Thursday, October 23, 2014

11 Serious concerns vegetable oils (No. 2 is scary)

Woman surprised by a chicken Fats in the diet are very controversial.

Saturated fats [1] (and has been blamed for raise cholesterol and cause heart disease, but this is refuted 1 , 2 ).

For some reason, the dietary guidelines still recommend that we consume vegetable oils instead of saturated fats such as butter.

This includes oils such as soybean oil, cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and grape seed oil [2] (and another bit [3] ).

Vegetable oils are cholesterol to help prevent heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide.

Serious studies ... but many have raised about these oils (affects 3 ).

Despite the reduction in LDL cholesterol, which can have devastating consequences for other aspects of health and metabolism.

Here are 11 reasons to vegetable oils avoid them like the plague.

1 vegetable oils are rich in omega-6 linoleic acid

vegetable oils

You have probably heard of omega-3 and omega-6 forward.

These polyunsaturated fatty acids, which means that they have a lot of double bonds in their chemical structure.

Often they are called essential fatty acids [4] , because the body lacks the enzymes they produce.

These fatty acids play an important role in many biochemical processes, including the associated with inflammation, immunity and blood clotting.

The problem is ... we need the omega-3 and omega-6 get balance [5] . When this balance is active, you can interrupt the main biochemical pathways ( 4 ).

For example, these two kinds of fatty acids are often the same enzyme and the same locations in the cell membranes ( 5 , 6 ).

Often related papers, but in opposite directions. For example, two of them are used to produce signal molecules called eicosanoids [6] .

Prepared from the omega-6 fatty acids, eicosanoids are generally pro-inflammatory, while manufactured by Omega-3 tend to be anti-inflammatory ( 7 , 8 ).

During evolution, a balanced amount we consume two omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The problem today is that this balance is heavily skewed in favor of Omega-6 fatty acids.

Not only that people eat too much omega-6, but their intake of Omega-3 is also incredibly low, which is a recipe for disaster.

Although nowadays omega-6: 1-3: Omega-3 may be about 1 1 have been, these days there are about 16: 1 ... which is also outside the evolving standards ( 9 ).

Vegetable oils are the main source of omega-6 fatty acids in the diet ... yet.

They are rich in omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid [7] . This fatty acid caused a number of problems when consumed in excess ... especially if the intake of omega-3 is low (which is usually the case).

Conclusion: Vegetable oils are rich in omega-called 6 fatty acid linoleic acid, help the problems of all kinds in large quantities.

2 linoleic acid accumulates in the cell membranes

Fats are energy sources.

Some of them have a strong biological activity, and some may remain in the body where they are functional and / or structural purposes are used.

It linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid found in vegetable oils, accumulates in the fat cells of the body as well as in cell membranes ( 10 , 11 ).

The graph below was written by Dr. Stephan Guyenet [8] , based on six different studies measuring the linoleic acid content of body fat from the years 1961 to 2008 ( 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 ).

Linoleic acid in body fat

What this means is that the excessive consumption of vegetable oils leads to actual structural changes in the tissues of the body.

The linoleic acid content in breast milk has increased significantly ( 18 ).

I do not know about you, but I think it's pretty scary.

Conclusions: The studies have shown that linoleic acid content of human fat cells and cell membranes has increased in recent decades.

Eat three linoleic acid increases oxidative stress and contributes to endothelial dysfunction

Dr. unhappy and frustrated

The polyunsaturated linoleic acid has two or more double bonds in the chemical structure.

This makes them susceptible to damage by free radicals, highly reactive molecules (formed constantly in the body 19 ).

That's actually what antioxidants [9] are to help neutralize free radicals.

When free radicals in the body are antioxidants, which in a condition known as oxidative stress [10] .

It is not surprising, since polyunsaturated fats are more susceptible to free radical damage, studies have shown that a high intake of linoleic acid can lead to oxidative stress (post 20 ).

In a controlled study, people were a linoleic acid omega-6 diet, especially sunflower oil (fed 21 ).

After four weeks, blood markers have significantly increased oxidative stress. Another thing I noticed was that the blood markers of nitric oxide (NO) levels have decreased.

Nitric oxide [11] is a signal molecule produced by the endothelium, the thin layer of cells of the vessel. It helps dilate blood vessels and keep blood pressure low.

Nitrogen oxide reduction step is the initial endothelial dysfunction [12] , wherein the wall of the vasculature not as expected ( 22 ).

Another study in vitro showed that linoleic acid stimulates proinflammatory state in endothelial cells ( 23 ).

Endothelial dysfunction is actually one of the first steps of the path to heart disease and other serious vascular problems ( 24 ).

