Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Should be 20 of the nutritional value of common sense (but not)

Woman asks if eating a burger or salad Common sense is surprisingly rare in the diet.

All kinds of myths and misconceptions spread about, so-called experts.

Here are 20 nutrients that should be common sense (but not unique).

1. Artificial trans fats are not suitable for human consumption

Trans-fats are bad.

His production with high pressure, heat and hydrogen gas in the presence of a metal catalyst.

This process converts liquid vegetable oils in a thick mud, which is solid at room temperature toxic.

You must be wondering what was going on in the minds of people who set these things in food and sell it thought of the man. It's amazing, really.

Of course, trans fats are more unappetizing. Studies have shown that they very harmful [1] and due to a sharp increase in the risk of heart disease ( 1 , 2 ).

2. You do not need to eat every 2-3 hours

Orange Around the Clock

You really have to constantly eat to lose weight [2] .

Studies have actually searched and found that smaller, more frequent meals have no influence [3] in burning fat or body weight ( 3 , 4 ).

Eating every 2-3 hours is uncomfortable and completely unnecessary for most people. Only eat when they feel hungry and be sure to choose healthy and nutritious food.

3. The mainstream media will never be approved by nutritional information

Traditional media is part of the reason why there is confusion food.

Female TV Reporter

It seems like every week there's a new study headlines, often in contradiction to another study that came out a few months earlier.

These stories are often a lot of attention, but when you beyond the headlines and read the latest studies showing this route, be taken out of context.

In many cases there are other higher quality studies (which is rarely mentioned) is directly contrary to the hype.

4. The meat rots in your colon


It is absolutely wrong to say that the meat [4] rots in the colon.

The human body is well equipped to digest and absorb all the essential nutrients in meat.

The protein [5] decomposed by gastric acid in the stomach, and the remainder is divided by strong digestive enzymes in the small intestine.

All fats, proteins, and nutrients are then moved across the intestinal wall into the body. There is simply nothing left to "rot" in the colon.

5. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat

The chicken and the egg, small

Eggs [6] have been unfairly demonized, because the yolk is rich in cholesterol.

But studies show [7] not cholesterol eggs cholesterol levels in the blood of most people (increase 5 ).

To other studies with hundreds of thousands of people that eggs have no effect on heart disease in healthy subjects ( 6 ).

The truth is that eggs are one of the healthiest and most nutritious [8] foods that you can eat.

Almost all nutrients are in yellow, and egg yolks to avoid telling people (or whole) is one of the biggest mistakes in the history of nutrition.

6. sugary drinks are part of the modern diet mast

PET bottles

Added sugar is a disaster [9] , and to do it in liquid form is even worse.

The problem with sugar solution is that your brain does not compensate for the calories by eating less of other foods ( 7 ).

In other words, these calories are not "registered" by the brain, so eat more calories overall ( 8 ).

Of all the junk food sweetened beverages [10] are the mast of all, and that means something.

7. Low-fat does not equal healthy

The "low fat", promoted by the traditional dietary guidelines system is a total failure.

Young man confused about food choices

Numerous studies show that long term does not work [11] , or weight loss or prevention of diseases ( 9 , 10 , 11 ).

Furthermore, it has resulted in a large number of "low fat" processed foods on the market. Because the bad taste of food without fat, food manufacturers add a lot of sugar instead.

Foods that are naturally low in fat (like fruit [12] and vegetables) are great, but processed "low fat" on food labels are usually loaded with unhealthy ingredients.

8. fruit juice is not so different from soda

Oranges and orange juice

Many people believe that fruit juices [13] are in good health.

It seems logical, since they come from the fruit.

However, fruit juices contain so much sugar, soft drinks such as Coca-Cola sweetened ( 12 )!

No fiber in them without chewing resistance, which makes it very easy to consume massive amounts [14] sugar.

A cup of orange juice contains as much sugar as 2 whole oranges [15] ( 13 , 14 ).

