Sunday, February 22, 2015

Gluten intolerance is real, and "wheat-free" is not just a fad

Woman holding spaghetti According to a survey in 2013, one third [1] Americans are actively trying to avoid gluten.

But celiac disease, the most severe form of gluten intolerance, is 0.7 to 1% of the population acts ( 1 ).

However, there is another condition as "celiac disease" gluten intolerance ( 2 ).

This is a negative reaction in people with a gluten without celiac disease.

This condition is often in discussions about nutrition, but is controversial health professionals.

This article takes a detailed look gluten sensitivity, and if so, to be something you really need concerned.

What is gluten?

Before we continue, let me briefly explain what gluten.

Gluten is a family of proteins found in grains such as wheat, spelled, rye and barley. Cereals containing gluten, wheat is used most often, by far.

The two main gliadin and glutenin proteins whose gluten gliadin [2] seems to be the biggest offender (be 3 , 4 ).

When the flour is mixed with water, the gluten proteins [3] , a crosslinked network similar to the tacky adhesive (form 5 ).

If you have had a moist paste in your hand, then you know what I mean.

TEN queue name is actually derived from this glue-like properties.

Gluten makes elastic dough, bread and gives the possibility to increase when heated by capturing gas molecules inside. A satisfactory chewy texture.

Conclusion: Gluten is the main protein in various cereals such as wheat. Has several features that make it very popular for bread.

Several related diseases with different gluten

Basket full of bread

There are many [4] disease states that are connected to each other directly or indirectly on wheat and gluten ( 6 ).

The best known is celiac disease [5] ( 7 ).

Patients with celiac disease, gluten proteins, the immune system mistakenly thinks are foreign invaders and mounted an attack against them.

Further, when exposed to gluten, the immune system begins to attack the natural structures of the intestinal wall, which can cause serious damage. This "attack on themselves" why celiac disease classified as autoimmune disease [6] ( 8 ).

Celiac disease is a serious matter and it is estimated that affect up to 1% of the US population. Goes out, seems to be growing, and most people with celiac disease do not know it (have 9 , 10 , 11 ).

The state of sensitivity "celiac disease" gluten (hereinafter referred to as gluten intolerance) is of a different nature from celiac disease ( 12 ).

It has the same mechanism, but symptoms are often similar in many ways and can both the digestive and gastrointestinal symptoms not (affecting 13 ).

Then there is also a wheat allergy, which is relatively rare, less than 1% of people (probably 14 ).

Gluten side effects have been associated with many other diseases combined, including type of ataxia called gluten ataxia [7] , thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, autism, schizophrenia and depression Hashimito ( 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 ).

This does not mean that gluten is the main cause of these diseases, which can only aggravate the symptoms in a subset of individuals who have them.

In many cases, a gluten-free diet in controlled trials (real science) is detected, but this should be investigated further.

If you do not believe me, check the instructions above. Although shown far from definitive, these concerns are real and should be taken seriously.

Moral: A number of disease states in wheat and gluten consumption. The most common are wheat allergy, celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

What (celiac disease) Gluten Sensitivity?

In recent years, gluten intolerance has a lot of attention, scientists and the public (was 2 ).

In other words, people experience symptoms of gluten intolerance after ingestion of gluten, and respond positively to a gluten-free diet after celiac disease and wheat allergy were excluded.

Girl looking through a slice of bread

People with gluten intolerance usually no changes in your bowel wall, or antibodies against the body's own tissues (are some key features of celiac disease 12 ).

Unfortunately, the mechanism behind gluten sensitivity is not clearly defined, but it is an area of ​​intense research. There is some evidence that genetics and the immune system are involved ( 22 ).

There is no reliable test for the diagnosis of celiac disease laboratory and usually the diagnosis by excluding other conditions.

This is a suggestion diagnostic criteria for gluten intolerance ( 23 )

  1. The ingestion of gluten quickly caused digestive, gastrointestinal symptoms or not.
  2. The symptoms disappear quickly in a gluten-free diet.
  3. Reintroduction of gluten causes the symptoms recur.
  4. Celiac disease and wheat allergy were excluded.
  5. A blinded gluten challenge test should be done to fully confirm the diagnosis.

One study showed that people with gluten intolerance "self-report", only 1 in 4 (25%) met the diagnostic criteria ( 24 ).

