Tuesday, November 25, 2014

10 good reasons why sleep is important

Tired woman with alarm clock A good night's sleep is very important for health.

In fact, it is as important as diet and exercise.

Unfortunately, the area is West disturb natural sleep patterns.

People now sleep less than they have in the past, and the quality of sleep was also reduced.

Here are 10 good reasons why sleep is important.

1. Lack of sleep can you fat

Lack of sleep is closely linked to weight gain [1] .

This short sleep attacks tend to be more than adequate sleep the (obtained weigh 1 , 2 ).

In fact, the short duration of sleep one of the most important risk factors for obesity.

In a study of massive overhaul, children and adults with short sleep duration, 89% and 55% were more likely to be overweight, and ( 3 ).

It is assumed that the effect of sleep on weight gain, which on many factors, including hormones and motivation for exercise (mediated 4 ).

If you are trying to lose weight , get quality sleep is absolutely crucial.

Conclusion: Short sleep duration is associated with a significantly increased risk of weight gain and obesity in children and adults.

2. Those who sleep well tend to eat fewer calories

Young man who wanted to beat the clock

Studies show that sleep deprived people have an increased appetite and tend to eat more calories [3] .

Lack of sleep disrupts the daily fluctuations of hormones in appetite and is the cause of poor appetite regulation ( 2 , 5 ).

These include high ghrelin [4] , the hormone that stimulates the appetite and reduced levels of leptin [5] , the hormone that suppresses appetite ( 6 ).

Conclusion: Lack of sleep affects the hormones that regulate appetite. Those who get enough sleep tend to have less calories than those who do not eat.

3. enough sleep can improve concentration and productivity Get

Businessman working

Sleep is important for various aspects of brain function.

This includes knowledge, concentration, productivity and performance ( 7 ).

You are adversely affected by lack of sleep.

A study of medical interns a good example.

The participants in a "traditional calendar" account for 36% of serious medical errors interns on a schedule that allowed more sleep ( 8 ).

Another study showed short sleep can have a negative impact on some aspects of brain function similar to alcohol intoxication (degrees have 9 ).

Sleep well, in addition, it was shown that the ability to solve problems and improve the memory performance of children and adults (to improve 10 , 11 , 12 ).

Moral: A good sleep can maximize the resolution of problems and improve memory. Sleep disorders have been shown to alter brain function.

4. Good sleep can maximize athletic performance

The dream has been shown to improve athletic performance.

Fit woman doing pushups

In a study of basketball players, the more sleep has been shown that the speed, accuracy, reaction time and mental well-being (significantly improve 13 ).

Less sleep duration was also associated with a poor exercise performance and functional limitation in older women.

A study of more than 2,800 women found that sleep disorders have been linked to foot, low adhesive strength and greater difficulties for self-employment (slow 14 ).

Conclusion: More sleep has been shown that many aspects of sport and physical performance to improve.

5. poor sleepers are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke

Heart and stethoscope

We know that the quality and duration of sleep can have a significant effect on many risk factors.

These are the factors expected to chronic diseases, including heart disease lead.

A review of 15 studies found that short sleepers have a much higher risk for heart disease or stroke than those containing 7.8 hours per night (sleep 15 ).

Conclusion: Sleeping less than 7-8 hours per night is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

6. sleep affects the risk of type 2 diabetes, glucose metabolism and type

Frustrated businessman

Experimental sleep deprivation affects insulin sensitivity and reduces glucose ( 16 , 17 ).

In a study of healthy young men, or four hours of sleep per night for 6 nights in a row symptoms of pre-diabetes (caused 18 ).

It is then after 1 week increased sleep duration dissolved.

The poor sleeping habits are also strongly associated with adverse effects on blood sugar levels in the general population.

Those who are less than six hours a night has repeatedly shown that sleep to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (be 19 , 20 ).

Conclusion: Lack of sleep can cause pre-diabetes in healthy adults, in just six days. Many studies show a strong relationship between sleep duration and type 2 diabetes risk.

7. Lack of sleep is associated with depression

Mental health problems such as depression, are strongly suffer with poor sleep quality and sleep disorders.

Women Cant Sleep

It has been estimated that 90% of depressed patients complain about the quality of sleep ( 21 ).

Lack of sleep is also associated with an increased risk of death from suicide (associates 22 ).

People with sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea also report a higher proportion of depression than those without ( 23 ).

Conclusion: poor sleep habits are closely related to depression, especially for those who have a sleep disorder.

8. Does your sleep improves immune function

Drinking coffee Doctor

Even a small loss of sleep have been shown to immune function (age 24 ).

A large study 2 weeks followed the development of the common flu after nasal drops containing the virus that the common cold (caused 25 ).

They found that those who had slept less than seven hours, almost three times more likely to develop a cold than those who slept eight hours or more.

If frequent colds is sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a night can be very useful. Eat more garlic [6] can also help.

Conclusion: Get at least eight hours of sleep can improve immune function and help fight off colds.

9. Lack of sleep is associated with increased inflammation

Orange Clock

Sleep can have a significant effect on inflammation in the body.

In fact, sleep loss is known to activate the undesirable inflammatory markers and cell damage.

Sleep greatly to long term inflammation of the digestive tract disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (known Linked 26 , 27 ).

One study found that sleep deprived patients with Crohn's disease were twice as likely to relapse than patients who slept well ( 28 ).

The researchers recommend the assessment of sleep, to predict outcomes in patients with inflammatory problems in the long term ( 27 ).

Conclusion: sleep affects inflammatory reactions in the body. Sleep deprivation is strongly associated with inflammatory bowel disease and may increase the risk of recurrence.

