Sunday, November 23, 2014

Is "starvation mode" real or imaginary? Critical

Sad man nutrition Weight loss is generally viewed as a positive thing.

You can live a healthier life, look better and all kinds of benefits, both physical and mental.

However, your brain is not seeing that.

Your brain is more concerned about not starve to ensure that you (and your genes) to survive.

If a large amount of weight lost [1] , the body begins to try to burn energy by reducing the amount of calories you save ( 1 ).

It also makes you more hungry, lazy and increases your cravings.

This can cause you to stop weight loss, and may you so miserable that you place feel your efforts to lose weight and gain weight.

This phenomenon is known as "starvation mode", but in reality is the natural mechanism of the brain only to protect against starvation [2] .

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to prevent this kind of situation, so that you can follow to without torturing you not losing weight itself.

But before we get to that, let me explain what starvation mode and how it works.

What to understand "starvation mode"?

What people generally refer to "starvation mode" (sometimes called "metabolic injury") is the natural reaction of the body to the caloric restriction in the long run.

Starving girl toast

It's about the body in response to calorie restriction by reducing caloric expenditure in an attempt to maintain the energy balance and prevent starvation.

It is a natural physiological response, and not really controversial. It is accepted by the scientific community, and the technical term for this is "adaptive thermogenesis" ( 2 ).

I will use the term starvation mode in this article, but it is actually a misnomer, because true hunger is something that is almost completely irrelevant to discussions weight loss.

Starvation mode was a useful physiological response back in the day, but does more harm than good in the modern food environment where obesity is rampant.

Calorie consumption,

Obesity is a disease of the accumulation of excess energy.

The body defines the energy (calories) in adipose tissue capable of being stored for later use.

If more calories go into fat, to finish, to gain fat. If more calories than fat tissue to go left to lose fat. This is performed.

Almost all weight loss diet to reduce caloric intake. Some low calorie control [4] (counting calories, weighing portions, etc.) directly, others by reducing appetite so people eat less calories automatically [5] .

When this happens, the calories from fat (calories) are more important than the calories in (calories). To lose fat.

However, the body is not seen in the same way as it works. In many cases, he sees this as the beginning of the famine.

Thus, the body fights to do everything to make you stop losing.

The body and the brain can react so hungry (if you eat more, increasing the calories), but most importantly for this discussion, here's what happened burn the amount of calories, calories (out).

Starvation mode means that your body reduces the calories in an attempt to restore the balance of power and not to lose more weight even in the face of caloric restriction in progress.

This phenomenon is real, but if the answer is so powerful, it can prevent weight loss, or even begin to do despite caloric restriction, is not so clear.

Conclusion: What the natural reaction of the body to the caloric restriction is to call people "starvation mode" in the long term. It is the result of a decrease in the amount of calories your body burns, which can slow weight loss.

Change the amount of calories you can burn

Apple and computer-400x249

The amount of calories you burn in a day will be divided into 4 parts [6] .

  1. The basal metabolic rate (BMR): The amount of calories your body uses to maintain vital functions such as breathing, heart rate and brain function upright.
  2. Thermic effect of food (TEF): Calories burned during digestion of a meal. Usually about 10% of caloric intake.
  3. Thermal effect of exercise (TEE): calories burned during physical activity like exercise.
  4. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): Calories burned restlessness, postural changes, etc. This is usually subconscious.

The four of them can go down, when you cut calories and lose weight.

Leads to a reduction of the movements (consciously and unconsciously) and a big change in the nervous system and various hormones ( 2 , 3 ).

The main hormones leptin [7] , thyroid hormones and norepinephrine, that everything will go up on calorie restriction ( 4 , 5 ).

Conclusion: There are many ways your body burns calories. Everything can be downloaded by restricting calories for long.

Studies show it reduce caloric restriction "calories out"

Woman standing on the scales, Frustrated

Studies clearly show that weight loss reduces the amount of calories you burn ( 6 ).

After an extensive literature review, this corresponds to 5.8 calories per day for every pound lost, or 12.8 calories per kilogram ( 7 ).

This means that if you are 50 pounds or 22.7 kilograms, his body finally losing 290.5 calories per day less flammable.

Reduced calorie consumption can be much higher than would weight changes can be predicted.

For example, some studies show that 10% loss and weight maintenance calories by 15-25% (burned reduce 8 , 9 ).

This is one of the reasons for weight loss tends to decrease over time, and why it's so hard to keep weight. You may need to eat less calories for life!

