Thursday, February 26, 2015

11 Health Benefits of Ginger (No. 5 is Insane)

Woman with fresh ginger Ginger is one of the healthiest (and delicious) on the planet spices.

It is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds with far-reaching benefits for your body and brain.

Here are 11 health benefits of ginger that are supported by scientific research.

1. Ginger contains gingerol, a substance with strong medicinal properties

Ginger is a flowering plant. Originated in China

It belongs to the family Zingiberaceae and is closely related to turmeric [1] , cardomon and galangal.

The rhizome [2] (underground part of the stem) is used as a spice section. It is often called ginger root, or just ginger.

Ginger has a long history of use in various forms of traditional / alternative. It has been used to aid digestion, reduce nausea and help them fight the flu and colds, to name a few.

Is this area, fresh ginger and cut:

Fresh, sliced ​​and ground ginger

Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered or in the form of oil or juice, and sometimes added to processed foods [3] and cosmetics. This is a very common ingredient in recipes.

Perfume and ginger flavor from natural oils, the largest natural person is gingerol [4] .

Ginger gingerol is the most important bioactive compound responsible for most of its medicinal properties. It has anti-inflammatory and strong antioxidant properties ( 1 ).

Conclusion: Ginger is a popular spice. It is rich in gingerol, a substance with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

2. Ginger can offer many kinds of nausea, morning sickness especially

Fresh Ginger

Ginger seems to be very effective against nausea ( 2 ).

For example, has a long history of use as a remedy seasick, and there is evidence that this (be as effective as prescription drugs 3 ).

Ginger also alleviate nausea and vomiting after surgery and in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy ( 4 , 5 ).

But it is more effective when it is connected to nausea with pregnancy, as can be, morning sickness [5] .

A review of 12 studies involving a total of 1278 pregnant women, 01/01, 5.1 grams of ginger can significantly reduce symptoms of nausea ( 6 ).

However, ginger had no effect on vomiting episodes in this study.

Although ginger is considered safe, talk to your doctor before using if you are pregnant large quantities. Some believe that large amounts may increase the risk of miscarriage, but currently there is no support for the study.

Conclusion: 1 to 1.5 grams of ginger can prevent various types of nausea. This applies to dizziness, nausea in chemotherapy, nausea after surgery and morning sickness.

3. ginger can reduce pain and muscle aches


Ginger has proven to be effective against muscle pain induced by exercise.

In a study of the consumption of 2 grams of ginger daily for 11 days, reduces muscle pain in humans performing exercises elbow ( 7 ).

Ginger has an immediate impact, but can be effective in reducing the progression of muscle pain (day 8 ).

It is believed that these effects are mediated by the anti-inflammatory properties.

Conclusion: Ginger seems to be effective in reducing the progression of the everyday muscle pain and muscle pain can reduce induced by exercise.

4. Anti-inflammatory effects help osteoarthritis

Fees and ginger slices

Osteoarthritis [6] is a common health problem.

This is the degeneration of the joints of the body, causing symptoms of pain and stiffness.

In a controlled study of 247 people with osteoarthritis of the knee attempting to those who took ginger extract, less pain and required less pain medication ( 9 ).

Another study showed that the combination of ginger, putty, cinnamon [7] and sesame oil can reduce osteoarthritis pain and stiffness in patients with topical (applied 10 ).

Conclusion: Studies show that ginger in reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is supposed to be a very common health problem.

5. Risk factors Ginger disease can significantly lower blood glucose and improves heart

This area of ​​research is relatively new, but ginger can have potent anti-diabetic properties.

In a recent study of 2015 41 participants with type 2 diabetes, 2 grams of ginger a day reduced fasting glucose by 12% ( 11 ).

It has also been significantly improved HbA1c [8] (a marker of blood sugar levels over the long term), which leads to a reduction of 10% over a period of 12 weeks.

There was also a 28% reduction in apoB [9] report / apoA-I, and 23% reduction in markers of oxidized lipoproteins. These are the two major risk factors for heart disease.

This table shows what happened:

Khandouzi, et al - 2015 Photo source: Suppversity [10] .

Note, however, that this is just a small study. The results are incredibly impressive, but must by larger studies before recommendations are confirmed.

Conclusion: Ginger has shown that the blood sugar levels and reduce the number of risk factors for heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes.

6. Ginger may help treat chronic indigestion

Battery ground ginger

Chronic indigestion ( dyspepsia in [11] ) is characterized by recurrent pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen.

It is believed that delayed gastric emptying is a key driver of indigestion.

Interestingly, it has been found, ginger, to accelerate gastric emptying in patients with this condition.

After eating the soup, ginger reduces the time on an empty stomach 16-12 minutes ( 12 ).

In a study of 24 healthy volunteers, 1.2 grams of ginger before eating accelerates gastric emptying by 50% ( 13 ).

Conclusion: Ginger seems gastric emptying, which can be for people with indigestion and stomach pain brought advantageous to Speed.

7. ginger powder can reduce menstrual pain significantly

Menstrual pain ( dysmenorrhea [12] ) refers to pain during the menstrual cycle of a woman.

Bloated stomach Female

One of the traditional uses of ginger is used to treat pain, including menstrual pain.

In a study of 150 women were invited to 1 gram of ginger powder daily for the first 3 days of the menstrual period (take 14 ).

Ginger was able to reduce the pain as effectively as mefenamic acid and ibuprofen medications.

Conclusion: Ginger seems to be very effective against menstrual cramps, when taken at the start of menstruation.

8. ginger can lower cholesterol

Heart and stethoscope

High LDL lipoproteins [13] ("bad") cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

The foods you eat can have a strong influence on LDL levels.

In a study of 45 days from 85 people with high cholesterol, 3 grams of ginger powder caused significant reduction of most brands of cholesterol ( 15 ).

