Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top 10 of the biggest myths of nutrition "alternative"

Chef Eating Donuts There are many different "belief system" on nutrition.

Everyone has their own set of myths and misconceptions.

Here are the 10 biggest myths of the alternative diet.

1. Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine

No added sugar is a disaster when more is consumed.

No doubt the evidence of the harmful effects is overwhelming.

Too much sugar can lead to obesity leads to insulin resistance, abdominal fat [1] gain, increased fat in the liver and severe as type 2 diabetes and heart disease ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ).

But even if people are well aware of this, avoid sugar can be extremely difficult.

Not only because it everywhere, but also because the people who irresistible desire to [2] for foods that are high in sugar.

This has led many experts to believe that sugar (and junk foods that contain them) can be downright addictive [3] for a lot of people.

There are actually a lot of evidence [4] , which supports, in animals and humans. Sugar, the same ranges of "light" in the brain as drug abuse and cause many of the same symptoms ( 7 , 8 ).

Unfortunately, some people need to take things to the extreme and say that sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine.

This myth is actually very common in some medical circles.

It is based on a study in rats based show (a very intense sweetener zero calories) in intravenous cocaine to the water with sugar or saccharin (preferably sweetened 9 ).

It was a surprising result, but little evidence of human something.

Sugar is very unhealthy [5] and may be very addictive. But they say it is more addictive than cocaine, one of the most addictive drug is, is just ridiculous.

As an addict to food and drug addict, I can say that the two substances are not comparable.

Conclusion: The sugar can be addictive for many people. However, this is eight times more addictive than cocaine is completely false and unsupported by the evidence.

2. calories do not matter

Apple and calculator

Some people think calories [6] are all that matters for weight loss.

Others think they are completely irrelevant.

They say that as long as you choose to lose weight the right, regardless of how many calories you eat food, [7] .

As with many things in the areas of nutrition, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Eating certain foods can help to reduce weight loss by stimulating the metabolism (lowest calories from) and appetite (reducing calories).

In many cases, people can do tons of weight without counting a single calorie to lose.

However, if you lose weight means more calories, you leave your body go. It is an indisputable scientific fact.

While some foods are more friendly weight loss [8] others calories remain incredibly important to weight loss and weight gain [9] .

Of course, this does not mean that you count calories to lose weight.

Change your diet by what is going on " autopilot [10] can be "just as good if not better function.

Conclusion: Some people believe that the calories are completely irrelevant for the loss / weight gain. Although counting calories is not always necessary to count calories yet.

3. Cooking with olive oil is a bad idea

Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on the planet [11] .

It is (loaded with powerful antioxidants and fat monounsaturated heart health 10 , 11 ).

However, many people believe that you should not boil.

It is claimed that fats and antioxidants are heat sensitive and may even be harmful compounds.

In fact, it is true that the oils can be heat-sensitive, but this is especially true for the rich unsaturated fatty acids in poly oils such as soybean [12] and maize [13] oils ( 12 ).

The polyunsaturated fatty acids of olive oil at 11%, (is low compared to most other vegetable oils 13 ).

Actually, there have been many studies on olive oil and cook [14] , which shows that the oil retains its healthy despite exposure to high temperatures properties.

Even if it is heated for 1.5 to 36 hours there may be slight reductions in his antioxidants [15] and of vitamin E, but most of the nutrients remain ( 14 , 15 , 16 ).

The only bad thing that olive oil is done by heating is that the taste can make a difference.

I personally use extra virgin olive oil for almost all of my kitchen. It is incredibly healthy [16] and tasty.

Conclusion: There is a myth that olive oil may be damaged if exposed to heat. Many studies have shown that antioxidants fat and olive oil cooking temperatures withstand long periods.

4. microwave damage your power and emit radiation Harmful

Heat your food in a microwave [17] is fast and convenient.

However, there are people who believe that this convenience comes at a price.

Worried woman in front of microwave

They claim that microwaves cause radiation damage and harmful nutrients in healthy foods, and studies show that food in the microwave be hazardous to health.

But if you find through the literature for these studies that go nowhere around.

Microwave ovens actually designed [18] in a way that does not allow radiation to escape.

Studies also show that they better retain nutrients and cooking methods, such as roasts (boiling 17 , 18 , 19 ).

