Sunday, March 1, 2015

Science: Grass-Fed Butter eaters have fewer heart attacks

Butter is one of the healthiest fats planet.

This is not only a large number of yellow fat, there are many important nutrients in it, some of which have strong biological effects.

However, this depends on the type of butter [1] , and the amounts of these nutrients vary greatly depending on what the cows ate.

Of cows grass butter is an important source of nutrients for healthy heart

Smiling brunette with bread and butter

Butter is basically milk fat, also known as fat [2] .

Grasse is very complex. It contains about 400 different fatty acids and a good amount of fat-soluble vitamins ( 1 ).

Fatty acids are actually more energy sources, some of them have a strong biological activity.

As a result, most of butter fatty acids our physiology and biochemistry influence, somehow, leading to important health benefits.

These include fatty acid CLA [3] (conjugated linoleic acid). It is popular as a fat loss supplement [4] , and studies show that can have a major impact on health ( 2 , 3 ).

Grass-fed butter contains five times more CLA than grain cow butter ( 4 ).

Butter lined with grass of cows also in omega-3 and much higher vitamin K2 [5] , compared with cow butter beans ( 5 ).

As you can see, butter from grass-fed cows a much healthier and more nutritious option.

Butter contains saturated fat, but who cares?

Butter is used as unhealthy because it contains saturated fatty acids [6] .

However, this is not an argument against butter because the saturated fat myth was completely fallen in recent years into disrepute.

Two massive review of studies have recently been published, one in 2010 and another in 2014. Both contain hundreds of thousands.

These studies have clearly shown that there is a relationship between saturated fat and heart disease ( 6 , 7 ).

Studies show that people who eat grass-fed butter have a lower risk of heart disease

Butter on a wooden plate

The relationship between high intake of milk fat and heart disease seems to the country in which the study depend performed.

In countries where the cows are fed mainly on grass, people who seem to eat more butter significantly lower risk of heart disease.

A study of this impressive was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010:

Smit LA, et al. Conjugated linoleic acid in adipose tissue and risk of cardiovascular disease [7] . The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 2010.

The study focused on levels of CLA in adipose tissue of patients with non-fatal heart attack in 1813, and compared them with similar themes in 1813 that failed to heart attacks.

The content of these fatty acids is a very reliable marker for the consumption of low-fat dairy products, and this study was conducted grass in Costa Rica, where the cows graze.

They divided the subjects into 5 groups, from lowest to highest, according to their levels of CLA. The results were remarkable:

Butter and the risk of myocardial infarction

As you can see, most full-fat milk [8] (like butter) people ate, the lower the risk of heart attack.

In fact, were people who ate more 49% less likely to suffer a heart attack, compared with those who ate less.

Note, however, that this was a case-control study, a kind of observational study. Such studies can not prove causality.

This study shows that people who have fed more fat to eat milkweed a lower risk of heart disease, but can not prove that fat causes the reduction of the risk.

But at least this study is pretty good guarantee that butter is not the devil, was meant to be.

Many other studies have shown similar results

This is by far not the only study.

Another study in Australia showed that people who most whole-fat dairy products ate a 69% lower risk of heart disease than those who ate the least ( 8 ).

Several other studies in European countries where cows are eating normally on grass, showed that milk fat and stroke (reduced heart connected 9 , 10 ).

Grass-Fed Butter is super healthy

Although he demonized in the past, real grass-fed butter [9] is one of the healthiest fats planet. Period.


  1. ^ butter (
  2. ^ fat (
  3. ^ CLA (
  4. ^ additional fat loss (
  5. ^ Vitamin K2 (
  6. ^ saturated fatty acids (
  7. ^ The conjugated linoleic acid in adipose tissue and risk of myocardial infarction (
  8. ^ milk (
  9. ^ grass-fed butter (

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