Thursday, October 16, 2014

Antioxidants are explained in human terms

Roux eat berries Antioxidants are frequently mentioned in everyday conversation.

This applies to both scientists and laymen.

You can find antioxidant supplements on the shelves, and its health benefits are loved by both providers and media.

But very few people really know what they are and how they work.

The concept of antioxidants is very complex, but this article explains in simple terms that everyone can understand human.

What are antioxidants and how do they work?

To understand how antioxidants work, we need to start at the molecular level ...

As you know, all matter in the universe is made of atoms [1] .

Atoms consist of a nucleus with protons and neutrons, and one electron around the core package.

Here is a simple diagram of an atom:


Blue beads are electrons, which carry a negative charge (-), while protons (red beads) core carry a positive charge (+).

If two or more atoms are joined together they are what we molecules [2] .

The human body is composed of substances such as proteins [3] , fats and DNA, which are essentially large molecules with tens, hundreds or thousands of atoms.

This is a picture of a fatty acid molecule. Every ball is an atom:

Fatty acid molecule

Humans and other organisms retain their structure and function by chemical reactions. All the chemical reactions for the life are collectively known as necessary metabolism [4] .

In these reactions, larger molecules are broken down into smaller molecules and small molecules arranged in large molecules.

For a molecule to be stable, the quantity of electrons needs to contain. When the molecule loses an electron, if it is not accepted, can be converted into a free radical.

The free radicals are unstable molecules, which are electrically charged in the cells, that react with other molecules (such as DNA), and damage.

And you can also chain reactions in which molecules that damage to be free radicals.

This is the case of the usual antioxidants are ... when a molecule loses an electron, and is an antioxidant and "give" free radical molecules steps of a radical electron effectively neutralized.

Here's how it works:

Antioxidants against free radicals

This is the mechanism behind antioxidants. They donate electrons to the free radicals to neutralize and prevent damage.

Conclusion: Antioxidants are molecules that are causing the damage caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cell structures. Antioxidants donate electrons to the free radicals and neutralize them.

Antioxidants and free radicals are important


The free radicals are continuously formed in metabolism.

Without antioxidants that destroy our body very quickly.

However, it is important to note that free radicals also have important functions that are essential for our survival ( 1 ).

For example, immune cells in the body with free radicals to kill bacteria that attempt (infect kill 2 ).

As with many things in the body, a balance is needed ... we need the right amount of free radicals, and the right amount of antioxidants in order to keep them under control.

If this balance is disturbed, things can go wrong start.

When free radicals (per -oxidants) outnumber antioxidants, which can lead to a condition known as oxidative stress [5] .

During oxidative stress, important molecules can severely damage the body ... and even lead to cell death.

Various stress factors and lifestyle are known to cause excessive formation of free radicals and oxidative stress:

  • Air pollution.
  • Cigarette smoke.
  • The consumption of alcohol.
  • Toxins.
  • High levels of sugar in the blood ( 3 , 4 ).
  • The consumption of refined carbohydrates ( 5 ).
  • Large amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid [6] ( 6 ).
  • Radiation, including excessive sunlight.
  • Infections caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses.
  • Excessive intake of iron, magnesium, copper and zinc ( 1 ).
  • Too little oxygen in the body ( 7 ).
  • The excess oxygen in the organism.
  • The intense and prolonged exercise, the tissue damage caused ( 8 ).
  • Excessive intake of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E ( 1 ).
  • Antioxidant deficiency ( 9 ).

Prolonged oxidative stress leads to an increase in adverse health effects such as cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Is also assumed that the aging process contribute.

In short, the body needs a balance between free radicals and antioxidants. If this balance can lead to oxidative stress, which can lead to all sorts of side effects will cause deterioration.

Antioxidants are essential to life and are found in all types of food

Antioxidants are for the survival of all living things.

The human body produces its own antioxidants even, such as cellular antioxidant glutathione [7] .

