Monday, July 21, 2014

Are harmful nitrates and nitrites in food?

Men eat meat processed

Men eat meat processed

There is much confusion about nitrates and nitrites in the diet.

These are compounds naturally found in some foods (vegetables) are present, but also in the processed (bacon) as a food preservatives.

Some people think they are harmful and can cause cancer.

However, science is not so clear, and some studies suggest it may even be healthy.

So ... what is the truth about nitrate / nitrite in foods?

Let us take a look ...

What are nitrates and nitrites?

To understand what nitrates and nitrites, we dive into a bit of chemistry.

These two kinds of compounds consisting of a bonded nitrogen atom, an oxygen atom number.

  • Nitrate: a nitrogen, oxygen 3 - Chemical Formula: NO3-
  • Nitrites: 1 nitrogen, oxygen 2 - Chemical formula: NO2

Then-a-nitr ... have their three oxygen atoms, while i-thy nitr-2 has oxygen atoms.

This is what they seem to be:

Molecular structure of nitrates and nitrites

Photo source. [1]

It seems that Ates nitr. Themselves are relatively inert to ITES nitr by bacteria in the mouth or enzymes in the body.

Nitrites are the main players here ... they can either be nitric oxide (good) or nitrosamines (wrong) - which we will discuss in more detail shortly ( 1 ).

Nitrites are the basic sausage [2] it is pink or red. The nitrites are reacted in the nitrogen oxides with oxygen-binding proteins in the meat and the color change (converted 2 ).

No additives such as nitrite, meat is very brown very quickly.

Briefly, nitrates and nitrites are compounds of nitrogen and oxygen. Converted nitrate to nitrite may be, the (good) or nitrosamines (bad) can be either nitric oxide.

Nitrates and nitrites are found in all types of food ... and produced our own bodies

Woman eating bacon

Nitrates and nitrites are added often processed meat [3] such as bacon, ham, sausage and hot dogs.

Functioning as a preservative, and helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

You have also add a savory taste and improve the appearance of meat products, which is a red or pink color.

We know that meat consumption is closely associated with an increased risk for cancer of the digestive tract, and many people believe that nitrates / nitrites are the reason that ( 3 , 4 ).

However, we also found naturally in foods such as vegetables, foods that are generally considered healthy and a lower risk of cancer (risk 5 , 6 ).

Vegetables are actually the main source of nitrate ... from a distance. The amount of processed meat is compared with vegetables ( 7 ).

The body also nitrates, and secrete large amounts of saliva ( 8 , 9 ).

Nitrates and nitrites back flow from the digestive tract, blood and saliva in the digestive system and then. This is known as entero-salivary circulation known ( 10 ).

They seem to function as antimicrobial agents in the digestive system and helps pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella (elimination 11 , 12 ). You can also nitric oxide (NO), an important signaling molecule (converted 13 ).

Nitrates can also be found in drinking water [4] in some areas. This can be a problem for infants under 6 months who are not able to handle large amounts of nitrate.

This can lead to a dangerous condition called methemoglobinemia [5] , so that the amounts of nitrates in drinking water regulated.

However, this is not a problem for the elderly or children who can also process nitrates.

Conclusion: Nitrates are found in small amounts in processed meat in many healthy foods such as vegetables, and in large quantities. Is also present in drinking water and produced by our own bodies.

Food nitrate / nitrite low blood pressure and has important benefits for heart health

Heart and stethoscope

If loses oxygen nitrite to nitric oxide, an important molecule converted.

Nitric oxide [6] (NO) is a synthesis gas having a plurality of functions in the body (was 14 ).

More importantly, there is not a signal molecule. He traveled through the wall of the artery and sends signals to the cells of the muscles around the small arteries, to tell them to relax ( 15 ).

When these cells are relaxed, the blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops.

This is actually how the medicine called nitroglycerin [7] works. This is a source of nitrate, which is rapidly converted to nitric oxide, blood vessels ( 16 ).