10. sleep affects emotions and social interactions

Sleep deprivation reduces our ability to interact socially.

Several studies have confirmed that the use of emotional face detection trials ( 29 , 30 ).

One study found that people who had not slept a reduced ability expression of anger and happiness (see capacity, 31 ).

Researchers believe that sleep disorders affect our ability to recognize the important social cues and emotional information processing.

Message Home

Diet and exercise, sleep is one of the pillars of health.

You simply can not achieve the optimal supply without sleep health.


  1. ^ weight gain (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ lose weight (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ ghrelin (en.wikipedia.org)
  5. ^ leptin (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ more garlic (authoritynutrition.com)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Truvia: Good or bad?

Young brunette with a muffin Many people try, the amount of sugar they consume to reduce.

Not surprisingly, have been a ton of different sugar substitutes on the market.

Truvia is one of them.

It is marketed as an aggressive Stevia-based natural sweetener, which is good for controlling blood sugar.

But Truvia is very healthy, and is as natural as they say?

We will see.

What is Truvia?

Truvia is a sweetener from Cargill and Coca-Cola developed jointly.

If you do not know Cargill [1] is a massive company, ingredients and additives makes for some of the largest food company in the world.

Truvia was introduced in 2008 and is now the second-best-selling sweetener [2] in the United States (after Splenda [3] ).

Of a mixture of three components, namely of:

  • Erythritol: a sugar alcohol.
  • Rebaudioside A: a sweet compound from the plant Stevia isolated, Rebiana classified label ( 1 ).
  • Natural flavors do not know exactly what that means.

Truvia is often confused with Stevia [4] , a natural sweetener from the leaves of Stevia.

This is not surprising considering that Truvia is used as a sweetener "stevia" and a name that sounds like advertised

However, Stevia and Truvia are not equal.

Conclusion: Truvia is a sugar substitute second most popular in the United States. Contains erythritol, rebaudioside A, and "natural flavors".

Stevia sweetener Truvia No. The only small amounts of rebaudioside A

"The best sweetness comes from nature. Sweetener Truvia natural sweetener is delicious born leaves of the stevia plant."

This quote, Truvia website [5] is terribly misleading.

Young woman decide whether to eat a salad or muffin

Truvia contain hardly any components of the stevia plant, and certainly not health benefits.

Stevia leaves contain two sweet compounds [6] , stevioside and rebaudioside A [7] .

Stevioside has two (but not rebaudioside A) associated with health benefits such as blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure ( 2 , 3 ).

However, no stevioside in Truvia, only small amounts of purified rebaudioside A, which has not been associated with health benefits.

For this reason, the marketing Truvia is a "basic Stevia" sweetener is very questionable.

Conclusion: Rebaudioside A is of Stevia in Truvia used together. Does not contain stevioside, stevia connection that provides health benefits.

Erythritol is the main component

Young girl looking donut

The main ingredient in Truvia is actually erythritol [8] .

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol is contained in some natural foods like fruits [9] . It can also be extracted and purified for use as a sweetener in foodstuffs.

According to the website of Cargill [10] , the erythritol by converting corn starch food grade, fermented by yeast to produce to create a broth.

Then, it is further purified to create erythritol.

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, [11] , since the molecule is a hybrid of a carbohydrate and alcohol (as it is only the ethanol, the drunk the kind of alcohol is).

The chemical structure of the sugar alcohols gives them the ability to stimulate the sweet taste receptors on the tongue.

Sugar alcohols are common in the western diet and include xylitol , [12] , sorbitol and maltitol, to name a few.

But erythritol appears to be quite different. It has a unique chemical structure that will not break our bodies and digest.

Is through your system and urine virtually unchanged, so it has almost no calories and no adverse effects on the metabolism of excess glucose [13] ( 4 ).

Several long-term studies on the metabolism and toxicity has no negative effects consuming erythritol, at least in laboratory animals ( 5 , 6 ).

Conclusion: Erythritol is the main ingredient in Truvia. There are no negative effects on metabolism, such as sugar, and is considered safe.

"Natural Flavors" in Truvia

The last ingredient in Truvia are "natural flavors". You're a bit of a mystery.

Young man confused about food choices

What is the added flavors are and how they are created, are not declared on the label or website.

But they are not legally required to disclose what they are, and the combination of these "flavors" of rebaudioside A patented by Cargill in 2009.

However, it is likely that natural flavors are probably not so natural. The term is largely unregulated by the FDA.

A company is free to identify a natural taste, if it is chemically equivalent to a natural taste.

Conclusion: What is "natural flavors" means not disclosed. However, it is likely that a number of chemicals that are not really "natural".

Truvia has almost no calories and has no effect on blood sugar

Apple and calculator

Truvia is nothing like sugar because it consists almost exclusively of erythritol.

Compared to table sugar [14] , which has 4 calories per gram, erythritol only 0.24 calories per gram.

It is almost impossible enough, eat affect your body weight.

Since erythritol is not metabolised by the body cells, no effect on blood sugar and insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, or other biomarkers ( 7 , 8 ).

For those who, diabetics are overweight or have any questions, including the metabolic syndrome, Truvia (or gross erythritol) is related to a good alternative to sugar.

Conclusion: it Truvia practically no calories. Erythritol is not metabolized by the body and has no effect on blood sugar or other health markers.

Truvia was taken to court claim "natural"

Judges gavel

Unfortunately, the exact chemicals are used in the manufacturing process, paten Truvia the public are unknown.

But based on the best ingredients in Truvia, is clearly not much more "natural".

In 2012 [15] and 2013 [16] two class action lawsuits against Cargill were "naturally" filed misleading marketing and use of the word.

