope

If loses oxygen nitrite to nitric oxide, an important molecule converted.

Nitric oxide [6] (NO) is a synthesis gas having a plurality of functions in the body (was 14 ).

More importantly, there is not a signal molecule. He traveled through the wall of the artery and sends signals to the cells of the muscles around the small arteries, to tell them to relax ( 15 ).

When these cells are relaxed, the blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops.

This is actually how the medicine called nitroglycerin [7] works. This is a source of nitrate, which is rapidly converted to nitric oxide, blood vessels ( 16 ).

This can prevent or reverse angina pectoris, chest pain when the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen occurs due to reduced blood flow.

Nitrates and nitrites in the diet can also be converted to nitric oxide, dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure ( 17 ).

Studies have shown that dietary supplements that contain nitrates, such as beets and beet juice can lower blood pressure at 4-10 mm / Hg over a period of a few hours. The effect may be smaller for women ( 18 , 19 , 20 ).

Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke (the main causes of death in the world), so that the importance of this can not be stressed enough.

Conclusion: nitrite, the nitric oxide (NO) oxide in the body, a signal molecule to dilate the blood vessels and blood pressure are converted that.

Nitrates are of the athletes to the physical performance of the fuel used


Many studies suggest that nitrates can physical performance, especially during the peak intensity improve endurance training.

Beetroot (beetroot juice) are often used for this purpose because they high in nitrates.

This seems to be due to the improved efficiency of the nitrates of the mitochondria, the energy-producing parts of the cells ( 21 ).

Some studies have shown [8] that the beets (rich in nitrates), the oxygen cost for the year of 5.4% decrease, increase to improve the time to exhaustion during the execution of 15% and the power board 4% ( 22 , 23 , 24 ).

Conclusion: Many studies show that food nitrites / nitrates can improve physical performance, especially in the high-resistance exercise intensity.

They are only a problem if ... nitrosamines are formed, which may include studies occur during the cooking heat

Unfortunately there is a dark side to all this.

When exposed to a high temperature called nitrites in the presence of amino acids which can be converted into compounds Nitro [9] ( 25 ).

Crispy fried bacon

There are many different types of Nitros ... and most of them are potent carcinogens [10] ( 26 ).

They are among the most important carcinogens in snuff [11] Rauch, for example.

Since most of the bacon, sausage and meat products are to be generally high in sodium nitrite, and are rich in proteins [12] of the food (a source of amino acids), in which they have high temperatures ideal conditions, the formation of nitrosamines ( 27 ) .

It is important to note that nitrosamines formed especially during extreme heat. While vegetables nitrate / nitrite contain rare to such high temperatures.

Nitrosamines may also be formed under acidic conditions in the stomach.

In short, when acids and amino acids nitrite are present, carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines may be formed during cooking at high temperatures.

How to reduce your risk nitrosamines ... Without Bacon


Nitrosamines are a known problem in processed meat, and manufacturers are required to limit the amount of nitrites used.

They are also required (inhibits add vitamin C, which the formation of nitrosamines 28 ).

Processed meat eaten today contains about 80% less than it did a few decades nitrites (makes 29 ).

For these reasons, meat today is not anything like it to be carcinogenic.

But just to be on the safe side, then there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk nitrosamines again ... without give up bacon [13] .

You can choose the quality of the bacon [14] , the. actually free of nitrates, not full of celery salt or something similar, which is also nitrates Many bacon "nitrate" is even more nitrate contained as the conventional fat ( 30 ).

What I understand is basically just salt pork bellies. Buy frozen since received any good without nitrate / nitrite.

It tastes just as good, if not better than regular bacon.

Try local if you can, or buy a farmer's market. If you get your hand, pasture raised pork bacon pigs should be much healthier than bacon "classic".

Another thing, the way the bacon can change cooked. Fry over low heat and produce less nitrosamines over high heat for a short time. Burnt bacon is the worst.

According to a study, cook bacon in the microwave is the best way to minimize the formation of nitrosamines ( 31 ).

Here's a video [15] , with instructions on how to do it. I personally tried it and it worked amazingly well.


  1. ^ Source of the photo. (
  2. ^ sausages (
  3. ^ meat (
  4. ^ in drinking water (
  5. ^ methemoglobinemia (
  6. ^ nitric oxide (
  7. ^ nitroglycerin (
  8. ^ showed (
  9. ^ nitrosamines (
  10. ^ potent carcinogens (
  11. ^ Snuff (
  12. ^ protein (
  13. ^ Bacon (
  14. ^ quality bacon (
  15. ^ a video (

15 things that everyone should know about nutrition

Brunette eating salad with a fork

Brunette eating salad with a fork

It is absurd to turn to nutrition.

People do not seem to agree on something and try to make sense of it can be overwhelming.