This can prevent or reverse angina pectoris, chest pain when the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen occurs due to reduced blood flow.

Nitrates and nitrites in the diet can also be converted to nitric oxide, dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure ( 17 ).

Studies have shown that dietary supplements that contain nitrates, such as beets and beet juice can lower blood pressure at 4-10 mm / Hg over a period of a few hours. The effect may be smaller for women ( 18 , 19 , 20 ).

Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke (the main causes of death in the world), so that the importance of this can not be stressed enough.

Conclusion: nitrite, the nitric oxide (NO) oxide in the body, a signal molecule to dilate the blood vessels and blood pressure are converted that.

Nitrates are of the athletes to the physical performance of the fuel used


Many studies suggest that nitrates can physical performance, especially during the peak intensity improve endurance training.

Beetroot (beetroot juice) are often used for this purpose because they high in nitrates.

This seems to be due to the improved efficiency of the nitrates of the mitochondria, the energy-producing parts of the cells ( 21 ).

Some studies have shown [8] that the beets (rich in nitrates), the oxygen cost for the year of 5.4% decrease, increase to improve the time to exhaustion during the execution of 15% and the power board 4% ( 22 , 23 , 24 ).

Conclusion: Many studies show that food nitrites / nitrates can improve physical performance, especially in the high-resistance exercise intensity.

They are only a problem if ... nitrosamines are formed, which may include studies occur during the cooking heat

Unfortunately there is a dark side to all this.

When exposed to a high temperature called nitrites in the presence of amino acids which can be converted into compounds Nitro [9] ( 25 ).

Crispy fried bacon

There are many different types of Nitros ... and most of them are potent carcinogens [10] ( 26 ).

They are among the most important carcinogens in snuff [11] Rauch, for example.

Since most of the bacon, sausage and meat products are to be generally high in sodium nitrite, and are rich in proteins [12] of the food (a source of amino acids), in which they have high temperatures ideal conditions, the formation of nitrosamines ( 27 ) .

It is important to note that nitrosamines formed especially during extreme heat. While vegetables nitrate / nitrite contain rare to such high temperatures.

Nitrosamines may also be formed under acidic conditions in the stomach.

In short, when acids and amino acids nitrite are present, carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines may be formed during cooking at high temperatures.

How to reduce your risk nitrosamines ... Without Bacon


Nitrosamines are a known problem in processed meat, and manufacturers are required to limit the amount of nitrites used.

They are also required (inhibits add vitamin C, which the formation of nitrosamines 28 ).

Processed meat eaten today contains about 80% less than it did a few decades nitrites (makes 29 ).

For these reasons, meat today is not anything like it to be carcinogenic.

But just to be on the safe side, then there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk nitrosamines again ... without give up bacon [13] .

You can choose the quality of the bacon [14] , the. actually free of nitrates, not full of celery salt or something similar, which is also nitrates Many bacon "nitrate" is even more nitrate contained as the conventional fat ( 30 ).

What I understand is basically just salt pork bellies. Buy frozen since received any good without nitrate / nitrite.

It tastes just as good, if not better than regular bacon.

Try local if you can, or buy a farmer's market. If you get your hand, pasture raised pork bacon pigs should be much healthier than bacon "classic".

Another thing, the way the bacon can change cooked. Fry over low heat and produce less nitrosamines over high heat for a short time. Burnt bacon is the worst.

According to a study, cook bacon in the microwave is the best way to minimize the formation of nitrosamines ( 31 ).

Here's a video [15] , with instructions on how to do it. I personally tried it and it worked amazingly well.


  1. ^ Source of the photo. (
  2. ^ sausages (
  3. ^ meat (
  4. ^ in drinking water (
  5. ^ methemoglobinemia (
  6. ^ nitric oxide (
  7. ^ nitroglycerin (
  8. ^ showed (
  9. ^ nitrosamines (
  10. ^ potent carcinogens (
  11. ^ Snuff (
  12. ^ protein (
  13. ^ Bacon (
  14. ^ quality bacon (
  15. ^ a video (

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