The suits alleged rebaudioside A and erythritol are used "highly processed" and produce erythritol is derived from GMOs [17] corn.

Cargill decided to settle out of court.

However, they are intentionally misleading consumers and the use of the word "natural" in all marketing materials.

Conclusion: Cargill, the company that makes Truvia by its deceptive use of the word sued was settled out of court, but still using the word in its materials "natural" marketing ..

Are there any side effects?

Young woman with stomach issues

Some components have been studied, but have never been investigated the effects of Truvia sweetener.

In a human experiment 4 weeks with a high dose of rebaudioside A, no side effects found.

This study was funded by Cargill, the company that Truvia (makes sponsored 9 ).

A recent study found that eating controversial erythritol is toxic to the common fruit fly. The authors recommend as environmentally friendly pesticides ( 10 ).

These results raise questions, but it's not really relevant to humans or other mammals, they are very tolerant erythritol.

However, the main concern of sugar alcohols such as erythritol, they can cause digestive problems.

It seems that erythritol is better tolerated than other sugar alcohols, because most of it is absorbed and then urinated out. No reaches the large intestine in significant amounts ( 11 ).

One study showed that gastrointestinal symptoms only when ingested 50 g erythritol as a single dose, which is a very large amount (occurring 12 ).

Another reason is that it was at least four times the amount of erythritol diarrhea, compared to sorbitol, a sugar alcohol (causing 13 ).

Tolerance varies between individuals, so take this with a grain of salt. If you have had problems with sugar alcohols in the past, then be very careful with Truvia.

This means that regular use Truvia not not cause digestive problems for most people, at least if consumed in reasonable quantities.

Conclusion: The main ingredients in Truvia are safe for consumption, with little or no gastrointestinal side effects. However, tolerance can vary between individuals.

Truvia is fine, but certainly not "natural"

Although marketing applications are wrong and "natural flavors" mystery is a bit disconcerting Truvia seems particularly well.

It contains almost no calories [18] does not affect the velocity of the blood sugar and insulin, and have little or no side for most purposes.

It's certainly better than sugar, and seems to be better tolerated than many other sweeteners to be.

So if you like to tolerate the taste of Truvia and you want in your life, then I see no reason to avoid it.

Although it is not a natural sweetener [19] and the marketing behind it is questionable seems to be healthier than many other sweeteners.


  1. ^ Cargill (en.wikipedia.org)
  2. ^ second bestselling sweetener (www.foodingredientsfirst.com)
  3. ^ Splenda (en.wikipedia.org)
  4. ^ Stevia (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ Website (truvia.com)
  6. ^ sweet compounds (en.wikipedia.org)
  7. ^ rebaudioside A (en.wikipedia.org)
  8. ^ erythritol (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ fruits (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ Cargill site (www.cargillfoods.com)
  11. ^ sugar alcohol (en.wikipedia.org)
  12. ^ xylitol (authoritynutrition.com)
  13. ^ excess sugar (authoritynutrition.com)
  14. ^ table sugar (authoritynutrition.com)
  15. ^ 2012 (www.foodnavigator-usa.com)
  16. ^ 2013 (www.foodbusinessnews.net)
  17. ^ GM (en.wikipedia.org)
  18. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  19. ^ natural sweetener (authoritynutrition.com)

11 proven ways to reduce or eliminate swelling

Woman with a swollen belly Flatulence is the state of the stomach bloated after eating ( 1 ).

It is normally overproduction of gas and / or perturbations in the motion of the muscles of the digestive tract (caused 2 ).

This can lead to increased pressure and discomfort, and sometimes can make it look like the biggest stomach ( 3 ).

The effect can be quite extreme in some cases, and some even used term " baby food [1] . "

In short, flatulence contains excessive amounts of solid, liquid or gas in your digestive system.

However, for some people, the swelling is caused mainly by increased sensitivity. It seems as though it increased in the abdominal pressure, although it is not ( 4 , 5 ).

About 16-30% of people say they have swelling on a regular basis, so this is very common ( 6 , 7 , 2 ).

Bloating often cause pain, discomfort and "stuffed" feeling, but also make you look heavier and the impression of large amounts of abdominal fat [2] .

Although sometimes swelling caused by serious illness is usually through diet and certain foods or ingredients that are intolerant caused.

Here are 11 proven ways to reduce or eliminate swelling.

1. Do not eat too much at once

Fish meal on a plate

Drunkenness can feel bloated, but the problem is simply eaten too much.

If you usually feel great meals and after uncomfortable, try smaller portions.

Add another meal a day, if necessary.

A subgroup of people who suffer from really not renewed or increased under bloating stomach abdominal pressure. The question is mainly sensory ( 8 , 9 ).

A person with a tendency to experience symptoms of a small amount of food a person who rarely feel inflate inflated.

For this reason, only that they eat smaller meals can be incredibly helpful.

Chew your food better can have a double effect. The amount of air ingested food (causing swelling) and reduced more slowly eat the (associated with reduced food intake and smaller portions 10 ).

In short, people who often experience swelling to a higher sensitivity for food in the stomach. Therefore, eating smaller meals can be very useful.

2. exclude food allergies and intolerances to common foods


Food allergies and intolerances are relatively common.

If you eat foods that are intolerant, gas production of more bloating and other symptoms may be caused.

Here are some common foods and ingredients to consider:

  • Lactose Lactose intolerance is associated with many digestive problems with bloating. Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk [3] ( 11 ).
  • Fructose fructose [4] intolerance to swelling (run 12 ).
  • Eggs: bloating are common symptoms of eggs [5] allergy.
  • Wheat and gluten: Many people are allergic or intolerant to wheat gluten [6] (a protein found in wheat, spelled, barley and other cereals). This can lead to various adverse effects on digestion, swelling lead ( 13 , 14 ).