Some people do not want to use the microwave, and it's good. But there is no evidence that they cause damage and to avoid any scientifically valid argument.

Conclusion: There are no published studies showing microwave harmful. Numerous studies show that effective nutrients to maintain compared to other cooking methods.

5. Blood "cholesterol" no matter

Heart and stethoscope

The old myths about saturated fat and cholesterol were discredited [19] .

Both have a little effect on blood cholesterol levels in most people.

In any case, increase HDL ("good" cholesterol) and LDL particles change from small to large, are benign ( 20 , 21 ).

Studies also show that people who consume most of them are not at increased risk for heart disease ( 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ).

But some people do not understand that and think that the cholesterol level in the blood, what your doctor measures not make sense to.

It is true that classical numbers, total cholesterol and LDL, not always give an accurate picture of the true risk of heart disease.

But LDL lipoproteins [20] , holder to move blood cholesterol levels, are very important ( 26 ).

With few exceptions, very high LDL have bad "cholesterol" because it usually means that you have a large number of LDL particles (have LDL-P [21] ), which is strongly linked to heart disease and death ( 26 ).

Although LDL cholesterol "" is not the enemy "LDL lipoproteins carry" are important.

In short, saturated fats and cholesterol in the diet are harmless. However, lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the blood is very important for the risk of heart disease.

6. store-bought coffee contains high levels of mycotoxins

Cup of coffee and coffee beans

Mycotoxins are toxins by molds (prepared 27 ).

They can be found in all kinds of commonly consumed foods.

It is a myth that coffee is usually contaminated [22] with harmful levels of mycotoxins.

However, it is very unlikely, since the levels of mycotoxins in foods are strictly regulated. Cultures that will exceed the safety limit is ignored ( 28 ).

Molds are ubiquitous in the environment effectively and mycotoxins are everywhere. Almost all people have detectable levels of mycotoxins in the blood ( 29 ).

Studies have shown that drinking four cups of coffee [23] per day would need to reach 2% of mycotoxins contribution as safe, so that there is a substantial margin of safety here ( 30 ).

There is really no need to be afraid of regular coffee by mycotoxins.

Conclusion: This is completely false that regular coffee contains high levels of mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are everywhere, but for the amount of coffee is far below the safety limit.

7. Alkaline foods are healthy acidic foods cause disease

The alkaline diet [24] is very popular.

Proponents of this diet claim that foods are acidic or alkaline in our body.

Food acids tell decrease blood pH (which is more acidic) and that cancer cells can not grow in an acidic environment.

Man drinking orange juice and orange

Food "acid" meat [25] , dairy products and cereals, while "alkaline" foods are mainly plant-based foods such as vegetables and fruits [26] .

However, this will not be required to prove or basic biochemistry to the case (supported 31 , 32 ).

The fact is that the pH of the blood is regulated by the fixed body. Just do not change, except under the terms of poisoning or serious illness.

Cancer is also ideal to grow in a position in an alkaline environment, and our blood is slightly alkaline default value ( 33 ).

The alkaline diet can be healthy, but that's because it's based on healthy whole foods [27] . It has absolutely nothing to do with these foods are acidic or alkaline.

Conclusion: It is not true that food can change the pH (acidity) of the body, and there is no convincing evidence behind the alkaline diet.

8. consume milk is bad to the bone


The myth that milk causes osteoporosis [28] is an extension of the myth alkaline diet.

It is said that the milk proteins makes the blood acid, so that the body takes bone calcium to neutralize the acid.

However, dairy products have several characteristics that literally the perfect food for healthy bones.

They are rich in calcium and phosphorus, the key building blocks of bones. Also contain vitamin K2 [29] , a key bone formation (nutrient 34 , 35 , 36 ).

Finally, the high quality animal are protein [30] , which has been shown, in fact beneficial for bone health in many studies ( 37 , 38 ).

Studies show that dairy products [31] products lead to bone health in all age groups increased to improve bone density and fracture risk (reduce 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 ).

Many of these studies are in humans, controlled studies, the height of the Science of gold.

Although dairy products is necessary for bone health shows signs that can be very beneficial.

Conclusion: Although some people say otherwise, most studies show that dairy products are very beneficial for bone health.

9. carbohydrates are inherently harmful

Woman a carrot, Looking Skeptical

Diet low in carbohydrates have many advantages [32] .

