Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Atkins diet: Everything you need to know (literally)

This is a very detailed section on the Atkins diet. Foods to eat, foods to avoid, foods, grocery list, scientific background and lots of tips.

The Atkins diet is a low carb diet is usually recommended for weight loss [1] .

Proponents of this diet claims that you can lose weight, eat more protein and fat as you want, as long as you avoid foods high in carbohydrates.

During the last 12 years, more than 20 studies [2] have shown that a low carbohydrate diet effective for weight loss (not counting calories), and perform a number of improvements in health.

Man eating meat

The Atkins diet was first promoted by a doctor named Dr. Robert C. Atkins [3] , who wrote a bestseller about the diet in 1972.

Since then, the Atkins diet has popular worldwide and many more books [4] have been written about him.

The scheme was considered unhealthy and demonized by the health authorities, mainly due to the high saturated fatty acids [5] of the content. However, recent studies have shown that saturated fat is harmless ( 1 , 2 ).

Since then, the regime has been studied in detail and shown that more weight loss than low-fat diet and a greater improvement in blood sugar, HDL ("good" cholesterol) cholesterol and triglycerides cause other health markers ( 3 , 4 ).

Despite high fat does not raise LDL ("bad cholesterol"), on average, even if this occurs in a subset of individuals [6] ( 5 ).

Diets low in carbohydrates main reason it is so effective for weight loss is that when people reduce their carbohydrate intake and eat more protein, decreases appetite and automatically end up eating less calories [7] , without thinking ( 6 , 7 ).

You can read more about the health benefits of low carb diets learn in this article .

The Atkins diet is a diet in four phases

Protein-rich foods

The Atkins diet consists of four phases:

  1. Phase 1 (induction): less than 20 grams of carbohydrates [9] per day for 2 weeks. Eat foods that are rich in fat and protein, low carbohydrate vegetables such as leafy vegetables. This kick-off of weight loss.
  2. Phase 2 (Balance): Gradually more nuts, vegetables low in carbohydrates and small amounts of fruit to your diet.
  3. Phase 3 (Fine Tuning): If you are close to your ideal weight, add more carbs in the diet, weight loss slows up.
  4. Phase 4 (Maintenance): Here you can eat as healthy as your body can tolerate without restoring carbohydrate weight.

However, these phases are quite complicated and may not be necessary. You should be able to lose weight in a position and hold it for as long as you can eat out his stick.

Some people choose to ignore completely the induction phase and include a lot of vegetables and fruits [10] from the beginning. This approach can be very effective.

Others prefer to just stay in the induction phase indefinitely. This is also called a very low carbohydrate, known ketogenic diet [11] (keto).

Foods to Avoid

Young woman says no to junk food

You should avoid these foods in the Atkins diet:

  • Sugar: Soft [12] , juice [13] , cake, candy, ice cream, etc.
  • Crops: wheat, spelled, rye, barley, rice.
  • Vegetable oil: soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil , [14] and others.
  • Trans fats: Usually found in processed the word "hydrogenated" on the ingredient list of foods.
  • "Plan" and "low fat" foods: These are very high usually in sugar [15] .
  • Rich in carbohydrates vegetables: carrots, beets, etc. (Only induction).
  • Low Carb Fruits: bananas [16] , apple [17] , Orange [18] , pears, grapes (induction only).
  • Strengths: potatoes, sweet potatoes (induction only).
  • Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc. (induction only).

Foods to Eat

Your diet should be based around these healthy foods.

Woman smiling and with a fried egg

  • Meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, bacon [19] and others.
  • Fatty fish and seafood: salmon, trout, sardines, etc.
  • Eggs: Eggs are rich in omega-3-rich healthy or grazing [20] .
  • Low Carb Vegetables: Kale [21] , spinach, broccoli, asparagus and others.
  • Rich in milk fat: butter [22] , cheese, cream, full-fat yogurt [23] .
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
  • Healthy fats: olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, avocados [24] and avocado oil.

During your meals around a fat base protein source with vegetables or nuts and healthy fats, then you will lose weight. It's that simple.

After induction is complete, you can slowly healthy carbohydrates


Despite what you may have heard, the Atkins diet is quite flexible.

It is only during the induction phase of two weeks, you should reduce the intake of healthy sources of carbohydrates.

After induction is complete, you can slowly add healthy, such as increased carbohydrate vegetables, fruits, berries, potatoes, vegetables and healthy foods such as oats and rice grain carbohydrates.

However, chances are that you need to remain moderately low carb for life, when you reach your weight loss goals.

If you eat the same old foods begin again in the same quantities as before, you will gain back the weight. This applies to any system of weight loss.

Maybe Eating

Stacked chocolate blocks

There are many delicious foods that you eat on the Atkins diet.

These include foods such as bacon, cream, cheese and black chocolate [26] .

Many of them are generally considered by the high fat and calorie content mast.

If you are on a However, low carb diet [27] , fat is the preferred energy source for the body, so it is perfectly acceptable these foods.

More details here: 6 deals that are low in carbohydrates welcome [28] .


These are some of the drinks that are acceptable on the Atkins diet.

Woman drinking water from a bottle

  • Water: As always, the water [29] should be to drink.
  • Coffee: Despite what you hear, coffee [30] is rich in antioxidants and actually quite healthy.
  • Green Tea: A very healthy drink.

Alcohol is also very good in small amounts. Keep up to dry wines without added sugar, and avoid high carbohydrate drinks such as beer.

What is a vegetarian?


It is possible that (and even do the Atkins diet as a vegetarian vegan [31] ), but it is difficult.