Gluten intolerance has many symptoms. According to studies, these symptoms are bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, stomach pain, weight loss, eczema, rash, headache, aching bones and joints, chronic fatigue, tiredness and depression ( 25 , 26 ).

Also remember, the sensitivity (celiac disease) Gluten often have a variety of mysterious symptoms that may be difficult to obtain digestion, including skin problems and neurological disorders ( 27 , 28 ).

It is a good awareness of the common (or common) form of gluten intolerance are available. Some studies indicate that only 0.5% of the population can have this condition while others by 6% ( 6 ).

Some studies gluten sensitivity is adult / middle-aged, and much more common in women than in men (often 29 , 30 ).

Conclusion: Celiac means in addition to people who celiac disease or wheat allergy reactions gluten. No good data are available, as usual.

A recent study found that wheat gluten is problematic for other reasons

Pain Warning

A recent study of sensitivity to gluten should be emphasized here.

This study was conducted on 37 people with irritable bowel syndrome and perceived sensitivity to gluten ( 31 ).

What makes this study different than the one that preceded it, is that it has placed in FODMAPs the participants into a diet low ( FODMAPs [8] are short-chain carbohydrates can cause digestive problems).

Then he gave her gluten separated instead of a gluten containing grains, such as wheat.

In this study, gluten separately had no effect on the participants, with the exception of an increase in depressive symptoms in a follow-up study, which should be further investigated ( 21 ).

The study found that lead the isolated gluten problems for these people, and that "gluten sensitivity" were more likely to self-reported sensitivity FODMAPs be.

Wheat is high in FODMAPs and it is known that these short-chain carbohydrates [9] are some of the biggest offenders in irritable bowel syndrome ( 32 , 33 , 34 ).

This study made headlines around the world, stating that gluten sensitivity had been refuted and that gluten was safe for everyone except people with celiac disease.

However, this is completely wrong. What this study shows [10] , is that gluten is probably not a very important role in irritable bowel syndrome FODMAPs cases're the star factor.

The study also happens the fact that many people (IBS is very common) an intolerance to wheat, and should seek to avoid making support. It's just that the mechanism is different than previously thought.

The solution, a diet gluten / wheat free, is always the same, and just as effective as before.

This has led many researchers to speculate that the "sensitivity of wheat" or perhaps "wheat intolerance syndrome" are appropriate label "gluten sensitivity" ( 35 , 30 ).

Although this has not been as thoroughly studied, there are some studies that modern wheat lines are aggravating than older varieties such as spelled and kamut ( 36 , 37 ).

Moral: A new study shows that in people with irritable bowel syndrome, a carbohydrate called class FODMAPs are the leading cause of digestive problems, make gluten.

Gluten intolerance is real, but there are many open questions

Wheat in a bag

Gluten intolerance is more than up nonsense.

There are hundreds of articles in the literature on this topic. Try simply by "gluten sensitivity" in PubMed [12] or in Google Scholar [13] .

There are also many scientists and doctors, including many renowned gastroenterologist who are convinced it is real.

There is certainly no evidence that everyone should avoid gluten, and certainly no "element of fashion" trend in gluten free.

However, gluten (or wheat) sensitivity a real thing, and causes problems [14] in many people.

Unfortunately, this condition is very complicated, and very few clear answers are yet to be discovered.

Gluten and wheat can be for some people in order, others do not. Different strokes for different folks.

But if you personally convinced that wheat / gluten causes there are problems, then there is no reason to sit and wait for future research.

If it goes bad you, so avoid it. Plain and simple. There are no nutrients in it that you (often do not get more much healthier [15] and most nutritious foods).

Make sure real foods that are naturally gluten-free products to choose from non-gluten. Junk food is always gluten-free junk food.


  1. ^ thirds (
  2. ^ gliadin (
  3. ^ proteins (
  4. ^ many (
  5. ^ celiac disease (
  6. ^ autoimmune disease (
  7. ^ gluten ataxia (
  8. ^ FODMAPs (
  9. ^ carbohydrates (
  10. ^ only show (
  11. ^ modern wheat tribe (
  12. ^ PubMed (
  13. ^ Google Scholar (
  14. ^ problems (
  15. ^ much healthier (

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