This is a study in hypothyroid rats given ginger extract lowers LDL cholesterol to a similar extent as the cholesterol-lowering drug atorvastatin (supported 16 ).

Both studies also showed less total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Conclusion: There is some evidence in animals and humans, the ginger lead to a significant reduction in LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

9. Ginger contains a substance that can help prevent cancer

Ginger tea

Cancer is a very serious disease that. By uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells

Ginger extract has been studied as an alternative treatment for many cancers.

The anti-cancer properties is attributed to the six gingerol, a substance present in large quantities in the raw ginger (found 17 , 18 ).

In a study of 30 people, 2 grams of ginger extract per day significantly the pro-inflammatory signaling molecules in the large intestine (reduced 19 ).

However, a follow-up study of patients have a high risk of colon cancer is not confirmed these findings ( 20 ).

There is some, albeit limited, evidence that ginger may be effective against pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. More research (you have 21 , 22 , 23 ).

Conclusion: Ginger contains a substance called 6-gingerol, which may have protective effects against cancer. However, this should be investigated further.

10. Ginger can improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer's disease

Any woman with ginger

Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation can accelerate the aging process.

It is believed that one of the main factors for Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment associated with aging.

Animal studies have suggested that antioxidants [14] and bioactive compounds in ginger may inflammatory responses (inhibit occur in the brain 24 ).

There is also evidence that ginger can improve brain function directly. In a study of 60 middle-aged women, ginger extract has been shown to the reaction time and memory (improving 25 ).

There are also numerous animal studies show that ginger can against age-related decline in brain function (protection 26 , 27 , 28 ).

Conclusion: Studies suggest that ginger may protect against age-related damage in the brain. You can also improve brain function in older women.

11. The active material ginger can fight infections

Ginger powder in wooden spoon

Gingerol can help to reduce the risk of infections, the bioactive substance in fresh ginger.

In fact, ginger extract can inhibit growth of many types of bacteria ( 29 , 30 ).

It is very effective against oral bacteria, such as gingivitis and periodontitis (gum disease associated with inflammatory 31 ).

Fresh ginger can also be against RSV [15] , a common cause of respiratory infections ( 32 ).

12. Anything else?

Ginger is one of the few "super foods" that are truly worthy of the term.


  1. ^ turmeric (
  2. ^ rhizome (
  3. ^ processed foods (
  4. ^ gingerol (
  5. ^ morning sickness (
  6. ^ osteoarthritis (
  7. ^ cinnamon (
  8. ^ HbA1c (
  9. ^ ApoB (
  10. ^ Suppversity (
  11. ^ dyspepsia (
  12. ^ dysmenorrhea (
  13. ^ lipoprotein (
  14. ^ antioxidants (
  15. ^ RSV (

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

4 natural supplements that as powerful as drugs

Serious Morena a pill Most supplements do not really work, or at least not yet been proven to work.

However, there are exceptions to this rule.

In fact, some supplements are so effective that are comparable with drugs.

Here are four natural health supplements (if not more) are as effective as stimulants drugs.

1. berberine blood sugar drastically and improves metabolic health

Berberine is a biologically active substance which is extracted from certain plants.

It is not well understood, but to be the strongest single supplement on earth.

Berberine [1] provides all kinds of health benefits, but is particularly effective in reducing blood sugar levels in the blood ( 1 ).

It is believed that lower blood glucose by many mechanisms, including the reduction of glucose production in the liver and an improvement in insulin sensitivity ( 2 , 3 ).

Studies have shown [2] that berberine can the consumption of sugar in the blood, similar to the popular diabetes drug, such as reducing metformin [3] ( 4 ).

In a study of 116 patients with type 2 diabetes, the blood sugar levels in the fasting berberine by 20% and HbA1c (a marker of blood sugar levels in the blood-current) 12% reduction ( 5 ).

Berberine is also very effective for improving other health markers. It leads to a significant reduction in total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides decreased, blood and blood pressure values, which should lead to a reduced risk of heart disease ( 1 , 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Berberine has also been shown to have antibacterial activity, and may have a protective effect against heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease (have 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ).

Note that berberine is a powerful addition to a variety of biological effects, so with caution.

No doubt, ask your doctor if you take other medicines.

Conclusion: Berberine is a powerful supplement. It can lead to a significant reduction in blood sugar levels improvements in most of the major risk factors for heart disease, to name a few.

2. curcumin (turmeric DE) is a potent anti-inflammatory agent

Turmeric in wooden bowl

Turmeric is a very popular spice known for their curry yellow color.

It has been used in India for thousands of years as a medicinal plant.

Curcuma contains a potent biologically active substance named curcumin [4] , which has been used extensively in recent years (studied 13 ).

Curcumin combat inflammation at the molecular level by blocking a signaling molecule called inflammatory NF-kB ( 14 , 15 ).

It is so effective that beneficial in some studies comparing anti-inflammatory drugs, no significant side effects ( 16 , 17 ).

For example, it has. To be very effective in the treatment of arthritis In a study of 45 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 500 mg of curcumin per day was more effective than diclofenac, anti-inflammatory drugs ( 18 ).

Turmeric also has many other health benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant that can improve heart health and may help prevent cancer and Alzheimer's disease ( 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 ).

According to a study turmeric can also help fight depression. In this study, 60 patients with depression, curcumin was as effective as the antidepressant Prozac ( 23 ).

Curcumin is poorly absorbed, so it is best to use a supplement that also contains piperine / Bioperine, which has been shown to (obtained improve the absorption of 2.000% 24 ).

Conclusion: Curcumin is the biologically active agent in turmeric. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance that can help fight many diseases.

3. The red yeast rice contains a natural statin to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease can help

Statins are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world.

