Thursday, March 12, 2015

10 proven benefits of spirulina (No. 1 is very impressive)

Woman drinking green smoothie with a straw Spirulina is incredibly good for you.

It is with nutrients that have strong effects on your body and brain, loaded.

Here are 10 health benefits of spirulina on the basis of evidence.

1. Spirulina is extremely high in many nutrients

Spirulina is an organization that develops both fresh and salt water.

This is a type of bacteria called cyanobacteria [1] , which is often referred to as blue-green algae.

Like plants, cyanobacteria can energy in sunlight called by the process produce photosynthesis [2] .

Spirulina has been consumed by the Aztecs in their day, but was popular again when NASA proposed that could be grown in space and used by astronauts ( 1 ).

A daily dose of Spirulina is 1-3 grams, but doses of up to 10 g [3] have been used effectively per day.

This is what it looks like spirulina, both tablet and powder form:

Spirulina powder and tablets

Actually, it's pretty amazing to see how nutritious.

One tablespoon scoop (7 grams) contains dried spirulina powder ( 2 ):

  • Protein: 4 g.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 11% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 15% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 4% of the RDA.
  • Copper: 21% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Iron: 11% of the recommended daily dose.
  • It also contains decent amounts of magnesium, potassium and manganese, and small amounts of almost all other nutrients we need.

This comes with only 20 calories [4] and 1.7 g digestible carbohydrates [5] .

Gram for gram, this means that spirulina can literally be the single most nutritious foods on the planet.

One tablespoon of spirulina contains a small amount of fat (about 1 gram), including omega-6 and omega-3 in about 1.5: 1 ratio [6] .

The protein quality in Spirulina is considered excellent, comparable with eggs [7] . It contains all the essential amino acids that we need.

It is often found that spirulina contain vitamin B12, but this is wrong. Contains pseudo vitamin B12, which has not been shown to be effective in humans ( 3 , 4 ).

Conclusion: Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows in both fresh and salt water. It can only nutrient-dense foods on the earth.

2. Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Woman with a green glass with liquid

Oxidative damage can damage our DNA and cells.

This damage can (lead contributes to chronic inflammation that lead to cancer and other diseases 5 ).

Spirulina is a fantastic source of antioxidants [8] , which may protect against oxidative damage.

The main component is used as phycocyanin [9] . This antioxidant substance is also Spirulina its unique blue-green color.

Phycocyanin can free radicals and inhibits the production of inflammatory signaling molecules and offers impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Conclusion: Phocyanin is the main active ingredient in Spirulina. Has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Spirulina can LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides

Spirulina Tablets

Heart disease [10] is currently the leading cause of death worldwide.

It is known that many measurable factors known risk factors are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

As it turned out Spirulina has been shown to have beneficial effects on some of them.

For example, you can lower total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides and HDL ("good cholesterol") cholesterol.

In a study of 25 patients with type 2 diabetes significantly improved 2 grams of spirulina these markers ( 9 ).

Another study in people with high cholesterol levels found that 1 gram of spirulina per day reduces triglycerides and LDL 16.3% 10.1% ( 10 ).

Several other studies have shown beneficial effects, but at higher doses of 4.5 to 8 grams per day spirulina ( 11 , 12 ).

Conclusion: Studies have shown that spirulina can lower triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol, HDL and sometimes can increase ("good cholesterol").

4. Spirulina protects LDL cholesterol from oxidizing always

Pile of Spirulina powder

Fat structures in the body are susceptible to oxidative damage.

This is known lipid peroxidation [11] that is known to a key to many serious diseases (factor 13 , 14 ).

For example, one of the most important steps on the way to heart disease LDL lipoproteins [12] in the blood is oxidized ( 15 ).

Interestingly, Spirulina antioxidants particularly effective in reducing the lipid peroxidation. This was many times both in studies in animals and humans (shown 16 , 17 ).

In a study of 37 patients with type 2 diabetes, spirulina 8 grams per day reduces oxidative damage markers. It also increases antioxidant enzymes in the blood ( 18 ).

Conclusion: fat structures can be oxidized in the body, resulting in the progression of many diseases. The antioxidants in Spirulina can help this phenomenon.

5. Spirulina seems to have anti-cancer properties, especially against oral cancer

Some evidence suggests that spirulina may have anti-cancer properties.

For example, some studies suggest that animal testing can reduce the incidence of cancer and tumor size (reduced 19 , 20 ).

Spirulina powder with flags

Spirulina is particularly in relation to the investigated oral cancer [13] , the cancer of the mouth.

One study looked at the effect of Spirulina in 87 villages in India called with precancerous lesions OSMF [14] in the mouth.

