Wednesday, July 23, 2014

6 reasons to stop dieting "fad" low-carb

Frustrated woman eating red pepper

Frustrated woman eating red pepper

Crash diets to lose weight that are popular in the short term, are often called diets [1] .

The term ... but seems to have lost its meaning.

It was basically just a derogatory term for a plan that someone contradicts.

Surprisingly, the low-carb diet often called "fashion", usually by people who do not to approve the plan for any reason.

But personally I think it's unfair, is low carb [2] in the same category as the diet of cabbage soup diet or banana morning.

This plan (or "way of eating"), has been around for a very long time and has solid scientific evidence to back it up ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).

Here are 6 reasons to stop calling the low-carb diet "fad".

1 Has been around for at least half a century and


"Enthusiasm" comes and goes ... but the low-carb diets are very popular for a long time.

Long before saturated fats [3] has been demonized, low-carbohydrate diets are widely used for the purpose of weight reduction.

First book in the popular diet in the world is as Build Charter [4] , in 1863 by an Englishman named obese published William Banting [5] .

In this book he describes a low-carb diet that has been prescribed to him by his doctor, but many doctors have low-carb diets are used to treat obesity at this time.

It is only when people started blaming saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet for heart disease (which was ill-advised [6] ) have to drop low-carb diets in public disgrace.

Conclusion: The first popular low carb book was published in 1863 and low-carbohydrate diets have been used by many doctors in the 19th century.

Two. Atkins first book was published in 1972, long before it was published lowfat guidelines


For decades we were told that eating a low "balanced" fat diet.

This diet is low in saturated fat and rich in carbohydrates [7] .

Although it is based on weak evidence, has been public policy in 1977 with the launch of the first set of dietary guidelines for Americans ( 4 ).

A similar scheme is now recommended worldwide and recommendations hardly changed since.

Although proponents of the low fat diet, low carb and as a "fashion" dismissed, the first book was published in reality Atkins in 1972 ... five years before the low-fat guidelines are out.

Dr. Robert Atkins [8] , probably the most famous author of the diet book in history, had lost weight through diet and have been using it on his patients for many years before writing the book.

The first time that I wrote from the diet in a scientific paper by a physician named Alfred Pennington, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1963 ... 14 years ago is one of the guidelines, low fat ( 5 ).

If the "mode" implies something temporary, then we could also call it the standard low-fat diet fad. He quickly fell out of favor on the basis of long-term studies show that the high quality clearly does not work [9] ( 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ).

Conclusion:. Atkins first book was published in 1972, based on a scientific study that Dr. Atkins read about low-carb diets in 1963 This was long before the first official guidelines were published low in fat.

Three. Entire populations thrived on a system of this kind, in good health

Inuit Modern Man

There are several examples of people who eat very few carbohydrates, but remained healthy.

Two of the most notable are the Inuit and Masai.

The Inuit [10] were living in the Arctic regions of North America and Greenland, where very little plant food was available all year.

They ate almost all foods of animal origin, but they are in good health (were 12 , 13 ).

The Masai [11] in Africa also ate a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, especially meat [12] , milk and cattle blood. When they were examined, the researchers said they were in excellent health, as their traditional diet (at 14 ).

Conclusion: There are several examples for the entire population in a diet low in carbohydrates, high fat content in the best of health for many generations. Two notable examples are the Inuit and the Masai.

April. They were published more than 20 randomized controlled trials

Many people argue [13] that low-carb diets are not proven safe and effective.

Hungry woman with knife and fork

13 years ago, this may be true.

But since 2002, more than 20 randomized controlled trials [14] have published in respected journal.

Have not a single serious adverse reactions attributed to food.

Not only that ... but these studies also show that low-carbohydrate diets lead to better results than the low fat diet recommended nor by the public [15] .

Carbohydrate leads to greater weight loss [16] , in particular in the abdominal cavity (the dangerous visceral fat). And HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, insulin and blood pressure (much improved 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ).

This system is also the size of the particles of small, dense LDL changes ... high and tends to reduce the number of LDL particles (all good things). Not increased LDL and total cholesterol, in the average, though some individuals [17] can be increased (refer to 20 , 21 ).

The truth is that some things in the diet are highlighted, as well as the superiority of the low-carb diets.

Conclusion: More than 20 randomized, controlled trials have shown that low carbohydrate diets are safe and effective. They lead to greater weight loss and greater improvements in health markers that the low fat diet.

5 people. Are they better able to adhere to the low-fat diet

Woman standing on a scale, frustrated

Some people say that low carb diets are not sustainable.

The reason, they say, is that cutting food groups to lead feelings of deprivation.

However ... is important to note that all plans, some or food groups or limit calories [18] .

Calorie restriction is just as likely to lead to feelings of deprivation, food restriction groups.

That is, to compare studies in a controlled low carb and low fat diets reported the number of people who come all the way to the end of the study.

These studies clearly show that there was no significant difference between the groups. In any case, most people [19] to manage the low-carb group to complete.

A plausible explanation is that low-carb diets reduce appetite considerably and lead to automatic calorie restriction [20] ( 22 ).

Therefore, the low carb rule is allowed to eat ad nauseum in these studies, while groups hungry with low fat and low calories.

Conclusion: The low-carb diets tend to reduce appetite, so people often eat their fill and still lose weight. That may be why they seem to be even lighter stick, diets low in fat.

Use in practice 6 Many health professionals

Mature male doctor

Many physicians use low carbohydrate diets to their patients.

This is not surprising, given the accumulated enormous amount of evidence in recent years.

I've written about it before the doctors 17 [21] and 11 dietitians [22] use, not just low in carbohydrates and / or paleo [23] systems in practice, but are actively blogging about it.

Since writing this article, I found many others ... and for anyone wanting to start a blog, then I assume that many other food use in their practice.

Although low-carb diets are clearly not necessary for all, studies have shown to be very effective against certain diseases.

These include obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome ... that happened the main health problems in the world.

It is simply inexcusable to cure this potential, "fashion" to lay off - then on to a low-fat diet that science has proven to promote totally ineffective.


  1. ^ diets (
  2. ^ Low-Carb (
  3. ^ saturated fatty acids (
  4. ^ Charter Build (
  5. ^ William Banting (
  6. ^ missed (
  7. ^ carb (
  8. ^ Dr. Robert Atkins (
  9. ^ does not work (
  10. ^ Inuit (
  11. ^ Masai (
  12. ^ meat (
  13. ^ claim (
  14. ^ 20 randomized trials (
  15. ^ ordinary (
  16. ^ more weight loss (
  17. ^ some people (
  18. ^ calories (
  19. ^ most people (
  20. ^ automatic calorie restriction (
  21. ^ 17 doctors (
  22. ^ 11 dietitians (
  23. ^ paleo (

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