They inhibit cholesterol production in the liver, which, to a significant lowering cholesterol levels in the blood

It is interesting that an extract of fermented rice type called red yeast rice [5] can have similar effects.

Female lab coat holding pill

Red yeast rice contains a substance called monacolin K, the same as the statin lovastatin [6] ( 25 ).

According to a study of 93 controlled studies can red yeast rice to lower total cholesterol of 34 mg / dl, LDL of 28 mg / dl, triglycerides of 35 mg / dl and increase HDL ("good cholesterol") 6 mg / dl, mean ( 26 ).

In a large study of Chinese 5,000 heart attack patients red yeast rice reduces the risk of subsequent heart attack by 45% and reduces the risk of dying during the study period, 33% ( 27 ).

Unfortunately, the amount of the active ingredient vary up to 100 times, depending on the brand yest red rice is obtained ( 28 ).

Therefore, there is no guarantee that you are also a pharmacologically active dose and may not know how it did in the studies.

Note that, although the functions "natural" red yeast rice as a statin and the like side effects [7] .

This addition certainly not without consulting your doctor.

Conclusion: Red yeast rice contains a substance which is identical to the statin lovastatin. It can reduce cholesterol levels and significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and death in people who already have heart disease.

4. The garlic can significantly reduce blood pressure

Rubio with onion, garlic and hot peppers

Garlic [8] is without doubt one of the tastiest ingredients in the world.

It has been used as a medicinal plant has long, including the Greeks and Romans ( 29 ).

The main effects of garlic through its drug mediated allicin [9] , which is very beneficial for the health of the heart (is 30 ).

Studies have shown that garlic can LDL and total amounts of about 10 to 15% on average (reducing shown 31 , 32 , 33 ).

More importantly, significantly reduced blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease and early death can (reduced 34 , 35 ).

In people with high blood pressure, garlic can systolic blood pressure by 8.4 mmHg and diastolic pressure by 7.3 mmHg on average (reduced 36 ).

In a study of 210 people with high blood pressure, was more effective than the blood pressure medicine aged garlic extract atenolol [10] ( 37 ).

Garlic also appears effective in boosting the immune function and help fight off colds, the most common infectious diseases in the world.

In one study, 63% reduced the number of colds and reduces the duration of cold symptoms by 70%, or an average of 5 days in an average of 1.5 days ( 38 ).

Conclusion: Garlic has a wide range of biological effects. It can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and help fight off colds.

Message Home

Supplements, no matter how effective, can never replace a healthy lifestyle real foods [11] , exercise and sleep well.

That is, these natural supplements can be helpful for people who need a little "biological tool", but still want to keep things as natural as possible.

Note that these supplements are incredibly powerful and should be treated with respect.

If you currently have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult a doctor before using any of this.


  1. ^ berberine (
  2. ^ showed (
  3. ^ metformin (
  4. ^ curcumin (
  5. ^ red yeast rice (
  6. ^ lovastatin (
  7. ^ side effects (
  8. ^ garlic (
  9. ^ allicin (
  10. ^ atenolol (
  11. ^ real food (

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Gluten intolerance is real, and "wheat-free" is not just a fad

Woman holding spaghetti According to a survey in 2013, one third [1] Americans are actively trying to avoid gluten.

But celiac disease, the most severe form of gluten intolerance, is 0.7 to 1% of the population acts ( 1 ).

However, there is another condition as "celiac disease" gluten intolerance ( 2 ).

This is a negative reaction in people with a gluten without celiac disease.

This condition is often in discussions about nutrition, but is controversial health professionals.

This article takes a detailed look gluten sensitivity, and if so, to be something you really need concerned.

What is gluten?

Before we continue, let me briefly explain what gluten.

Gluten is a family of proteins found in grains such as wheat, spelled, rye and barley. Cereals containing gluten, wheat is used most often, by far.

The two main gliadin and glutenin proteins whose gluten gliadin [2] seems to be the biggest offender (be 3 , 4 ).

When the flour is mixed with water, the gluten proteins [3] , a crosslinked network similar to the tacky adhesive (form 5 ).

If you have had a moist paste in your hand, then you know what I mean.

TEN queue name is actually derived from this glue-like properties.

Gluten makes elastic dough, bread and gives the possibility to increase when heated by capturing gas molecules inside. A satisfactory chewy texture.

Conclusion: Gluten is the main protein in various cereals such as wheat. Has several features that make it very popular for bread.

Several related diseases with different gluten

Basket full of bread

There are many [4] disease states that are connected to each other directly or indirectly on wheat and gluten ( 6 ).

The best known is celiac disease [5] ( 7 ).

Patients with celiac disease, gluten proteins, the immune system mistakenly thinks are foreign invaders and mounted an attack against them.

Further, when exposed to gluten, the immune system begins to attack the natural structures of the intestinal wall, which can cause serious damage. This "attack on themselves" why celiac disease classified as autoimmune disease [6] ( 8 ).

Celiac disease is a serious matter and it is estimated that affect up to 1% of the US population. Goes out, seems to be growing, and most people with celiac disease do not know it (have 9 , 10 , 11 ).

The state of sensitivity "celiac disease" gluten (hereinafter referred to as gluten intolerance) is of a different nature from celiac disease ( 12 ).

It has the same mechanism, but symptoms are often similar in many ways and can both the digestive and gastrointestinal symptoms not (affecting 13 ).

Then there is also a wheat allergy, which is relatively rare, less than 1% of people (probably 14 ).

Gluten side effects have been associated with many other diseases combined, including type of ataxia called gluten ataxia [7] , thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, autism, schizophrenia and depression Hashimito ( 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 ).

This does not mean that gluten is the main cause of these diseases, which can only aggravate the symptoms in a subset of individuals who have them.

