Thursday, March 5, 2015

What is healthier cooking oil? Crispy truth

Thoughtful male cook with blue hat Fried foods have always been popular.

They are part of many traditional stoves, and also a staple of the fast food industry.

Unfortunately, the pan is not exactly healthy cooking methods, especially when performed on an industrial scale.

But roast at home, let alone be unhealthy.

This is in large part on the type of oil you use and how you use it.

How Roast work?

Fried [1] includes the immersion of the food in hot oil.

The optimum temperature is about 350-375 ° F (176-190 ° C).

When food is in this temperature oil the cooking surface. Under water almost immediately and forms a kind of "seal" the oil does not penetrate

At the same time, the moisture is converted to steam in the food, cooking inside. Steam also helps keep the oil in the meal.

If the temperature is too low, the oil seep into the food, the fat and causes disgusting. If the temperature is too high, it can dry food and oxidation of the oil.

Conclusion: Roast works by immersing food in hot oil, the immediate surface moisture and traps in the diet was healed.

The stability of edible oils is a key factor

Margarine and vegetable oils

Some oils can withstand much higher temperatures than the other.

We choose oils that are high smoke point [2] , and we also want to oils that are stable and do not react with oxygen when heated.

More saturated fatty acids in the oil, but are stable when heated.

For this reason, the oils are mainly saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are the best, but want to avoid cooking oils [3] , the large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids ( 1 ).

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain two (or more) double bonds in the chemical structure. These double bonds tend to be to react with oxygen and harmful compounds [4] , when exposed to high temperatures.

Try something natural. When frying oils with a "neutral" taste are generally preferred.

Conclusion: It is important oils to choose mainly of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, as these high temperatures stable.

Winner: Coconut oil is the healthiest oil for frying

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is the best choice overall.

Studies have shown that even after 8 hours of roasting at 365 ° F (180 ° C), and its quality is not deteriorated ( 2 ).

More than 90% of the fatty acids are saturated coconut oil, which makes it very resistant to heat.

Saturated fats [5] are used as unhealthy, but new studies show that an energy source for humans are completely harmless ( 3 , 4 ).

In addition, coconut oil has many health benefits [6] . For example, it can help to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses, and can even help you lose belly fat [7] ( 5 , 6 ).

Note that some varieties can rely on the taste or smell of coconut, then I suggest you try some different brands until you find one that works.

Conclusion: Coconut oil is rich in saturated fatty acids and has been shown to handle frying time continue without any change in quality. It also has many health benefits, it is the best choice overall.

Lard juices are also tallow, lard and large kitchen

Animal fats are also an excellent choice for frying.

Human Head, do not know what to do

Fats such as lard, tallow, are butter [8] juice and fat. You know, add sharpness and not easily damaged when fried.

Most fatty acids in animal fats are saturated and monounsaturated, making it very resistant to high temperatures.

However, the fatty acid content as a function of the diet of the animal can vary ( 7 , 8 , 9 ).

The animals were fed pasture and grains instead of raised grass-fed [9] Animals have more polyunsaturated fatty acids in their fat reserves.

Therefore, only the animal fats from animals fed naturally as a good choice should be.

You can buy ready-made lard or tallow memory, or save the cooking liquid meat [10] for use at a later date.

Butter [11] is not really a good choice for frying. Contains small amounts of carbohydrates and proteins, which are burned when heated. Clarified butter and ghee are much better.

Conclusion: Animal fats largely of saturated and monounsaturated, which makes them suitable for high temperatures.

Several other good choice

Bottle of olive oil

There are many other good options to consider.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a healthy fat [12] on the earth.

It is very rich in monounsaturated, with only one double bond fatty acids.

When saturated, mono-unsaturated it very resistant to heat are.

One study found that olive oil in a frying pan hours used about 24 before it oxidizes (be 10 ).

In theory, this makes it an excellent choice [13] for frying. But that does not keep well the taste and aroma of olive oil when heated for a long time.

Avocado oil

The composition of the lawyer [14] is similar to olive oil. Mostly it is monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated mixed with a little fat.

It has a very high smoke point (520 ° F / 270 ° C) and a slightly nutty flavor.

Peanut oil

Peanut oil, also known as is known peanut oil, has a high smoke point of about 446 ° F (230 ° C).

It is very popular for frying because of its neutral taste.

Does not absorb the flavor of the food, so can be used repeatedly for frying various foods ( 11 ).

From the standpoint of health, however, peanut oil is not very desirable.

It is in polyunsaturated fatty acids (about 32%) is relatively high, leaving them vulnerable to oxidative damage at elevated temperatures ( 12 ).

Palm oil

Palm oil is mainly composed of saturated and monounsaturated fats, which makes it an excellent choice for frying.

The taste is said completely neutral, especially the variety not be refined known as red palm oil.

However, serious concerns [15] have raised about the sustainability of harvesting palm oil.

Conclusion: avocado oil and olive oil are two good ways to cook food. However, there are some problems with peanut oil and palm, so not recommended.

Fats and oils should not be used for frying

There are lots of fats and oils that absolutely should not be used.

These include industrial vegetable oils [16] .

The production of vegetable oil,

These oils are extracted from the seeds and must go through harsh treatment methods.

They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, with a terrible, omega-6: omega-3 [17] and up to 4% of the fatty acids are toxic trans fats [18] ( 13 ).

Not only should you avoid frying, but you should try to avoid them.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Using these frying oils likely large amounts of oxidized fatty acids and cause harmful compounds ( 14 ). Avoid it like the plague.

Conclusion: industrial vegetable oils are unhealthy. Are not suitable for frying due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Ask fry still do not do too many calories


Compared to other methods of cooking, frying will add a large amount of calories [19] .

The extra calories usually from the entire pulp used (such as flour) more oil coming to eat after cooking sticks.

An Example:

  • Fried chicken wings: 159 calories and 11 grams of fat ( 15 ).
  • Roasted chicken wings: 99 calories and 7 grams of fat ( 16 ).

It is not surprising that the consumption of fried foods is linked to weight gain, especially in people with a family history of obesity ( 17 ).

In order to minimize the extra calories, make sure that food is cooked to the right temperature, and no longer than necessary.

Message Home

Since fat has been demonized [20] , roast has had a bad reputation.

It is true that bad oils like vegetable oils harmful [21] , fried foods is certainly bad for you.

But with the right oils, which can be enjoyed (preferably homemade) occasional fried fun without guilt.

For some foods, you can bring the flavor to a whole new level.


  1. ^ roast (
  2. ^ smoke point (
  3. ^ edible oils (
  4. ^ harmful compounds (
  5. ^ Saturated fats (
  6. ^ Health Benefits (
  7. ^ lose belly fat (
  8. ^ ghee (
  9. ^ grass-fed (
  10. ^ meat (
  11. ^ butter (
  12. ^ healthy fats (
  13. ^ excellent choice (
  14. ^ lawyer (
  15. ^ serious concerns (
  16. ^ vegetable oils (
  17. ^ omega-6: omega-3 (
  18. ^ trans fats (
  19. ^ calories (
  20. ^ demonized (
  21. ^ harmful vegetable oils (

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