Tuesday, March 24, 2015

27 Health and nutrition tips that actually use evidence

Woman about what to eat to be confused There is a lot of confusion when it comes to health and nutrition.

People also seem trained professionals, often just the opposite opinions.

Despite all the differences, there are some things that are supported by research.

Here are 27 tips on health and nutrition, which actually based on scientific data.

1. Do not consume calories from sugar

Sugary drinks are the most fattening things you can put in your body.

This is because not recorded liquid sugar calories from the brain in the same way as solid food calories ( 1 ).

Therefore, if you drink soda, stop eating more calories ( 2 , 3 ).

Sugary drinks [1] are strongly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and all kinds of health problems ( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ).

Note that fruit juices [2] are almost as bad as soda in this regard. They contain a lot of sugar, and small amounts of antioxidants not deleterious effects of sugar (refuse 8 ).

2. Eating Nuts

Although it high in fat [3] , nuts are very nutritious and healthy.

With magnesium, vitamin E, fibers and other nutrients (loaded 9 ).

Studies show that nuts can help you lose weight [4] , and can fight type 2 diabetes and heart disease (help, 10 , 11 , 12 ).

In addition, about 10-15% of calories from nuts, self-absorbed into the body, and some data suggest that increase metabolism ( 13 ).

In one study, almonds has been shown that weight loss of 62% complex carbohydrates (increase 14 ).

3. Avoid processed junk food (food Real Food applicable)

All processed junk food [6] in the diet are the main reason that the world is bigger and sicker than ever.

These foods are designed to be "hyper-pleasing" so that trick our brain more than you need to eat, even to addiction as [7] in some individuals ( 15 ).

They are also low in fiber, protein and micronutrients (empty calories), but with a high unhealthy ingredients such as sugar and refined grains.

4. Do not be afraid coffee is not

Coffee unfairly demonized. The truth is that it's actually very healthy [8] .

The coffee is rich in antioxidants, and studies show that coffee drinkers live longer [9] and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, many other diseases (Alzheimer's, and 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 ) ,

5. Eat oily fish

Almost everyone agrees that fish is healthy.

This is especially true in fatty fish such as salmon, which (is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients 22 ).

Studies show that people who eat more fish have a lower risk for all kinds of diseases, such as heart disease, dementia and depression ( 23 , 24 , 25 ).

6. Get enough sleep

The importance of adequate sleep quality [10] can not be overstated.

It can be important as diet and exercise, if not more.

Lack of sleep can lead to insulin resistance, pull stroke appetite hormones and reduce mental and physical performance ( 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 ).

Moreover, it is one of the most important factors of the individual risk for future weight gain [11] and obesity. One study showed that short sleep was a 89% increased risk of obesity in children and 55% in adults (associates 30 ).

7. Take care of your health with probiotics and fiber Good

Bacteria in the gut, along the intestinal flora [12] , are sometimes referred to as "forgotten organ."

These intestinal microbes are very important for all aspects of health. A disturbance in the intestinal bacteria on some of the most serious chronic diseases worldwide, including obesity (peg 31 , 32 ).

A good way to gut health is improving, probiotics (such as eating live yogurt [13] and sauerkraut), take probiotic supplements [14] , and eat plenty of fiber. Fiber acts as a fuel for the intestinal bacteria ( 33 , 34 ).

8. Drink water, especially before eating

Drink enough water have many advantages [15] .

An important factor is that they help reduce the amount of calories you burn.

Two studies can stimulate metabolism 24-30% for a period of 1 to 1.5 hours. This may provide an additional 96 calories burned when two liters (67 ounces) drinking water per day [16] (35 [17] , 36 ).

The best time to drink water half an hour before meals. One study showed that half a liter of water, 30 minutes before each meal to increase weight loss of 44% ( 37 ).

9. Do not cook meat or burning

Carne [18] can be a healthy and nutritious part of the diet. It is very rich in proteins [19] , and contains a variety of essential nutrients.

The problems [20] occur if the meat overcooked and burnt. This can (cause increase in the formation of harmful compounds that cancer risk 38 ).

So eat meat, but not too long to burn or.

10. Avoid bright light before bedtime

When we are exposed to the bright lights of the night, disrupting the production of the sleep hormone melatonin [21] ( 39 , 40 ).

An interesting "hack" is the use of a pair of glasses tinted amber light blue block [22] to give the eyes at night.

This allows melatonin, as if quite dark to produce what you sleep better (supports 41 , 42 ).

