Tuesday, November 25, 2014

10 good reasons why sleep is important

Tired woman with alarm clock A good night's sleep is very important for health.

In fact, it is as important as diet and exercise.

Unfortunately, the area is West disturb natural sleep patterns.

People now sleep less than they have in the past, and the quality of sleep was also reduced.

Here are 10 good reasons why sleep is important.

1. Lack of sleep can you fat

Lack of sleep is closely linked to weight gain [1] .

This short sleep attacks tend to be more than adequate sleep the (obtained weigh 1 , 2 ).

In fact, the short duration of sleep one of the most important risk factors for obesity.

In a study of massive overhaul, children and adults with short sleep duration, 89% and 55% were more likely to be overweight, and ( 3 ).

It is assumed that the effect of sleep on weight gain, which on many factors, including hormones and motivation for exercise (mediated 4 ).

If you are trying to lose weight , get quality sleep is absolutely crucial.

Conclusion: Short sleep duration is associated with a significantly increased risk of weight gain and obesity in children and adults.

2. Those who sleep well tend to eat fewer calories

Young man who wanted to beat the clock

Studies show that sleep deprived people have an increased appetite and tend to eat more calories [3] .

Lack of sleep disrupts the daily fluctuations of hormones in appetite and is the cause of poor appetite regulation ( 2 , 5 ).

These include high ghrelin [4] , the hormone that stimulates the appetite and reduced levels of leptin [5] , the hormone that suppresses appetite ( 6 ).

Conclusion: Lack of sleep affects the hormones that regulate appetite. Those who get enough sleep tend to have less calories than those who do not eat.

3. enough sleep can improve concentration and productivity Get

Businessman working

Sleep is important for various aspects of brain function.

This includes knowledge, concentration, productivity and performance ( 7 ).

You are adversely affected by lack of sleep.

A study of medical interns a good example.

The participants in a "traditional calendar" account for 36% of serious medical errors interns on a schedule that allowed more sleep ( 8 ).

Another study showed short sleep can have a negative impact on some aspects of brain function similar to alcohol intoxication (degrees have 9 ).

Sleep well, in addition, it was shown that the ability to solve problems and improve the memory performance of children and adults (to improve 10 , 11 , 12 ).

Moral: A good sleep can maximize the resolution of problems and improve memory. Sleep disorders have been shown to alter brain function.

4. Good sleep can maximize athletic performance

The dream has been shown to improve athletic performance.

Fit woman doing pushups

In a study of basketball players, the more sleep has been shown that the speed, accuracy, reaction time and mental well-being (significantly improve 13 ).

Less sleep duration was also associated with a poor exercise performance and functional limitation in older women.

A study of more than 2,800 women found that sleep disorders have been linked to foot, low adhesive strength and greater difficulties for self-employment (slow 14 ).

Conclusion: More sleep has been shown that many aspects of sport and physical performance to improve.

5. poor sleepers are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke

Heart and stethoscope

We know that the quality and duration of sleep can have a significant effect on many risk factors.

These are the factors expected to chronic diseases, including heart disease lead.

A review of 15 studies found that short sleepers have a much higher risk for heart disease or stroke than those containing 7.8 hours per night (sleep 15 ).

Conclusion: Sleeping less than 7-8 hours per night is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

6. sleep affects the risk of type 2 diabetes, glucose metabolism and type

Frustrated businessman

Experimental sleep deprivation affects insulin sensitivity and reduces glucose ( 16 , 17 ).

In a study of healthy young men, or four hours of sleep per night for 6 nights in a row symptoms of pre-diabetes (caused 18 ).

It is then after 1 week increased sleep duration dissolved.

The poor sleeping habits are also strongly associated with adverse effects on blood sugar levels in the general population.

Those who are less than six hours a night has repeatedly shown that sleep to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (be 19 , 20 ).

Conclusion: Lack of sleep can cause pre-diabetes in healthy adults, in just six days. Many studies show a strong relationship between sleep duration and type 2 diabetes risk.

7. Lack of sleep is associated with depression

Mental health problems such as depression, are strongly suffer with poor sleep quality and sleep disorders.

Women Cant Sleep

It has been estimated that 90% of depressed patients complain about the quality of sleep ( 21 ).

Lack of sleep is also associated with an increased risk of death from suicide (associates 22 ).

People with sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea also report a higher proportion of depression than those without ( 23 ).

Conclusion: poor sleep habits are closely related to depression, especially for those who have a sleep disorder.

8. Does your sleep improves immune function

Drinking coffee Doctor

Even a small loss of sleep have been shown to immune function (age 24 ).

A large study 2 weeks followed the development of the common flu after nasal drops containing the virus that the common cold (caused 25 ).

They found that those who had slept less than seven hours, almost three times more likely to develop a cold than those who slept eight hours or more.

If frequent colds is sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a night can be very useful. Eat more garlic [6] can also help.

Conclusion: Get at least eight hours of sleep can improve immune function and help fight off colds.

9. Lack of sleep is associated with increased inflammation

Orange Clock

Sleep can have a significant effect on inflammation in the body.

In fact, sleep loss is known to activate the undesirable inflammatory markers and cell damage.

Sleep greatly to long term inflammation of the digestive tract disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (known Linked 26 , 27 ).

One study found that sleep deprived patients with Crohn's disease were twice as likely to relapse than patients who slept well ( 28 ).

The researchers recommend the assessment of sleep, to predict outcomes in patients with inflammatory problems in the long term ( 27 ).

Conclusion: sleep affects inflammatory reactions in the body. Sleep deprivation is strongly associated with inflammatory bowel disease and may increase the risk of recurrence.

10. sleep affects emotions and social interactions

Sleep deprivation reduces our ability to interact socially.

Several studies have confirmed that the use of emotional face detection trials ( 29 , 30 ).

One study found that people who had not slept a reduced ability expression of anger and happiness (see capacity, 31 ).

Researchers believe that sleep disorders affect our ability to recognize the important social cues and emotional information processing.

Message Home

Diet and exercise, sleep is one of the pillars of health.

You simply can not achieve the optimal supply without sleep health.


  1. ^ weight gain (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ lose weight (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ ghrelin (en.wikipedia.org)
  5. ^ leptin (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ more garlic (authoritynutrition.com)

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