Sunday, October 5, 2014

Whey Protein 101: Surprising Benefits of Powder and Shakes

Man drinking a protein shake Not all proteins are created equal.

Some forms of the proteins, such as whey, are better than others.

Whey protein contains an amazing array of essential amino acids that are absorbed quickly ( 1 ).

Many studies show that can help increase strength, gain muscle [1] and lose large amounts of body fat ( 2 ).

But ... it is more than just whey protein milk. There are many other nutrients in it, some of the strong biological effects.

Has also been shown whey protein, the benefits for depression, blood pressure, blood sugar and even help treat the symptoms of HIV and cancer ( 3 ).

In fact, it is one of the most studied dietary supplement in the world.

This is a detailed report on product report whey protein ... what it is, how it works and how it can help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

What is Whey Protein?

Whey protein is a mixture of whey protein isolate. Whey is the liquid part of the milk which is separated in the production of cheese.

Milk [2] includes two kinds of proteins, ... casein [3] (80%) and buttermilk (20%).

Whey is the water content of the milk. When the cheese, the fatty acid portions and coagulation of milk serum which is separated as a product (produced 4 ).

If you ever see a container of yogurt, floating on the liquid whey is open. The cheeses are used before the discovery of their commercial value (pull 5 ).

After being separated for cheese, whey through a series of processing steps, which the people in general, that the whey protein powder recognized ... to be added to shakes, meal replacements and protein bars ( 6 ).

This is the whey protein powder usually looks like this:

Chocolate whey protein powder

Whey protein is not sure of himself, so generally seasons. Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavored powders are very popular.

It is important that you read the ingredient list, because some of them may have unhealthy additives such as refined sugar [4] .

Under the whey protein is a convenient way by 25-50 g protein in the top of the daily intake. This can be important for bodybuilders and athletes and people who need to lose weight [5] or simply non-protein in the diet.

Most whey proteins are also very delicious taste and can be used to make healthy recipes (such as milk shakes) do taste incredibly good.

Serum is generally well tolerated, even if people who should from lactose intolerance to be careful with him. There are also people who (are allergic to the serum 7 ).


Conclusion: whey protein is a mixture of proteins in the whey, which is formed as a by-product of cheese. Usually seasoned as powder, replace the Shakes, Meal and added protein bars sold.

Whey protein supplements can help increase your intake of protein and BCAA

Athletic young woman with protein shake

Proteins are the main building blocks of the human body.

They are used to make important, large and small different things.

This includes tendons, organs and skin ... as well as hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and all kinds of small molecules.

Proteins are the building blocks of the contractile elements [7] in the muscle.

Proteins are made of amino acids, small molecules that are linked together like beads on a chain composed.

Certain amino acids are produced by the cells of the body, whereas others can be obtained from food. The foods that we receive are called "essential" amino acids.

The proteins provide all essential amino acids the best ... and whey protein loaded with them.

It is particularly important at high branched amino acid [8] (BCAA) leucine like, and also contains a large amount of cysteine ( 8 ).

Studies show that leucine [9] is anabolic (growth-promoting), the amino acid cysteine and can help cellular antioxidant glutathione level (Boost 9 , 10 ).

Whey protein seems to be particularly effective in promoting growth in humans. Breast milk is actually 60% whey, compared to 20% in cow's milk ( 11 ).

Conclusion: Whey proteins are of very high quality. They are full of essential amino acids, such as leucine and cysteine.

Hydrolyzed isolate vs concentrate vs: Types of Whey Protein

Shaker and Protein Concentrate

There are many popular types available whey protein.

The main difference between them is the way in which they were treated.

  • Focus: approximately 70-80% protein. It contains some lactose [10] (milk sugar) and fat, and has the best taste.
  • Insulation: 90% protein or more. It contains less fat and lactose, and it lacks many of the nutrients in the milk whey protein concentrate.
  • Hydrolyzed: Also known as hydrolyzed whey, this was pre-digested absorbed so quickly. Causes a 28-43% greater than the spike isolated insulin levels ( 12 ).

Whey protein concentrate seems the best choice usually be ... it's cheaper and protects most of the valuable nutrients naturally in serum. Many people prefer the flavor, probably due to the small amounts of lactose and fat.

If you concentrated tolerate problems, or trying on keeping the protein concentrate have carbohydrates [11] and low in fat and protein from whey (or hydrolyzed) isolated may be a better option.

Note that despite the attention it is the most popular shape, most studies have used whey protein.

Conclusion: the main types of whey protein, isolated and concentrated hydrolyzate. They can vary in protein content, taste, digestibility and price.

Effects of whey supplementation on muscle mass and strength

The most famous (and most studied [12] ) with whey protein supplements is to increase muscle mass and strength is.

Whey protein is among athletes, bodybuilders, fitness models, and the people to improve their performance in the gym popular.

Sporty woman holding a bowl of proteins

The main effects of whey on muscle / strength are:

  1. Blocks: Provides protein and amino acids, which increases as building blocks for muscle growth serve.
  2. Hormones: Increases the release of anabolic hormones that can stimulate muscle growth, such as insulin ( 13 ).
  3. Leucine: It is rich in the amino acids leucine, which is known to the muscle protein synthesis at the molecular and genetic level (stimulate 14 , 15 ).
  4. The rapid absorption of whey protein is absorbed and for comparison with other proteins (fast 16 ).

It has been shown, the whey protein to be just before when consumed, after or during exercise is particularly effective in increasing muscle growth, however, the protein synthesis is generally carried out in time after the training (maximized 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ).