Note that it is possible that this metabolism "slowdown" is in some groups who are struggling to lose weight, such as post-menopausal women even higher.

Reduce muscle mass tends to

Another side effect of weight loss is that muscle mass tends to decrease ( 10 ).

As you know, muscle is metabolically active and burns calories throughout the day.

, Reducing calorie intake, however, is actually larger than can be explained by a decrease in muscle mass.

The body is more efficient to do the work, so that there is less energy than before to the same amount of work (do 11 ).

To restrict calories you performed fewer calories for the (intentional or unintentional) physical activity to spend.

Conclusion: Weight loss and reduced caloric intake may lead to a reduced calorie burning. On average, this corresponds to about 5.8 calories per pound of body weight lost.

How to avoid metabolic slowdown

Please note that your metabolism slows down, it's just a natural response to reduced caloric intake.

Although some reduction in calorie consumption is unavoidable, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the effect.



The most effective thing you can do is an exercise in endurance.

The obvious choice would be to lift weights, but bodyweight exercises can work just as well.

Studies have shown that strength training, exercise your muscles against resistance can have considerable benefits if you are on a diet.

In one study, three groups of women were placed on a diet with 800 calories / day.

One group received instructions not to do aerobic (cardiovascular), while the third group has strength training ( 12 ).

The two women, who do not exercise and those who do aerobic exercise lost muscle mass, and had a significant reduction in metabolic rate.

However, women who have resistance exercises have maintained their metabolic rate, muscle mass and strength level.

This has been proven by numerous studies. Muscle loss reduced weight and metabolic rate and weight training can (at least partially) to prevent it from happening ( 13 , 14 ).

Keep high protein

The proteins [8] is the king of macronutrients, when it comes to losing weight.

Foods rich in protein

With a high protein intake can reduce both appetite (calories) and increase metabolism (calories) from 80 to 100 calories per day ( 15 , 16 ).

You can also reduce cravings, reduce late night snacks and hundreds of calories less per day (food 17 , 18 ).

Note that this does not just adding protein to your diet without limiting aware.

That is, the protein intake is also important to avoid the negative effects of weight loss in the long term.

When protein intake is high, your body is less likely to break muscles for energy.

This can help preserve muscle mass that is (at least partially) to avoid should metabolic slowdown that with weight loss (takes 19 , 20 , 21 ).

Take a break from your diet can help

Some people like to systematically "re-flow" where they. A break from your diet for a few days

These days, you can eat a little about maintenance, then continue with your diet a few days later.

There is some evidence that this temporary stimulate certain hormones that go up in weight loss, such as leptin and thyroid hormone ( 22 , 23 ).

It may also be useful to take a longer break because, in a few weeks

Make sure you know what you eat during the break. Coma maintenance, or a little more, but not how you start fat again.

Ready to gain a few pounds of food and water added increased weight. This is no cause for concern.

Conclusion: Weight lifting and maintaining a high protein intake are two ways based on proven muscle wasting and slows metabolism during weight loss to reduce. Taking a break from the diet can also help.

A plateau of weight loss can be caused by many reasons

When people begin to lose weight, things can happen very quickly in the beginning.

In the first weeks and months, the weight falls off quickly and without much effort.

Overweight woman Vs. thin

However, things are delayed later. In some cases, weight loss slows down for several weeks, with no significant movement on the balance transferred.

A plateau of weight loss can have many different causes (and solutions), and this does not necessarily mean that you will lose weight.

Water retention, for example, often giving the impression of a plateau in weight loss.

In this article, here are 15 easy ways to break a plateau in weight loss [9] .

Starvation mode is real

Starvation mode is real, but is not as powerful as some think.

You can lose weight more slowly over time, but it will not lead to win someone, weight despite calorie restriction.

It is also a phenomenon "in and out" as some seem to think. Everything is increased an adaptation of the spectrum of the body or reduced calorie intake.

Starvation mode is actually a terribly inaccurate term. Something like "metabolic adaptation" or "metabolic slowdown" would be more appropriate.

It is simply the natural physiological reaction of the body to reduce calorie intake. Without it, people have become extinct thousands of years.

Unfortunately, this protective response may more harm than good if overeating is much, much greater threat to human health, famine.


  1. ^ lose a lot of weight (
  2. ^ famine (
  3. ^ modern food environment (
  4. ^ calorie (
  5. ^ automatically (
  6. ^ 4 bedrooms (
  7. ^ leptin (
  8. ^ protein (
  9. ^ 15 easy ways to break a weight loss plateau (

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