Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why Low Carb working arrangements? Explains the mechanism

Woman eating salmon and broccoli Low-carb diets work.

It is almost a scientific fact at this point.

At least 23 high-quality studies [1] in humans have shown that this is true.

In many cases, a diet low in carbohydrates leads 2-3 times more weight loss than diet low in fat standard tells us always to follow ( 1 , 2 ).

Low-carb diets seem to have an excellent safety profile. No serious adverse effects were reported.

In fact, studies show that these diets to significant improvements [2] in many important risk factors ( 3 ).

Triglycerides are the form below and increases HDL. Levels of blood pressure and blood sugar also tend to have significantly less ( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ).

A high percentage of fat lost on a low carb diet comes from the abdominal area [3] and the liver. This is dangerous visceral fat accumulates in and around organs, inflammation and disease (tube 8 , 9 , 10 ).

These systems are particularly effective for people with Down syndrome and / or type 2 diabetes metabolism The evidence is overwhelming.

However, there is much controversy about why these diets work.

People love to talk about the mechanism that things really in our organs and cells that make weight.

Unfortunately, it is not fully known, and is probably multifactorial - and there are many reasons why these diets are effective ( 11 ).

In this article, I take some of the most convincing explanation for the effectiveness of low-carb diets [4] .

Carbohydrate restriction reduces insulin levels

Insulin is an important hormone in the body.

It is the principal hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and energy storage.

A function of insulin, ie fat cells and fat to produce, store, and cling to fat and lead.

Also refers to other cells of the body, to collect the glucose (blood sugar) in the blood flow and not burn as fat.

Therefore, insulin stimulates lipogenesis [5] (Preparation of fat) and inhibits lipolysis [6] (fat burning).

It is known that low-carb diets lead to drastic cuts and almost immediately in insulin levels ( 12 , 13 ).

Here is a graph of a study on diet is low in carbohydrates ( 14 ).

Floor, insulin levels
Photo source: Diet Dr. [7] .

Many experts believe that diet low in carbohydrates, including Gary Taubes [8] and the late Dr. Atkins [9] , lower insulin levels are the main reason for the effectiveness of low-carb diets.

They said that when carbohydrates are limited and insulin levels fall, the fat is not "locked" away in fat cells, and is available for the body to use as energy, resulting in a reduced need food.

However, I would point out that many respected obesity researchers do not think that's true, and I think that carbs insulin adoption of obesity are supported by the evidence.

Conclusion: The levels of the hormone insulin in the blood greatly reduced when carbohydrate intake is reduced. High insulin levels contribute to fat storage and insulin low facilitate fat burning.

The rapid drop water weight in the first


In the first 1-2 weeks of low-carbohydrate, people tend to quickly lose weight [11] .

The main reason for this is the reduction of water weight.

The mechanism behind this is twofold:

  1. Insulin: When insulin decreases, the kidneys begin excreting excess sodium [12] the body. This also reduces the blood pressure ( 15 ).
  2. Glycogen, the body stores carbohydrates in the form of glycogen binds water in your muscles and liver. When carbohydrate intake rates, glycogen levels in the body down and water follows.

This is not the same as a diet rich in carbohydrates significantly reduced, even if the calories are.

Although some people use this as an argument against the low-carb diets, reduce water weight will be considered an advantage.

I mean, who wants to wear all the time to excess bloating and water weight?

Anyway, despite claims to the contrary, it is far from the main benefit of weight loss diets low in carbohydrates.

Studies clearly show that the low-carb diets lead to more fat to lose, well, especially the "dangerous" belly fat in the abdominal cavity (located 8 , 16 ).

As a part of the benefits of weight loss low carb diets is due to the reduction in water weight, but it is still a great advantage for the fat loss.

Conclusion: When people go low carb to lose large amounts of excess water from the body. This explains the rapid weight loss is seen in the first week or two.

Low-carb diets are rich in protein


In most studies, the low-carb and low-fat diets, low carb high protein food groups at the end.

That's because many poor substitute protein foods (cereals, sugar) that is rich in protein such as meat, fish and food eggs [13] .

Many studies show that the protein [14] can reduce appetite, increase your metabolism and help you build muscle, which is metabolically active and burns calories all day ( 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ).

Many nutrition experts believe that high protein diets are low in carbohydrates, the main reason for its effectiveness.

Conclusion: The low-carb diets are much higher than low-fat diets usually in the protein. Proteins can reduce appetite, increase your metabolism and help people hold on to muscle mass despite restricting calories.

Diet low in carbohydrates have a metabolic advantage

Woman standing on the scales, Frustrated

Although this is controversial, many experts believe that a low carbohydrate diet metabolic advantage.