In many cases, a gluten-free diet in controlled trials (real science) is detected, but this should be investigated further.

If you do not believe me, check the instructions above. Although shown far from definitive, these concerns are real and should be taken seriously.

Moral: A number of disease states in wheat and gluten consumption. The most common are wheat allergy, celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

What (celiac disease) Gluten Sensitivity?

In recent years, gluten intolerance has a lot of attention, scientists and the public (was 2 ).

In other words, people experience symptoms of gluten intolerance after ingestion of gluten, and respond positively to a gluten-free diet after celiac disease and wheat allergy were excluded.

Girl looking through a slice of bread

People with gluten intolerance usually no changes in your bowel wall, or antibodies against the body's own tissues (are some key features of celiac disease 12 ).

Unfortunately, the mechanism behind gluten sensitivity is not clearly defined, but it is an area of ​​intense research. There is some evidence that genetics and the immune system are involved ( 22 ).

There is no reliable test for the diagnosis of celiac disease laboratory and usually the diagnosis by excluding other conditions.

This is a suggestion diagnostic criteria for gluten intolerance ( 23 )

  1. The ingestion of gluten quickly caused digestive, gastrointestinal symptoms or not.
  2. The symptoms disappear quickly in a gluten-free diet.
  3. Reintroduction of gluten causes the symptoms recur.
  4. Celiac disease and wheat allergy were excluded.
  5. A blinded gluten challenge test should be done to fully confirm the diagnosis.

One study showed that people with gluten intolerance "self-report", only 1 in 4 (25%) met the diagnostic criteria ( 24 ).

Gluten intolerance has many symptoms. According to studies, these symptoms are bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, stomach pain, weight loss, eczema, rash, headache, aching bones and joints, chronic fatigue, tiredness and depression ( 25 , 26 ).

Also remember, the sensitivity (celiac disease) Gluten often have a variety of mysterious symptoms that may be difficult to obtain digestion, including skin problems and neurological disorders ( 27 , 28 ).

It is a good awareness of the common (or common) form of gluten intolerance are available. Some studies indicate that only 0.5% of the population can have this condition while others by 6% ( 6 ).

Some studies gluten sensitivity is adult / middle-aged, and much more common in women than in men (often 29 , 30 ).

Conclusion: Celiac means in addition to people who celiac disease or wheat allergy reactions gluten. No good data are available, as usual.

A recent study found that wheat gluten is problematic for other reasons

Pain Warning

A recent study of sensitivity to gluten should be emphasized here.

This study was conducted on 37 people with irritable bowel syndrome and perceived sensitivity to gluten ( 31 ).

What makes this study different than the one that preceded it, is that it has placed in FODMAPs the participants into a diet low ( FODMAPs [8] are short-chain carbohydrates can cause digestive problems).

Then he gave her gluten separated instead of a gluten containing grains, such as wheat.

In this study, gluten separately had no effect on the participants, with the exception of an increase in depressive symptoms in a follow-up study, which should be further investigated ( 21 ).

The study found that lead the isolated gluten problems for these people, and that "gluten sensitivity" were more likely to self-reported sensitivity FODMAPs be.

Wheat is high in FODMAPs and it is known that these short-chain carbohydrates [9] are some of the biggest offenders in irritable bowel syndrome ( 32 , 33 , 34 ).

This study made headlines around the world, stating that gluten sensitivity had been refuted and that gluten was safe for everyone except people with celiac disease.

However, this is completely wrong. What this study shows [10] , is that gluten is probably not a very important role in irritable bowel syndrome FODMAPs cases're the star factor.

The study also happens the fact that many people (IBS is very common) an intolerance to wheat, and should seek to avoid making support. It's just that the mechanism is different than previously thought.

The solution, a diet gluten / wheat free, is always the same, and just as effective as before.

This has led many researchers to speculate that the "sensitivity of wheat" or perhaps "wheat intolerance syndrome" are appropriate label "gluten sensitivity" ( 35 , 30 ).

Although this has not been as thoroughly studied, there are some studies that modern wheat lines are aggravating than older varieties such as spelled and kamut ( 36 , 37 ).

Moral: A new study shows that in people with irritable bowel syndrome, a carbohydrate called class FODMAPs are the leading cause of digestive problems, make gluten.

Gluten intolerance is real, but there are many open questions

Wheat in a bag

Gluten intolerance is more than up nonsense.

There are hundreds of articles in the literature on this topic. Try simply by "gluten sensitivity" in PubMed [12] or in Google Scholar [13] .

There are also many scientists and doctors, including many renowned gastroenterologist who are convinced it is real.

There is certainly no evidence that everyone should avoid gluten, and certainly no "element of fashion" trend in gluten free.

However, gluten (or wheat) sensitivity a real thing, and causes problems [14] in many people.

Unfortunately, this condition is very complicated, and very few clear answers are yet to be discovered.

Gluten and wheat can be for some people in order, others do not. Different strokes for different folks.

But if you personally convinced that wheat / gluten causes there are problems, then there is no reason to sit and wait for future research.

If it goes bad you, so avoid it. Plain and simple. There are no nutrients in it that you (often do not get more much healthier [15] and most nutritious foods).

Make sure real foods that are naturally gluten-free products to choose from non-gluten. Junk food is always gluten-free junk food.


  1. ^ thirds (
  2. ^ gliadin (
  3. ^ proteins (
  4. ^ many (
  5. ^ celiac disease (
  6. ^ autoimmune disease (
  7. ^ gluten ataxia (
  8. ^ FODMAPs (
  9. ^ carbohydrates (
  10. ^ only show (
  11. ^ modern wheat tribe (
  12. ^ PubMed (
  13. ^ Google Scholar (
  14. ^ problems (
  15. ^ much healthier (

Monday, February 16, 2015

Drink 7 science-based health benefits of adequate water

Woman drinking water Our bodies are 60% water, more or less.

