Sunday, March 15, 2015

Are all diseases begin in the gut really? The Shocking Truth

Rubio heart, the stomach "All diseases begin in the gut." - Hippocrates

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, was a wise man.

Much of his wisdom, which is now older than 2000 years, has stood the test of time.

The above quote is one of them.

Obviously not all diseases begin in the gut. For example, it does not apply to genetic diseases.

However, it is evident that many chronic metabolic diseases, in fact, begins in the intestine.

This has a lot with the various intestinal bacteria to do in our digestive tract, and the integrity of the intestinal wall ( 1 ).

According to numerous studies, adverse endotoxin bacterial products sometimes called "leak" through and into the blood ( 2 ).

When this happens, our immune system recognizes foreign molecules and mounted an attack against them, leading to a chronic inflammatory reaction ( 3 ).

This inflammation through diet-induced insulin resistance (riding type 2 diabetes), cause leptin resistance [1] (the Obesity causes), fatty liver, and is closely associated with many diseases linked worst in the world ( 4 , 5 , 6 ).

Note that this is. An area of ​​research that is growing rapidly No clear answers have not yet been discovered, and it is likely that science will be very different in a few years.

This inflammation is, and why you should care

Just to make sure we're all on the same page, I want to briefly explain what is inflammation.

I will not go into detail because the inflammation is extremely complicated.

This is tens of hundreds of different types of cells and signaling molecules, all of the communications extremely complex.

Mature male doctor Minor

In other words, inflammation [2] is the immune response against foreign invaders, toxins or cell damage.

The purpose of inflammation affecting the function of immune cells, blood vessels and signaling molecules to launch an attack against foreign invaders or toxins, and begin to repair damaged structures.

We are all familiar with acute (short-term) inflammation.

For example, if you are bitten by an insect, or make your toe in the door, you will ignite.

The area is red, hot and painful. It is an inflammation of the game.

The inflammation is generally considered a good thing. Without it might pathogens such as bacteria and viruses easy to take over our bodies and kill us.

However, there is another type of inflammation that can be dangerous, because they did not properly against the cells of the body (use 7 ).

It is a type of inflammation, which is active all the time, and can be present throughout the body. If frequent chronic inflammation, low-grade inflammation or systemic inflammation (called 8 ).

For example, blood vessels (such as coronary artery) may be swollen and structures in the brain ( 9 , 10 ).

It is now assumed that a chronic, systemic inflammation is one of the main factors for some of the most serious diseases in the world ( 11 ).

These include obesity, heart disease [3] , type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's disease [4] , depression [5] and many others ( 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ).

However, it is not known exactly what causes inflammation in the first place.

Conclusion: Inflammation is the immune response to foreign invaders, toxins and cell damage. The chronic inflammation that affects the entire body will lead to many fatal diseases.

Endotoxin - What happens in the intestines must remain in the intestine

The Sad bacteria

There are many billions of bacteria in the intestine, collectively referred to as " intestinal flora [6] "( 17 ).

Some of these bacteria are not friendly, others.

What we do know is that the number and composition of the intestinal bacteria can greatly affect our health, both physically and mentally ( 18 ).

However, some of the bacteria in the intestines are included compounds called lipopolysaccharides [7] (LPS), also known as endotoxins (known 19 ).

These large molecules found in the cell walls of the bacteria mentioned gram negative bacteria, [8] ( 20 ).

These substances can cause an immune response in animals. During acute bacterial infection may include fever, depression, muscle pain and septic shock, and in severe cases (causing 21 ).

However, it is not so well known that sometimes these substances "leak" of the gut and into the blood stream, continuously or immediately after meals ( 22 , 23 ).

When this happens, the endotoxin activated immune cells through a receptor called Toll-like receptor 4 or TLR-4 [9] ( 24 , 25 ).

The amounts are too low to cause symptoms of infection (fever, etc.), but the amounts large enough can cause a chronic inflammatory reaction, the devastation in time (years, decades) stimulate.

Increased intestinal permeability, often called " leaky gut [10] , "can be induced mechanism behind chronic inflammation through diet is the key.