Below: linoleic acid from vegetable oils increases oxidative stress in the body, to a state such as endothelial dysfunction contributes known. This is a step towards heart disease.

Vegetable oils four LDL levels, but also low HDL

One of the main reasons for this are vegetable oils (erroneously) as is that eating healthy is to reduce total and LDL-cholesterol.

As many people know, LDL [13] is often called "bad" cholesterol.

Vegetable oil in a plastic bottle

This is in fact supported by science ... many studies show that consumption of vegetable oils may LDL is a well-established risk factor for heart disease ( 25 , 26 , 27 ).

However ... Is it important to note that this is only a risk factor, not a real disease.

What really matters is how vegetable oils affect the hard endpoints such as heart disease itself, as well as other diseases and the risk of death.

That is, vegetable oils have also shown that HDL levels reduce something that is a bad thing, because with high HDL [14] is a lower risk for heart disease (associated 28 , 29 ).

Conclusion: It is true that vegetable oils may LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol. However, it may also reduce HDL, the "good" cholesterol.

5 Expand vegetable oils oxidized LDL lipoproteins

Heart and stethoscope

What people "LDL" call cholesterol is not really [15] .

Low density lipoprotein LDL means ... the protein [16] , which leads cholesterol in the blood.

Key at the stage of heart disease, is the low density lipoproteins are oxidized, thereby so-called oxidized LDL-particles or ox LDL (formation of 30 ).

These LDL particles in the arterial walls (accumulated 31 ).

Polyunsaturated fatty acids from vegetable oils find their way into the LDL cholesterol, which she (has become much more oxidized form of oxLDL particles 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 ).

Conclusion: vegetable oils increase the sensitivity of LDL to oxidation, a critical step in the development of heart disease.

6 Some studies have linked to an increased risk of heart disease and death

Dr. thumbs down

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.

Evidence of vegetable oils and heart disease is very mixed, and its use is controversial.

The best way to determine how it has influence on heart disease, to look at randomized controlled trials [17] , in which large groups of people are fed vegetable oils for many years.

Fortunately, most of these studies were conducted.

3 of these studies showed no significant effect ( 38 , 39 , 40 ), ..., but three is at increased risk of heart disease (risk 41 , 42 , 43 ).

Both studies showed a benefit, but one of them had a number of defects [18] ( 44 , 45 ).

It is often said that the prevention of heart disease "polyunsaturated fatty acids", but it is a big mistake, all polyunsaturated fatty acids together, as this category are the fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-sixth

Add a comment to compare studies in which people are omega-3 and omega-6 is mixed, had a protective effect.

But if they fall in the studies, the people saw more (from vegetable oils) Omega-6-eat, found that the risk of heart disease increased by 16%. The effect was not statistically significant, but very close ( 46 ).

That is, several observational studies have shown that consumption of these oils (risk associated with a lower risk of heart disease 47 , 48 ).

However ... observational studies can not prove causality [19] , which are particularly useful to study more for the generation of hypotheses.

When we have conflicting information from observational studies and controlled trials we. With what they say ... to go controlled trials, because these are the only types of studies that can prove causality

If you look at the best available evidence, the consumption of vegetable oils seems likely to have heart disease and do not lead to prevent.

Conclusion: The evidence for vegetable oils and heart disease is mixed, but several high-quality studies found to increase the risk of heart disease.

7 vegetable oils are a disaster for the kitchen

As mentioned above, a problem with the fatty acids present in vegetable oils is that they tend to react with oxygen.

This is not only in the body, but also occurs when oil is heated. Therefore, the use of vegetable oils for cooking [20] is a very bad idea.

Tired woman in home kitchen

Compared with heat-stable monkey, such as saturated and unsaturated edible vegetable oil large amounts of compounds for the development of the disease forms (fat fat 49 , 50 ).

Some of these harmful compounds evaporate and may contribute to lung cancer by inhalation. Being in a kitchen where vegetable oils are used, the risk of lung cancer (increasing present 51 , 52 ).

Conclusion: Vegetable oils are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are easily damaged during cooking and may even evaporate and form compounds, which may contribute to lung cancer by inhalation.

8 vegetable oils may increase the risk of cancer

Vegetable oil bottles

There is some evidence that vegetable oils may increase the risk of cancer.

Because vegetable oils contain highly reactive fatty acids to sit in the cell membranes, contribute to oxidative damage.

If fatty acids in the membranes can lead oxidized chain reactions.

If you think the cell membrane [21] as a cloud, these chain reactions oxidation state as small streak of lightning are.

