Monday, July 21, 2014

6 meals a day to lose weight

By Amy Paturel
WebMD function

You probably have the Council, small meals have heard to eat throughout the day, is the way to win the battle of the bulge. The claim is that frequent snacking, as long as you are healthy, keeps your metabolism humming, helps prevent hunger and blood sugar control.

The result: you eat less. Except that you can not in this way.

A study by the University of Ottawa found that a low-calorie diet , there is no advantage in weight loss calories separation between six meals instead of three.

A second study found that the passage of three meals a day and six does not stimulate the burning of calories or fat loss. In fact, the researchers noted, eat six meals a day actually people to eat more.

And the search no conclusion as to whether the frequency of meals helps or hinders weight loss is achieved.

So if the number of meals that you eat makes no difference to weight loss, what?

Calories, says Kristin Kirkpatrick, RD, wellness manager at the Cleveland Clinic. Your best bet is to cut your daily calories , regardless of the number of times the food. If you want to eat more often, you can as long as you keep the calories under control.

The increase of more than 3 meals a day

Good eating many meals you can not increase your metabolism to burn and make you fat, experts say it could help in other ways.

The longer you wait between meals, get hungry, and then they are more likely to overeat.

"After three hours without eating, your blood sugar begins to drop. And after 4 hours, your body has digested everything before sent down," says nutritionist Amy Jamieson-Petonic Cleveland, RD. "Once that exceeded five hours, the blood glucose begins to fall, and take what you can stock up. "

That's why breakfast is so important. After 7-8 hours of sleep , no food, needs energy to move, said Jamieson-Petonic.

People who regularly eat breakfast typically weigh less than those who skip breakfast. You also get more nutrients such as vitamins D, B12 and A. may be even more resist cravings and make better food choices, especially when the protein is part of the meal.

If your day with breakfast ., and then continue to eat every 3-4 hours, your body and brain will provide you not to go too far in Essen with a steady stream of nutrients

How right path snack

If you follow the path mini-meals, your biggest risk is overeating.

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