In general, it is recommended [1] to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to drink (usually 8 × 8).

Hydrated rule Although there is some science behind this special, cared for is important.

Here are 7 benefits of drinking lots of water health, which, on the evidence

1. Water maximizes physical performance

If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance may suffer.

This is especially important during intense exercise or excessive heat.

Dehydration can have a significant impact if you lose less than 2% of the water content of the body. However, it is not uncommon for athletes lose up to 6-10% by weight of water by sweating ( 1 , 2 ).

Physically and mentally (This can lead to a deterioration in the control of body temperature, decreased motivation, increased fatigue and exercise are much more difficult, 3 ).

Optimal hydration has been shown to prevent this, and may even reduce the oxidative stress, which occurs at high intensity exercise. This is not surprising, considering that muscle is about 80% water ( 4 , 5 ).

So if you exercise to sweat intensely and tend to stay hydrated and can help you perform at your best.

Conclusion: With only 2% of the water content of the body can have a significant impact on physical performance.

2. drinking has a significant effect on the energy level and the brain function

Your brain is heavily influenced by the state of hydration.

Studies show that even slight dehydration [2] (1-3% of body weight) can affect many aspects of brain function.

Girl drawing on the table with a glass of water

In a study in young women, fluid loss of 1.36% after training mood and concentration problems and increased frequency of headache ( 6 ).

Another similar study, this time in young men showed that fluid loss of 1.59% was detrimental to memory and an increase in anxiety and feelings of fatigue (working 7 ).

A fluid loss of 1.3% corresponds to about 1.5 to 4.5 pounds (0.5 to 2 kg) of body weight loss of 150 pounds (68 kg) human. This can easily occur due to normal daily activities, not to mention playing sports or high-heat completely.

Many other studies, from children to seniors, showed a slight dehydration can mood, memory and brain power (affecting 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ).

Conclusion: mild dehydration (fluid loss of 1-3%) can affect energy and mood, leading to a significant reduction in memory performance and brain.

3. Drinking water can help prevent and treat headaches

Glass of water

Dehydration can headaches and migraines in some people (cause 14 , 15 ).

Several studies have shown that water-headache for those dehydrated (have relieve 16 ).

However, this seems to depend on the type of headache.

A study of 18 people found that water had no effect on the frequency of headaches, but reduces the intensity and some time ( 17 ).

Conclusion: Drinking water can sometimes alleviate the symptoms of headaches, especially in people who are dehydrated.

4. Drink plenty of water may help constipation

Constipation is a common problem, characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing urine.

Woman drinking water from a bottle

Increasing fluid intake is often recommended as part of the treatment protocol, and there is some evidence to support this theory.

Low water consumption appears to be a risk factor for constipation in young and elderly people (be 18 , 19 ).

Sparkling water offer an encouraging outlook for relieving constipation, although the reason is not fully understood ( 20 , 21 )

Conclusion: Drinking lots of water can help prevent and relieve constipation, especially for people who do not usually drink enough water.

5. Drinking water can help treat kidney stones


Urinary stones are painful mineral crystal masses that form in the urinary tract.

Is the most common form of kidney stones [3] , the shape in the kidneys.

There is little evidence that water consumption can help prevent relapses in people who kidney stones (had 22 , 23 ).

A higher fluid intake increases the volume of urine by the kidneys, which dilutes the concentration of minerals, making them less likely to crystallize and form lumps.

Water can also prevent the initial formation of stones, but studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Conclusion: The increased water consumption appears to reduce the risk of kidney stones. More research is needed in this area.

6. Water prevents hangover

Man with cat

Hangover refers to the unpleasant symptoms experienced after drinking alcohol, [4] .

Alcohol is a diuretic, [5] , which makes you more water than you lose. This can lead to dehydration ( 24 , 25 ).

Although dehydration is not the main reason for hangovers, it can cause symptoms such as thirst, fatigue, headache and dry mouth.

A good way to reduce the hangover is to drink a glass of water between drinks, and at least a large glass of water before going to bed

Conclusion: hangover are partly caused by dehydration, and drinking water can help to reduce some of the main symptoms of a hangover.

7. Drink more water can help you lose weight


Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight, [7] .

This is due to the fact that water increase satiety and metabolic rate.

In two studies, drink half a liter (17 ounces) of water has been shown to metabolism by 24 to 30% for up to 1.5 hours (elevation 26 , 27 ).

This means that drinking two liters of water a day can increase the overall energy consumption of up to 96 calories per day.

The timing is important, and drinking water half an hour before the meal is the most effective. It can make you feel full so you eat less calories [8] ( 28 , 29 ).

In one study, diet drank a pint of water before meals lost 44% more weight over a period of 12 weeks ( 30 ).

Actually, it's better to drink cold water, because then the body will use the extra energy (calories) to heat the water to body temperature.


  1. ^ recommended (
  2. ^ dehydration (
  3. ^ kidney stones (
  4. ^ alcohol (
  5. ^ diuretic (
  6. ^ reduce hangover (
  7. ^ lose weight (
  8. ^ calories (

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Blood Type Diet: an evidence-based review

Blonde with apple on his head A diet called The Blood Type Diet has been popular for nearly two decades.

Proponents of this diet suggest that blood type determines which foods are better for your health.

There are many people who swear by this diet, and claimed that he saved my life.

But what are the details of the blood type diet, and it is based on any hard evidence?

Let us take a look.

What is the blood type diet?

The blood type diet, which is also known as blood type diet popularized by a naturopathic doctor named Dr. Peter D'Adamo 1996.