These reactions can affect important molecules in the cell. Not only the fatty acids in the cell membranes, but other structures such as proteins and DNA.

They can also form various carcinogenic compounds into cells ( 53 ).

By DNA damage, these oils may increase the risk of damage caused by pests, which carries an increased risk of cancer over time.

In a controlled 8-year study, the group replacing saturated fats with vegetable oils were almost twice as likely to die from cancer. The difference was not statistically significant, although very close to ( 54 ).

In addition, many studies have shown a relationship between the observation vegetable oil consumption and cancer in humans (found 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 ).

This is achieved by a large number of studies in animal models and in particular breast cancer, the most common cancer among women (support, showing that vegetable oils drive cancer in these animals ... 60 , 61 , 62 ).

Conclusion: There is evidence that consumption of vegetable oil can reduce the risk of cancer, which makes sense given the fact that they increase the sensitive cells against oxidative damage.

The nine vegetable oil consumption has brought to violent behavior in connection

A place to meet polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain.

In fact ... the brain about 80% fat, and much of it omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, about 15-30% of the dry weight of the brain ( 63 ).

When omega-6 from vegetable oils compete for the same enzymes and even spots in cell membranes that omega-3 fats, so it is logical that they affect brain function.

Interestingly, studies have shown strong correlations between vegetable oil consumption and violent behavior, including murder.

The graph below shows data from a study analyzing omega-6 intake and rates of homicide in five countries ( 64 ).

Linoleic acid consumption and homicide

Of course, correlation does not equal causation, so there is no guarantee that vegetable oils have caused the increase in homicide rates, but the statistical correlation is striking [22] .

Conclusion: Polyunsaturated fatty acids are concentrated in the brain, and many believe that our high consumption of vegetable oil led to psychological problems, including violent behavior.

10 vegetable oils are highly refined and processed foods without proper nutrients

One thing that the diet most people agree with [23] , is that whole foods are the best.

The production of vegetable oil

Whole unprocessed foods tend to be more nutritious and healthier than processed their counterparts.

But most vegetable oils are highly refined ... the most common way to extract from the seeds is aggressive chemical processes with bleaching, deodorization and toxic solvent hexane [24] .

For this reason, almost all of the vitamins and phytonutrients are removed from these oils.

"Empty" So you can safely be regarded calories [25] .

Conclusion: Most vegetable oils are refined products, total lack of essential nutrients and highly processed.

11 Vegetable oils are widely available, loaded with trans fats

Bottle of vegetable oil

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard of trans fats [26] before.

These are unsaturated fats that have been chemically modified in order to be solid at room temperature.

Usually in very processed foods [27] . They are so toxic that governments have introduced legislation to remove food all over the world.

However ... what most people do not know is that vegetable oils contain significant amounts of trans-fatty acids.

A study of soybean and common rape [28] in American supermarkets, the content of trans fatty acids in 0.56% to 4.2% of total fatty acids measured. These are huge quantities ( 65 ).

Surprisingly, the trans fat content is only rarely given on the label.

Home message

There are many healthy people have for hundreds of years with no problems eating (as above all "modern" diseases are problems) fats.

This includes the extra virgin olive oil [29] (the best) and coconut oil [30] and grass fed butter [31] ... they are very healthy on the part of a balanced diet real food.

Unfortunately, you can not say, from vegetable oils. They are refined and processed that have been shown to cause severe damage in many studies of fat.

If you want to worry about your health and to avoid the chronic illnesses, so I recommend avoiding vegetable oils as if his life depended on it ... because it really does.


  1. ^ saturated fatty acids (
  2. ^ grapeseed oil (
  3. ^ some other (
  4. ^ essential fatty acids (
  5. ^ Record (
  6. ^ eicosanoids (
  7. ^ linoleic acid (
  8. ^ Dr. Stephan Guyenet (
  9. ^ antioxidants (
  10. ^ oxidative stress (
  11. ^ nitric oxide (
  12. ^ endothelial dysfunction (
  13. ^ LDL (
  14. ^ HDL high (
  15. ^ not really cholesterol (
  16. ^ protein (
  17. ^ randomized controlled trials (
  18. ^ a certain number of errors (
  19. ^ can not prove causation (
  20. ^ Koch (
  21. ^ cell membrane (
  22. ^ conspicuous (
  23. ^ agree (
  24. ^ hexane (
  25. ^ calories (
  26. ^ Trans fats (
  27. ^ processed foods (
  28. ^ rapeseed (
  29. ^ extra virgin olive oil (
  30. ^ coconut oil (
  31. ^ grass-fed butter (

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