In other words, a low carbohydrate diet to increase energy expenditure, and that people lose more weight than they explain by reducing caloric intake [15] alone.

In fact, there are some studies to support.

A study in 2012 found that a very low carbohydrate diet increased energy consumption compared to a low-fat diet to maintain for a period of weight ( 21 ).

The increase is about 250 calories, which is an hour of moderate intensity day!

However , another study [16] suggested that it (might be caused rich in protein (but not low-carb) part of the diet that the increase in calories burned 22 ).

That is, there are other mechanisms that can perform additional metabolic advantage.

In a very low carbon hydrate ketogenic diet, when the intake of carbohydrates is kept very low, a large amount of protein in glucose in the beginning is converted, a process of gluconeogenesis [17] ( 23 ).

This is an inefficient process and can take on hundreds of calories, the "missing" will result. However, this is usually limited ketones should start something replaced by the brain glucose as a fuel in a few days ( 24 ).

Conclusion: The low-carb diets seem to have a metabolic advantage, but most caused by increased protein intake. At the beginning of a very low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet, lose a few calories when glucose produced.

Low-Carb-less varied, and lower in "food reward"

Diet low in carbohydrates automatically exclude some of the world's mast [18] junk food.

Woman with chocolate and apple

These include sugar [19] , soft drinks, fruit juices, pizzas, white bread, chips, cakes and healthy snacks.

There is also a significant reduction in diversity if more foods are eliminated carbohydrates, especially wheat, maize [20] and sugar in almost all processed foods [21] .

It is known that the increase of the variety of food to an increased caloric intake (line 25 ).

Many of these foods are also very worthwhile and rewarding value of food can increase the number of calories we finished eating (affecting 26 ).

Therefore, the variety of food and reducing the consumption of junk food reduces very rewarding for both a reduction in caloric intake.

Conclusion: The low-carb diets do not contain many foods that are very rewarding and very thick. These plans are also less variety of food, which can lead to a reduced calorie intake.

Low carbohydrate diet to reduce appetite significantly, resulting in an automatic reduction in calorie intake

Hungry Woman

Probably the biggest statement of the effect of weight loss diets low in carbohydrates are the powerful effect on appetite.

It is known that when people go low carb, reduced the appetite to eat less calories and start automatically [22] ( 27 ).

In fact, studies comparing low-carb and low-fat diets generally restrict calories in the low-fat group, while the low carbohydrate groups are allowed to saturation (eat 28 ).

Nevertheless, the low-carb group lost more weight.

There are several possible explanations for this appetite reducing effect, some of which we have already discussed.

Increasing protein intake is important, but there are also indications that ketosis can have a powerful effect (have 29 ).

Many people who go on a ketogenic diet, they feel eating one or two meals a day. They just do not too often hungry.

There is also evidence that low-carb diets can have positive effects on appetite-regulating hormones such as have leptin [23] and ghrelin ( 30 ).

Conclusion: The low-carb diets leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake, so that people eat less calories without thinking about it.

The long-term weight loss is not very impressive


Although low-carb diets are very effective in the short term, long-term results are not exceptional.

Most studies last 1-2 years show that the difference between the low-carb and low-fat group lost most of the time.

There are several possible explanations for this, but the most likely is that people tend to leave the system over time, and start gaining weight.

This is not specific for low carb diets, and, in most studies weight loss long term problem well known. The most "diets" are incredibly difficult to get upright.

Message Home

Some people refuse to accept that low-carb diets can work, and that people eat all you want, because you have breached the calories in, calories out [24] model.

However, if you understand mechanisms behind low carb diets, you can see that the CIC model does not hurt, and keep the laws of thermodynamics yet.

The truth is that low-carb diets work both sides of the equation of calories.

Increase your metabolism (lowest calories from) and appetite (reducing calories), the automatic caloric restriction leads to reduce.

Count calories as before, it's just that a diet low in carbohydrates to automate the process and to prevent the biggest side effect of limiting calorie conscious, hunger is.


  1. ^ 23 high-quality studies (
  2. ^ improvements (
  3. ^ abdominal area (
  4. ^ carbohydrate diets (
  5. ^ lipogenesis (
  6. ^ lipolysis (
  7. ^ Diet Doctor (
  8. ^ Gary Taubes (
  9. ^ Atkins (
  10. ^ hypothesis of insulin in carbohydrate (
  11. ^ lose weight very quickly (
  12. ^ sodium (
  13. ^ eggs (
  14. ^ protein (
  15. ^ calorie intake (
  16. ^ Another study (
  17. ^ gluconeogenesis (
  18. ^ mast (
  19. ^ sugar (
  20. ^ maize (
  21. ^ processed foods (
  22. ^ automatically (
  23. ^ leptin (
  24. ^ calories, calories (

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