Monday, July 21, 2014

Green coffee extract works? Detailed Analysis

Woman in pink dress with pills

Woman in pink dress with pills

Losing weight can be very difficult.

For this reason, people have resorted to all kinds of accessories to make things easier.

Green Coffee Extract is one of them .... the currently more popular to lose weight one of the supplements in the world.

As the name suggests, this supplement is extracted from green coffee beans.

Contains a compound called chlorogenic acid, which is responsible for the effects of weight loss.

Green coffee extract was promoted by Dr. Oz back in 2012. This is an American television medical and probably the most famous "guru" of health in the world.

I'm a big fan of supplements in general, but I am skeptical when it comes to weight loss supplements in addition, because it is almost never work as advertised.

This article takes a detailed look Green Coffee Extract ... what it is, how it works and what the science to say.

What are green coffee beans?

Green coffee beans are only roasted coffee beans substantially.

This is what they seem to be:

Green coffee beans in a bag

Coffee beans are green by nature, but before they roasted sold to consumers in general. This is the process that turns brown.

As we know ... coffee beans are loaded with antioxidants and pharmacologically active compounds. Two of the largest are caffeine and chlorogenic acid [1] .

Chlorogenic considered as the main active ingredient in green coffee beans. This means that substances that weight loss effects ( 1 ).

.... Unfortunately, most of chlorogenic acid are removed when coffee (roasted 2 ).

For this reason, regular coffee beans did not have the same effect (although there are many other reasons [2] to drink coffee if you want).

Conclusion: Green coffee beans are the same as regular coffee beans, except that they have not been roasted. They are rich in a substance called chlorogenic acid.

How green coffee extract work ... What is the mechanism?

Attached green coffee beans

Green coffee extract contains caffeine.

Several studies have shown that caffeine metabolism to stimulate [3] to a maximum of 3 11% ( 3 , 4 ).

However, the main active ingredient is as chlorogenic acid.

Some studies suggest that humans can, to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates [4] in the digestive tract, reducing blood sugar and insulin spikes reduced ( 5 , 6 ).

If this is true, then the green coffee extract is made as eating a slightly lower carb diet.

Other studies (mice and rats) showed that chlorogenic acid can reduce body weight, reduce the fat intake of foods to reduce fat storage in the liver and improve the function of the fat burning hormone adiponectin [5] ( 7 , 8 ).

Chlorogenic acid was also shown to greatly improve the cholesterol [6] and the triglycerides in rats. These are the main risk factors for heart disease ( 9 ).

Conclusion: Green coffee has been shown that the weight gain to prevent animals. This may be due to reduced absorption of carbohydrates in the diet, or by any other mechanism.

What studies swingers?

Green coffee beans in a bowl

There have been several studies on people with green coffee extract.

These studies are known as randomized controlled trials [7] , the standard scientific experiments in man are gold.

In a 30 overweight and lasted 12 weeks.

There were two groups ... instant coffee consumed regularly, while the other instant coffee with 200 mg of extract of green coffee (spent enriched 10 ).

No group was responsible for changing your diet or exercise habits.

This table shows the weight changes in the two groups, 0-12 weeks:

Green coffee extract and weight loss

As you can see, the group that instant coffee bean extract green coffee lost 11.9 pounds (5.4 kg), while the group that the green coffee still lost just 3.7 pounds (1 7 kg).

Body fat percentage also decreased by 3.6% in the green coffee extract, compared with 0.7% in the other group.

Other studies

Several other studies have significant weight loss in people who green coffee extract (reported 11 ).

However, it is important to note that some of these studies have been sponsored by companies that profit from the sale of green coffee beans.

This does not necessarily mean that the results are not valid, but it is known that the source of funding for the study may have a significant effect on the result. For this reason it is a good idea, very skeptical about the research of the industry (funded 12 ).

In 2011, a review of the evidence behind green coffee extract completed ( 13 ):

"... The results of these tests are promising, but studies are of poor methodological quality. Stronger testing is necessary to evaluate the benefits of CME as a tool for weight loss."

I'm with you. The little evidence we have is very promising, but larger and longer-term studies are needed before we can make specific recommendations.

Conclusion: Several controlled studies in humans show that the extract of green coffee can lead to significant weight loss. However, these studies were relatively small and some of them were funded by industry.

If the extract of green coffee has health benefits?

The green coffee beans on a tree

Green coffee can have a positive record on the way our body and utilize carbohydrates.

As in animal studies, the hypothesis that the completion of chlorogenic acid seems glucose absorption (reduction 14 ).

This effect on glucose metabolism may play a protective role in the treatment of diabetes, and may also be of the effects on body weight.

Green coffee extract can also positively affect the blood vessels, which has important implications for the health of the heart.

Doses of 140-720 mg per day have (been shown to lower blood pressure in rats and humans with hypertension 15 , 16 ).

Chlorogenic acid also serves as an antioxidant ( 17 ).

Conclusion: The extract from green coffee beans can improve glucose metabolism and lowering blood pressure. This can have advantages for the people who are at high risk for diabetes and heart disease have.

Side effects, dosage and method of administration

Based on the limited data available seems the green coffee extract, a very good safety profile.

Woman with spoon full of pills

However, some participants dropped out of because of a headache and urinary tract infections ( 18 ).

This study is too small to show that the side effects were caused by the supplement itself, may be just a coincidence.

Green coffee contains caffeine, which, when consumed in large amounts can have many side effects. These include anxiety, restlessness, tachycardia, etc.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, then you must be careful with Green Coffee Extract. Chlorogenic acid can also be a laxative effect and cause diarrhea ( 19 ).

Some people have allergic reactions to the green coffee beans (responses were 20 , 21 ). If you have any known allergies, then definitely avoid coffee.

Green coffee has not been shown to be safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women, and should not be consumed by children.

Currently, there is no study that determines an optimal dose for green coffee extract. However, studies in the previous product in doses ranging from 120 to 300 mg of chlorogenic acid.

Depending on the concentration of chlorogenic acid in the supplement, which can range from a dose of 240-3000 mg of extract of green coffee beans daily.

I recommend that you follow the dosage instructions on the bottle. A common recommendation is a lot, 30 minutes before each meal.

If you want to buy a supplement extract green coffee beans, then there is a good selection at Amazon [8] with thousands of interesting customer feedback.

Take Home Message

Green coffee extract does not seem to be useful as a weight loss [9] Help. You can also advantages for glucose metabolism and blood pressure.

However ... most of the studies are small, short-term and often produce of companies, the green coffee beans or sell sponsored.

At the end of the day is all that has been shown to produce results in the long run to change your diet.

In this sense, cutting carbohydrates [10] and eat more protein [11] seem to be more effective, as well as unprocessed foods, emphasizes real.

That said ... I think the green coffee bean extract is worth a try if you are curious.

You could use a sweet that can take a few weeks or months, because I do not want for something that wait beyond.

Losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint ... and quick fixes do not work long term.


  1. ^ chlorogenic acid (
  2. ^ reasons (
  3. ^ to increase metabolism (
  4. ^ carb (
  5. ^ adiponectin (
  6. ^ cholesterol (
  7. ^ RCTs (
  8. ^ excellent selection on Amazon (
  9. ^ weight loss (
  10. ^ eliminate carbohydrates (
  11. ^ more protein (

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