Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fiber can help you lose weight, but only a certain kind

Woman holding asparagus and broccoli Fiber is a nutrient known, but not well understood.

In other words, the fiber refers carbohydrates [1] , which can not be digested by humans.

As soluble or insoluble classified because they dissolve in liquids.

Insoluble fiber function essentially as agents of "Loud" and are not very interesting.

However ... Soluble fiber can strong effects on health and metabolism (have 1 ).

Several studies have shown that soluble fiber can help to lose fat [2] ... but this fiber must have certain properties.

Let me explain ...

Fiber feeds the good bacteria in the gut

Approximately 100 billion live bacteria in the human gut, especially the colon ( 2 ).

These bacteria are known as intestinal flora [3] .

Bacteria in the gut may be desirable, but that's a good thing.

Various kinds (types) of bacteria play an important role in various aspects of health, including weight control, blood sugar control, immunity and even brain function ( 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ).

Like other organisms, bacteria need to eat well to stay healthy.

This is where the step of soluble fibers (mainly) ... it happens through the digestive system virtually unchanged, finally get the good bacteria in the gut that ultimately digest the fiber and make it usable.

Feeding the good bacteria in the gut known as prebiotic [4] In fact, and it is believed to be very beneficial for the health and body weight ( 8 , 9 ).

Another type of fiber called resistant starch acts in a similar manner.

Conclusion: fiber is not digested, and tends to reach relatively unchanged the colon. It can help a little soluble fiber feed the bacteria that are essential for good health.

Good bacteria help fight inflammation, a key factor in obesity and disease


Intestinal bacteria have long been known to have an effect on inflammatory pathways (have 10 ).

They produce nutrients for the body, including short-chain fatty acids that nourish the cells in the intestine.

This leads to a decreased intestinal inflammation [6] and the improvement of the associated inflammatory disorders ( 11 , 12 , 13 ).

Just to clarify, (short-term) Acute inflammation is beneficial because it helps the body against foreign invaders and damaged cells struggling to repair.

However, (long-term) Chronic inflammation is a major problem if inappropriate was used against the body's own tissues.

We now know that chronic low-level inflammation plays an important role in almost all chronic diseases of the West, such as heart disease, metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, to name just a few ( 14 , 15 , 16 ).

There is growing evidence that inflammation is a powerful engine weight and obesity, possibly through its effects on the hormone-mediated leptin [7] ( 17 , 18 , 10 ).

Several observational studies have shown that a high fiber intake is linked to levels of inflammatory markers in the blood (lower 19 , 20 ).

Conclusion: Inflammation is a powerful engine of the disease, including obesity. Fiber intake is associated with reduced inflammation ..

Viscose fiber can reduce appetite and help you eat less without trying

Although I do not believe that calorie counting [8] is required, it is a fact that we lose the calorie deficit weight.

That's more calories (energy) must be waiver of the shock body.

Everything that possibly reduces the appetite fewer calories, without us having to think, [9] about it.

Fiber is often incriminated ... that is, makes us more satisfied, so you eat less.

However, the detection of only a particular type of fiber is doing.

Smokers asparagus

A recent survey of 44 studies showed that, although 39% of the fiber increases satiety treatments, only 22% actually reduces food intake ( 21 ).

Broken down further, it seems that the viscous fiber is best for reducing appetite and food intake.

In other words, the viscosity [10] of a substance refers to the resistance to stress - as in "thickness" of a liquid. For example, honey much more viscous than water.

Viscous soluble fibers, such as pectin, β-glucans, psyllium and glucomannan, guar gum thickener to water form a gel in the intestine ("substance," 22 ).

This gel slows gastric emptying and increases the time required to digest and absorb nutrients. The result is a significantly reduced prolonged satiety and hunger ( 23 , 24 ).

There is some evidence that the effects of weight loss target fiber belly fat specifically, the fat can be harmful in the abdominal cavity, the (strongly associated with metabolic diseases 25 ).

There was increase detected with high viscosity fiber satiety, reduce appetite and lead to automatic weight loss. Low viscosity fiber conclusion seem to have no effect.

Fiber supplements are effective for weight loss?

Woman skeptical of taking a pill

Are typically added to the fiber by isolating the fiber from the plants.

Despite these isolated fibers can have some health benefits, the evidence for weight control is mixed and quite convincing.

A review of the very large study found that psyllium and guar gum (two viscous soluble fiber) is ineffective as a weight loss supplements ( 26 ).

A notable exception is glucomannan [12] , a derivative of the fiber of the Konjac root.

This is one of the known viscous dietary fibers and have shown that low weight loss when complement (used cause 27 , 28 , 29 ).

But in the real world, it is the synergy of all the nutrients in the foods that provide the greatest benefit, the consumption of individual nutrients is never the same effects.

Therefore, the best to get your fiber from whole plant foods.

In short fiber supplements are often ineffective for weight loss, with the exception of a powerful type of fiber called glucomannan. Get your fiber from whole plant foods is the best and healthiest approach.

Rich sources of viscous fiber

Brussels sprouts

Viscose fibers are found only in plant foods.

Rich sources are beans (legumes), linseed, asparagus, Brussels sprouts and oats, to name a few.

If you intend to spend at a high fiber diet, you do to do it slowly to give your body time to adapt.

Abdominal pain, cramps and even diarrhea are common side effects, if you increase your fiber intake too quickly.

Home Message

Adding more fiber-rich foods (especially viscose) can be an effective way to lose weight.

But, as with any other method of weight loss, it will not lead to long-term results, unless a permanent comes to lifestyle change [13] .

Do not forget that health is much more than just weight. Eat plenty of fiber can have real food many other health benefits .


  1. ^ carbohydrates (
  2. ^ lose fat (
  3. ^ intestinal flora (
  4. ^ prebiotic (
  5. ^ resistant starch (
  6. ^ inflammation (
  7. ^ leptin (
  8. ^ counting calories (
  9. ^ think (
  10. ^ viscosity (
  11. ^ belly fat (
  12. ^ glucomannan (
  13. ^ change in lifestyle (
  14. ^ many other health benefits (

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