However, a recent review of the evidence is found that the total protein intake per day is the most important factor in muscle growth. When protein is used in the drive or not, it appears matter ( 21 ).

In comparison to other types of proteins, such as soybean [13] a protein, the whey protein generally somewhat better performed ( 22 , 23 ).

Compared with casein, the evidence is mixed more. Whey seems effective in the short term, but casein stimulates muscle growth over a longer period, so that the net effect seems to be similar ( 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 ).

However ... keep in mind that if your diet is already a lack of protein, whey protein supplement is unlikely to have a major impact on your results.

In a study of older people who are already eating enough protein, there was no difference in muscle growth between serum and carbohydrates for 12 weeks of strength training ( 29 ).

Therefore, detection of whey protein mixed in muscle and strength, and the results can vary considerably between individuals.

If you already eat a lot of meat [14] , fish, eggs [15] and (also rich in quality protein) milk products, the benefits of adding whey probably minimal.

Conclusion: There is much evidence that whey protein is effective in increasing strength and muscle gains, although some studies have found no effect.

Whey protein increases satiety and may help with weight loss

Morena, a protein shake and smile

It is known that the protein contribute to weight loss.

It is the reward nor macronutrients ( 30 ).

Proteins can boost metabolism 80 to 100 calories per day [16] , and people automatically to 441 calories less per day (point 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 ).

In one study, the protein intake of 25% of calories cravings [17] 60% and reduces the desire for the end of the time slice through ( 35 ).

Under whey protein is a great way to increase your protein intake, should have important benefits for weight loss.

Studies have shown that the replacement of other sources of calories with whey protein, along with weight lifting, can cause a weight loss of about 8 pounds, while the increase in muscle mass ( 36 ).

So ... if you are trying to lose weight, then a whey protein supplement can lose both weight and value of your precious muscle (help 37 , 38 ).

Conclusion: The proteins are shown to help with weight loss by boosting metabolism (calories out) and decreased appetite (calories). Whey protein can help fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.

Other health benefits of whey protein

Scoop Protein Powder

Whey is more than one source of high quality protein, but also contains other valuable nutrients.

This includes the lactoferrin [18] , beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, and immunoglobulin ( 39 ).

In addition, only muscle strength and weight loss, whey protein can provide many other health benefits.

These include the reduction of blood pressure, blood sugar and reduces the symptoms of stress and depression ( 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 ).

Is also shown to protect against cancer and reduces the symptoms of hepatitis, increased bone density, improve immune function in HIV patients and the life to increase [19] in the mouse ( 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 ).

The fact that the whey protein is high cysteine amino acid will provide many health benefits. Increase cysteine levels of glutathione , the master anti-oxidant in the cells of the body ( 55 , 56 ).

Bottom Line: Whey protein has only the addition many positive components. It is rich in the amino acid cysteine, increases the levels of the antioxidant glutathione and leads to all kinds of advantages.

Where to buy whey protein

If you whey protein, which is in most gyms to buy, supplemented houses, health food stores and even supermarkets.

They are also at several online stores, such as sold:

  • Amazon: There is a good selection of whey protein powder at Amazon [21] , with tens of thousands of customer feedback.
  • iHerb: There is also a large selection of iHerb [22] , where I personally have all my products and dietary supplements. You can use the coupon for $ 10.05 PJW037 on your first order. They deliver worldwide.

Dosage and side effects

Young upset stomach

A generally recommended dose is 1 to 2 scoops (25-50 grams) per day, usually after training.

It is recommended that you follow the directions on the package.

Note that when the protein intake is already high, the addition of whey protein on their power consumption can be completely useless.

Despite the concerns about protein causes kidney damage and osteoporosis, this is not the case [23] .

In fact, it has been shown that the protein to protect against osteoporosis, while no effect on healthy kidneys ( 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 ).

However, people with liver or kidney problems stream want to avoid whey protein, or at least consult a doctor before taking.

Eating too much whey protein can cause digestive problems such as nausea, bloating, diarrhea, pain and cramps. Some people are also allergic to whey.

If you do not tolerate a regular whey protein concentrate and isolate or hydrolyzate may be more appropriate ... or just the avoidance of whey protein and eat more protein-rich foods instead.

But in general, the whey protein has an excellent safety profile and most people can eat without problems.

Home message

At the end of the day, is Whey protein is a very healthy way to more protein to your diet. This is to be a source of high quality protein efficiently absorbed and utilized by the human body.

This is especially important for athletes, body builders, or people who need to gain muscle mass and strength, while losing fat.

When it comes to muscle building and fat loss, protein is the king of nutrients ... and whey protein even seems better than other forms of protein quality to be.

For more information about the benefits of protein, and the amount that you should eat, read this: protein intake - How much protein should be consumed per day?


  1. ^ muscle (
  2. ^ milk (
  3. ^ casein (
  4. ^ refined sugar (
  5. ^ to losing weight (
  6. ^ be careful (
  7. ^ contractile elements (
  8. ^ BCAA (
  9. ^ leucine (
  10. ^ lactose (
  11. ^ carbohydrates (
  12. ^ the best studied (
  13. ^ soybean (
  14. ^ meat (
  15. ^ eggs (
  16. ^ calories per day (
  17. ^ wishes (
  18. ^ lactoferrin (
  19. ^ increase in life expectancy (
  20. ^ glutathione (
  21. ^ Amazon (
  22. ^ wide range iHerb (
  23. ^ Not true (
  24. ^ protein intake - How much protein should be consumed per day (

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