However ... healthy diet does not have to be complicated, if you do some stays in your head.

Here are 15 things that everyone needs to know about nutrition.

1 The meat is not in your colon red

One of the most ridiculous myths about meat [1] is that rots. in your colon

It is absolute nonsense, it thrives on people who eat people meat, held scare.

The truth is that the meat is broken down down by stomach acid and enzymes, then absorbed, especially amino acids and fatty acids.

The human digestive system is well equipped to meat consumption and our bodies make full use of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in meat.

If you want to know what really rotting in the colon, which is the indigestible plant material, also known as want fiber [2] .

That's actually a good thing ... the good bacteria in the gut to digest fiber and convert them into short-chain fatty acids, the health benefits have ( 1 ).

February. Goes Everywhere Follow Western diet diseases

Junk food / junk food

Most diseases, chronic Western are relatively new.

They have recently appeared in the story, and the people who eat the evolution of processed foods [3] obtained.

The truth is ... the whole Western diet of junk food goes, chronic diseases continue.

It was also of scientists (including the legendary documented Weston A. Price [4] ) in the early parts of the 20th century, when many people were on the edge of Western influence.

If these people have their traditional diet of modern "luxury" such as sugar, refined flour and processed oils are sick.

They have fat, began to rot teeth, diabetic and began to die of heart disease and cancer. It happened a few years ago.

The time now the main health problems of the world - These diseases are often referred to as "diseases of civilization".

Most of them are exacerbated or by the modern diet that causes rich.

Three. Most of the "studies" reported by the media, are an absolute disgrace

As nutritional studies is reported in the media, is a shame.

Female TV reporter

These studies are often taken completely out of context and weak studies seem to prove something true.

In general, these studies are observational studies can not prove anything.

These studies can not demonstrate a statistical correlation, and give ideas for the researchers tested be something in randomized controlled trials [5] .

Unfortunately, this leads to many people make important health, based on bad science and misleading decisions.

April. Refined oils and processed are difficult

Bottle of sunflower oil

Seeds and plants such as soybean oil and rapeseed [6] are often mistakenly believe to be healthy.

This is a big mistake. these oils [7] were not available to people, to 100 years, since the processing technology was not available.

The fatty acid composition is completely different than anything we've issued over the course of evolution, which is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which can lead to problems if consumed more ( 2 , 3 ).

These oils are also loaded with trans fats ... they are very toxic and strong with metabolic disorders and heart disease ( 4 , 5 ).

It is best to eat healthy fats such as natural coconut oil [8] , butter [9] and the extra virgin olive oil [10] , but seed oils and vegetables avoid them like the plague.

5 "natural." Not necessarily, "Health"

Dark spoon syrup flow

It is a mistake to believe that all that is naturally healthy.

That's right ... it's a very good rule to choose natural foods instead of processed.

But there are many examples of natural call is as dangerous as their counterparts in processed foods ... if not worse.

An example of this is a "natural" syrup called agave nectar [11] .

This syrup used to be very popular in the community of natural health and has found its way into all sorts of "healthy foods".

However, if you look at the composition of the nutrients from, fructose contains more than the old raw sugar syrup and high fructose corn.

Fructose [12] is the healthiest part sugar and agave is with the store, which makes it mean something more harmful than regular sugar .. and the likes.

6 Slimline Fat

A simple butter curls

It seems intuitive that eating fat make you fat.

Because things that is fat under the skin fit and makes us soft and swollen. So eat more fat store more than it should.

Fat has more calories [13] per gram than protein and carbohydrates, another reason why some people believe that autologous fat pole.

But the body is much more complicated than that, and it is entirely dependent on the context.

Many studies [14] show that high-fat (but low-carb) diets actually lead to greater weight loss than low-fat but high carbohydrate diets ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Carbohydrates 7 Not thick

Many low carbers believe that carbohydrates [15] are inherently fattening, but that is wrong.

Smiling man eating an apple

Although the abolition of the carbohydrates (in many cases) reversing weight, it does not mean, "carbohydrate", the problem in the first place.

There are many examples of people who followed a diet high in carbohydrates (real food) and have no other western obesity and chronic diseases.

This includes people of Okinawa and Kitavans [16] and Asian populations that eat a lot of rice.

If you just try a healthy person, to stay healthy, then one are low-carbohydrate diet [17] completely unnecessary. Among the sources of carbohydrates including unprocessed fiber only be liable.

Prevention must not the same as the curing.

8 protein is the most important macronutrient for weight loss


When it comes to losing weight, protein [18] is the king of nutrients.

Many studies show that it can stimulate the metabolism (calories) and decrease appetite (calories).

A high protein diet, the amount of calories that you raise 80 to 100 calories per day, because the protein needed metabolized energy (be 9 , 10 , 11 ).