Studies [33] show that lead to rapid weight loss [34] and significant improvements in health markers ( 43 , 44 , 45 ).

The effects on metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are particularly striking ( 46 , 47 ).

Many people believe that because carbohydrates lowers to address these issues should carbohydrates [35] that caused them in the first place.

This has led many low carbers all carbohydrate foods to demonize, including real foods such as potatoes, apples , [36] and even carrots [37] .

It is true that refined carbohydrates and sugars and refined grains can lead to weight gain and metabolic diseases (wear 48 , 49 , 50 ).

But this is not the entire source for simple carbohydrates ingredients.

There were many people [38] around the world, which was in good health to a high-carbohydrate diet based on eating real food.

If metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes have already taken place, low carb diets work [39] . No question about it.

But that does not mean that carbohydrates itself causes these health problems.

Although these foods are taboo at a very low carbohydrate diet, many people to stay in many excellent health to eat carbohydrate foods not processed.

As with most things in your diet that totally depends on the person. A low carbohydrate diet is ideal for some people, but a diet rich in carbohydrates works very well for others.

Conclusion: The low-carb diets are effective. However, this does not mean that carbohydrates are whole foods inherently fattening or harmful.

10. Agave nectar is a healthy sweetener

Maple syrup

Unhealthy foods are the main reason that the world is getting sicker and fatter than ever.

Surprisingly, many of these foods are considered healthy and even as " health food [41] . "

Among the best examples of this is the sweetener agave nectar [42] .

As we know, the main reason for the negative effects of sugar is high fructose.

Fructose [43] can not be metabolized by the liver in significant quantities. When the liver is overloaded, it begins fructose in fat (rotation 51 , ​​52 ).

This can lead to a number of metabolic problems, and is one of the best drivers in many common diseases to be ( 53 ).

But here it is interesting. Agave syrup is actually in regular sugar and fructose much higher High Fructose Corn Syrup [44] .

While sugar is 50% glucose, 50% fructose, agave syrup is 85% fructose ( 54 )!

In any case, agave nectar sweetener is unique worldwide less healthy.

Looks normal healthy sugar comparison, and that's saying something.

11. Anything else?

Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Leave a comment below if you want to add to the list!


  1. ^ belly fat (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ wishes (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ addicted (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ much evidence (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ very unhealthy (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  7. ^ Food (authoritynutrition.com)
  8. ^ friendly weight loss (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ weight gain (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ autopilot (authoritynutrition.com)
  11. ^ on the planet (authoritynutrition.com)
  12. ^ soybean (authoritynutrition.com)
  13. ^ maize (authoritynutrition.com)
  14. ^ olive oil and kitchen (authoritynutrition.com)
  15. ^ antioxidants (authoritynutrition.com)
  16. ^ incredibly healthy (authoritynutrition.com)
  17. ^ microwave (authoritynutrition.com)
  18. ^ designed (www.fda.gov)
  19. ^ discredited (authoritynutrition.com)
  20. ^ lipoprotein (authoritynutrition.com)
  21. ^ p-LDL (www.docsopinion.com)
  22. ^ contaminated (authoritynutrition.com)
  23. ^ coffee (authoritynutrition.com)
  24. ^ alkaline diet (authoritynutrition.com)
  25. ^ meat (authoritynutrition.com)
  26. ^ fruits (authoritynutrition.com)
  27. ^ healthy, whole foods (authoritynutrition.com)
  28. ^ causes osteoporosis (authoritynutrition.com)
  29. ^ Vitamin K2 (authoritynutrition.com)
  30. ^ protein (authoritynutrition.com)
  31. ^ milk (authoritynutrition.com)
  32. ^ benefits (authoritynutrition.com)
  33. ^ Studies (authoritynutrition.com)
  34. ^ rapid weight loss (authoritynutrition.com)
  35. ^ carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  36. ^ apples (authoritynutrition.com)
  37. ^ carrots (authoritynutrition.com)
  38. ^ Population (wholehealthsource.blogspot.com)
  39. ^ work (authoritynutrition.com)
  40. ^ diet low in carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  41. ^ Food Health (authoritynutrition.com)
  42. ^ agave syrup (authoritynutrition.com)
  43. ^ fructose (authoritynutrition.com)
  44. ^ high fructose corn syrup (authoritynutrition.com)

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