You can try to avoid some of them, to see if it helps. But I firmly believe that you consult a food allergy or intolerance, a doctor.

Conclusion: Allergies and food intolerances are common causes of bloating. Common culprits include lactose, fructose, wheat, gluten and egg.

3. Avoid swallowing of air and gases

Boy drinking soda through a straw

There are two sources of gas within the digestive system.

One is the gas by bacteria in the gut (discussed in a moment) generated.

The other is the air or gas were swallowed [7] while eating or drinking. The biggest culprit here drinks ( sodas [8] , or soda).

They contain carbon dioxide bubbles with a gas which can be released from the liquid upon reaching the stomach.

Chewing gum, drink with a straw and eat during the call or rush, may also lead to an increase in the amount of air swallowed.

Conclusion: swallowed air can contribute to swelling. One of the causes is that beverages containing gas dissolves in the liquid.

4. foods that give you gas, do not eat


A little fiber [9] foods can cause people to produce large amounts of gas.

The main actors of legumes such as beans and lentils, and whole grains few.

Try to see a food diary if certain foods tend to give you more gas and / or swollen than others.

Fatty foods can also slow down digestion and gastric emptying. This can have advantages for saturation (and possibly aid have in weight loss [10] ), but can be a problem for people who have a tendency to swell.

Try less fatty foods and eat cereal to see if it helps.

Conclusion: If certain foods make you feel bloated or give you gas, try to reduce or avoid. Eating fatty foods can slow digestion and can afford to swelling in some people.

5. Try a diet low FODMAP

Irritable bowel syndrome [11] (IBS) is common in the world indigestion.

There is no known cause, but it is believed that about 14% of people are affected, most of them are undiagnosed ( 15 ).

Common symptoms are bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and / or constipation.

Most IBS patients experience swelling, and about 60% of them say that the worst symptoms such as bloating and scored even higher than abdominal pain ( 1 , 16 ).

Numerous studies have shown that non-digestible carbohydrates [12] called FODMAPs significant symptoms in IBS patients (worsen 17 , 18 ).

Bloated stomach Female

FODMAP [13] means oligo fermentable mono- and polyols, said.

A diet low FODMAP has been shown to result in significant reduction [14] The symptoms such as bloating, at least in IBS patients ( 19 , 20 , 21 ).

If you have problems with bloating, with or without other gastrointestinal symptoms, and low FODMAP diet a good way to fix it.

Here are some common foods high FODMAP:

This diet can be difficult to follow if you eat a lot of these foods are used, but maybe worth a try if you have swelling or other digestive problems.

Conclusion: FODMAPs called carbohydrates can cause bloating and other digestive problems, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

6. Pay attention to sugar alcohols

Woman with headphones and gums

Sugar alcohols [15] are commonly found in foods and sugar-free chewing gum.

These sweeteners are generally regarded as safe alternatives to sugar.

However, they can cause digestive problems, as they tend to which the bacteria reach the intestines, digest and generate a gas ( 22 ).

Sugar alcohols are actually FODMAPs so if excluded at a low FODMAP diet.

Try to avoid sugar alcohols such as xylitol [16] , sorbitol and mannitol. The sugar alcohol erythritol [17] may be better tolerated than others, but it can also cause digestive problems in high doses.

Conclusion: sugar alcohols can digestive problems such as bloating, especially if they have taken in large doses. Try to avoid a sugarless gum, and other sources of the sugar alcohols.

7. Taking digestive enzyme supplements

Bottle with blue pills

There are some over-the-counter products that may be useful.

These include additional enzymes that help break down the indigestible carbohydrates can.

Include those that:

  • Lactase: An enzyme that breaks down lactose, useful for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Beano: contains alpha-galactosidase enzyme, which help break down indigestible carbohydrates of different foods can.

Try in the pharmacy or in a supplement or a ride on Amazon [18] .

In many cases, these types of supplements provide almost instant relief.

Conclusion: Many over-the-counter products can help with bloating and other digestive problems. These are usually digestive enzymes that break down certain food components to help.

8. Do not become clogged

Young woman with stomach ache

Constipation is a common digestive problem and can have many different causes.

Studies have shown that blockage can often worsen the symptoms of the swelling ( 23 , 24 ).

Learn more soluble fiber constipation often recommended.

However, the increase in fiber with caution for people who gas and / or bloating should have, because fiber can often make it worse.

You might want to try taking magnesium supplements or increase their physical activity, effective against constipation (may 25 , 26 , 27 ).

Conclusion: constipation can aggravate the symptoms of bloating. Increasing magnesium intake and physical activity can be effective against constipation.

9. taking probiotics

Pill bottle wrapped in tape

The gas produced by bacteria in the gut is a major contributor to swelling.

There are many different types of bacteria that live there, and can vary between individuals.

It seems logical that the number and type of bacteria might have something to do with the production of gas, and no studies that support this.

Several clinical studies have shown that some probiotic supplements can help increase the production of gas and bloating in people with digestive problems ( 28 , 29 ).

However, other studies have shown that probiotics can help to gas, but without symptoms of the abdomen ( 30 , 31 , 32 ).

This may depend on the person and the nature of the probiotic strain.

Probiotics can have many other benefits, so they are worth a try anyway.

It may take a while to start working, so be patient.

Conclusion: Probiotic supplements can help improve the environment of the bacteria in the gut, which can reduce the symptoms of bloating.

10. Peppermint oil can help

The oil and mint

Swelling can also be caused by the change in the function of muscles in the digestive tract.