The plants and animals, and all other forms of life have created their own defenses against free radicals and oxidative damage caused by them.

Therefore, the antioxidants are present in almost all plant and animal foods.

Girl holding an orange and Thought

Get antioxidants from foods [8] is important. In fact, our life depends on the consumption of certain antioxidants - namely, vitamin C and vitamin E.

The health benefits associated with a diet that is rich in plant associated, at least partly due to the large variety of antioxidants to provide ( 10 ).

Meat and fish products contain antioxidants ( 11 , 12 ), but is smaller than that of the fruit and vegetables. Berries are a particularly good source ( 13 ).

Then there are many other good sources of antioxidants including ... green tea [9] , coffee and dark chocolate [10] .

Some studies suggest coffee [11] is actually the greatest source of antioxidants in the Western diet ( 14 , 15 ), but that's partly because the "average" person does not eat many foods that are rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants can extend the life of natural products and processed foods. Therefore, they are often used as additives (to 16 ). For example, vitamin C is often added to act as a preservative in processed foods.

Simply put: Our diet is an essential source of antioxidants. They are naturally in plant and animal foods, especially vegetables, fruits and beverages such as coffee and tea found.

Types of dietary antioxidants

The healthy man holding a bag of groceries

A plurality of different anti-oxidants in foods.

You can in two groups, the oil-and water-soluble antioxidants are classified.

Water-soluble antioxidants exert their actions in the fluid inside and outside the cells, while soluble antioxidants act primarily on cell membranes.

Here is a list of some important dietary antioxidants:

  • Vitamin C: One of the most important water-soluble antioxidants and essential nutrient meal.
  • Vitamin E: The major soluble antioxidant that plays an important role in protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage.
  • Flavonoids: A large group of antioxidants found in plant foods. They have many positive health effects ( 17 ).

Many substances which may also antioxidants can have other important functions.

Notable examples are curcuminoids from turmeric [12] and Oleocanthal in extra virgin olive oil [13] . These compounds act as anti-oxidants, but also anti-inflammatory activity ( 18 , 19 ).

Conclusion: There are many different types of dietary antioxidants such as vitamin C and E and flavonoids. These substances can not be used as antioxidant activity associated other functions.

If you take antioxidant supplements?

Woman skeptical of taking a pill

Antioxidant intake is essential for optimal health.

However, it is not always better.

Excessive consumption of isolated antioxidants may have toxic effects and may even promote rather than prevent oxidative damage.

In fact, some studies have shown that high doses of antioxidants increases the risk of death ( 20 , 21 ).

Therefore, you should avoid high doses of antioxidants.

In addition, studies show that oxidative damage to food supplements to reduce.

For example, an investigation showed with blood orange juice, that the antioxidant power significantly more than a glass of sugar water, the same amount of vitamin C ( 22 ).

The truth is ... real food has hundreds (if not thousands) of different nutrients that work synergistically. Do not take one or two isolated nutrients the same positive effects.

The better (and healthier) strategy to ensure an adequate intake of antioxidants is a diet rich in vegetables and various fruits ( 23 ), along with other healthy eating habits.

However, supplementation with low doses, such as in multivitamin tablets may be of benefit if you have to follow a lack of certain nutrients or unable to have a healthy diet.

Home message

An adequate intake of antioxidants is an essential part of a healthy diet ... but after also isolated (through supplements) antioxidants can be harmful in some cases.

At the end of the day, the best way to ensure that it is the right amount of antioxidants to eat a proper meal-based diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables healthy.


  1. ^ atoms (
  2. ^ molecules (
  3. ^ proteins (
  4. ^ metabolism (
  5. ^ oxidative stress (
  6. ^ linoleic acid (
  7. ^ glutathione (
  8. ^ Eating (
  9. ^ Green tea (
  10. ^ black chocolate (
  11. ^ Coffee (
  12. ^ Turmeric (
  13. ^ extra virgin olive oil (

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