There is also a study that shows that consuming 30% of calories from protein than 441 people automatically less calories per day and lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks, only by the addition of protein to your diet ( 12 ).

Furthermore, high protein, then you should automatically change on the energy balance in your favor and make it easier to lose weight [19] in the long run.

9 Sucre is a mess ... and sugary drinks are the worst

PET bottles

The harmful effects of sugar are far above [20] empty calories.

Now we know that due to the large amount of fructose, the sugar can lead to all kinds of metabolic problems and is strongly associated with the risk of chronic disease (associated 13 ).

Sugar is bad, but consumption in liquid form is even worse.

Liquid sugar calories that are not in the same way as solid sugar calories are registered by the brain so that the brain does not by eating less of other foods (offset 14 ).

In any case, sugary drinks more modern appearance fattening diet and the promotion of disease.

A study shows that the risk of obesity in children by 60% for each daily serving of a sugary drink (increased 15 ).

Unfortunately, fruit juices [21] is not much better. It is very similar to a soft drink and small amounts of vitamins are not suitable for large amounts of sugar.

10 The best diet (or "way of eating") for you is one that you need to keep

Woman holding a bunch of carrots

The "right" diet for an individual depends on many things.

These include age, gender, activity, metabolic health, food culture and personal preferences.

This is a great mistake to suppose that there is no such thing as optimal nutrition for all.

Of course, there are diets that work best for certain health problems ... a low carb diet for diabetics [22] , for example.

If you simply want to lose (or maintain) to prevent obesity and disease, perhaps the most important factor, however, is something that you'll find with long-term hold.

Find ... Ultimately the deciding factor for the long-term success of something you like and can to keep life. Losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint.

11 food. Cholesterol and saturated fats are not harmful

Angry man with a knife and meat

In the past, cholesterol and saturated fatty acids [23] were demonized.

But ... the new massive studies have shown that there is really no connection with heart disease. It was a myth [24] everywhere ( 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ).

Studies on the low-fat diet [25] is always advised world show that it is 100% useless. This does not lead to weight loss or prevent long-term disease of the heart and cancer ( 20 , 21 , 22 ).

It's time to take your fat pensions love.

12 Never trust what the manufacturers mark

Ingredients label peanut butter

Unfortunately, food manufacturers are not very honest about the impact on the actual health of your meal.

They often ask people to believe misleading health claims on packaging fool that their products are healthy.

These include labels "whole grain" sugary cereals and label low-fat yogurt.

Normally, these foods are loaded with sugar, or not actually contain what they say.

In all cases, small amounts of an ingredient not unhealthy bulk ingredients such as sugar or vegetable oils.

Follow this rule of thumb in mind ... if the food label says that he is healthy, then it probably is not.

13 count calories, but not necessarily to have success,

Apple and computer

Some people say that all that matters when it comes to losing weight is calories and calories comes.

It is true that in order to lose weight, should more energy (calories) to leave the body of the entry.

This is dictated by an unbreakable law of physics called the first law of thermodynamics [26] .

However ... The human body is an extremely complex metabolic machinery and there are many complex factors at work.

There are many things you can do to achieve negative energy balance, not to count a single calorie.

This includes cutting carbs, eat more protein and / or just leave food processing, unprocessed food real.

Counting calories is a scientific fact. But this does not limit the number is not required.

14 Marking If "fat" or "low fat", then it's probably bad for you


When researchers and the media began to demonize fat, all species have been brought from processed foods on the market.

The problem is that natural foods taste terrible when fat is removed from them.

Food manufacturers were also aware of this problem so they just to compensate for a lot of sugar and artificial chemicals to the lack of fat.

Most low-fat foods had the fat removed to be replaced by something worse.

15 Real food is the key to good health, junk food is not processed

Although performance can can be very complicated, a healthy diet is simple.

The most important thing, not processed foods that resemble what they looked like to stay in nature.

If the ingredient list is more than 5 items, clay or chemical names that you do not understand, then it is probably bad for you.

Note that real food does not even have a list of ingredients as real food is the ingredient.


  1. ^ Myths about meat (
  2. ^ fiber (
  3. ^ processed foods (
  4. ^ Weston A. Price (
  5. ^ RCTs (
  6. ^ rapeseed (
  7. ^ These oils (
  8. ^ coconut oil (
  9. ^ butter (
  10. ^ of extra virgin olive oil (
  11. ^ agave syrup (
  12. ^ fructose (
  13. ^ calories (
  14. ^ Numerous studies (
  15. ^ carb (
  16. ^ Kitavans (
  17. ^ carbohydrate diet (
  18. ^ protein (
  19. ^ to lose weight (
  20. ^ Beyond (
  21. ^ juice (
  22. ^ for diabetics (
  23. ^ saturated fatty acids (
  24. ^ a myth (
  25. ^ fat diet (
  26. ^ First law of thermodynamics (