The drugs called antispasmodics, help muscle spasms may have been useful ( 33 ).

Peppermint oil is a natural substance, presumably in the same way (function 34 ).

Numerous studies have shown that various symptoms, to reduce in patients with IBS, including flatulence ( 35 , 36 ).

Peppermint oil is available in supplement form [19] .

Conclusion: Peppermint oil has proven effective against flatulence and other digestive disorders, at least in patients with IBS.

11. Consult a doctor to rule out a serious chronic illness and / or

If the problem persists, deteriorating to severe problems in your life or suddenly, then definitely go to a doctor.

There is always the possibility of chronic and / or severe disease and diagnosis of digestive problems can be tricky.

However, in many cases, to reduce the swelling by simple changes in diet (or even eliminate).


  1. ^ baby food (www.urbandictionary.com)
  2. ^ belly fat (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ milk (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ fructose (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ Ei (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ gluten (authoritynutrition.com)
  7. ^ ingestion (en.wikipedia.org)
  8. ^ Soda (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ fiber (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ with weight loss (authoritynutrition.com)
  11. ^ IBS (www.mayoclinic.org)
  12. ^ carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  13. ^ FODMAP (en.wikipedia.org)
  14. ^ significant reductions (chriskresser.com)
  15. ^ sugar alcohols (en.wikipedia.org)
  16. ^ xylitol (authoritynutrition.com)
  17. ^ erythritol (authoritynutrition.com)
  18. ^ go Amazon (www.amazon.com)
  19. ^ in supplement form (www.amazon.com)

Is "starvation mode" real or imaginary? Critical

Sad man nutrition Weight loss is generally viewed as a positive thing.

You can live a healthier life, look better and all kinds of benefits, both physical and mental.

However, your brain is not seeing that.

Your brain is more concerned about not starve to ensure that you (and your genes) to survive.

If a large amount of weight lost [1] , the body begins to try to burn energy by reducing the amount of calories you save ( 1 ).

It also makes you more hungry, lazy and increases your cravings.

This can cause you to stop weight loss, and may you so miserable that you place feel your efforts to lose weight and gain weight.

This phenomenon is known as "starvation mode", but in reality is the natural mechanism of the brain only to protect against starvation [2] .

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to prevent this kind of situation, so that you can follow to without torturing you not losing weight itself.

But before we get to that, let me explain what starvation mode and how it works.

What to understand "starvation mode"?

What people generally refer to "starvation mode" (sometimes called "metabolic injury") is the natural reaction of the body to the caloric restriction in the long run.

Starving girl toast

It's about the body in response to calorie restriction by reducing caloric expenditure in an attempt to maintain the energy balance and prevent starvation.

It is a natural physiological response, and not really controversial. It is accepted by the scientific community, and the technical term for this is "adaptive thermogenesis" ( 2 ).

I will use the term starvation mode in this article, but it is actually a misnomer, because true hunger is something that is almost completely irrelevant to discussions weight loss.

Starvation mode was a useful physiological response back in the day, but does more harm than good in the modern food environment where obesity is rampant.

Calorie consumption,

Obesity is a disease of the accumulation of excess energy.

The body defines the energy (calories) in adipose tissue capable of being stored for later use.

If more calories go into fat, to finish, to gain fat. If more calories than fat tissue to go left to lose fat. This is performed.

Almost all weight loss diet to reduce caloric intake. Some low calorie control [4] (counting calories, weighing portions, etc.) directly, others by reducing appetite so people eat less calories automatically [5] .

When this happens, the calories from fat (calories) are more important than the calories in (calories). To lose fat.

However, the body is not seen in the same way as it works. In many cases, he sees this as the beginning of the famine.

Thus, the body fights to do everything to make you stop losing.

The body and the brain can react so hungry (if you eat more, increasing the calories), but most importantly for this discussion, here's what happened burn the amount of calories, calories (out).

Starvation mode means that your body reduces the calories in an attempt to restore the balance of power and not to lose more weight even in the face of caloric restriction in progress.

This phenomenon is real, but if the answer is so powerful, it can prevent weight loss, or even begin to do despite caloric restriction, is not so clear.

Conclusion: What the natural reaction of the body to the caloric restriction is to call people "starvation mode" in the long term. It is the result of a decrease in the amount of calories your body burns, which can slow weight loss.

Change the amount of calories you can burn

Apple and computer-400x249

The amount of calories you burn in a day will be divided into 4 parts [6] .

  1. The basal metabolic rate (BMR): The amount of calories your body uses to maintain vital functions such as breathing, heart rate and brain function upright.
  2. Thermic effect of food (TEF): Calories burned during digestion of a meal. Usually about 10% of caloric intake.
  3. Thermal effect of exercise (TEE): calories burned during physical activity like exercise.
  4. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): Calories burned restlessness, postural changes, etc. This is usually subconscious.

The four of them can go down, when you cut calories and lose weight.

Leads to a reduction of the movements (consciously and unconsciously) and a big change in the nervous system and various hormones ( 2 , 3 ).

The main hormones leptin [7] , thyroid hormones and norepinephrine, that everything will go up on calorie restriction ( 4 , 5 ).

Conclusion: There are many ways your body burns calories. Everything can be downloaded by restricting calories for long.

Studies show it reduce caloric restriction "calories out"

Woman standing on the scales, Frustrated

Studies clearly show that weight loss reduces the amount of calories you burn ( 6 ).

After an extensive literature review, this corresponds to 5.8 calories per day for every pound lost, or 12.8 calories per kilogram ( 7 ).

This means that if you are 50 pounds or 22.7 kilograms, his body finally losing 290.5 calories per day less flammable.