If you try to avoid sugar for health reasons, you should avoid fruit juices as well. It is just as bad, and low levels of antioxidants [16] are not suitable for large amounts of sugar.

9. Feeding your gut microbes is critical


Do you think you are, in fact, only 10% knew a man?

Bacteria in the intestine, called intestinal flora, in fact outweigh human cells October-January [17] !

In recent years, research has shown that the types and amounts of these bacteria can have profound effects on human health that have affected the entire body weight [18] of brain function ( 15 , 16 ).

As the body's cells need to eat the bacteria, and soluble fiber [19] is the preferred energy source ( 17 , 18 ).

This is perhaps the most important is to understand a lot of fiber in the diet because feeding young in his gut.

10. "cholesterol" is not the enemy

Heart and a stethoscope

What people refer to as a rule, like "cholesterol" is not really [20] cholesterol.

If you called "bad" and "good" cholesterol, they will actually wear on the proteins, cholesterol around.

Means mean LDL low-density lipoprotein HDL high-density lipoproteins.

The truth is that cholesterol is not the enemy. The decisive factor for the risk of heart disease is the type of lipoproteins [21] , which carry cholesterol, no cholesterol itself.

11. Weight control rarely works

Bottle with blue pills

There are tons of different weight loss supplements on the market.

The problem is that almost never work. You are to achieve magical results supposedly, but were unsuccessful during the test in recent studies.

Even those who do not work, [22] , the effect is too small to make a noticeable difference really.

The people who are like weight loss supplements promoting magical solutions, are actually the origin of evil, because they are the people the things that distracts really important.

The truth is that the only way to lose weight and keep it off, it is to accept a change in lifestyle.

12. Health is much more than how much you weigh

People focus too much on any weight gain / loss. The truth is that health goes far beyond that.

Obese vs thin woman

Many overweight people are metabolically healthy, while many normal weight people have the same metabolic problems associated with obesity (connected 19 , 20 ).

Which is counterproductive solely on body weight. It is possible to improve the health without weight loss, and vice versa.

It appears that the region in which the fat is important. The fat in the abdomen (belly fat) are associated with metabolic disorders, while subcutaneous fat is mainly a cosmetic problem ( 21 ).

Therefore, reduce belly fat [23] should improve a priority for the health, the fat under the skin and the number on the scale does not really matter.

13 count calories, but need not

Apple and calculator

Calories [24] are important, it is a fact.

Obesity is a problem of excess stored energy (calories) accumulation in the form of body fat.

However, this does not mean that people need to keep track or count calories or anything your body monitor changes.

While calorie counting works for many people, there are a lot of things, [25] , that people can do to lose weight, without counting a single calorie to lose.

For example, eat more protein was shown that the automatic caloric restriction and significant weight loss. Without limiting calories ( 22 , 23 ).

14 people with glucose and / or type 2 diabetes should not eat a diet high in carbohydrates

Insulin injections for diabetics

For decades, the people were asked to eat a low fat diet with carbohydrates to 50-60% of calories.

Surprisingly, this review has been expanded to include people with type 2 diabetes who can not tolerate a lot of carbohydrates.

People with type 2 diabetes are insulin resistant and consume carbohydrates cause a sharp rise in the level of blood sugar levels.

For this reason it is necessary, hypoglycemic drugs, their low level.

If someone has a low carbohydrate diet [26] , these patients with diabetes. In one study, a low-carb diet for six months only 95.2% of patients allowed to reduce or eliminate their blood sugar affect ( 24 ).

While the Board, many "mainstream" organizations change (slowly) around the world tell diabetics, a diet rich in carbohydrates eat.

FAT 15 is not fat, but not more than carbohydrates

A Single butter curl

Fat was often blamed for obesity, because fat contains more calories per gram than protein and carbohydrates.

However, this does not really practical.

People who have a diet that is rich in fat (but low in carbohydrates) eat end up eating less calories than those with low fat, high carbohydrate diets ( 25 , 26 ).