You can soy [32] for protein-based foods and eat lots of nuts and seeds. Olive oil and coconut oil [33] are an excellent source of vegetable fats.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarians can eggs, cheese, butter, cream and other high fat eating milk [34] of food.

A sample menu for a week of Atkins

Head is impressed

This is a sample menu for a week on the Atkins Diet.

It is suitable for the induction phase, but there are the vegetables most carbs and some fruit, as you move to the other phases.

On Monday

  • Breakfast: eggs and vegetables, fried in coconut oil.
  • Lunch: Chicken salad with olive oil and a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: steak and vegetables.


  • Breakfast: bacon and eggs.
  • Lunch: leftover chicken and vegetables the day before.
  • Lunch: Cheeseburger (without bread) with vegetables and butter.


  • Breakfast: Omelet with vegetables, fried in butter.
  • Lunch: Shrimp salad with a little oil.
  • Dinner: sauteed ground beef with vegetables.


  • Breakfast: eggs and vegetables, fried in coconut oil.
  • Lunch: leftovers from dinner the night before he jumped.
  • Dinner: Salmon with butter and vegetables.


  • Breakfast: bacon and eggs.
  • Lunch: Chicken salad with olive oil and a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: Meatballs with vegetables.


  • Breakfast: omelet with various vegetables, fried in butter.
  • Lunch: leftover meatballs yesterday.
  • Dinner: Pork chops with vegetables.


  • Breakfast: bacon and eggs.
  • Lunch: Pork chops leftover yesterday.
  • Dinner: chicken wings with a little sauce and grilled vegetables.

Ensure a variety of vegetables in your diet.

Some examples successfully for healthy foods and low in carbohydrates Super: seven healthy low-carb meal in 10 minutes [35] .

Health Low Carb Snacks

Cheese and grapes

Most people think that their appetite down on the Atkins diet.

They tend to feel more than satisfied with 3 meals a day (sometimes only 2).

However, if you are hungry between meals, so here are some quick snacks:

  • Remnants.
  • A tough egg or two.
  • A piece of cheese.
  • A piece of meat.
  • A handful of nuts.
  • Some Greek yogurt.
  • Berries and whipped cream.
  • Carrots (caution during induction).
  • Fruit (post-induction).

How to follow the Atkins Diet restaurant

Waitress taking order

Actually it is very simple, follow the Atkins diet for most restaurants.

  1. Learn more vegetables instead of bread, potatoes or rice.
  2. Order a meal of meat fat [36] or fatty fish.
  3. Get some more sauce, butter or olive oil with your meal.

A simple shopping list for the Atkins Diet

Healthy man holding a shopping bag

It is a good rule to shop the perimeter of the store. This is usually where the whole foods.

Eating organic is not necessary, but always for the least processed option to go fits in your price range.

  • Meat: beef, chicken, lamb, pork, bacon.
  • Oily fish: salmon, trout, etc.
  • Shrimp and seafood.
  • Eggs [37] .
  • Dairy: Greek yogurt, cream, butter, cheese.
  • Vegetables: spinach, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, onions, etc.
  • Berries: blueberries, strawberries, etc.
  • Nuts: almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.
  • Seeds: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.
  • Fruits: apples, pears, oranges.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Olivos.
  • Extra virgin olive oil [38] .
  • The black chocolate.
  • Lawyers.
  • : Seasoning sea salt [39] , pepper, turmeric [40] , cinnamon, garlic [41] , parsley, etc.

We strongly recommend that your pantry of all unhealthy foods and ingredients recommended deletion. These include ice cream, soft drinks, cereals, breads, fruit juices and cooking ingredients, such as sugar and wheat flour.

You will not regret it

If you are serious about the Atkins diet, I recommend you do one of the Atkins books [42] and just start as soon as possible.

That is, the detailed instructions in this article should be all that you need to contain in order to be successful. To create a print version, click here [43] .

You can find many recipes low in healthy carbs on this page to find: 101 Healthy Low Carb Recipes incredible flavor [44]

Here are some more useful and informative about diets low carb products:

You can find a list of more articles on this page [45] .

At the end of the day, the Atkins diet is a very healthy and effective way to lose weight. You will not be disappointed.


  1. ^ weight loss (
  2. ^ more than 20 studies (
  3. ^ Dr. Robert C. Atkins (
  4. ^ many more books (
  5. ^ saturated fat (
  6. ^ subgroup of people (
  7. ^ less calories (
  8. ^ in this article (
  9. ^ g carbohydrates (
  10. ^ fruits (
  11. ^ KD (
  12. ^ refreshments (
  13. ^ juices (
  14. ^ Rapeseed (
  15. ^ sugar (
  16. ^ bananas (
  17. ^ apples (
  18. ^ oranges (
  19. ^ butter (
  20. ^ grasses (
  21. ^ Kale (
  22. ^ butter (
  23. ^ yogurt (
  24. ^ Lawyers (
  25. ^ protein (
  26. ^ black chocolate (
  27. ^ Low Carb Diet (
  28. ^ 6 indulgent foods low in carbohydrates coals welcome (
  29. ^ water (
  30. ^ Coffee (
  31. ^ vegan (
  32. ^ soybean (
  33. ^ Coconut Oil (
  34. ^ Dairy (
  35. ^ 7 healthy low-carb food in less than 10 minutes (
  36. ^ fatty meat (
  37. ^ eggs (
  38. ^ Extra virgin olive oil (
  39. ^ sea salt (
  40. ^ Turmeric (
  41. ^ Garlic (
  42. ^ Atkins books (
  43. ^ click here (
  44. ^ 101 healthy recipes low in carbohydrates that they have an amazing flavor (
  45. ^ page (

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