Reduced calorie consumption can be much higher than would weight changes can be predicted.

For example, some studies show that 10% loss and weight maintenance calories by 15-25% (burned reduce 8 , 9 ).

This is one of the reasons for weight loss tends to decrease over time, and why it's so hard to keep weight. You may need to eat less calories for life!

Note that it is possible that this metabolism "slowdown" is in some groups who are struggling to lose weight, such as post-menopausal women even higher.

Reduce muscle mass tends to

Another side effect of weight loss is that muscle mass tends to decrease ( 10 ).

As you know, muscle is metabolically active and burns calories throughout the day.

, Reducing calorie intake, however, is actually larger than can be explained by a decrease in muscle mass.

The body is more efficient to do the work, so that there is less energy than before to the same amount of work (do 11 ).

To restrict calories you performed fewer calories for the (intentional or unintentional) physical activity to spend.

Conclusion: Weight loss and reduced caloric intake may lead to a reduced calorie burning. On average, this corresponds to about 5.8 calories per pound of body weight lost.

How to avoid metabolic slowdown

Please note that your metabolism slows down, it's just a natural response to reduced caloric intake.

Although some reduction in calorie consumption is unavoidable, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the effect.



The most effective thing you can do is an exercise in endurance.

The obvious choice would be to lift weights, but bodyweight exercises can work just as well.

Studies have shown that strength training, exercise your muscles against resistance can have considerable benefits if you are on a diet.

In one study, three groups of women were placed on a diet with 800 calories / day.

One group received instructions not to do aerobic (cardiovascular), while the third group has strength training ( 12 ).

The two women, who do not exercise and those who do aerobic exercise lost muscle mass, and had a significant reduction in metabolic rate.

However, women who have resistance exercises have maintained their metabolic rate, muscle mass and strength level.

This has been proven by numerous studies. Muscle loss reduced weight and metabolic rate and weight training can (at least partially) to prevent it from happening ( 13 , 14 ).

Keep high protein

The proteins [8] is the king of macronutrients, when it comes to losing weight.

Foods rich in protein

With a high protein intake can reduce both appetite (calories) and increase metabolism (calories) from 80 to 100 calories per day ( 15 , 16 ).

You can also reduce cravings, reduce late night snacks and hundreds of calories less per day (food 17 , 18 ).

Note that this does not just adding protein to your diet without limiting aware.

That is, the protein intake is also important to avoid the negative effects of weight loss in the long term.

When protein intake is high, your body is less likely to break muscles for energy.

This can help preserve muscle mass that is (at least partially) to avoid should metabolic slowdown that with weight loss (takes 19 , 20 , 21 ).

Take a break from your diet can help

Some people like to systematically "re-flow" where they. A break from your diet for a few days

These days, you can eat a little about maintenance, then continue with your diet a few days later.

There is some evidence that this temporary stimulate certain hormones that go up in weight loss, such as leptin and thyroid hormone ( 22 , 23 ).

It may also be useful to take a longer break because, in a few weeks

Make sure you know what you eat during the break. Coma maintenance, or a little more, but not how you start fat again.

Ready to gain a few pounds of food and water added increased weight. This is no cause for concern.

Conclusion: Weight lifting and maintaining a high protein intake are two ways based on proven muscle wasting and slows metabolism during weight loss to reduce. Taking a break from the diet can also help.

A plateau of weight loss can be caused by many reasons

When people begin to lose weight, things can happen very quickly in the beginning.

In the first weeks and months, the weight falls off quickly and without much effort.

Overweight woman Vs. thin

However, things are delayed later. In some cases, weight loss slows down for several weeks, with no significant movement on the balance transferred.

A plateau of weight loss can have many different causes (and solutions), and this does not necessarily mean that you will lose weight.

Water retention, for example, often giving the impression of a plateau in weight loss.

In this article, here are 15 easy ways to break a plateau in weight loss [9] .

Starvation mode is real

Starvation mode is real, but is not as powerful as some think.

You can lose weight more slowly over time, but it will not lead to win someone, weight despite calorie restriction.

It is also a phenomenon "in and out" as some seem to think. Everything is increased an adaptation of the spectrum of the body or reduced calorie intake.

Starvation mode is actually a terribly inaccurate term. Something like "metabolic adaptation" or "metabolic slowdown" would be more appropriate.

It is simply the natural physiological reaction of the body to reduce calorie intake. Without it, people have become extinct thousands of years.

Unfortunately, this protective response may more harm than good if overeating is much, much greater threat to human health, famine.


  1. ^ lose a lot of weight (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ famine (en.wikipedia.org)
  3. ^ modern food environment (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ calorie (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ automatically (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ 4 bedrooms (www.bodyrecomposition.com)
  7. ^ leptin (authoritynutrition.com)
  8. ^ protein (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ 15 easy ways to break a weight loss plateau (authoritynutrition.com)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Nutrition 20 shoud common sense (but not)

Woman asks if eating a burger or salad Common sense is surprisingly rare in the diet.

All kinds of myths and misconceptions are everywhere, even so-called experts.

Here are 20 nutrients that should be common sense (but not unique).

1. Artificial trans fats are not suitable for human consumption

Trans-fats are bad.

His production with high pressure, heat and hydrogen gas in the presence of a metal catalyst.

This process converts liquid vegetable oils in a thick mud, which is solid at room temperature toxic.

You must be wondering what was going on in the minds of people who set these things in food and sell it thought of the man. It's amazing, really.

Of course, trans fats are more unappetizing. Studies have shown that they very harmful [1] and due to a sharp increase in the risk of heart disease ( 1 , 2 ).