11. Take vitamin D3 if you do not get much sun over

Back in the day, most people have their vitamin D from the sun.

The problem is that most people do not get much sun these days. They live where there is no sun or stay indoors most of the day and use sunscreen when they leave.

After 2005-2006, approximately 41.6% of the US population suffers from a lack of this essential vitamin ( 43 ).

When sufficient sunlight is not an option for you, then supplement with vitamin D [23] it was shown that many have health benefits.

This includes improving bone health, increasing in strength and reduces the symptoms of depression and reduces the risk of cancer, just to name a few. Vitamin D can also help you to live longer ( 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 ).

12. Eat vegetables and fruits

Female doctor with two apples

Vegetables and fruits [24] are the "default" healthy diet, and for good reason.

They are responsible for the prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals and all kinds of antioxidants [25] , some of which have powerful biological effects.

Studies show that people who eat more fruits and vegetables, live longer and have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and all kinds of disease ( 51 , ​​52 ).

13. Be sure to eat enough protein

Eating enough protein [26] is extremely important, and many experts believe that the recommended daily dose is too low.

Protein is particularly important for weight loss and performs various mechanisms ( 53 ).

A high protein intake can increase your metabolism significantly, while so full you eat less calories automatically feel. It can also reduce cravings [27] and later reduce the desire to snack at night ( 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 ).

Eat plenty of protein has also been shown to increase blood sugar and blood pressure (lower 58 , 59 ).

14. Do some cardio, or just walk over

Aerobic exercise (heart) is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health.

It is particularly effective in reducing the abdomen fat that dangerous type of fat to accumulate around the organs. Reducing belly fat should lead to a significant improvement in metabolic health (run 60 , 61 , 62 ).

15. Do not smoke or take drugs and drink in moderation

If you are a smoker or snuff drug abuse and diet and exercise are the least of your worries. Addressing first of these problems.

If you include alcohol [28] in your life, then you do in moderation, and check whether alcoholic tendencies completely avoided.

16. The use of extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil [29] is the planet healthier fat.

It is with monounsaturated and heart health powerful antioxidants that can fight inflammation (fat laden 63 , 64 , 65 ).

The extra virgin olive oil led to many positive effects on the health of the heart, and people who consume olive oil a much lower risk of dying from heart attack and stroke ( 66 , 67 ).

17. Reduce the intake of added sugars

No added sugar [30] is the only one in the modern diet ingredient worse.

Small amounts are fine, but when people eat large quantities, can wreak havoc on metabolic health (cause 68 ).

The high sugar consumption in many diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many cancers (linked 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 ).

18. Do not eat too many refined carbohydrates

Not all carbohydrates [31] are the same.

Refined carbohydrates are highly processed and did not have all of them extracted fibers. They are poor in nutrients (empty calories), and can be extremely dangerous.

Studies show that refined carbohydrates are overeating and many metabolic diseases (peg 74 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 78 ).

19. No topics saturated fatty acids

The "war" on saturated fatty acids [32] was a mistake.

It is true that saturated fat increases but cholesterol also increases HDL ("good") and LDL changes from small to large, leading to a linked is less risk [33] of heart disease ( 79 , 80 , 81 , 82 ).

Recent studies, hundreds of thousands of people have no association between saturated fat and heart disease (shown 83 , 84 ).

20. His heavy packages

Weight lifting is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your body and improve your body composition.

Also leads to dramatic improvements in metabolic health, including the improvement of insulin sensitivity ( 85 , 86 ).

The best approach is to go lift weights with fitness and but this bodyweight exercises can be effective as well.

21. Avoid trans fats

Artificial trans fats [34] , are the harmful synthetic fats (strongly linked to inflammation and heart disease 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 ).

It is best to avoid like the plague.

22. Use a lot of herbs and spices

There are many very healthy herbs and spices [35] are.

For example, ginger [36] and turmeric [37] Both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects to various health benefits (lines 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 ).

You should endeavor to so many herbs and spices that can differ include,. Many of them can have strong positive effects on health.

23. Pay attention to your relationships

Social relationships are very important. Not only for their mental, but physical health.

Studies show that people who are close friends and family are healthier and live longer than those who did not ( 95 , 96 , 97 ).

24. Keep track of your food intake occasionally

The only way to get exactly what you eat to know is, how to weigh food and a diet tracker MyFitnessPal [38] or Cron-o-meter [39] .

It is important to know how many calories [40] food. It is also important that you get enough protein, fiber and micronutrients to ensure.

