Sunday, November 23, 2014

11 proven ways to reduce or eliminate swelling

Woman with a swollen belly Flatulence is the state of the stomach bloated after eating ( 1 ).

It is normally overproduction of gas and / or perturbations in the motion of the muscles of the digestive tract (caused 2 ).

This can lead to increased pressure and discomfort, and sometimes can make it look like the biggest stomach ( 3 ).

The effect can be quite extreme in some cases, and some even used term " baby food [1] . "

In short, flatulence contains excessive amounts of solid, liquid or gas in your digestive system.

However, for some people, the swelling is caused mainly by increased sensitivity. It seems as though it increased in the abdominal pressure, although it is not ( 4 , 5 ).

About 16-30% of people say they have swelling on a regular basis, so this is very common ( 6 , 7 , 2 ).

Bloating often cause pain, discomfort and "stuffed" feeling, but also make you look heavier and the impression of large amounts of abdominal fat [2] .

Although sometimes swelling caused by serious illness is usually through diet and certain foods or ingredients that are intolerant caused.

Here are 11 proven ways to reduce or eliminate swelling.

1. Do not eat too much at once

Fish meal on a plate

Drunkenness can feel bloated, but the problem is simply eaten too much.

If you usually feel great meals and after uncomfortable, try smaller portions.

Add another meal a day, if necessary.

A subgroup of people who suffer from really not renewed or increased under bloating stomach abdominal pressure. The question is mainly sensory ( 8 , 9 ).

A person with a tendency to experience symptoms of a small amount of food a person who rarely feel inflate inflated.

For this reason, only that they eat smaller meals can be incredibly helpful.

Chew your food better can have a double effect. The amount of air ingested food (causing swelling) and reduced more slowly eat the (associated with reduced food intake and smaller portions 10 ).

In short, people who often experience swelling to a higher sensitivity for food in the stomach. Therefore, eating smaller meals can be very useful.

2. exclude food allergies and intolerances to common foods


Food allergies and intolerances are relatively common.

If you eat foods that are intolerant, gas production of more bloating and other symptoms may be caused.

Here are some common foods and ingredients to consider:

  • Lactose Lactose intolerance is associated with many digestive problems with bloating. Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk [3] ( 11 ).
  • Fructose fructose [4] intolerance to swelling (run 12 ).
  • Eggs: bloating are common symptoms of eggs [5] allergy.
  • Wheat and gluten: Many people are allergic or intolerant to wheat gluten [6] (a protein found in wheat, spelled, barley and other cereals). This can lead to various adverse effects on digestion, swelling lead ( 13 , 14 ).

You can try to avoid some of them, to see if it helps. But I firmly believe that you consult a food allergy or intolerance, a doctor.

Conclusion: Allergies and food intolerances are common causes of bloating. Common culprits include lactose, fructose, wheat, gluten and egg.

3. Avoid swallowing of air and gases

Boy drinking soda through a straw

There are two sources of gas within the digestive system.

One is the gas by bacteria in the gut (discussed in a moment) generated.

The other is the air or gas were swallowed [7] while eating or drinking. The biggest culprit here drinks ( sodas [8] , or soda).

They contain carbon dioxide bubbles with a gas which can be released from the liquid upon reaching the stomach.

Chewing gum, drink with a straw and eat during the call or rush, may also lead to an increase in the amount of air swallowed.

Conclusion: swallowed air can contribute to swelling. One of the causes is that beverages containing gas dissolves in the liquid.

4. foods that give you gas, do not eat


A little fiber [9] foods can cause people to produce large amounts of gas.

The main actors of legumes such as beans and lentils, and whole grains few.

Try to see a food diary if certain foods tend to give you more gas and / or swollen than others.

Fatty foods can also slow down digestion and gastric emptying. This can have advantages for saturation (and possibly aid have in weight loss [10] ), but can be a problem for people who have a tendency to swell.

Try less fatty foods and eat cereal to see if it helps.

Conclusion: If certain foods make you feel bloated or give you gas, try to reduce or avoid. Eating fatty foods can slow digestion and can afford to swelling in some people.

5. Try a diet low FODMAP

Irritable bowel syndrome [11] (IBS) is common in the world indigestion.

There is no known cause, but it is believed that about 14% of people are affected, most of them are undiagnosed ( 15 ).

Common symptoms are bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and / or constipation.

Most IBS patients experience swelling, and about 60% of them say that the worst symptoms such as bloating and scored even higher than abdominal pain ( 1 , 16 ).

Numerous studies have shown that non-digestible carbohydrates [12] called FODMAPs significant symptoms in IBS patients (worsen 17 , 18 ).

Bloated stomach Female

FODMAP [13] means oligo fermentable mono- and polyols, said.