2. You do not need to eat every 2-3 hours

Orange Around the Clock

You really have to constantly eat to lose weight [2] .

Studies have actually searched and found that smaller, more frequent meals have no influence [3] in burning fat or body weight ( 3 , 4 ).

Eating every 2-3 hours is uncomfortable and completely unnecessary for most people. Only eat when they feel hungry and be sure to choose healthy, nutritious food.

3. The mainstream media should never rely on the information diet

Traditional media is part of the reason why there is confusion diet.

Female TV Reporter

It seems like every week there's a new study headlines, often in contradiction to another study that came out a few months earlier.

These stories are often much attention, but if you have the headlines and read the current study, they find that path will be taken out of context.

In many cases there are other higher quality studies (which is rarely mentioned) is directly contrary to the hype.

4. The meat rotting in your colon


It is absolutely wrong to say that the meat [4] rots in the colon.

The human body is well equipped to digest and absorb all the essential nutrients in meat.

The protein [5] decomposed by gastric acid in the stomach, and the remainder is divided by strong digestive enzymes in the small intestine.

All fats, proteins, and nutrients are then moved across the intestinal wall into the body. There is simply nothing more to "red" in the colon.

5. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat

The chicken and the egg, small

Eggs [6] have been demonized unfairly because the yolks are high in cholesterol.

But studies show [7] not cholesterol eggs cholesterol levels in the blood of most people (increase 5 ).

Recent studies that show hundreds of thousands of people that the eggs have no effect on heart disease in healthy people ( 6 ).

The truth is that eggs are one of the healthiest and most nutritious [8] foods that you can eat.

Almost all nutrients are in yellow, and egg yolks to avoid telling people (or whole) is one of the biggest mistakes in the history of nutrition.

6. sugary drinks are part of the modern diet mast

PET bottles

Added sugar is a disaster [9] , and to do it in liquid form is even worse.

The problem with sugar solution is that your brain does not compensate for the calories by eating less of other foods ( 7 ).

In other words, these calories are not "registered" by the brain, so eat more calories overall ( 8 ).

Of all the junk food sweetened beverages [10] are the mast of all, and that means something.

7. Low-fat does not equal healthy

The "low fat", promoted by the traditional dietary guidelines system is a total failure.

Young man confused about food choices

Numerous studies have shown that long-term does not work [11] , or weight loss or prevention of diseases ( 9 , 10 , 11 ).

In addition, a lot of "low fat" processed foods has led the market. Because the bad taste of food without fat, food manufacturers add a lot of sugar instead.

Foods that are naturally low in fat (like fruit [12] and vegetables) are great, but processed "low fat" on food labels are usually loaded with unhealthy ingredients.

8. fruit juice is not so different from sugary sodas

Oranges and orange juice

Many people believe that fruit juice [13] are in good health.

It seems logical, since they come from fruits.

However, fruit juices contain so much sugar, soft drinks such as Coca-Cola sweetened ( 12 )!

There is no fiber in them without chewing strength, which makes it very easy to consume, makes large amounts [14] sugar.

A cup of orange juice contains as much sugar as two whole oranges [15] ( 13 , 14 ).

If you try to avoid sugar for health reasons, you should avoid fruit juices as well. It is just as bad, and low levels of antioxidants [16] are not suitable for large amounts of sugar.

9. Feeding your gut microbes is critical


Do you think you are, in fact, only 10% knew a man?

Bacteria in the gut flora as known, actually surpass human cells from October to January [17] !

In recent years, research has shown that the types and amounts of these bacteria can have profound effects on human health that have affected the entire body weight [18] of brain function ( 15 , 16 ).

As the body's cells need to eat the bacteria, and soluble fiber [19] is the preferred energy source ( 17 , 18 ).

This is perhaps the most important is to understand a lot of fiber in the diet because feeding young in his gut.

10. "cholesterol" is not the enemy

Heart and a stethoscope

What people refer to as a rule, like "cholesterol" is not really [20] cholesterol.

If one called "bad" and "good" cholesterol, they are actually incurred on the proteins, cholesterol around.

Means mean LDL low-density lipoprotein HDL high-density lipoproteins.

The truth is that cholesterol is not the enemy. The decisive factor for the risk of heart disease is the type of lipoproteins [21] , which carry cholesterol, no cholesterol itself.

11. Weight control rarely works

Bottle with blue pills

There are tons of different weight loss supplements on the market.

The problem is that almost never work. You are driving a magical results, but not when tested under the specific studies.

Even those who do not work [22] , the effect is too small to make a noticeable difference really.

The people who are like weight loss supplements promoting magical solutions, are actually the origin of evil, because they are the people the things that distracts really important.

The truth is that the only way to lose weight and keep it off, it is to accept a change in lifestyle.

12. Health is much more than how much you weigh

People focus too much on any weight gain / loss. The truth is that health goes far beyond that.

Obese vs thin woman

Many obese people are metabolically healthy, while many people of normal weight, the same metabolic problems with obesity (connected 19 , 20 ).

Which is counterproductive solely on body weight. It is possible to improve the health without weight loss, and vice versa.

It appears that the region in which the fat is important. The fat in the abdomen (belly fat) are associated with metabolic disorders, while subcutaneous fat is mainly a cosmetic problem ( 21 ).

Therefore, reduce belly fat [23] should be a priority for improving health, fat under the skin and the number on the scale is not so important.

13 count calories, but need not

Apple and calculator

Calories [24] are important, it is a fact.

Obesity is a problem of stored energy (calories) stored as body fat.

However, this does not mean that the people to follow or count calories, or what happens in your body to monitor.

While calorie counting works for many people, there are a lot of things, [25] that people can do to lose weight without counting a single calorie to lose.