Instead, it has led many people to make carbohydrates responsible for obesity, but it is wrong to. Many people ate diets rich in carbohydrates, but remained healthy.

As with anything in the diet, which depends on context.

Fat can be fattening carbohydrates [27] can be fattening. It is up to the rest of the things you eat and your lifestyle in general.

16. Junk food may be addictive

Young brunette with a muffin

In the past 100 years, the food is changed.

People eat more processed foods [28] than ever before, and used to grown foods to develop technologies more complicated.

These days, food engineers have ways to make food in a "reward" of the brain with dopamine (found flooded 27 ).

This is the same mechanism by substance abuse (to 28 ).

For this reason, some (but not all) people are dependent [29] and lose all control of their consumption ( 29 ).

Numerous studies have investigated and found the question of similarities between [30] Food and Drug abuse (the processed junk food 30 ).

17 Health claims on packaging should not be trusted


People are more health conscious than ever before.

Food manufacturers are well aware of this and found ways to get the same old thing for health conscious people to sell.

You do this by misleading labels such as "whole grain" or "low fat" in their food.

Now you can do all kinds of unhealthy junk food with serious health claims on the label than to find "whole grain" Fruit Loops and hot chocolate.

These labels are almost always misleading, and are used to thinking people, they are the right choice to cheat for themselves (and their children [31] ).

If the food label tells you that he is healthy, then it is not likely.

18 refined vegetable oils should be avoided

Bottle of vegetable oil

Vegetable oils such as soybean, corn and oilseed rape , [32] are extracted from the seeds using the methods of treatment difficult.

These oils contain a large amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which are biologically active and humans during the development (not consumed in large quantities 31 ).

Studies show that these oils oxidative stress and LDL cholesterol oxidation in the body, which (can contribute to heart disease 32 , 33 , 34 ).

19 correspond to "organic" or "gluten-free" does not refer to the Health

There are many health trends in the world these days.

Organic food is very popular and is gluten-free is trendy.

However, just because something is organic or gluten-free does not mean it is healthy. For example, you can make all kinds of junk food made from organic ingredients.

Woman asks if the food muffin

Foods that are gluten free by nature very good, but processed foods gluten often with ingredients, side worse than their counterparts who are gluten containing taken serious.

The truth is that organic sugar is still sugar and gluten-free junk food is still junk food.

20. blame the new health problems food Viejo makes no sense

Heart disease does not become a problem until a hundred years.

The obesity epidemic began around 1980 and followed the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the near future.

What are the biggest health problems in the world, and it seems pretty clear that the diet has a lot to do with them.

For a very strange reason, health authorities began to blame foods such as red meat, eggs and butter [33] .

But we were eating these natural foods for thousands of years, while these health problems are relatively new.

It makes no sense to assume everything back in its place? Like all processed foods, sugar, refined grains and vegetable oils?

The guilt of the new health problems in old food just does not make sense.


  1. ^ incredibly harmful (
  2. ^ to lose weight (
  3. ^ no effect (
  4. ^ meat (
  5. ^ protein (
  6. ^ eggs (
  7. ^ Studies (
  8. ^ nutritious (
  9. ^ disaster (
  10. ^ sugary drinks (
  11. ^ does not work (
  12. ^ fruits (
  13. ^ juices (
  14. ^ massive quantities (
  15. ^ oranges (
  16. ^ antioxidants (
  17. ^ 10-1 (
  18. ^ body weight (
  19. ^ fiber (
  20. ^ not really (
  21. ^ lipoprotein (
  22. ^ do the work (
  23. ^ reduce belly fat (
  24. ^ calories (
  25. ^ a lot of things (
  26. ^ Low Carb Diet (
  27. ^ carbohydrates (
  28. ^ processed foods (
  29. ^ I addicted (
  30. ^ similarities (
  31. ^ their children (
  32. ^ Rapeseed (
  33. ^ butter (

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