His book, Eat Right 4 Your Type [1] was an incredible success. It was a bestseller in the New York Times has sold millions of copies and remains popular today.

In this book, that the optimal diet for an individual depends on the person 's ABO blood group [2] .

Says every blood group genetic characteristics of our ancestors, including what diet they developed to thrive in.

Thus, each blood group is supposed to eat:

  • Type A: land called or a farmer. People who are type A should have a diet rich in plant foods, and completely free of "toxic" eat red meat [3] . This is very similar to a vegetarian diet.
  • Type B: Call the homeless. These people can plant and most of the meat (except chicken and pork) to eat, and can also eat dairy products [4] . However, it should avoid wheat corn [5] , lentils, tomatoes, [6] and some other foods.
  • Type AB is called the mystery. As a cross between types A and B. The described food to eat seafood, tofu, dairy products, beans and grains. Avoid grains [7] , cereals, beef and chicken.
  • Type A: Call the hunter. It is a high protein diet based mainly on meat, fish, poultry, some fruits [8] and vegetables, but limited in cereals, legumes and dairy products. It is very similar to the Paleo diet [9] .

For the record, I think one of these eating habits would be an improvement for most people, regardless of their blood type.

The four diets (or "species to eat"), mainly on the basis of genuine health food [10] , and treat a vast improvement over the standard Western diet of junk food.

So even if you are going to improve these plans and their health, this does not necessarily mean that it had something to do with the blood type.

Perhaps the reason that health benefits is simply that you eat healthy foods than before.

Conclusion: A type of diet as a vegetarian diet, but type O is a high protein diet that is similar to the Paleo Diet. The other two are somewhere in between.

Lectins are a suggested link between diet and blood group

One of the most important theories of the blood type diet is related proteins [11] called lectins.

Unhappy woman with a plate of vegetables

Lectins [12] are a heterogeneous family of proteins which can bind to sugar molecules.

These substances are called anti-nutritional factors [13] , and negative effects on the mucosa of the large intestine (have 1 ).

According to the theory of the blood type diet, there are a lot of food lectins that specifically target different ABO blood groups.

It is claimed that eating the wrong types of lectins could aggregation [14] (chipboard) red blood cells.

It is proved that a small percentage of the lectins raw, uncooked vegetables [15] , specific binding activity for a certain type of blood.

For example, raw beans only red blood cells in people with blood group A (interact 2 ).

In general, however, it appears that most binding lectins react with all blood groups (ABO 3 ).

In other words, the lectin in the diet not certain blood group, with the exception of certain varieties of raw vegetables.

This may be even some importance in the real world are soaked most of the vegetables and / or cooked before consumption, which destroys the harmful lectins ( 4 , 5 ).

Conclusion: Some foods contain lectins that can cause red blood cells clump together. Most lectins are no specific blood type.

Is there any scientific evidence behind the blood type diet?

Medical Suspect

Research ABO blood groups has increased in recent years and decades.

Now there is strong evidence that people with certain blood groups, a higher or lower risk for certain diseases (need 6 ).

For example, the S-type have a lower risk of heart disease, but an increased risk of stomach ulcers ( 7 , 8 ).

However, studies show that has something to do with food.

In a large observational study of 1,455 young adults, a type of diet (lots of fruits and vegetables), was associated with better health indicators. However, this effect was observed throughout the next type A diet that not only people with blood group A ( 9 ).

In an important study, 2013 where researchers examined data from more than a thousand studies have not found a single well-designed look at the impact on the health of the blood type diet (study 10 ).

She concluded: "There is no evidence currently exists to the health benefits of so-called blood group to examine diet."

Of the four studies identified some related to ABO blood group diet, everyone was poorly designed ( 11 , 12 , 13 ).

One study found an association between blood type and allergies act was contrary to the recommendations of the blood type diet ( 13 ).

Conclusion: There is a well-designed study was conducted to confirm or refute the benefits of the blood type diet.

Message Home

I have no doubt that many people have experienced positive results after the diet. However, this does not mean that it was related to your blood type in any way.

Different diets work for different people. Some people do well with many plants and some meat (such as the Type A diet), other developing eating a lot of protein-rich foods (such as regime type O) of animal origin.

If you have received very good results on the blood type diet, maybe you just have a diet that is suitable for metabolism. It may have had nothing to do with blood type.

In addition, this system eliminates most unhealthy processed foods [16] the men of power.

Perhaps this is the main reason that it works regardless of the different types of blood.

That is, if you went on the diet for blood group and it works for you, then by all means keep doing it and do not let this article discouraged.

If your diet is not broke, do not fix it.

From a scientific point of view, however, the amount of evidence for the blood type diet is particularly disappointing.


  1. ^ Eat Right 4 Your Type (
  2. ^ ABO blood group (
  3. ^ red meat (
  4. ^ milk (
  5. ^ maize (
  6. ^ tomatoes (
  7. ^ beans (
  8. ^ fruits (
  9. ^ Paleo Diet (
  10. ^ healthy foods (
  11. ^ proteins (
  12. ^ lectins (
  13. ^ antinutrients (
  14. ^ agglutination (
  15. ^ legumes (
  16. ^ processed foods (

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top 10 of the biggest myths of nutrition "alternative"

Chef Eating Donuts There are many different "belief system" on nutrition.

Everyone has their own set of myths and misconceptions.

Here are the 10 biggest myths of the alternative diet.

1. Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine

No added sugar is a disaster when more is consumed.

No doubt the evidence of the harmful effects is overwhelming.

Too much sugar can lead to obesity leads to insulin resistance, abdominal fat [1] gain, increased fat in the liver and severe as type 2 diabetes and heart disease ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ).

But even if people are well aware of this, avoid sugar can be extremely difficult.