For example, eat more protein was shown that the automatic caloric restriction and significant weight loss. Without limiting calories ( 22 , 23 ).

14 people with glucose and / or type 2 diabetes should not eat a diet high in carbohydrates

Insulin injections for diabetics

For decades, the people were asked to eat a low fat diet with carbohydrates to 50-60% of calories.

Surprisingly, this review has been expanded to include people with type 2 diabetes who can not tolerate a lot of carbohydrates.

People with type 2 diabetes are insulin resistant and consume carbohydrates cause a sharp rise in the level of blood sugar levels.

For this reason, it is necessary to take hypoglycemic medications to bring their low levels.

If someone has a low carbohydrate diet [26] , these patients with diabetes. In one study, a low carb diet was for only six months, 95.2% of patients allowed to reduce or eliminate medications sugar in the blood ( 24 ).

While the Board changed (slowly), many "mainstream" organizations around the world say, diabetics, a diet rich in carbohydrates eat.

FAT 15 is not fat, but not more than carbohydrates

A Single butter curl

Fat was often blamed for obesity, because fat contains more calories per gram than protein and carbohydrates.

However, this does not really practical.

People who have a diet that is high in fat (but low in carbohydrates) end up eating eat fewer calories than those with low fat, high carbohydrate diets ( 25 , 26 ).

Instead, it has led many people to make carbohydrates responsible for obesity, but it is wrong to. Many people ate diets rich in carbohydrates, but remained healthy.

As with anything in the diet, which depends on context.

Fat can be fattening carbohydrates [27] can be fattening. It is up to the rest of the things you eat and your lifestyle in general.

16. Junk food may be addictive

Young brunette with a muffin

In the last 100 years, the food has changed.

People eat more processed foods [28] than ever before, and used to grown foods to develop technologies more complicated.

These days, food engineers have ways to make food in a "reward" of the brain with dopamine (found flooded 27 ).

This is the same mechanism by substance abuse (to 28 ).

For this reason, some (but not all) people are dependent [29] and lose complete control over their consumption ( 29 ).

Many studies have investigated the matter and found, similarities between [30] Food and Drug Abuse (processed junk food 30 ).

17. Health claims on the packaging should not be trusted


People are more health conscious than ever before.

Food manufacturers are well aware of this and found ways to get the same old thing for health conscious people to sell.

You do this by misleading labels such as "whole grain" or "low fat" in their food.

Now you can do all kinds of unhealthy junk food with serious health claims on the label to find as "whole grain" Fruit Loops and hot chocolate.

These labels are almost always misleading, and are used to thinking people, they are the right choice to cheat for themselves (and their children [31] ).

If the food label tells you that he is healthy, then it is not likely.

18 refined vegetable oils should be avoided

A bottle of vegetable oil

Vegetable oils such as soybean, corn and oilseed rape , [32] are extracted from the seeds using the methods of treatment difficult.

These oils contain a large amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which are biologically active and humans during the development (not consumed in large quantities 31 ).

Studies show that these oils can cause oxidative stress and LDL in the body, heart disease (can contribute oxidized 32 , 33 , 34 ).

19. "organic" or "gluten-free" does not equal health

There are many health trends in the world these days.

Organic food is very popular and is gluten-free is trendy.

However, just because something is organic or gluten-free does not mean it is healthy. For example, you can make all kinds of junk food made from organic ingredients.

Women eating wonder if Muffin

Foods that are gluten free by nature very good, but processed foods gluten often with ingredients, side worse than their counterparts who are gluten containing taken serious.

The truth is that organic sugar is still sugar and gluten-free junk food is still junk food.

20. blame the new health problems food Viejo makes no sense

Heart disease does not become a problem until a hundred years.

The obesity epidemic began around 1980 and followed the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the near future.

What are the major health problems in the world, and it seems pretty clear that the diet has a lot to do with them.

For a strange reason, the health authorities began to blame foods such as red meat, eggs and butter [33] .

But we were eating these natural foods for thousands of years, while these health problems are relatively new.

It makes no sense to assume everything back in its place? Like all processed foods, sugar, refined grains and vegetable oils?

The guilt of the new health problems in old food just does not make sense.


  1. ^ incredibly harmful (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ lose weight (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ no effect (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ meat (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ protein (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ eggs (authoritynutrition.com)
  7. ^ Studies (authoritynutrition.com)
  8. ^ nutritious (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ disaster (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ sugary drinks (authoritynutrition.com)
  11. ^ does not work (authoritynutrition.com)
  12. ^ fruits (authoritynutrition.com)
  13. ^ juices (authoritynutrition.com)
  14. ^ massive quantities (authoritynutrition.com)
  15. ^ oranges (authoritynutrition.com)
  16. ^ antioxidants (authoritynutrition.com)
  17. ^ 10-1 (www.sciencedaily.com)
  18. ^ body weight (authoritynutrition.com)
  19. ^ fiber (authoritynutrition.com)
  20. ^ not really (authoritynutrition.com)
  21. ^ lipoprotein (authoritynutrition.com)
  22. ^ do the work (authoritynutrition.com)
  23. ^ reduce belly fat (authoritynutrition.com)
  24. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  25. ^ a lot of things (authoritynutrition.com)
  26. ^ Low Carb Diet (authoritynutrition.com)
  27. ^ carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  28. ^ processed foods (authoritynutrition.com)
  29. ^ I addicted (authoritynutrition.com)
  30. ^ similarities (authoritynutrition.com)
  31. ^ their children (authoritynutrition.com)
  32. ^ rape (authoritynutrition.com)
  33. ^ butter (authoritynutrition.com)