After use 1 gram a day for a year, 45% spirulina group had complete regression of the lesions in the mouth, compared to only 7% in the control group ( 21 ).

When she stopped, spirulina, almost half of respondents have developed these lesions again next year.

In another study of 40 patients with precancerous lesions OSMF, 1 gram of spirulina per day resulted in a greater improvement in symptoms of drug pentoxifylline ( 22 ).

Conclusion: Spirulina may have anti-cancer properties, especially against a known type of precancerous OSMF (oral submucous fibrosis).

6. Studies show it can lower blood pressure

Bowl of Spirulina powder

High blood pressure is a major factor in many fatal diseases.

These include heart attacks, strokes and chronic kidney disease.

Although 1 g of Spirulina is invalid, has a dose of 4.5 grams per day has been shown that the blood pressure in individuals with normal blood pressure (reduction 10 , 11 ).

This is considered due to an increased production of drivable nitric oxide [16] , a signal molecule, the blood vessels to relax and expand (helps 23 ).

Conclusion: In one study, a higher dose of Spirulina has been shown to lower blood pressure for many diseases result in a risk factor.

7. Spirulina improves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Woman holding a tablet Spirulina

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by inflammation of the nasal passages.

It is of environmental allergens such as pollen, animal hair or causing dust wheat [17] .

Spirulina is a popular alternative for treating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis [18] , and there is evidence that can be effective ( 24 ).

In a study of 127 people with allergic rhinitis, 2 grams daily significantly reduced symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching ( 25 ).

Conclusion: Spirulina supplements have provided highly effective against allergic rhinitis, the various symptoms helps to reduce the test.

8. Spirulina can be effective against anemia

Wooden spoon with spirulina powder

There are many different forms of anemia [19] .

The most common is is characterized by a reduction in red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood.

Anemia is common in the elderly, resulting in a longer feeling of weakness and fatigue ( 26 ).

In a study of 40 older with a history of anemia, spirulina supplementation increased hemoglobin content of the erythrocytes. Immune function is enhanced ( 27 ).

However, this is only one study, and further studies are needed before recommendations can be made.

Moral: A study shows that spirulina may be effective for treatment of anemia in the elderly. More research is needed.

9. improve muscle strength and endurance

Oxidative damage caused by exercise-induced is an important contribution to muscle fatigue.

Some plant foods have antioxidant properties that can help athletes and physically active people to minimize such damage.

Spirulina seems to be beneficial, with some studies. An improvement in muscle strength and endurance

Pour Femme a green smoothie in a glass

In two studies, it has been shown that spirulina to improve endurance, dramatically increases the time people took to be tired ( 28 , 29 ).

Another study with college athletes found that spirulina supplements increase muscle strength, but had no effect on the resistance ( 30 ).

Conclusion: Some studies have shown that spirulina supplements may improve endurance, and a study shows that it is to increase muscle strength.

10. Spirulina can help control blood sugar

Spirulina powder and Smoothie

Animal studies have shown that spirulina can get the blood sugar levels significantly lower.

In some cases, exceeded the popular diabetes medicines, including metformin ( 31 , 32 , 33 ).

There is also evidence that spirulina may be effective in humans.

In a study of 25 patients with type 2 diabetes, have 2 grams of spirulina to a drastic lowering of blood sugar levels (LED 9 ).

HbA1c, a marker of blood sugar levels in the long term, reduced from 9% to 8%, ie considerably. Studies assume that 1% of these markers can (to reduce the risk of diabetes-related deaths by 21% 34 ).

However, this study was small and lasted only two months, so take that with a grain of salt.

11. Anything else?

Spirulina can also provide other benefits, such as helping, "detoxifying" the body of heavy metals arsenic ( 35 ).

If you want to try it yourself, then there is a good selection of spirulina dietary supplement on Amazon [20] , with thousands of interesting comments.

At the end of the day spirulina is incredibly healthy.

It is one of the few "super foods", which really deserves the term is.


  1. ^ cyanobacteria (
  2. ^ photosynthesis (
  3. ^ up to 10 grams (
  4. ^ calories (
  5. ^ carbohydrates (
  6. ^ Report (
  7. ^ eggs (
  8. ^ antioxidants (
  9. ^ phycocyanin (
  10. ^ heart disease (
  11. ^ lipid peroxidation (
  12. ^ lipoprotein (
  13. ^ oral cancer (
  14. ^ OSMF (
  15. ^ pentoxifylline (
  16. ^ nitric oxide (
  17. ^ wheat powder (
  18. ^ allergic rhinitis (
  19. ^ anemia (
  20. ^ good selection of spirulina dietary supplement from Amazon (

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