Not only because it everywhere, but also because the people who irresistible desire to [2] for foods that are high in sugar.

This has led many experts to believe that sugar (and junk foods that contain them) can be downright addictive [3] for a lot of people.

There are actually a lot of evidence [4] , which supports, in animals and humans. Sugar, the same ranges of "light" in the brain as drug abuse and cause many of the same symptoms ( 7 , 8 ).

Unfortunately, some people need to take things to the extreme and say that sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine.

This myth is actually very common in some medical circles.

It is based on a study in rats based show (a very intense sweetener zero calories) in intravenous cocaine to the water with sugar or saccharin (preferably sweetened 9 ).

It was a surprising result, but little evidence of human something.

Sugar is very unhealthy [5] and may be very addictive. But they say it is more addictive than cocaine, one of the most addictive drug is, is just ridiculous.

As an addict to food and drug addict, I can say that the two substances are not comparable.

Conclusion: The sugar can be addictive for many people. However, this is eight times more addictive than cocaine is completely false and unsupported by the evidence.

2. calories do not matter

Apple and calculator

Some people think calories [6] are all that matters for weight loss.

Others think they are completely irrelevant.

They say that as long as you choose to lose weight the right, regardless of how many calories you eat food, [7] .

As with many things in the areas of nutrition, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Eating certain foods can help to reduce weight loss by stimulating the metabolism (lowest calories from) and appetite (reducing calories).

In many cases, people can do tons of weight without counting a single calorie to lose.

However, if you lose weight means more calories, you leave your body go. It is an indisputable scientific fact.

While some foods are more friendly weight loss [8] others calories remain incredibly important to weight loss and weight gain [9] .

Of course, this does not mean that you count calories to lose weight.

Change your diet by what is going on " autopilot [10] can be "just as good if not better function.

Conclusion: Some people believe that the calories are completely irrelevant for the loss / weight gain. Although counting calories is not always necessary to count calories yet.

3. Cooking with olive oil is a bad idea

Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on the planet [11] .

It is (loaded with powerful antioxidants and fat monounsaturated heart health 10 , 11 ).

However, many people believe that you should not boil.

It is claimed that fats and antioxidants are heat sensitive and may even be harmful compounds.

In fact, it is true that the oils can be heat-sensitive, but this is especially true for the rich unsaturated fatty acids in poly oils such as soybean [12] and maize [13] oils ( 12 ).

The polyunsaturated fatty acids of olive oil at 11%, (is low compared to most other vegetable oils 13 ).

Actually, there have been many studies on olive oil and cook [14] , which shows that the oil retains its healthy despite exposure to high temperatures properties.

Even if it is heated for 1.5 to 36 hours there may be slight reductions in his antioxidants [15] and of vitamin E, but most of the nutrients remain ( 14 , 15 , 16 ).

The only bad thing that olive oil is done by heating is that the taste can make a difference.

I personally use extra virgin olive oil for almost all of my kitchen. It is incredibly healthy [16] and tasty.

Conclusion: There is a myth that olive oil may be damaged if exposed to heat. Many studies have shown that antioxidants fat and olive oil cooking temperatures withstand long periods.

4. microwave damage your power and emit radiation Harmful

Heat your food in a microwave [17] is fast and convenient.

However, there are people who believe that this convenience comes at a price.

Worried woman in front of microwave

They claim that microwaves cause radiation damage and harmful nutrients in healthy foods, and studies show that food in the microwave be hazardous to health.

But if you find through the literature for these studies that go nowhere around.

Microwave ovens actually designed [18] in a way that does not allow radiation to escape.

Studies also show that they better retain nutrients and cooking methods, such as roasts (boiling 17 , 18 , 19 ).

Some people do not want to use the microwave, and it's good. But there is no evidence that they cause damage and to avoid any scientifically valid argument.

Conclusion: There are no published studies showing microwave harmful. Numerous studies show that effective nutrients to maintain compared to other cooking methods.

5. Blood "cholesterol" no matter

Heart and stethoscope

The old myths about saturated fat and cholesterol were discredited [19] .

Both have a little effect on blood cholesterol levels in most people.

In any case, increase HDL ("good" cholesterol) and LDL particles change from small to large, are benign ( 20 , 21 ).

Studies also show that people who consume most of them are not at increased risk for heart disease ( 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 ).

But some people do not understand that and think that the cholesterol level in the blood, what your doctor measures not make sense to.

It is true that classical numbers, total cholesterol and LDL, not always give an accurate picture of the true risk of heart disease.

But LDL lipoproteins [20] , holder to move blood cholesterol levels, are very important ( 26 ).

With few exceptions, very high LDL have bad "cholesterol" because it usually means that you have a large number of LDL particles (have LDL-P [21] ), which is strongly linked to heart disease and death ( 26 ).

Although LDL cholesterol "" is not the enemy "LDL lipoproteins carry" are important.

In short, saturated fats and cholesterol in the diet are harmless. However, lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the blood is very important for the risk of heart disease.

6. store-bought coffee contains high levels of mycotoxins

Cup of coffee and coffee beans

Mycotoxins are toxins by molds (prepared 27 ).

They can be found in all kinds of commonly consumed foods.

It is a myth that coffee is usually contaminated [22] with harmful levels of mycotoxins.

However, it is very unlikely, since the levels of mycotoxins in foods are strictly regulated. Cultures that will exceed the safety limit is ignored ( 28 ).

Molds are ubiquitous in the environment effectively and mycotoxins are everywhere. Almost all people have detectable levels of mycotoxins in the blood ( 29 ).

Studies have shown that drinking four cups of coffee [23] per day would need to reach 2% of mycotoxins contribution as safe, so that there is a substantial margin of safety here ( 30 ).

There is really no need to be afraid of regular coffee by mycotoxins.