A diet low FODMAP has been shown to result in significant reduction [14] The symptoms such as bloating, at least in IBS patients ( 19 , 20 , 21 ).

If you have problems with bloating, with or without other gastrointestinal symptoms, and low FODMAP diet a good way to fix it.

Here are some common foods high FODMAP:

This diet can be difficult to follow if you eat a lot of these foods are used, but maybe worth a try if you have swelling or other digestive problems.

Conclusion: FODMAPs called carbohydrates can cause bloating and other digestive problems, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

6. Pay attention to sugar alcohols

Woman with headphones and gums

Sugar alcohols [15] are commonly found in foods and sugar-free chewing gum.

These sweeteners are generally regarded as safe alternatives to sugar.

However, they can cause digestive problems, as they tend to which the bacteria reach the intestines, digest and generate a gas ( 22 ).

Sugar alcohols are actually FODMAPs so if excluded at a low FODMAP diet.

Try to avoid sugar alcohols such as xylitol [16] , sorbitol and mannitol. The sugar alcohol erythritol [17] may be better tolerated than others, but it can also cause digestive problems in high doses.

Conclusion: sugar alcohols can digestive problems such as bloating, especially if they have taken in large doses. Try to avoid a sugarless gum, and other sources of the sugar alcohols.

7. Taking digestive enzyme supplements

Bottle with blue pills

There are some over-the-counter products that may be useful.

These include additional enzymes that help break down the indigestible carbohydrates can.

Include those that:

  • Lactase: An enzyme that breaks down lactose, useful for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Beano: contains alpha-galactosidase enzyme, which help break down indigestible carbohydrates of different foods can.

Try in the pharmacy or in a supplement or a ride on Amazon [18] .

In many cases, these types of supplements provide almost instant relief.

Conclusion: Many over-the-counter products can help with bloating and other digestive problems. These are usually digestive enzymes that break down certain food components to help.

8. Do not become clogged

Young woman with stomach ache

Constipation is a common digestive problem and can have many different causes.

Studies have shown that blockage can often worsen the symptoms of the swelling ( 23 , 24 ).

Learn more soluble fiber constipation often recommended.

However, the increase in fiber with caution for people who gas and / or bloating should have, because fiber can often make it worse.

You might want to try taking magnesium supplements or increase their physical activity, effective against constipation (may 25 , 26 , 27 ).

Conclusion: constipation can aggravate the symptoms of bloating. Increasing magnesium intake and physical activity can be effective against constipation.

9. taking probiotics

Pill bottle wrapped in tape

The gas produced by bacteria in the gut is a major contributor to swelling.

There are many different types of bacteria that live there, and can vary between individuals.

It seems logical that the number and type of bacteria might have something to do with the production of gas, and no studies that support this.

Several clinical studies have shown that some probiotic supplements can help increase the production of gas and bloating in people with digestive problems ( 28 , 29 ).

However, other studies have shown that probiotics can help to gas, but without symptoms of the abdomen ( 30 , 31 , 32 ).

This may depend on the person and the nature of the probiotic strain.

Probiotics can have many other benefits, so they are worth a try anyway.

It may take a while to start working, so be patient.

Conclusion: Probiotic supplements can help improve the environment of the bacteria in the gut, which can reduce the symptoms of bloating.

10. Peppermint oil can help

The oil and mint

Swelling can also be caused by the change in the function of muscles in the digestive tract.

The drugs called antispasmodics, help muscle spasms may have been useful ( 33 ).

Peppermint oil is a natural substance, presumably in the same way (function 34 ).

Numerous studies have shown that various symptoms, to reduce in patients with IBS, including flatulence ( 35 , 36 ).

Peppermint oil is available in supplement form [19] .

Conclusion: Peppermint oil has proven effective against flatulence and other digestive disorders, at least in patients with IBS.

11. Consult a doctor to rule out a serious chronic illness and / or

If the problem persists, deteriorating to severe problems in your life or suddenly, then definitely go to a doctor.

There is always the possibility of chronic and / or severe disease and diagnosis of digestive problems can be tricky.

However, in many cases, to reduce the swelling by simple changes in diet (or even eliminate).


  1. ^ baby food (
  2. ^ belly fat (
  3. ^ milk (
  4. ^ fructose (
  5. ^ Ei (
  6. ^ gluten (
  7. ^ ingestion (
  8. ^ Soda (
  9. ^ fiber (
  10. ^ with weight loss (
  11. ^ IBS (
  12. ^ carbohydrates (
  13. ^ FODMAP (
  14. ^ significant reductions (
  15. ^ sugar alcohols (
  16. ^ xylitol (
  17. ^ erythritol (
  18. ^ go Amazon (
  19. ^ in supplement form (

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