On incubation of endotoxin levels in the blood increase to values ​​which are two to three times higher than normal, this condition is called "Metabolic endotoxemia" (known 26 ).

Endotoxins can be carried out either in the same time as high-fat diet, or can the tight junctions to prevent the alleged undesirable substances to the intestinal wall (will penetrate escape 27 , 28 ).

Conclusion: The bacteria in the intestines contain components called cell wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or endotoxin. These substances can leach into the body and trigger an inflammatory response.

A poor diet can cause endotoxemia can the starting point for chronic diseases to

Most studies injected endotoxemia endotoxin in the blood of laboratory animals and humans.

These studies have shown that this leads to the rapid onset of insulin resistance, a key feature of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes ( 29 ).

This also leads to an immediate increase inflammatory markers in the blood which has been enabled on an inflammatory response ( 30 ).

Interestingly, studies have also shown that an unhealthy diet can endotoxin levels in the blood cause rise.

Playing doctor with stethoscope belly

Most of these studies have been conducted in experimental animals, but there are few studies on humans.

In a human study, comparing a "Western" diet to a "prudent" low-fat diet ( 31 ):

"The placement of eight healthy volunteers in a Western diet for a month leading to a 71% increase in the plasma concentration of endotoxin (endotoxemia), while a prudent diet style Die Sets 31%".

There are also many animal studies test, indicating a long-term diet "high-fat" can endotoxemia and the resulting inflammation, insulin resistance, obesity, metabolic diseases cause ( 26 , 32 , 33 ).

Many human studies have also shown that endotoxin levels rise after eating unhealthy food. This was observed with pure cream and two meals with a high fat and moderate fat ( 22 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 ).

The most "fat" diet / food also contain refined carbohydrates and processed ingredients, so these results are not generalized to a low carb diet based on real foods [11] . that contains many fibers

Some researchers believe that refined carbohydrates increase bacterial endotoxin both producers and increased intestinal permeability, playing a "double whammy" of exposure to endotoxin ( 38 ).

There is also a long-term study in monkeys show that a diet high in refined fructose [12] can (cause 39 ).

The gluten, on a signaling molecule called by its effect Zonulin [13] may also increase intestinal permeability ( 40 , 41 ).

Caused the end of the day, just part of the diet endotoxemia is currently unknown.

Seems to be multifactorial, involving both food components and various bacteria in the intestine, but also many other factors.

Conclusion: animal and human studies have shown that a diet, the amount of endotoxin increase in the blood, which may be the engine of metabolic disease.

Message Home

Unfortunately inflammation is incredibly complex, and how they should be only the beginning to be explored to food.

No single food has not been identified, and probably is the "wholeness" of diet and lifestyle that works for you.

I wish I could eat a list of foods or foods and ingredients to avoid, or supplements is increasing. But science is not there.

Your best bet is to live a healthy life with plenty of exercise and sleep well [14] .

Real food based diet with plenty of prebiotic fiber is important to the reduction of the Treaties [15] junk food.

A probiotic supplement [16] can also be useful, and some studies show that probiotics can help to endotoxemia and the resulting inflammation ( 42 ).

Probiotic foods such as yogurt with live active cultures [17] , kefir and sauerkraut, can also help.

At the end of the day, the inflammation caused by bacterial endotoxins the "missing link" between poor nutrition, obesity, and all chronic metabolic diseases that kill millions of us.


  1. ^ leptin resistance (
  2. ^ inflammation (
  3. ^ heart disease (
  4. ^ Alzheimer (
  5. ^ depression (
  6. ^ intestinal flora (
  7. ^ lipopolysaccharide (
  8. ^ gram-negative bacteria (
  9. ^ TLR-4 (
  10. ^ Leaky Gut (
  11. ^ low carb diet based on real food (
  12. ^ fructose (
  13. ^ zonulin (
  14. ^ good night's sleep (
  15. ^ processing (
  16. ^ probiotic supplement (
  17. ^ yogurt with live active cultures (

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