Conclusion: This is completely false that regular coffee contains high levels of mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are everywhere, but for the amount of coffee is far below the safety limit.

7. Alkaline foods are healthy acidic foods cause disease

The alkaline diet [24] is very popular.

Proponents of this diet claim that foods are acidic or alkaline in our body.

Food acids tell decrease blood pH (which is more acidic) and that cancer cells can not grow in an acidic environment.

Man drinking orange juice and orange

Food "acid" meat [25] , dairy products and cereals, while "alkaline" foods are mainly plant-based foods such as vegetables and fruits [26] .

However, this will not be required to prove or basic biochemistry to the case (supported 31 , 32 ).

The fact is that the pH of the blood is regulated by the fixed body. Just do not change, except under the terms of poisoning or serious illness.

Cancer is also ideal to grow in a position in an alkaline environment, and our blood is slightly alkaline default value ( 33 ).

The alkaline diet can be healthy, but that's because it's based on healthy whole foods [27] . It has absolutely nothing to do with these foods are acidic or alkaline.

Conclusion: It is not true that food can change the pH (acidity) of the body, and there is no convincing evidence behind the alkaline diet.

8. consume milk is bad to the bone


The myth that milk causes osteoporosis [28] is an extension of the myth alkaline diet.

It is said that the milk proteins makes the blood acid, so that the body takes bone calcium to neutralize the acid.

However, dairy products have several characteristics that literally the perfect food for healthy bones.

They are rich in calcium and phosphorus, the key building blocks of bones. Also contain vitamin K2 [29] , a key bone formation (nutrient 34 , 35 , 36 ).

Finally, the high quality animal are protein [30] , which has been shown, in fact beneficial for bone health in many studies ( 37 , 38 ).

Studies show that dairy products [31] products lead to bone health in all age groups increased to improve bone density and fracture risk (reduce 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 ).

Many of these studies are in humans, controlled studies, the height of the Science of gold.

Although dairy products is necessary for bone health shows signs that can be very beneficial.

Conclusion: Although some people say otherwise, most studies show that dairy products are very beneficial for bone health.

9. carbohydrates are inherently harmful

Woman a carrot, Looking Skeptical

Diet low in carbohydrates have many advantages [32] .

Studies [33] show that lead to rapid weight loss [34] and significant improvements in health markers ( 43 , 44 , 45 ).

The effects on metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are particularly striking ( 46 , 47 ).

Many people believe that because carbohydrates lowers to address these issues should carbohydrates [35] that caused them in the first place.

This has led many low carbers all carbohydrate foods to demonize, including real foods such as potatoes, apples , [36] and even carrots [37] .

It is true that refined carbohydrates and sugars and refined grains can lead to weight gain and metabolic diseases (wear 48 , 49 , 50 ).

But this is not the entire source for simple carbohydrates ingredients.

There were many people [38] around the world, which was in good health to a high-carbohydrate diet based on eating real food.

If metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes have already taken place, low carb diets work [39] . No question about it.

But that does not mean that carbohydrates itself causes these health problems.

Although these foods are taboo at a very low carbohydrate diet, many people to stay in many excellent health to eat carbohydrate foods not processed.

As with most things in your diet that totally depends on the person. A low carbohydrate diet is ideal for some people, but a diet rich in carbohydrates works very well for others.

Conclusion: The low-carb diets are effective. However, this does not mean that carbohydrates are whole foods inherently fattening or harmful.

10. Agave nectar is a healthy sweetener

Maple syrup

Unhealthy foods are the main reason that the world is getting sicker and fatter than ever.

Surprisingly, many of these foods are considered healthy and even as " health food [41] . "

Among the best examples of this is the sweetener agave nectar [42] .

As we know, the main reason for the negative effects of sugar is high fructose.

Fructose [43] can not be metabolized by the liver in significant quantities. When the liver is overloaded, it begins fructose in fat (rotation 51 , ​​52 ).

This can lead to a number of metabolic problems, and is one of the best drivers in many common diseases to be ( 53 ).

But here it is interesting. Agave syrup is actually in regular sugar and fructose much higher High Fructose Corn Syrup [44] .

While sugar is 50% glucose, 50% fructose, agave syrup is 85% fructose ( 54 )!

In any case, agave nectar sweetener is unique worldwide less healthy.

Looks normal healthy sugar comparison, and that's saying something.

11. Anything else?

Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Leave a comment below if you want to add to the list!


  1. ^ belly fat (
  2. ^ wishes (
  3. ^ addicted (
  4. ^ much evidence (
  5. ^ very unhealthy (
  6. ^ calories (
  7. ^ Food (
  8. ^ friendly weight loss (
  9. ^ weight gain (
  10. ^ autopilot (
  11. ^ on the planet (
  12. ^ soybean (
  13. ^ maize (
  14. ^ olive oil and kitchen (
  15. ^ antioxidants (
  16. ^ incredibly healthy (
  17. ^ microwave (
  18. ^ designed (
  19. ^ discredited (
  20. ^ lipoprotein (
  21. ^ p-LDL (
  22. ^ contaminated (
  23. ^ coffee (
  24. ^ alkaline diet (
  25. ^ meat (
  26. ^ fruits (
  27. ^ healthy, whole foods (
  28. ^ causes osteoporosis (
  29. ^ Vitamin K2 (
  30. ^ protein (
  31. ^ milk (
  32. ^ benefits (
  33. ^ Studies (
  34. ^ rapid weight loss (
  35. ^ carbohydrates (
  36. ^ apples (
  37. ^ carrots (
  38. ^ Population (
  39. ^ work (
  40. ^ diet low in carbohydrates (
  41. ^ Food Health (
  42. ^ agave syrup (
  43. ^ fructose (
  44. ^ high fructose corn syrup (