Studies show that people who follow their food intake in one way or another tend to lose weight and a healthy diet (to be more successful 98 ).

Basically everything that your awareness of what you eat may help you to be successful increases.

Personally, I think to date with what I'm eating for several days in a row, every few months. So I know exactly where to make adjustments in order to be closer to my goals to make.

25. If you have belly fat, get rid of

Not all body fat equals.

Especially the fat in the abdominal cavity, abdominal fat, causing problems. This fat accumulates around organs and is strongly associated with metabolic disorders ( 99 , 100 [41] ).

For this reason, you can make your waist much more for health include the number on the scale.

Cut the carbs, eat more protein, and eat lots of fiber are great ways to get rid of belly fat ( 101 [42] , 102 [43] , 103 [44] , 104 [45] ).

In this article are six possibilities, based on evidence to lose belly fat [46] .

26. Go on a "diet"

Diets are notoriously inefficient and rarely good in the long run.

In fact, "diet" is one of the strongest for future weight gain (predictors 105 [47] ).

Rather than go on a diet, try to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Focus to nourish your body, instead of denying it.

Weight loss should follow as a natural side effect of better food choices and improve metabolic health.

27. eat eggs and do not pull the yellow

Whole eggs as nutritious, often called themselves "Multivitamin Nature."

It is a myth, [48] that eggs are bad for you due to cholesterol. Studies show that no effect on cholesterol levels in most people ( 106 [49] ).

In addition, a study massive overhaul that found 263,938 people included, that eating eggs had no connection with the risk of heart disease ( 107 [50] ).

What remains is one of the most nutritious foods [51] on the planet, and is yellow, where most of the nutrients are.

Tell the people to throw yellow is one of the worst advice in the history of nutrition.


  1. ^ Sugary drinks (authoritynutrition.com)
  2. ^ juices (authoritynutrition.com)
  3. ^ high fat (authoritynutrition.com)
  4. ^ lose weight (authoritynutrition.com)
  5. ^ almonds (authoritynutrition.com)
  6. ^ processed junk food (authoritynutrition.com)
  7. ^ addiction (authoritynutrition.com)
  8. ^ very healthy (authoritynutrition.com)
  9. ^ live longer (authoritynutrition.com)
  10. ^ sleep quality (authoritynutrition.com)
  11. ^ weight gain (authoritynutrition.com)
  12. ^ intestinal flora (en.wikipedia.org)
  13. ^ live yogurt (authoritynutrition.com)
  14. ^ probiotic supplements (authoritynutrition.com)
  15. ^ many advantages (authoritynutrition.com)
  16. ^ day (authoritynutrition.com)
  17. ^ (35 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  18. ^ meat (authoritynutrition.com)
  19. ^ rich in protein (authoritynutrition.com)
  20. ^ problems (www.marksdailyapple.com)
  21. ^ melatonin (en.wikipedia.org)
  22. ^ light blue block (authoritynutrition.com)
  23. ^ Vitamin D (authoritynutrition.com)
  24. ^ fruits (authoritynutrition.com)
  25. ^ antioxidants (authoritynutrition.com)
  26. ^ enough protein (authoritynutrition.com)
  27. ^ wishes (authoritynutrition.com)
  28. ^ alcohol (authoritynutrition.com)
  29. ^ of extra virgin olive oil (authoritynutrition.com)
  30. ^ sugar (authoritynutrition.com)
  31. ^ carbohydrates (authoritynutrition.com)
  32. ^ saturated fatty acids (authoritynutrition.com)
  33. ^ lower risk (www.docsopinion.com)
  34. ^ trans fats (authoritynutrition.com)
  35. ^ herbs and spices (authoritynutrition.com)
  36. ^ ginger (authoritynutrition.com)
  37. ^ turmeric (authoritynutrition.com)
  38. ^ MyFitnessPal (www.myfitnesspal.com)
  39. ^ Cron-o-meter (cronometer.com)
  40. ^ many calories (authoritynutrition.com)
  41. ^ 100 (care.diabetesjournals.org)
  42. ^ 101 (www.nutritionandmetabolism.com)
  43. ^ 102 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  44. ^ 103 (www.nutritionandmetabolism.com)
  45. ^ 104 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  46. ^ 6 possibilities, evidence-based, lose belly fat (authoritynutrition.com)
  47. ^ 105 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  48. ^ a myth (authoritynutrition.com)
  49. ^ 106 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  50. ^ 107 (www.bmj.com)
  51. ^ most nutritious foods (authoritynutrition.com)


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